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4 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

        Well, it's truly amusing to see two guys-- Ben Cole and Mathew Koch-- who refused to even listen to the extensive witness testimony in the Congressional January 6th hearings this year talk now about wanting to know the "full story" of January 6th.  Huh?

       It's similar to Mathew Koch presuming to tell us about Trump's 2019 extortion phone call to Zelensky while adamantly refusing to read Alexander Vindman's definitive firsthand witness testimony about Trump's phone call.

       If Ben and Mathew really want the full story about Trump's January 6th coup attempt, why didn't they listen to Cassidy Hutchinson's and Pat Cippollone's firsthand witness testimony to Congress?!

       Instead, Ben and Mathew bought into Tucker Carlson's Faux "patriot purge" narrative about January 6th -- that Trump was set up and victimized by the Deep State.  Geez...

       And Christopher Wray just explicitly debunked Tucker Carlson's "patriot purge" narrative in his testimony quoted in Mathew's Catholic News Service (CNS) report (above.)  As I already pointed out to Ben, repeatedly, during the past year, the only bona fide FBI scandal relating to J6 is that Christopher Wray's apparent intel about the impending attack on the Capitol never resulted in appropriate security for the U.S. Congress on January 6th!  Why not?

       The true story about January 6th is that Donald Trump, John Eastman, Rudy Giuliani, Roger Stone, and the Willard Hotel cabal organized the J6 attack on the Capitol to obstruct the certification of Biden's election, and Trump's appointees at the Pentagon blocked the deployment of the National Guard to defend Congress.


I have read plenty of transcripts from the Cheneycrat 1/6 show trial TV show. 

BTW, the whole "Willard Hotel cabal" story...seemed to fizzle out. I just tried googling the topic, with paltry results. A lot of allegations, but no hard stuff. 

The 1/6 committee kept saying they would investigate the miscreants who met covertly inside the Willard (where I assume every room is bugged twice), and no doubt the word "bombshell" was used to describe what would happen when the truth came out. 

But then...what happened? 

Is this topic to a coming attraction on the 1/6 TV show? 

I get the sense we are being snowed on 1/6...but hey, just IMHO. 

In your view, was the Secret Service coordinating with the Willard Hotel miscreants to overthrow the US government? 

Was James Murray, the 24-year veteran of the Secret Service and its chief on 1/6, a part of the machinations? 

Was Mr. Buffalo Horns (aka Jacob Chansley) involved? 




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7 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:


I have read plenty of transcripts from the Cheneycrat 1/6 show trial TV show. 

BTW, the whole "Willard Hotel cabal" story...seemed to fizzle out. I just tried googling the topic, with paltry results. A lot of allegations, but no hard stuff. 


     I, obviously, can't fix your ignorance and fixed delusions about January 6th and Trump's Willard Hotel coup associates--  Giuliani, Sidney Powell, Michael Flynn, Roger Stone, Bannon, et.al.

     As James DiEugenio, himself, tried to tell you during the hearings last summer, you should have listened to the damning Congressional testimony about Trump's foreknowledge of the J6 violence risk, and the run up to his "Be there. It will be wild" Tweet in December of 2020.  Trump was the mastermind of the entire seditious debacle.

     You and Mathew Koch are like two guys who never watched the Congressional Watergate hearings, who then continue to post false narratives about Nixon's Watergate scandal.

     Carl Bernstein described people like you and Mathew Koch well when he said that, "If Fox News existed in the 1970s, Nixon might have survived Watergate."

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9 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


     I, obviously, can't fix your ignorance and fixed delusions about January 6th and Trump's Willard Hotel coup associates--  Giuliani, Sidney Powell, Michael Flynn, Roger Stone, Bannon, et.al.

     As James DiEugenio, himself, tried to tell you during the hearings last summer, you should have listened to the damning Congressional testimony about Trump's foreknowledge of the J6 violence risk, and the run up to his "Be there. It will be wild" Tweet in December of 2020.  Trump was the mastermind of the entire seditious debacle.

     You and Mathew Koch are like two guys who never watched the Congressional Watergate hearings, who then continue to post false narratives about Nixon's Watergate scandal.

     Carl Bernstein described people like you and Mathew Koch well when he said that, "If Fox News existed in the 1970s, Nixon might have survived Watergate."

Imagine not understanding that Nixon was set up in Watergate and that the Agency didn't use it's MockingBird Contacts to bring the President down. I'm sure Bob Woodward being Naval Intelligence means nothing right Wiliam? Reading what you write is like rereading Vincent Bugliosi's Reclaiming History you do the same thing announce your opinion to be absulote logic and anyone not repeating the narrative like you are, is guilty of "misinformation" aka disloyalty to the group. 

