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Unveiling The Limo Stop

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On 11/15/2021 at 7:48 PM, Chris Davidson said:

Once you make the connection(previous post) take another look at the extant Zfilm in that area.

Since Robert West plotted a shot reaction(according to early Zframes he possessed-TimeLife Investigation) at what would be the physical street location of extant Z207, anywhere near/between this approx location and the WC determined shot location of extant z218(Station# 3+81.3) is a good indication of where to look.

I previously showed the problem with Croft's lower body missing in this area.

Here's another indication of film alteration/excision using extant 206, 212 and 213 for comparisons.


Chris, in this clip Rosemary Willis (white hood,red dress) also displays oddness-she seems to split and be displaced in one of the frames

keep up the good work

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20 hours ago, Sean Coleman said:

Chris, in this clip Rosemary Willis (white hood,red dress) also displays oddness-she seems to split and be displaced in one of the frames


Sean, I think you might have missed this post:

It should give you a better idea of what is wrong.

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On 11/17/2021 at 11:55 PM, Chris Davidson said:

The three previous posts introduce different elevation puzzle pieces of 10"  .56ft and .13ft

See if you can apply that elevation connection/adjustment to the last two shots plotted by the FBI/SS in early Dec 1963.


If you understand the WC adjusted BS elevation span(utilizing the puzzle pieces) between shots noted above, you will probably understand why that same span was applied "in place" to the extant 313 survey(left hand side) with the accompanying result on the right side:





Edited by Chris Davidson
Better Link For Graphic I Hope
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On 8/31/2021 at 9:15 AM, Chris Davidson said:

Plotting the limo using the Bronson film. 

Equivalent of z308-316 gave an average of .542ft per frame = 6.75mph

Equivalent of z316-325 gave an average of .571ft per frame = 7.11mph

Using those two results and plugging them back in, starting from extant z313 headshot: 

(313-316) 3frames x .542ft per frame = 1.626ft

(316-325) 9frames x .571ft per frame = 5.139ft

1.626 + 5.139 = 6.765ft traveled from extant z313-z325




Let's compress Bronson's frame conversion/sync even more from extant z313 to the Bronson flash at z322.875:

z313-z316.2 = 3.2frames x .542ft per frame(from above)= 1.734ft

z316.2 - z322.875 = 6.675frames x .571ft per frame(from above) = 3.811ft

1.734ft + 3.811ft = 5.545ft(see previous post for approx match using 7.11mph as the average speed across this 9.875 zframe span.




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Use this graphic to uncover the all important 5.55ft and 1.1ft distance difference matches/adjustments.

A little deductive reasoning involved.

But, once successful, you'll realize what's been replicated here.

Let there be no doubt.




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On 11/23/2021 at 1:09 PM, Chris Davidson said:

Let's compress Bronson's frame conversion/sync even more from extant z313 to the Bronson flash at z322.875:

z313-z316.2 = 3.2frames x .542ft per frame(from above)= 1.734ft

z316.2 - z322.875 = 6.675frames x .571ft per frame(from above) = 3.811ft

1.734ft + 3.811ft = 5.545ft(see previous post for approx match using 7.11mph as the average speed across this 9.875 zframe span.




When the Drommer plat was created for the HSCA, the plotting of a shot, not extant z313 came into existence. This has the notation 88.8 elev(approx 4.68ft from extant z313- right side red line traverses it)

I have duly noted the flash in Bronson(red square).

The limo was traveling .542ft per frame at the Bronson flash extant z313, slightly faster at the Bronson flash.

That shot was approx 196.25ft from JFK.

The weapon most likely used was the XP100 with a muzzle velocity of 2700ft per sec.

196.25ft/2700fps = .0726sec

Each Z frame = .0546sec

.0726sec/.0546sec = 1.33frames

1.33frames x .542ft per frame = .72ft traveled

4.68ft + .72ft = 5.4ft from Extant z313

5.4ft in elevation terms = 5.4/18.3 = .295ft elev

.295 x 12" = 3.54"

Let there be no doubt.

A dead give away for this shot is the reaction of the filmers. In Bronson, it's obvious.

And, if you need a refresher for what the HSCA was up to, in relationship to bullet holes, just visit the link at bottom.

This is the shot that Greer reacts to and proceeds to brake(already explained with graphics) while temporarily stopping the limo at approx extant z331(11.1ft further down than extant z313) which is where Bronson ends, coincidentally.

You might check a few of the previous postings for the significance of that distance.

The rest(in terms of frame removal after extant z331) was previously explained using the Wiegman/Z sync at extant Z447.





Edited by Chris Davidson
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On 11/24/2021 at 7:46 PM, Chris Davidson said:

Continued from the previous post.

The 5.55ft connection.

Credit to Tom Purvis/Robert West with immense gratitude to both gentlemen for providing invaluable information.


Hi Chris, Do you have more writing by Tom Purvis when he describes his interactions with Robert West? I can find one article from the Assassination Chronicles and some of his posts on here but not really what West thought the intentions of the FBI were. I'm not good enough at maths to follow your logic, but I've known for some time your work is pretty exciting. 


