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2 hours ago, Mark Knight said:

If you actually believe that anyone is making the 2022 election about Trump, I think you may be suffering from Trump Messiah Syndrome [TMS]. This election is about so much more. FOX News and OAN apparently can only focus on the alleged "persecution" of Trump. Mark once again you choose insults over forming a better argument . The Messiah already came, when people fighting over the Middle East realized this and stop denying it they can liven in peace as Catholic Brothers. Trump is a Ceaser similar to Constantine. Holding him to religious standards just shows how out of whack your thinking is, he is a Politician. 

[I would suppose you also think of John Gotti, Al Capone, and Julius and Ethel Rosenberg as having been "persecuted." I suppose Ted Bundy was also "persecuted." And Timothy McVeigh was "persecuted," using your scale. So was Jeffrey Dahmer.]       Trump Declassified the phone call to Zelensky it was a nothing burger.. Just like I bet these files will be that you BlueAnon Ct'ers cling to. 

If you have access to a dictionary, please seek out the difference in the definitions of "persecute" and "prosecute."

LMAO, I interpert this as grasping at straws, you know what I meant it is a misspelling your answer about show that your are not interested in being intellectually honest. My guess is due to your derangement symptom bias. 

Not all files should be declassified. Documents divulging America's nuclear weapons capabilities should never be declassified, because of national security concerns. To spell that out for you, if America's nuclear secrets were to fall into the hands of a hostile regime [think China, Russia, Iran, and not one American political party or the other], the USA may soon thereafter cease to exist as a soverign nation.
Once again with the hyperbole. The files have not been shown to be of that scope it would have leaked it if was. So right now it is a fantasy that Trump was selling Nuclear docs to his colluder n Chief Mr Vladimir (KGB) Putin. I just watched goodmoring America where they basically alluded to the Trump files is another nothing burger. Your security clearance was confidential, were the secrets Top secret. Remember Confidential is was WikiLeaks released which is basically stuff you already know if you are informed.  Got any proofs because it seems like you just have your bias.  

And I see that, once again, you have failed to note that Donald J. Trump is no longer the President of the United States. A simple statement as to whether you believe that Donald J. Trump is or is not the current President of the United States would end this part of the questions I have for you. Yet to this point, you keep avoiding answering that question. I can't make sense of this just seems like your wanted to cap lock this but since your were already called out on that your didn't, but I still read this as not making sense do to derangement. If I was a shark I would smell blood in the water... 

And the fact that I seek your answer seems to provoke your unprofessional diagnosis of TDS.

So until you can address this, I can only assume you're suffering from TMS [see first graf in this post in case you've forgotten to what I am referring.]

Once again you never clarified your ad homemian attack on my last name which is fine at this point. Not that big of a deal except that you're an admin and can't seem to apologize. Don't worry about it I don't care I'm not as sensitive as you apparently. BUT,  I take it that you're doing the same thing you and William accuse Ben of which is not anwsering damaging questions. AKA not being Intellectually honest.. 

My response to your Derangement is above please open. Here's what Lefties were saying before the Raid. Logical consistency seems to be a real problem with you guys! 

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Charles and David Koch were and are involved in financing the dismantling of public schools and the destruction of our democracy one piece at a time. So I do see similarities in the claims you make. Saying your statements reminded me of the actions of the two midwestern men with the same last name has no connection to Ed Koch being Jewish. I think I have been extremely clear about the reference I made noting the similarity between the ideas of Matthew Koch and Charles and David Koch. If you still insist I'm referring to Ed Koch and his religion, I can only question your level of reading comprehension.

I posted a link to the Executive Order which spells out how security clearances work within the United States government. Your inability, or your unwillingness, to understand how security clearances work after being provided the link makes me wonder whether I'm dealing with someone with a learning disability or someone guilty of willful blindness. I suggest it is the latter. If it is the former, let me know and I will apologize and rephrase the entire EO in easier-to-comprehend terms.

Most of all, your denial is showing. You still cannot bring yourself to say that Donald J. Trump is no longer President of the United States of America. Donald J. Trump left office at noon on January 20, 2021. A new president not named Donald J. Trump was sworn into office at that time. There is only one President of the United States of America at a time. And as of noon on January 20, 2021, that man was not, and is not, Donald J. Trump. Until you can admit that there is no point in engaging you further.

