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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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Trump volunteers to lead peace negotiations, lol 

Matt, I have included a one of your sources so you can read about it too  ; ) https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/maddowblog/trump-suggests-lead-negotiations-russia-ukraine-rcna49849

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51 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

We'll be sure to hold our breath.

I'm still waiting for Ben and the Tucker Carlson fans from the MAGA-verse to explain whether they believe Biden is doing too much or too little in response to Putin's brutal invasion of Ukraine.

For most of the past six months, Ben has complained that Biden and NATO were not doing enough, militarily, to help Ukraine.  Now Ben, apparently, thinks Biden is being too hard on Putin's fascist police state.  He's all over the Neville Chamberlain-- Winston Churchill spectrum on this one, perhaps mirroring Tucker Carlson and Glenn Greenwald's shifting anti-Biden narratives on Fox.

It's the same logic that doggedly blames Biden for Trump's surrender to the Taliban at Doha in February of 2020.

Ben praises Trump for surrendering to the Taliban, while criticizing Biden for the Taliban's victory in Afghanistan.

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20 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

I'm still waiting for Ben.. 

It's interesting how you guys try so hard to turn Ben into an adversary.

Ben seems like a awfully nice guy to me, with the patience of a saint. You guys come off like a bunch of hyenas when you gang up on him and try to imply he is a bad person for his support of the former President of the United States. You should take that kind of thinking back to Reddit imho ;)

Biden is leading the way toward WWIII, we weren't on this path while Trump was in office.. it has all come under Biden. Had we stayed on Trumps path, Putin would not have invaded. Now because Biden's handling tactical nukes are being threatened. 
Trump never surrendered  to the Taliban that is hyperbole, he negotiated a with-drawl under a timeline. Which Biden's pentagon handled so badly that; we left billions of military equipment including a billion dollar military base to the Taliban, Afghanis fell off the Cargo Planes that were leaving and American troops died in a Terrorist attack. Then in response Biden Admin accidentally drone striked an aid worker and his family instead of the terrorists. All of which doesn't seem to bother you at all..   




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Good grief, Mr. Koch...  Are you, perchance affiliated with the Heritage Foundation, Federalist Society, CATO Institute, or Koch Industries?  🤥

I'm responding to your absurd comments (in red) below.

Mathew Koch writes:

It's interesting how you guys try so hard to turn Ben into an adversary.

Mathew, Ben has needed no assistance in turning himself into an adversary on the Education Forum.  Since joining the forum, his modus operandi has been to repeatedly post erroneous talking points from Tucker Carlson, Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi, et.al., while ignoring rebuttals and contrary evidence posted on the forum. 

One example, among dozens, has been Ben's repeated promotion of Tucker Carlson's "Patriot Purge" narrative about Trump's January 6th coup attempt, which he has repeatedly referred to as a mere "scrum."

He has also repeatedly insisted that Trump's January 6th mob was unarmed, despite being told by me and others for the past year that very few of the J6 Capitol attackers were arrested and searched for weapons on January 6th.

Since March, Ben has repeatedly criticized Biden for not intervening more aggressively in Ukraine.

Very recently, he has criticized Biden for being too aggressive toward Putin's fascist police state.

Ben seems like a awfully nice guy to me, with the patience of a saint.

If saintliness consists in repeatedly ignoring other people's comments and rebuttals, while re-posting debunked talking points, I will concede that Ben has saintly qualities.

You guys come off like a bunch of hyenas when you gang up on him and try to imply he is a bad person for his support of the former President of the United States. You should take that kind of thinking back to Reddit imho ;)

Hyenas?   Don't kid yourself, Mathew.  Ben's favorite "former President of the United States" is a man who attempted to violently overturn the results of a U.S. election that he lost-- while systematically lying about alleged election fraud and organizing slates of False Electors.

He was also a compromised Kremlin asset who repeatedly denied that Putin and the GRU had meddled in our 2016 election on his behalf, while obstructing the investigation of his 2016 campaign contacts with Kremlin assets.

