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1 hour ago, Douglas Caddy said:

From today's New York Times:


Chris Christie, the former governor of New Jersey and a possible 2024 presidential candidate, is raising questions about how a fellow Republican with presidential ambitions plans to handle federal aid after a hurricane.

In an interview last week, Mr. Christie noted that Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida had sought federal support for cleanup after Hurricane Ian — and could seek additional aid through a congressionally approved package — despite having voted against federal aid for Hurricane Sandy in New Jersey and other states when he was a member of Congress in 2013.





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Find the missing sentence: 

Tulsi Gabbard:

"I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue & stoke anti-white racism, actively work to undermine our God-given freedoms, are hostile to people of faith & spirituality, demonize the police & protect criminals at the expense of law-abiding Americans, believe in open borders, weaponize the national security state to go after political opponents, and above all, dragging us ever closer to nuclear war.

I believe in a government that is of, by, and for the people.

Unfortunately, today’s Democratic Party does not.

Instead, it stands for a government of, by, and for the powerful elite.

I’m calling on my fellow common sense independent-minded Democrats to join me in leaving the Democratic Party."


Gabbard left out "the fetishization of victimhood." 

The Democratic Party donkey has left the stable, the equine harnessed to labor and the middle-class. 

All that is left behind is burro manure. 

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The WaPo says Biden was asleep on Ukraine. Remember the JFK book, "Why England Slept"? 

Also, although the WaPo chooses not to mention "Obama," they say the relatively unopposed Russian annexation of Crimea (during O's presidency) set the stage for the Ukraine invasion, on Biden's watch. 


RIGA, Latvia — Since the start of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Kyiv’s strongest allies against President Vladimir Putin have been the nations that know his Soviet playbook best: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland, all invaded and brutalized by the Soviet Union and historically wary of Russia.

Their warnings about Russian aggression and calls for stronger Western action to deter Putin were long brushed aside by many in Europe, even after Russia’s 2008 invasion of Georgia and the Kremlin’s 2014 invasion and annexation of Crimea.

“One lesson from this war is we should have listened to those who know Putin,” European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said in her State of the European Union speech last month. “They have been telling us for years that Putin would not stop.”

Since February, the Baltics and Poland have repeatedly called for the provision of more and faster military assistance, including more powerful offensive weapons, only to be rebuffed by the United States and Western European allies who wanted to make clear that they were not in a direct conflict with Russia.

Slowly, that’s started to change, after Putin proved his wary neighbors right — repeatedly.

The Russian president’s shocking escalation on Monday, firing dozens of missiles at Ukrainian civilian targets including power stations, was strongly condemned around the world. Western leaders are beginning to acknowledge that they may need to take more decisive steps to assure Ukraine’s victory.

Ahead of key NATO meetings in Brussels on Wednesday and Thursday, the leaders of Baltic states have called on the West to scale up the supply of weapons to Kyiv, in particular air defense systems. The NATO Contact Group on Ukraine meets in Brussels on Wednesday and NATO defense ministers meet on Thursday."


Baltic leaders have long argued that Western sanctions adopted in 2014 after Putin illegally annexed Crimea showed the West’s lack of resolve in confronting the Russian president over his land grab. European leaders seemed to think the Baltics were so traumatized by Soviet occupation that they could not be objective.

“Jokingly, you know, we call this ‘West-splaining,’” Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis said. The West’s message, he said, was that “after 50 years of occupation, it’s understandable that you would have trust issues with a country that occupied you.”


Is this story a Deep State plant? 

Is Biden, or the Deep State, running foreign-military policy presently? 

Was Putin baited into Ukraine?

In my view, Putin has engaged in an inexcusable, inhumane, volitional war...but is that what the Deep State wanted? 

The best regime-change operation was a Russian quagmire in Ukraine? 

Well, one outcome looks likely: A long stalemate in Ukraine. 

Who benefits? 



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6 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

The WaPo says Biden was asleep on Ukraine. Remember the JFK book, "Why England Slept"? 





Ben, I'm assuming you haven't read the book, because Biden sending arms is kinda the opposite of what the book is about. Why England Slept explored why England didn't build up it's defenses and that it wasn't just Chamberlain but rather the total British political system that rendered the British unable to respond to the changes in Germany. 
Which is why after Vienna JFK increased military spending like he did.. 

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30 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

Ben, I'm assuming you haven't read the book, because Biden sending arms is kinda the opposite of what the book is about. Why England Slept explored why England didn't build up it's defenses and that it wasn't just Chamberlain but rather the total British political system that rendered the British unable to respond to the changes in Germany. 
Which is why after Vienna JFK increased military spending like he did.. 

JFK was in Berlin the day before war broke out, he was amazed at the way Germany had militarised and strengthened. 

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1 hour ago, Matthew Koch said:

Ben, I'm assuming you haven't read the book, because Biden sending arms is kinda the opposite of what the book is about. Why England Slept explored why England didn't build up it's defenses and that it wasn't just Chamberlain but rather the total British political system that rendered the British unable to respond to the changes in Germany. 
Which is why after Vienna JFK increased military spending like he did.. 


