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11 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

Reagan once had a saying, something to the effect of "never criticize a fellow Republican". Liz and Mitt and a bunch of other GOP people got themselves burned badly by following that instead of keeping their house clean.

That was Reagan's Eleventh Commandant.

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22 hours ago, Mark Knight said:

I believe you nailed it, Kirk. And Ben is, IMHO, one of the duped.

What you call the Corporate State and what I call the oligarchy are, I believe, one and the same. If there's a "Deep State," that's where it lies [the word "lies" having a double meaning in this context].

Yes, Mark I think we're largely in agreement. I was surprised when I looked the word "oligarchy" up.
Oligarchy is a form of government in which a small group of people hold most or all political power.
But then more elaborately, "Oligarchy is a form of power structure in which power rests with a small number of people. These people may or may not be distinguished by one or several characteristics, such as nobility, fame, wealth, education, or corporate, religious, political, or military control."
I think a lot of times the term "Oligarchy" is associated in the U.S. with old wealth, that is multi generational wealth passed on down from generation to generation by the "elites". Though I assume your definition might also include "new money" or maybe the .1%?
Where the Corporate State is an active force in controlling Congress and influencing decisions through their lobbyists and campaign contributions. The "old wealth" oligarchy may be part of that process in their ownership stake in corporations  and their direct or indirect ability to effect action in their corporate boards to  write and submit  legislation to members of Congress.
How active old wealth can be on the corporate boards may vary greatly. Through successive generations of old wealth ownership, the company founders, or their heirs may retain seats on the board and be more hands on, or be less hands on, or may choose to delegate their interests though trusted proxies.
Though  you have to also consider oligarchic rule through their foundations in effecting Public Policy. But I'm not sure  to how great a degree.
This is in no way to villainize the rank and file corporate people, who may have their own personal political agendas or none at all, and may not be aware of how their hierarchies pursue  policies that are to the detriment of the majority of people, or they may rationalize it as keeping up with their competitors.
The type of conspiracies posited here on the forum seem very similar to those posited in the JFKA, that is micromanaged "top down" conspiracies. Those type of conspiracies are good at feeding paranoia but I don't think the present day Corporate State or Oligarchy if you will, needs to take precipitate bold actions, as the gradual path of infiltrating the government to effect policy in their favor has been accomplished very successfully over the last 40 years without all but a handful being scarcely aware of it.
So although they may pursue discreet resistance to forestall it, there's no need  for the globalist interests to really freak out at more local, national control as Ben continually repetitively hammers home. There's no way the world will choose to wipe out global trade!
But  they do have to answer to public opinion, and that is why Biden was able to achieve a pulling out of multi national corporations in Russia after Putin's invasion of Ukraine to an extent many didn't think possible. That and a further judgment was made that in the ultimate ideological struggle , they can sustain less profits to show solidarity  to further their propaganda war to the public to ensure their eventual  goals of world free market capitalism. Even though the fact of their existence in Russia in the first place is already evidence that Russia isn't a heavy socialist state. Old public perceptions die hard!
 And similarly if the alliance were to fall apart during the winter because of Europe's dependence on Putin's oil, that would  be a case of politicians succumbing to their constituent public opinion.
And while we're discussing the prospect of the "powers that be" freaking out. There's  damn sure no reason for a fourth generation present day group to greatly freak out if the truth of the Kennedy Assassination was revealed. If you really think there is such a group, what would they have to lose? Nobody could really be prosecuted anymore, and the greatest superpower in the history of mankind is hardly going to dismantle their Intelligence or Security State.
There is no scrambling going on from the "Corporate State" or "Oligarchy". Most of the urgency was mitigated long ago, not from a battlefield, but from a perch.
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If the Republicans capture control of the House and/or Senate in November, they will use their power to stymie efforts of the Department of Justice to prosecute Trump starting In January. For that reason, expect indictments of Trump on the January 6th insurrection and the classified documents to be announced publicly not long after the November election and before January. Once the criminal process of these is underway, it will be difficult for the Republicans to sabotage them.

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10 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Still, it is a block and tackle job to figure out the number arrested at the Capitol, on Capitol grounds, that day. 

You have a way to determine that? 

I just posted the exact way to determine that- those links show every person arrested on January 6, 2021 by the DC Metro Police and the Capitol Police.

There's no mystery here. You don't need to post your speculative theories. You can view factual data.

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This preview is interesting.  But the Meet the Press video within it with Jamie Raskin is even more so to me.  A call from the WH switchboard to someone in the crowd at the capitol during the coup attempt?

January 6 panel to take up key unanswered questions in final hearing (msn.com)

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6 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

I just posted the exact way to determine that- those links show every person arrested on January 6, 2021 by the DC Metro Police and the Capitol Police.

There's no mystery here. You don't need to post your speculative theories. You can view factual data.

Right. I have done that and more. But there is no tally provided of where exactly each suspect was arrested. 

Have you made such a tally? 

When you speculate the rioters on 1/6 were actually heavily armed, what do you base your suspicions upon?

Not the arrest records, which show only three of the rioters were armed, out of nearly 900 arrested. That is the record. 

In the past, you posted a photograph of rioters, or possibly just observers (we really don't know) in trees near or on the Capitol grounds on 1/6. You said the photograph showed an armed rioter or observer. 

I earnestly looked at the photograph and did not see a firearm. 

Could you re-post that photograph and somehow indicate the placement of the firearm? 

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7 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:

This is interesting. The article says the book author is explicitly violating his employment agreement with the 1/6 committee. 

But, will the 1/6 committee prosecute the miscreant? 

Is the book actually a way to leak unverified information? 

Will the 1/6 committee subpoena Secret Service agents to testify publicly? 

Interesting questions. 

Trust nothing, stay skeptical. 



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9 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:

Putin has started conscripting Ukrainian men in those territories to fight against Zelensky's forces. The world shall see how that works out.

Ugly, ugly, ugly. 

Putin is proved out as a lunatic. 

It appears Biden, and Western leadership, have badly bungled the Ukraine situation, now leading to a prolonged horrific stalemate. 

Some say this was intended, as a way to obtain regime change in Russia. Suck Putin into an unwinnable war. 

Well, that part worked. 


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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

But there is no tally provided of where exactly each suspect was arrested. 


Yes, there is.


https://mpdc.dc.gov/sites/default/files/dc/sites/mpdc/publication/attachments/Unrest-Related Arrest Data as of April 18 2021.pdf

Open the links, Ben. Read them. All the facts are there.

That's how arrests are handled here in the U.S.; we keep a record of it.

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50 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

Yes, there is.


https://mpdc.dc.gov/sites/default/files/dc/sites/mpdc/publication/attachments/Unrest-Related Arrest Data as of April 18 2021.pdf

Open the links, Ben. Read them. All the facts are there.

That's how arrests are handled here in the U.S.; we keep a record of it.


Yes, here is a record also. 


This is a record not only of arrests, but dispositions of cases. 

Now tell me accurately, how many were arrested on Capitol grounds, and how many thereafter? 

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