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Things The NYT Doesn't Want To Talk About

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    I have an idea for a new Education Forum thread, inspired by Jefferson Morley's recent Counter Punch article, "Bob Dylan Has A Lot On His Mind, But The NYT Doesn't Want To Talk About It."

    I've been reading the NYT for almost 50 years now, and I can probably generate a long list.   Here's my short list.

1)  The JFK assassination evidence

2)   The 9/11 evidence--explosive demolitions, insider trading, Urban Moving Systems, etc.

3)   Operation Timber Sycamore

4)   The U.S.S. Liberty

5)   NSAM 263 and NSAM 273


Edited by W. Niederhut
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10 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

    I have an idea for a new Education Forum thread, inspired by Jefferson Morley's recent Counter Punch article, "Bob Dylan Has A Lot On His Mind, But The NYT Doesn't Want To Talk About It."

    I've been reading the NYT for almost 50 years now, and I can probably generate a long list.   Here's my short list.

1)  The JFK assassination evidence

2)   The 9/11 evidence--explosive demolitions, insider trading, Urban Moving Systems, etc.

3)   Operation Timber Sycamore

4)   The U.S.S. Liberty

5)   NSAM 263 and NSAM 273


In fact, the NYT's did run a story about Operation Timber Sycamore. 


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One problem I have with the "explosive demolition" WTC thing is that typical explosive devices would have been much louder than the rumble heard on the audio recordings. If the WTC was a demolition, it probably would've required sophisticated devices which may or may not have even existed back then.

Edited by Micah Mileto
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8 hours ago, Micah Mileto said:

One problem I have with the "explosive demolition" WTC thing is that typical explosive devices would have been much louder than the rumble heard on the audio recordings. If the WTC was a demolition, it probably would've required sophisticated devices which may or may not have even existed back then.


     The scientific evidence for explosive demolitions of the World Trade Center on 9/11 is overwhelming and incontrovertible.

     Scientists who have studied the data tend to refer to the abrupt, symmetrical, free fall collapse of WTC7 on 9/11 as "the smoking gun," but the truth is that there are a plethora of "smoking guns."

    What explosively pulverized 1.8 million tons of WTC concrete (along with furniture and human bodies) into pyroclastic clouds over lower Manhattan on 9/11?   What liquefied those massive steel girders-- giving Ground Zero the appearance of "a foundry," as described by NYFD witnesses?  (Certainly not jet fuel or office fires.)  In fact, you can clearly see the melting steel flows and serial explosions that pulverized the concrete on the films.  Those were carefully prepared demolitions.   The two main WTC towers were not brought down by any gravitational, top-down "pile driver" effect-- they imploded.

    And, yes, military grade, steel-melting, thermitic explosives did, in fact, exist in 2001.  So did Raytheon's successfully-tested GPS technology for the remote-piloting of Boeing jetliners.

     But, needless to say, none of this scientific evidence has been discussed by the NYT (or the M$M generally) during the past 19 years.  There has been a complete M$M blackout.    In fact, I'm not aware of any meaningful coverage in the NYT of the demolition of the 47-floor WTC7 on 9/11.  (David Andrews may know more about that subject.)   Someone noted several years ago that 95% of the American people had never even heard of WTC7. 

Photo Wtc-7-neverforget-2_zps1cc38f40.gif GIF | Gfycat

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3 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


Yeah, I used to be in love with WTC stuff until I found JFK. I think the foreknowledge of WTC 7's collapse is very interesting. https://old.reddit.com/r/911truth/comments/6zcttx/of_course_wtc_7_fell_from_fires_the_firefighters/


There's just no known demolition device that can create the results seen with the WTC. I have wondered if there could be a way to quickly heat the steel columns before using relatively small kicker charges on the weld splices to knock them out of place.

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3 hours ago, Micah Mileto said:

Yeah, I used to be in love with WTC stuff until I found JFK. I think the foreknowledge of WTC 7's collapse is very interesting. https://old.reddit.com/r/911truth/comments/6zcttx/of_course_wtc_7_fell_from_fires_the_firefighters/


There's just no known demolition device that can create the results seen with the WTC. I have wondered if there could be a way to quickly heat the steel columns before using relatively small kicker charges on the weld splices to knock them out of place.

