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32 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

No, it doesn't. Not even in the slightest.

How many days have you been here and you're already just making things up?

Not a good sign for your future here, Matthew.

Yes, and the Trumplican tendency to use "alternate facts" and make things up goes hand in hand with Ben's notion that all opinions are equally welcome, no matter how absurd.

A corollary is that we are guilty of "demonizing" someone if we criticize them for making false claims about history or current events.

On the contrary, what I have always valued about this forum is that it is a place where people are genuinely interested in identifying disinformation and telling the truth-- especially about the JFK assassination.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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22 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

Yes, and the Trumplican tendency to use "alternate facts" and make things up goes hand in hand with Ben's notion that all opinions are equally welcome, no matter how absurd.

A corollary is that we are guilty of "demonizing" someone if we criticize them for making false claims about history or current events.

On the contrary, what I have always valued about this forum is that it is a place where people are genuinely interested in identifying disinformation and telling the truth-- especially about the JFK assassination.


As you know, I have deep suspicions about the JFKA, and I am reasonably certain, based on irrefutable physical evidence (the small round bullet hole in the back of JBCs shirt) and the Z film that there were at least two gunman on 11/22. I am also reasonably certain there was a gunman, perhaps only for diversion, near the Grassy Knoll area. 

Ergo, a conspiracy. 

As for opinions on that topic or others, yes I think we should use the skills learned in researching the JFKA, and apply the same to current administrations or events. 

In my view, the Deep State, aka shadow government or national security state, is far more powerful now than in 1963. So is the role of globalist-multinationals in national policy making. 

Smedley Butler would be spinning his grave. 

In my view, these trends trump parochial, partisan politics.  

If I say Biden is beholden to, indeed a creature of the Deep State and globalism (and consider his long record of service on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee), then the D-party partisan response is hackles up:

"What about Trump! He was a grifter and tried to steal the election!"

That is why I am more receptive to all points of view. Any non-conventional viewpoint on Trump or Biden is worth listening to (excluding overt hate, or violence-talk).

As we all know, the M$M exists to promote the Deep State-globalist viewpoint, and their minions (including Biden). 

BTW, I regard 'Phant Bush jr. as the worst president since....well, even worse than Hoover...so Buchanan? Have to crack open the history books. 

Now Bush jr. is the New Donk hero. What does that tell you? 

Stay open-mined, stay skeptical. 



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2 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Yes, and the Trumplican tendency to use "alternate facts" and make things up goes hand in hand with Ben's notion that all opinions are equally welcome, no matter how absurd.

A corollary is that we are guilty of "demonizing" someone if we criticize them for making false claims about history or current events.


William alternative facts like when you say Trump Colluded with Russia? Can you cite them, you're over generalizing.
The only "Alternative facts" I've posted was the Core of Corruption 911 documentary. Maybe you should watch it and tell me what's wrong with it? Dude, I'm brave enough to come into the Hyena den and take you on. The best you guys have been about to come up with is that I'm a flat earther relative of the evil Koch brothers. (Both are alternative facts and "demonizing" someone; ) 

I posted a video of Liberal Democrat Elizabeth Warren saying that overclassification is a problem in the government, now you guys are saying over classification isn't a thing and Trump should be indicted. Ball is in your court or are you going to keep doing what you accuse Ben of?!? 

Edited by Matthew Koch
Changed your to you're and not to now
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13 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

William alternative facts like when you say Trump Colluded with Russia? Can you cite them, you're over generalizing.
The only "Alternative facts" I've posted was the Core of Corruption 911 documentary. Maybe you should watch it and tell me what's wrong with it? Dude, I'm brave enough to come into the Hyena den and take you on. The best you guys have been about to come up with is that I'm a flat earther relative of the evil Koch brothers. (Both are alternative facts and "demonizing" someone; ) 

I posted a video of Liberal Democrat Elizabeth Warren saying that overclassification is a problem in the government, not you guys are saying over classification isn't a thing and Trump should be indicted. Ball is in your court or are you going to keep doing what you accuse Ben of?!? 

Matt has a point about over-classification, and the true reasons over-classification. 


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     If you think Dubya Bush is a new "Donk hero," you've been living in the jungles of Thailand for too long. 

     Nothing could be further from the truth.

     I've been a critic of the Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld/PNAC "War on Terror" since 2003, when I offended some friends and family members by questioning our pretexts for invading Iraq.

    As for 2016, the only thing I liked about Trump's candidacy was that he openly criticized our involvement in Operation Timber Sycamore in Syria, and also said, "When I'm President the American people are going to learn who really destroyed the World Trade Center on 9/11."

     I also thought he might de-classify the JFK records.