Willard Hotel Coup Plotters were never charged why is that William? You seem to think it's because Trump is the Teflon Don the rest of us don't believe you have a case. Judging by the lack of evidence and lack of charges the latter appears to be the correct on just like the Russia Hoax 

William, if you could get Jim or Joseph McBride to explain the informants and Ray Epps that would be great because once these started looking like all the other attempts to get Trump and failed they aren't posting here anymore. Just you and the other "Scholarly" researchers on the site seem to think if you spam the thread enough Ben or who ever else needs more evidence  will catch Trump Derangement Syndrome and will start to see this case in perverted manner like you do William.

You now the case looks awfully weak compared to when the thread started 


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Uh Oh Trump Derangement Syndrom Bros,

Sounds like the raid on Maralago raid was over letters from world leaders and not Trump selling Nuclear Secrets like you said it was going to be about.

Really starting to look like this is just ANOTHER 'rush to judgement' 



Edited by Matthew Koch
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19 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Never have, but I may try a dose or two now that it's legal.

I'm curious about the therapeutic potential of psilocybin, especially in relation to musical creativity.


I always found psilocycbin  a little less jarring than LSD.

It didn't jangle the nerve endings as much.

Steve Thomas

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Far-Right Republican Who Called For 'More Gallows' Wonders If GOP Had A Messaging Problem

By Matt Shuham Nov 15, 2022



As updated vote tallies began to cement a loss for Trump-backed Arizona governor candidate Kari Lake on Monday, a far-right state lawmaker who told a gathering of white nationalists that we need to build more gallows” started to have second thoughts about her party’s pitch to voters.

We wonder now if we were in an echo chamber,” said state Sen. Wendy Rogers (R), who has also suggested throwing county officials in solitary confinement and spent years lying about the 2020 election.

I don’t know, I’m just beginning to get some perspective,” added Rogers.”


Ya think?

Steve Thomas

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15 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

        Well, it's truly amusing to see two guys-- Ben Cole and Mathew Koch-- who refused to even listen to the extensive witness testimony in the Congressional January 6th hearings this year talk now about wanting to know the "full story" of January 6th.  Huh?

       It's similar to Mathew Koch presuming to tell us about Trump's 2019 extortion phone call to Zelensky while adamantly refusing to read Alexander Vindman's definitive firsthand witness testimony about Trump's phone call.

       If Ben and Mathew really want the full story about Trump's January 6th coup attempt, why didn't they listen to Cassidy Hutchinson's and Pat Cippollone's firsthand witness testimony to Congress?!

       Instead, Ben and Mathew bought into Tucker Carlson's Faux "patriot purge" narrative about January 6th -- that Trump was set up and victimized by the Deep State.  Geez...

       And Christopher Wray just explicitly debunked Tucker Carlson's "patriot purge" narrative in his testimony quoted in Mathew's Catholic News Service (CNS) report (above.)  As I already pointed out to Ben, repeatedly, during the past year, the only bona fide FBI scandal relating to J6 is that Christopher Wray's apparent intel about the impending attack on the Capitol never resulted in appropriate security for the U.S. Congress on January 6th!  Why not?

       The true story about January 6th is that Donald Trump, John Eastman, Rudy Giuliani, Roger Stone, and the Willard Hotel cabal organized the J6 attack on the Capitol to obstruct the certification of Biden's election, and Trump's appointees at the Pentagon blocked the deployment of the National Guard to defend Congress.

Here's what your fired Bozo is saying now: 


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3 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

Imagine not understanding that Nixon was set up in Watergate and that the Agency didn't use it's MockingBird Contacts to bring the President down. I'm sure Bob Woodward being Naval Intelligence means nothing right Wiliam? Reading what you write is like rereading Vincent Bugliosi's Reclaiming History you do the same thing announce your opinion to be absulote logic and anyone not repeating the narrative like you are, is guilty of "misinformation" aka disloyalty to the group. 

Willard Hotel Coup Plotters were never charged why is that William? You seem to think it's because Trump is the Teflon Don the rest of us don't believe you have a case. Judging by the lack of evidence and lack of charges the latter appears to be the correct on just like the Russia Hoax 

William, if you could get Jim or Joseph McBride to explain the informants and Ray Epps that would be great because once these started looking like all the other attempts to get Trump and failed they aren't posting here anymore. Just you and the other "Scholarly" researchers on the site seem to think if you spam the thread enough Ben or who ever else needs more evidence  will catch Trump Derangement Syndrome and will start to see this case in perverted manner like you do William.

You now the case looks awfully weak compared to when the thread started 



     You need to do far more remedial reading and far less writing.  Try reviewing my old Education Forum thread about Jim Hougan's book Secret Agenda and Watergate.