Oh, I read the book, but maybe 45 years ago. 

The WaPo is more or less positing Biden slept his way into the Ukraine invasion, following in Obama's footsteps. 

I am asking, "Is this story in the WaPo essentially a Deep State plant?"

In a sense, the WaPo story a reprise of the "Who Lost China" meme that continuously dominates US foreign-policy thing. 

This is no way lessens my sentiment that Putin has criminally engaged in a volitional and inhumane war in Ukraine.  

But it may be the Deep State lured Putin into a quagmire, in the hopes for a regime-change op in Moscow. 

Add on: The WaPo targets a white, liberal female audience.

Note how the WaPo article is written by a liberal white woman (Robyn Dixon), and then leads with quotes from two prominent Europeans white females, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and then Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas.

Quoted later is "Kristi Raik, director of the International Center for Defense and Security’s Estonian Foreign Policy Institute, said Western policy toward Russia since 2007 ignored clear signs of Russia’s revanchist imperialism and autocratic path."

The finishing touch:

"Natalia Abbakumova in Riga, Latvia, and Emily Rauhala in Brussels contributed to this (WaPo) report.



It sure looks like the cited WaPo story targets a white female liberal audience--the WaPo audience. 

The WaPo has long been a Deep State mouthpiece.

They have new bottles (white liberal female reporters) instead the old male chickenhawks---but the wine is same. 

Still, IMHO Putin must be halted in Ukraine. 


Edited by Benjamin Cole
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2 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:


Oh, I read the book, but maybe 45 years ago. 

The WaPo is more or less positing Biden slept his way into the Ukraine invasion, following in Obama's footsteps. 

I am asking, "Is this story in the WaPo essentially a Deep State plant?"

In a sense, the WaPo story a reprise of the "Who Lost China" meme that continuously dominates US foreign-policy thing. 

This is no way lessens my sentiment that Putin has criminally engaged in a volitional and inhumane war in Ukraine.  

But it may be the Deep State lured Putin into a quagmire, in the hopes for a regime-change op in Moscow. 

I'd say since he (Brandon) was the point man in the Obama admin for Ukraine that he is responsible for everything that has gone wrong.
As far as a quagmire.. I think the Ruskies are basically just waiting for the ground to freeze for their tanks 


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50 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

It’s nearly always down to this ...  


It sure looks like elements within the US foreign-military policy establishment  maneuvered events to create a stalemate in Ukraine.  Biden is a long, long, long-time Deep State apparatchik, but he may not be running policy regarding Ukraine (his family did manage to extract $1 million from Ukrainian contacts, but maybe that is a side story). 

All that said, Putin has engaged in a horrible, volitional war. Putin may have been baited in, but he is responsible for the choices he made. 

Edited by Benjamin Cole
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9 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

I'd say since he (Brandon) was the point man in the Obama admin for Ukraine that he is responsible for everything that has gone wrong.
As far as a quagmire.. I think the Ruskies are basically just waiting for the ground to freeze for their tanks 


The problem for Putin is, tanks have a "sitting duck" quality about them on the modern battlefield. 

The US Marines have abandoned tanks. 

There are dogmas in all militaries, and in Russia the tank is nearly sacred. 

I hope I am wrong, but I predict quagmire and stalemate. I hope for Russian evacuation from Ukraine, or even an armistice. 

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MBS really does appear to be a reckless person, not entirely clued in.

The U.S. and the Saudis depend on each other for different things; MBS agreeing to help the GOP/Kremlin with a request to jack up oil prices in an attempt to influence an election was a rather stupid move on his part, and I expect he'll be feeling the effects of his hubris shortly.

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43 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

MBS really does appear to be a reckless person, not entirely clued in.

The U.S. and the Saudis depend on each other for different things; MBS agreeing to help the GOP/Kremlin with a request to jack up oil prices in an attempt to influence an election was a rather stupid move on his part, and I expect he'll be feeling the effects of his hubris shortly.

      Yes, Matt, it's certainly a puzzling geopolitical shift for the Saudis, who were bankrolling our Neocon proxy war against Assad and Putin in Syria.   Then Trump and Kushner were bribed to support the genocidal Saudi war against the Houthis in Yemen.  (And to quietly accept Kashoggi's murder.) 

    Conversely, Biden and the Democrats have not supported the Saudi's Yemen war, and my hunch is that Bin Salman's latest October Surprise with OPEC is intended to damage Biden and bring the MAGAts back to power in Washington.

    Ben Cole is jubilant about Bin Salman's treachery, as he and Tulsi Gabbard continue to blame Biden for Putin's decision to invade and bomb civilians in Ukraine.

     It's another weird night in the MAGA-verse, even featuring a Ron DeSantis Top Gun commercial posted by Mathew Koch... 🤪

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