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On 10/15/2022 at 9:41 PM, Kirk Gallaway said:

Matthew, so the Democrats are proud baby killers?

Wow I didn't l know.

I guess we have to face the truth..


Kirk, this is your answer to the inflation? "Wow I didn't know" 
I also saw your post saying that there's nothing to the Paines they're just all American quakers.. Is the motto of you and Matt 'take the blue pill'?

Because that seems to be all you do here, "there's no deep state take the blue pill." -Kirk

..he he  


Edited by Matthew Koch
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1 hour ago, John Cotter said:

Another clown bites the dust.

The British establishment lynch-mobbed Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn because he spoke for ordinary people rather than the rich. His “assassins” included Blairite backstabbers in his own party (rather like plutocratic Democrats shafting Bernie Sanders).

I wonder who the next puppet the plutocrats will select. I wonder how long he or she can defy democratic gravity.

Thank you for this concise and accurate assessment.

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"In fact if they were going to charge anyone with insurrection that would be agents for the Federal Government, that were there, stirring things up, trying to get people to engage in violence."

"We need all of the videos that anybody has, but it's the Federal Government.. I don't understand why our Speaker is trying to hide evidence, while they run around and look for anything that might make Republicans look bad." 



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        Well, it looks like Mathew Koch has completely ducked my questions, while continue to swamp the board with his YouTube and Fox MAGA spam.  Lucky us.

Questions for Mathew Koch

1)  Does Mathew endorse Trump's "Stop the Steal" Big Lie and the 2022 GOP candidates, like Kari Lake, who have publicly endorsed Trump's Big Lie?

2)  Does Mathew deny that Trump attempted to overturn the results of the 2020 U.S. election by organizing slates of False Electors and inciting a violent attack on the U.S. Congress on January 6, 2021?

3)  Does Mathew support the Kevin McCarthy/GOP plan to force cuts to Social Security and Medicare if Republicans regain control of the House in 2023?

      C'mon, Mathew.  Take a break from posting your daily MAGA spam and answer the questions.

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2 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

        Well, it looks like Mathew Koch has completely ducked my questions, while continue to swamp the board with his YouTube and Fox MAGA spam.  Lucky us.

Questions for Mathew Koch

1)  Does Mathew endorse Trump's "Stop the Steal" Big Lie and the 2022 GOP candidates, like Kari Lake, who have publicly endorsed Trump's Big Lie?

2)  Does Mathew deny that Trump attempted to overturn the results of the 2020 U.S. election by organizing slates of False Electors and inciting a violent attack on the U.S. Congress on January 6, 2021?

3)  Does Mathew support the Kevin McCarthy/GOP plan to force cuts to Social Security and Medicare if Republicans regain control of the House in 2023?

      C'mon, Mathew.  Take a break from posting your daily MAGA spam and answer the questions.

I'll really starting to doubt that you are a real person.. 

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3 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:

From the Guardian newspaper:



Liz Truss resigns as UK prime minister with new Tory leader to be in place by 28 October as calls for general election grow – live
Announcement follows near-complete evaporation of her political authority after she loses two key ministers and crashes markets

Liz Truss resigns as UK prime minister with new Tory leader to be in place by 28 October as calls for general election grow – live

Announcement follows near-complete evaporation of her political authority after she loses two key ministers and crashes markets

May be an image of text

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16 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

        Well, it looks like Mathew Koch has completely ducked my questions, while continue to swamp the board with his YouTube and Fox MAGA spam.  Lucky us.

Questions for Mathew Koch

1)  Does Mathew endorse Trump's "Stop the Steal" Big Lie and the 2022 GOP candidates, like Kari Lake, who have publicly endorsed Trump's Big Lie?

2)  Does Mathew deny that Trump attempted to overturn the results of the 2020 U.S. election by organizing slates of False Electors and inciting a violent attack on the U.S. Congress on January 6, 2021?

3)  Does Mathew support the Kevin McCarthy/GOP plan to force cuts to Social Security and Medicare if Republicans regain control of the House in 2023?

      C'mon, Mathew.  Take a break from posting your daily MAGA spam and answer the questions.

You're going about this in the wrong way. Mr. Koch doesn't directly reply to simple questions. Getting a straight answer from him is like trying to nail Jell-o to the wall. He's not here to seriously discuss anything. He's simply here for his own amusement, more concerned with "owning" those who would engage him than actually dealing in facts.

I decided weeks back to not attempt to engage him in a serious discussion, because that seems to be a fool's errand. Whether his failure to engage in a serious discussion is a result of unwillingness or inability on his part I won't attempt to decide. Perhaps it's a bit of both. 

Of course, I also have given up on having any serious discussions with Ben as well. When one criticizes Ben's sources or his inconsistent positions, suddenly Ben finds that line of discussion to be "less than collegial," and apt to scare off potential new members to the forum. While this tactic does tend to halt any discussion it its tracks, apparently the only way Ben will find any discussion as being "collegial" would be if everyone would simply abandon everything they have already learned and simply agree with Ben.

Sorry, Ben. That's not collegiality, that's abdication. 

But I wish the best to those who continue to attempt to discuss these issues on this thread.

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On 10/1/2022 at 4:30 PM, Mark Knight said:

I think Matthew's last name tells us where his loyalties lie.

Whether he's related to them or not.

"I decided weeks back to not attempt to engage him in a serious discussion, because that seems to be a fool's errand. Whether his failure to engage in a serious discussion is a result of unwillingness or inability on his part I won't attempt to decide. Perhaps it's a bit of both."

Mark you have never attempted to have a serious discussion, I don't know how people in Indiana are but I doubt it's good manners there to judge someone by their last name and not the content of their character.  