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5 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

Everybody I don't like is a Terrorist, lol, you sound like George W. Bush, Matt! 

Anyone constantly threatening violence and making videos of themselves shooting things is a textbook example of a terrorist. It's unfortunate you're not able to comprehend such a basic truth.

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On 10/1/2022 at 1:32 PM, Douglas Caddy said:

You win. The rocket is under repair maintenance but may fly again soon. 

Actually, Matt beat me to it.  A classic scene from a classic movie though.  Slim ridn the bomb like a buckin bronk yellin yahooh and wahooh.


Edited by Ron Bulman
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1. The first step is to demonize the political opposition or "other" group.

"They are terrorists, or criminals, perverts, etc" 

2.  Dehumanize the opposition. They do not have life stories, or backgrounds, there are no sympathetic characters, they are nearly faceless, and defined by their most ugly representatives. 

3. There is endless sympathy and affinity with one's own side. All shortcomings are explained or excused, or even considered humanizing. Certainly brushed under the rug. 

That's where we are in modern political discourse. The problem is, the internet allows for a few words more than a bumper sticker. 


Add on: Oh, I forgot No. 4.

After the "other" group has been dehumanized, then retributions or aggressive actions against that group are justified.

They are no longer fellow human beings. 

So who here regards MAGA Republicans as fellow human beings? 

Or vice-versa, are dyed-in-the-wool Biden woke-ists fellow human beings? 

This may be where some of the "pending civil war" drivel gets its traction.

Each side has dehumanized the other. Fortunately for saner people, Americans are not geographically nor institutionally prepared for a civil war. 






Edited by Benjamin Cole
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40 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

Anyone constantly threatening violence and making videos of themselves shooting things is a textbook example of a terrorist. It's unfortunate you're not able to comprehend such a basic truth.

As the Dude in the Big Lebowski famously said "that's just your opinion man.." 
Interestingly the textbook literally disagrees with your hyperbole https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/terrorist
I don't know for certain but I'm pretty sure members of congress aren't allowed to be members if they are part of terrorist organizations. If you remember making up words is something George W. Bush did, so you guys are more similar than you might think ; )


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37 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

Actually, Matt beat me to it.  A classic scene from a classic movie though.  Slim ridn the bomb like a buckin bronk yellin yahooh and wahooh.


Released 1/29/64 instead of late 63 because of the JFKA.  Again, a classic, from the time.

Vudu - Dr. Strangelove Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb Stanley Kubrick, Peter Sellers, George C. Scott, Keenan Wynn, Watch Movies & TV Online

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2 hours ago, Mark Knight said:

Charles and David Koch were and are involved in financing the dismantling of public schools and the destruction of our democracy one piece at a time. So I do see similarities in the claims you make. Saying your statements reminded me of the actions of the two midwestern men with the same last name..


Thanks for admitting your derangement syndrome and that your bias isn't based in reality! Although calling Trump My Messiah also qualifies.
You can't even cite what I said or cite how it's similar to something the Koch brothers said. So I'll I have to say to that is OKAY BOOMER! 

Here's one of my favorite "Messiah" moments, lol, I'm a New Testament guy, but he is right about it being the best book of all time. 100%


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6 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

Ron did you know that in the Movie Dr. Strangelove that during the scene when they are handing how the emergency kits and are reading off what is in them. Slim Pickens originally said "I feller sure could have a fun time in Dallas" and later they edit the audio out and changed it to Vegas. https://www.dallasnews.com/arts-entertainment/architecture/2014/01/19/dr-strangeloves-deleted-dallas-reference-and-other-texas-ties/

I believe the movie was originally supposed to be screened on 11/22/63 but the Assassination canceled it. Could Stanley Kubrick have possible had advance notice of the Big Event in Dallas? Just like if he really film the moon landing, I guess we shall never know.. 

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17 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

Thanks for admitting your derangement syndrome and that your bias isn't based in reality! Although calling Trump My Messiah also qualifies.
You can't even cite what I said or cite how it's similar to something the Koch brothers said. So I'll I have to say to that is OKAY BOOMER! 

Here's one of my favorite "Messiah" moments, lol, I'm a New Testament guy, but he is right about it being the best book of all time. 100%


He now after claiming to be a Democrat most of his life claims to be a right wing republican Christian.  So I guess it would be Thou shalt not commit adultery?  Grab em' by the . . .

Edited by Ron Bulman
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