     Unfortunately, it was all hot air, like all of Trump's phony sales pitches-- "I have a terrific healthcare plan that will cover everyone and cost less, etc."  Trump was a complete sell out.  His policy decisions were all based on bribery, kickbacks, and, I suspect, Kremlin blackmail.  He was a compromised Russian asset.

     Naturally, everyone around here has been interested in understanding and reconstructing the hidden history of the CIA and the U.S. Deep State during the past 75 years.  I've been almost obsessed with that subject for several years now.

     Biden is part of the whole complex, no doubt.  (Which is why I voted for Bernie in our 2016 and 2020 caucuses.)

     But Biden was a lesser evil than Trump in 2020, by several orders of magnitude.

     Trump is a lying con man and a grifter who is uneducated and unfit for any high public office.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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24 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:


As you know, I have deep suspicions about the JFKA, and I am reasonably certain, based on irrefutable physical evidence (the small round bullet hole in the back of JBCs shirt) and the Z film that there were at least two gunman on 11/22. I am also reasonably certain there was a gunman, perhaps only for diversion, near the Grassy Knoll area. 

Ergo, a conspiracy. 

As for opinions on that topic or others, yes I think we should use the skills learned in researching the JFKA, and apply the same to current administrations or events. 

In my view, the Deep State, aka shadow government or national security state, is far more powerful now than in 1963. So is the role of globalist-multinationals in national policy making. 

Smedley Butler would be spinning his grave. 

In my view, these trends trump parochial, partisan politics.  

If I say Biden is beholden to, indeed a creature of the Deep State and globalism (and consider his long record of service on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee), then the D-party partisan response is hackles up:

"What about Trump! He was a grifter and tried to steal the election!"

That is why I am more receptive to all points of view. Any non-conventional viewpoint on Trump or Biden is worth listening to (excluding overt hate, or violence-talk).

As we all know, the M$M exists to promote the Deep State-globalist viewpoint, and their minions (including Biden). 

BTW, I regard 'Phant Bush jr. as the worst president since....well, even worse than Hoover...so Buchanan? Have to crack open the history books. 

Now Bush jr. is the New Donk hero. What does that tell you? 

Stay open-mined, stay skeptical. 



Bush Jr, you mean Shrub.

It's highly rated and recommended though unfortunately untrue on the short part.  He had lot's of props but but not that much eloquence or ambition.  

Amazon.com: Shrub : The Short but Happy Political Life of George W. Bush: 9780375757143: Ivins, Molly, Dubose, Lou: Books

Edited by Ron Bulman
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14 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

Bush Jr, you mean Shrub.

It's highly rated and recommended though unfortunately untrue on the short part.  He had lot's of props but but not that much eloquence or ambition.  

Amazon.com: Shrub : The Short but Happy Political Life of George W. Bush: 9780375757143: Ivins, Molly, Dubose, Lou: Books

Hi Ron,
if you like books on this subject, I'd recommend this one:

My friend Sander Hicks helped publish it back in the day with Vox Pop. There is also a documentary about the book being published and the Bush organization suing the author, got all book stores to take his book out, than basically destroyed the guys life. The documentary is called Horns and Halos you can get a used copy for around $5 this book came out before the election during the election cycle. There is suspicion the author may not have killed himself and his death was made to look like a suicide. 


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27 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


     If you think Dubya Bush is a new "Donk hero," you've been living in the jungles of Thailand for too long. 

     Nothing could be further from the truth.



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    If you have some valid written data about Democratic opinions of George W. Bush, post it with a reference link.

    As for "liking" George W. Bush, the phrase is somewhat misleading.  Compared to Donald Trump, even Bill Maher and I consider Dubya likeable.

    Dubya has always been affable, and was never the devious mastermind of the Cheney/Rumsfeld/ PNAC War on Terror.  He was their public relations guy.

    Two Dubya quotes illustrate my point. 

     In January of 2001, Dubya called his father and asked, "Dad, who are the Neocons?"

     GHWB replied, "In a word, son, Israel."

      At the end of his White House tenure, Dubya said, "The hardest thing about being President was trying to convince people that we needed to go to war in Iraq."



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52 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


    If you have some valid written data about Democratic opinions of George W. Bush, post it with a reference link.




William, in the video data is cited by the liberal host a majority of Democrats support George W. Bush. 
Here's another one, denial isn't a river in Egypt. Seems like you're still in a People's Republic of Boulder State of mind.. 36 square miles surrounded by reality. Ben hasn't been lost in the Jungles like the Colonel in Apocalypse Now. They cite statistics in this video also fyi 


Edited by Matthew Koch
Grammar added two commas ,, forgot n in hasn't
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