Had William read what I replied to Ben about the deep state he'd have the first answer to his interrogation questions. 
So  MARK now you're going to segregate yourself from opposing opinions? lols... Okay 


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1 hour ago, Matthew Koch said:

Kirk, this is your answer to the inflation? "Wow I didn't know" 
I also saw your post saying that there's nothing to the Paines they're just all American quakers.. Is the motto of you and Matt 'take the blue pill'?

Because that seems to be all you do here, "there's no deep state take the blue pill." -Kirk

..he he  


Abrams is absolutely right.

The abortion issue is 10X more important than the Repub inflamed inflation issue.

Telling women what they can and cannot do to their own bodies and taking away their sovereignty over their own bodies is one of the most important aspects of their civil and human rights. 

One of the main stresses of this unfettered inflation is that the children women have not aborted are the ones suffering from it.

If freedom to choose attacking Republicans are as "pro-life" as they claim...they should be going after the inflation base price setters ( the small number monopoly of oil companies) to order them to sacrifice their massive profits temporarily for the good of the tens of millions of "living" children who are suffering from these family crushing gas prices...which raise every other basic need costs as well.

IMO, our main stream media is not reporting the true reality of stress over half our country is going through to it's true level.

I just read a poll that found that 25% of Americans are not celebrating Thanksgiving this year with a typical, traditional full menu meal of turkey, pumpkin pie etc.

Because they can't afford to!

Nobody's buying new cars. Sales have collapsed. Half the country is so financially strapped with the 100% increase inflated cost of the basics like gas, groceries, utilities, etc. they can't even think of such purchases.


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1 hour ago, Douglas Caddy said:

Thank you for this concise and accurate assessment.

Thank you, Douglas.

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" To own the Libs"
Of course it's really not about a Republican victory or even any policy.
The point is to "own the Libs."
Here's ways everybody- people of every class can do their part to own the libs.
First the wealthy.
1. Taking the 5th--- that absolutely drives libs crazy! Wasn't that civil liberties thing their idea in the first place? Ho what a burn! They hate that!
2.Pardons- Of course you have to be the big banana! That's why we have to win in 24!
3. Bilk people or even better the government through various frauds, phony charities- Do like the Trumps, Steve Banon! A good example, If you have a Hotel where Government employees stay, bilk the Feds like Trump has done.
One misconception is that you have to be rich to do this. But actually anyone can do this, all you need is a computer and some computer skills. You don't necessarily need money. What can be really rewarding  is  phony environmental causes, or stamping out world hunger, cruelty to animals, typical bleeding heart liberal stuff. Now that---is sweet!
Now for the middle class person-if you pay taxes.
3. Tax Cheating - even everyday people can do what the boys do! Get a good accountant.
It may not seem like we're listing a lot. But don't let class discourage you. You can do methods we suggest for  the Wealthy and Poor classes as well! Show a little initiative!
If you're poor
4. Welfare cheating- always play up any hardships! You've seen in the news how lucrative this can be. Get some phony ID's and stake out a number of claims. But be careful! Don't get caught!
5. Pandemics, Disasters---If there's another pandemic, or some ill that the government is going to spend a lot of money on to relieve the population. You can apply but not just once. Get some phony ID's! It is money well spent,and apply several times!  No one will ever know. Soon you can afford 1000 Id"s! Well, you see the opportunity there, the possibilities are staggering!
You can even do this if your homeless,
6. Gouging: if you have transportation you can go to areas after a disaster and declare residence and cash in on government relief assistance. You can also buy basic necessities in a neighboring state ans sell it at a marked up price to disaster victims. The markup can be great in a really posh are like Sanibel island, but of course you have to use discretion  and weigh  your conscience that you may be fleecing some Republicans. The point is to "own the libs.". 
If you're a teenager, but not exclusively, anyone can do this as well. But if you're caught  you won't be treated as leniently.
1. Deface public monuments, grafiiti.  Aren't they just another government boondoggle anyway?
2. Go to places the libs go, like to the beach, meditative retreats, nature walks,  then save up your trash for a couple of months and just go out there and dump it! That is a slow burn! Because they have to spend the time picking it up!
3. Public restrooms- .Sh-t on the floor and generally trash public bathrooms.But don't get caught! Probably better when no ones around. Go to some natural parks in the off season, when there's few people and no rangers around!
These are some suggestions, but be creative! If we can get enough people to do this. Soon the libs will realize maintaining these facilities is just a pain in butt and they'll back off on their administrative state. Just like they did in Rome.
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52 minutes ago, Mark Knight said:

You're going about this in the wrong way. Mr. Koch doesn't directly reply to simple questions. Getting a straight answer from him is like trying to nail Jell-o to the wall. He's not here to seriously discuss anything. He's simply here for his own amusement, more concerned with "owning" those who would engage him than actually dealing in facts.

I decided weeks back to not attempt to engage him in a serious discussion, because that seems to be a fool's errand. Whether his failure to engage in a serious discussion is a result of unwillingness or inability on his part I won't attempt to decide. Perhaps it's a bit of both. 

Of course, I also have given up on having any serious discussions with Ben as well. When one criticizes Ben's sources or his inconsistent positions, suddenly Ben finds that line of discussion to be "less than collegial," and apt to scare off potential new members to the forum. While this tactic does tend to halt any discussion it its tracks, apparently the only way Ben will find any discussion as being "collegial" would be if everyone would simply abandon everything they have already learned and simply agree with Ben.

Sorry, Ben. That's not collegiality, that's abdication. 

But I wish the best to those who continue to attempt to discuss these issues on this thread.


     My latest attempt to engage Mathew Koch in an honest discussion here is also my final attempt.

     Mathew, obviously, won't even respond to basic questions from forum members.

     He's a spammer.

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