If you think that such unprecedented Presidential crimes are acceptable, perhaps you need to go back to Reddit. 😏

Biden is leading the way toward WWIII, we weren't on this path while Trump was in office.. it has all come under Biden. Had we stayed on Trumps path, Putin would not have invaded. Now because Biden's handling tactical nukes are being threatened. 

Putin annihilated Chechnya, then seized the Crimea in 2014, and has long aspired to annex other Ukrainian territories.  It is part of his multi-year agenda of re-subjecting former Soviet republics to Kremlin control-- his totalitarian police state.  Simultaneously, Putin has systematically attempted to undermine the EU and liberal democracies in Western Europe and the U.S.-- using asymmetrical (GRU) warfare to divide nations along racial and cultural fault lines, while promoting right wing fascists, including Donald Trump.

Trump was always Putin's puppet.

Trump never surrendered  to the Taliban that is hyperbole, he negotiated a with-drawl under a timeline. Which Biden's pentagon handled so badly that; we left billions of military equipment including a billion dollar military base to the Taliban, Afghanis fell off the Cargo Planes that were leaving and American troops died in a Terrorist attack. Then in response Biden Admin accidentally drone striked an aid worker and his family instead of the terrorists. All of which doesn't seem to bother you at all..   

This is patent nonsense.  Not only did Trump and Pompeo surrender to the Taliban at Doha in February of 2020, they rapidly withdrew all but 2,500 U.S. troops from Afghanistan by mid-January of 2021, before Biden's Inauguration. 

To make matters worse, Trump and his post-election-appointed flying monkeys at the Pentagon (e.g., Chris Miller and Kash Patel) refused to meet and share information and military intelligence with Biden's transition team prior to January 20, 2021.

From what I have read, the precipitous 2020 Trump withdrawal from Afghanistan triggered widespread capitulations of Afghan Army forces to the Taliban, beginning in 2020.

Fox News and the right wing media blamed Biden for Trump's surrender to the Taliban, while assiduously covering up the history of Doha.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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4 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

We'll be sure to hold our breath.

It’s classified until 2072 when nobody cares of remembers it. 🙂 We’ll have another crisis thats more important by then.

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41 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

Good grief, Mr. Koch...  Are you, perchance affiliated with the Heritage Foundation, Federalist Society, CATO Institute, or Koch Industries?  🤥

I'm responding to your absurd comments (in red) below.

William, I have responded back to you in your format.

I preemptively answered you question in my introducing myself post. I saw in your's that you matriculated at CU Boulder do you still live in the People's Republic of Boulder? Because your opinions like above seem to hint that mentally you are still in the 36 square miles surrounded by reality! lol My Parents live in Douglas County. Remember the Koch Brothers don't like Trump like Liz Cheney you might want to consider supporting them...
 Also you seem to really like to use Cliche's, and your over use of them such FOX News reminded me of this song by Against Me.

Btw Wasn't Fox the only Network that covered Oliver Stone's JFK Documentary? 


Mathew, Ben has needed no assistance in turning himself into an adversary on the Education Forum.  Since joining the forum, his modus operandi has been to repeatedly post erroneous talking points from Tucker Carlson, Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi, et.al., while ignoring rebuttals and contrary evidence posted on the forum. 

One example, among dozens, has been Ben's repeated promotion of Tucker Carlson's "Patriot Purge" narrative about Trump's January 6th coup attempt, which he has repeatedly referred to as a mere "scrum."

He has also repeatedly insisted that Trump's January 6th mob was unarmed, despite being told by me and others for the past year that very few of the J6 Capitol attackers were arrested and searched for weapons on January 6th.

Since March, Ben has repeatedly criticized Biden for nor intervening more aggressively in Ukraine.

Very recently, he has criticized Biden for being too aggressive toward Putin's fascist police state.

I read this as he won't cow to the bullying FYI 

If saintliness consists in repeatedly ignoring other people's comments and rebuttals, while re-posting debunked talking points, I will concede that Been has saintly qualities. 