     And your ignorance about the evidence in Trump's Ukraine-gate/Zelensky impeachment scandal and his January 6th coup attempt is truly abysmal, but understandable, since you refused to even listen to the sworn Congressional witness testimony in both Trump scandals!

      It's analogous to presuming to understand Nixon's Watergate scandal without ever listening to the Congressional testimony of witnesses like John Dean.  Absurd.

    Instead, you have buried your head in the Fox/MAGA bubble, and you are numbered with the clueless Republicans who still imagine that Trump was not critically involved in organizing his January 6th coup attempt.

    As for charges against Trump and his Willard Hotel accomplices, let's recall that they have all been fighting tooth-and-claw to dodge subpoenas, and pleading the 5th when they have testified-- as in Michael Flynn's case.  (You would know this if you had listened to Flynn's pathetic Congressional testimony.)

     The evidence implicating Trump and his Willard Hotel cabal in the J6 coup plot is overwhelming, and the DOJ investigation and prosecution of these scoundrels has not been completed.

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24 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

I was referring more to Matthew's bogus claim that any of that stuff from inside the Capitol was televised live that day.

It wasn't.

It was on live YouTube and D Live from peoples streams like Baked Alaska had.. 

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Thankfully some Polish farmers took pictures of the missile parts and there was enough identifying info that Zelensky's false flag didn't work.

Jimmy Dore covered how some Ukrainian Azov guys got arrested plotting a terror attack in Italy sounds like gladdio 2.0. 


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8 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


     I, obviously, can't fix your ignorance and fixed delusions about January 6th and Trump's Willard Hotel coup associates--  Giuliani, Sidney Powell, Michael Flynn, Roger Stone, Bannon, et.al.

     As James DiEugenio, himself, tried to tell you during the hearings last summer, you should have listened to the damning Congressional testimony about Trump's foreknowledge of the J6 violence risk, and the run up to his "Be there. It will be wild" Tweet in December of 2020.  Trump was the mastermind of the entire seditious debacle.

     You and Mathew Koch are like two guys who never watched the Congressional Watergate hearings, who then continue to post false narratives about Nixon's Watergate scandal.

     Carl Bernstein described people like you and Mathew Koch well when he said that, "If Fox News existed in the 1970s, Nixon might have survived Watergate."


This is a rather weak reply. 

Trump's tweet ---"Be there. It will be wild"---is proof there was a covert cabal planning an insurrection? 

"Trump was the mastermind of the entire seditious debacle."----W. 

The idea of Trump as a "mastermind" of anything brings a quick guffaw, but....

If you really posit this, do you contend that Trump co-opted the Capitol Police, and arranged for them to have only a few hundred of the 3,500-officer force on duty that day, and for the Commander of Civil Disturbances Unit to be at home making meatloaf? 

Clearly, the 1/6 committee posited there was be an investigation into the Willard hotel meeting...and then the story fizzles out. 

Try googling "Willard hotel Jan. 6 cabal meeting" or variations thereof. The stories fizzle out with the Jan. 6 committee (and mostly allied M$M'ers) making dark foreboding comments...and then nothing.

So what happened inside the Willard hotel meeting? Were specific orders generated for Oath Keepers, Proud Boys and Mr. Buffalo Horns? Do you have any evidence at all, or just speculation and suspicions?

Try putting your JFKA hat on. If such weak evidence was mounted against LHO, would you believe him guilty of the JFKA? 

Try putting on your 9/11 hat: The 9/11 committee (and FBI chief Robert Mueller) said the hijackers acted alone, no real ties to anybody, including Saudi Arabia and certainly not the US government. You believe that story line? 

I contend there are parallels in the WC, the 9/11 Commission and the 1/6 Committee: These were not investigations by objective parties, and there was no active smart aggressive well-funded defense counsel in all three forums.

IMHO: The three committees/commissions generated politically expeditious narratives. 

But hey...what would you expect from political bodies?

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3 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

I was referring more to Matthew's bogus claim that any of that stuff from inside the Capitol was televised live that day.

It wasn't.



Well, I am keeping an open mind on 1/6. 

Committees and commissions have a rather poor track record in unearthing truths---but then, what expectations can we have for highly politicized bodies investigating government?  

Can we place a great deal of faith in the M$M? 

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New FTX boss, who worked on Enron bankruptcy, condemns ‘unprecedented failure’

US corporate restructuring expert John Ray says ‘never in my career have I seen such a complete failure of corporate controls’. ----The Guardian

Sometimes rank cynicism is the right attitude in this world. 

Sam BF got away with this? And will get away with this? 

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