Part of the problem I realise is a need to follow the chronology of events: The FBI made a conclusion (Three shots, one at Z375), and this conclusion changed, thus forcing a modification to the Survey Plat tabulations. Because we don't agree on the ACTUAL events, its not entirely possible to recreate what the FBI were actually doing. My guess is the issue was forcing the evidence to match three equally spaced shots, into the time and distance constraints of the assassination. 


You clearly believe the Limo stop can be revealed by use of the survey plat and extant films (which I assume you have some confidence in). Again I find this very confusing because the intentions of the FBI are at least twofold (Equally spaced shots + hide limo stop) and probably threefold (adjust for additional headshot). 


I can understand your posts better if I can understand what your vision of what the FBI's intentions were. Is this right :

The Zapruder film was modified (cropped/altered?) primarily to remove an obvious frontal shot. Once the film was satisfactory to the forgers (not great but just about defensible) then the problems of time and distance dealt with in the FBI report needed to fit the film.


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On 12/4/2021 at 9:52 AM, Eddy Bainbridge said:

Hi Chris, Do you have more writing by Tom Purvis when he describes his interactions with Robert West? I can find one article from the Assassination Chronicles and some of his posts on here but not really what West thought the intentions of the FBI were. I'm not good enough at maths to follow your logic, but I've known for some time your work is pretty exciting. 

The information Tom received from Robert West pertaining to West’s knowledge of the FBI’s shenanigans has been posted.

I have stated and posted previously that West, via Purvis, knew the FBI was up to no good, but didn’t know or care to figure it out.

West was a professional surveyor and in this case, did as much by the book as possible. Yet, he was also told by the FBI what to do. See Clay Shaw trial testimony of Robert West which I have posted numerous times in the past. Should make you pause and think why the WC didn’t call him as an expert witness.

Part of the problem I realise is a need to follow the chronology of events: The FBI made a conclusion (Three shots, one at Z375), and this conclusion changed, thus forcing a modification to the Survey Plat tabulations. Because we don't agree on the ACTUAL events, its not entirely possible to recreate what the FBI were actually doing. My guess is the issue was forcing the evidence to match three equally spaced shots, into the time and distance constraints of the assassination. 

The FBI knows exactly what happened.
Shaneyfelt/Frazier etc didn’t start alterations without knowing the true facts.
Just as Meyers would not be able to create a multi-film sync project unless he was aware of the true alterations applied.
Yes, they initially were working on equally spaced shots from the extant z313 shot among others.
So it becomes obvious that there was at least two shots very close together circa extant z313.
They also had to make sure it was going to look like it worked ballistically.
In other words, manipulating triangles.

You clearly believe the Limo stop can be revealed by use of the survey plat and extant films (which I assume you have some confidence in). Again I find this very confusing because the intentions of the FBI are at least twofold (Equally spaced shots + hide limo stop) and probably threefold (adjust for additional headshot). 

How else would you go about proving the film was altered to fit the official story?
The limo slows down/stops more frames are created, pull the excess frames and the limo speeds up.

I can understand your posts better if I can understand what your vision of what the FBI's intentions were. Is this right :

I’m sorry you don’t understand the math.
I suggest studying the pyramid I created as this is all information deciphered from supplied official documentation.
Look at it this way, if I knew there was a shot approx 5.5ft further down Elm than the extant z313 shot, and a limo stop approx 5.5ft after that, how would I go about retarding/advancing/disguising the data to work.
Remember, some of this manipulation has to be in the form of triangles.

The Zapruder film was modified (cropped/altered?) primarily to remove an obvious frontal shot. Once the film was satisfactory to the forgers (not great but just about defensible) then the problems of time and distance dealt with in the FBI report needed to fit the film.

Yes, the Zfilm was altered.
I can’t prove there was a frontal shot with the material that I have.
What is obvious (imo) is another shot at approx .7 sec after the extant Z313 shot from the right rear.
What damage did this cause, if any, I don’t know.
But, it led to the limo slowing, then stopping at approx extant Z331.
Then, if there was another shot, it would have been a perfect opportunity from the front.
If you don’t believe the flash in Bronson is from a shot, which syncs with the acoustical evidence 5.5ft after the extant z313 shot, then I would suggest moving away from my research.
Too me, that would be considered three shots, it’s just that those particular three started at extant z313.

Added on Edit: Never ruled out the extant film with its "back and to the left" could indicate the excision/compressing of frames between the extant z313 shot and a following shot/s, I just  believe what the Bronson film is telling me, rather than the extant zfilm.  

Personally, I would have excised the "back and to the left" frames if they were the result of a frontal shot.








Response in red.

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It was just a matter of time before the provided link would get some added support.

Sorry, Jackie just isn't that fast, and this early Bell frame proves it.

If you so desire, I recommend looking back at Mark Tyler's 'Motorcade Topic" where we discuss the Z/Bell sync at extant Z435.

Once again, this was part of the reason the Nix segment ended at the equivalent of extant Z411.





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