Based on your Afghanistan mental gymnastics below I don't Blame him lol 

Hyenas?   Don't kid yourself, Mathew.  Ben's favorite "former President of the United States" is a man who attempted to violently overturn the results of a U.S. election that he lost-- while systematically lying about alleged election fraud and organizing slates of False Electors.

He was also a compromised Kremlin asset who repeatedly denied that Putin and the GRU had meddled in our 2016 election on his behalf, while obstructing the investigation of his 2016 campaign contacts with Kremlin assets.

If you think that such unprecedented Presidential crimes are acceptable, perhaps you need to go back to Reddit. 😏
"hE wAs aLsO a cOmPrOmIsEd kReMiN aSset wHo rEpEaTeDlY dEnIeD tHat pUtIn aNd gRu hAd mEdDlEd iN oUr 2016 eLeCtIoN oN hIs bEhAlF, wHiLe oBsTrUcTiNg tHe iNvEsTiGaTiOn oF hIs 2016 cAmPaIgn cOnTaCtS wIth kReMlIn aSsEts." That is how I read that hilarious piece of officially debunked conspiracy propaganda 100% and Telling me go to back to reddit lol You sound mad bro, Imagine supporting a war because you believe Putin Hacked the 2016 election!? :0

Putin annihilated Chechnya, then seized the Crimea in 2014, and has long aspired to annex other Ukrainian territories.  It is part of his multi-year agenda of re-subjecting former Soviet republics to Kremlin control-- his totalitarian police state.  Simultaneously, Putin has systematically attempted to undermine the EU and liberal democracies in Western Europe and the U.S.-- using asymmetrical (GRU) warfare to divide nations along racial and cultural fault lines, while promoting right wing fascists, including Donald Trump.

Trump was always Putin's puppet. 

This part here is called grasping for straws. Also you managed to skip over the whole Obama Administration and their Syria and Ukraine Policy that Biden was the Head of the UKRAINE part. I recommend you watch Oliver Stones documentary on the subject ; ) In reality had we not impeached Trump over the CIA whistle blower and done what Trump suggested which was Investigate Hunter Biden. There would be no crisis right now FACTS Now we have Biden Administration attempting to do the same thing... 

This is patent nonsense.  Not only did Trump and Pompeo surrender to the Taliban at Doha in February of 2020, they rapidly withdrew all but 2,500 U.S. troops from Afghanistan by mid-January of 2021, before Biden's Inauguration. 

To make matters worse, Trump and his post-election-appointed flying monkeys at the Pentagon (e.g., Chris Miller and Kash Patel) refused to meet and share information and military intelligence with Biden's transition team prior to January 20, 2021.

From what I have read, the precipitous 2020 Trump withdrawal from Afghanistan triggered widespread capitulations of Afghan Army forces to the Taliban, beginning in 2020.

Fox News and the right wing media blamed Biden for Trump's surrender to the Taliban, while assiduously covering up the history of Doha.

What does that have to do with Afghanis falling to their death, Terrorist attack on the airport, Or the Drone Strike Afterwards? You seem to have hard time taking responsibility for the person you voted for? I thought we weren't going to be blaming others once the Grown Up In Chief was back in charge? 

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22 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

What does that have to do with Afghanis falling to their death, Terrorist attack on the airport, Or the Drone Strike Afterwards? You seem to have hard time taking responsibility for the person you voted for? I thought we weren't going to be blaming others once the Grown Up In Chief was back in charge? 

Geez...Way to focus on a minor ignominious footnote about the longest war in U.S. history, Mathew.

You're obviously a right wing ampligandist who gets his bogus tropes from the Biden-bashing MAGA-verse.

Frankly, you Trumpsters are the last people on the planet who should be lecturing to anyone about "taking responsibility for the person (they) voted for."

As for the casualties, do you have any idea how many Afghans we killed since Rumsfeld started carpet bombing that country in 2001?

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William, Sorry I'm new to this format, please go back to my Prior Post and Open it up I responded back to your.. letter. 


"As for the casualties, do you have any idea how many Afghans we killed since Rumsfeld started carpet bombing that country in 2001?" For a second tim, can't answer the question, huh.. 

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