The demolitions of WTC1 and WTC2 were accomplished at extremely high, steel-liquefying temperatures-- far in excess of the temperature of burning jet fuel.  But, as you point out, there were also serial explosions.

On film, you can directly observe the melting of steel girders prior to the sequential collapse and explosion of floors, accompanied by high velocity lateral ejections of steel beams and pulverization of tons of concrete into pyroclastic flows.

The sequentially-detonated explosions are visible and audible on recordings, and were also described by numerous witnesses.

It's truly amazing that the obvious audio and visual evidence of the explosive WTC demolitions-- like a well-publicized Zapruder film on steroids-- have been so successfully misinterpreted by the general public for the past 19 years!  Under conditions of shock, people tend to believe what respectable authority figures (e.g., Henry Kissinger, L. Paul Bremer, Ehud Barak) tell them on network television.

We were immediately inundated on 9/11 with the false government narrative about "burning jet fuel," Osama Bin Laden, "Al Qaeda" hijackers, etc.-- not unlike the way the CIA barraged the world media with the Lee Harvey Oswald, Lone-Nut- Commie-in-the-TSBD narrative shortly after JFK's murder.

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45 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

The demolitions of WTC1 and WTC2 were accomplished at extremely high, steel-liquefying temperatures-- far in excess of the temperature of burning jet fuel.  But, as you point out, there were also serial explosions.

On film, you can directly observe the melting of steel girders prior to the sequential collapse and explosion of floors, accompanied by high velocity lateral ejections of steel beams and pulverization of tons of concrete into pyroclastic flows.

The sequentially-detonated explosions are visible and audible on recordings, and were also described by numerous witnesses.

It's truly amazing that the obvious audio and visual evidence of the explosive WTC demolitions-- like a well-publicized Zapruder film on steroids-- have been so successfully misinterpreted by the general public for the past 19 years!  Under conditions of shock, people tend to believe what respectable authority figures (e.g., Henry Kissinger, L. Paul Bremer, Ehud Barak) tell them on network television.

We were immediately inundated on 9/11 with the false government narrative about "burning jet fuel," Osama Bin Laden, "Al Qaeda" hijackers, etc.-- not unlike the way the CIA barraged the world media with the Lee Harvey Oswald, Lone-Nut- Commie-in-the-TSBD narrative shortly after JFK's murder.

There are some unexplained noises in the audio recordings, and the witness record, but none of those were loud enough to be comparable to ordinary cutter charges.

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3 hours ago, Micah Mileto said:

There are some unexplained noises in the audio recordings, and the witness record, but none of those were loud enough to be comparable to ordinary cutter charges.


      Here's some visual evidence and witness testimony about the serial explosions that brought down the towers--  e.g.,  "The bombs just started exploding... boom...boom...boom..boom..."

     If you study the film, you can clearly see the serial explosions that were described by multiple witnesses.






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2 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


      Here's some visual evidence and witness testimony about the serial explosions that brought down the towers--  e.g.,  "The bombs just started exploding... boom...boom...boom..boom..."

     If you study the film, you can clearly see the serial explosions that were described by multiple witnesses.






Yes, I am aware of all that. But the WTC collapses were no where near as loud as a typical explosive demolition device. So If the WTC was a demolition, it probably should have involved some rare sophisticated technology.

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Why was this building detonated? I can see the evidence that it was, but have a hard time believing it was deliberate. I’ve read that the buildings had a fail safe detonation mechanism built in. Did anyone die in that building? Do readers believe that all three buildings were brought down by detonation? 

for me the smoking gun has always been the protection of the plot and plotters before and after the event. 

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2 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

Why was this building detonated? I can see the evidence that it was, but have a hard time believing it was deliberate. I’ve read that the buildings had a fail safe detonation mechanism built in. Did anyone die in that building? Do readers believe that all three buildings were brought down by detonation? 

for me the smoking gun has always been the protection of the plot and plotters before and after the event. 


     IMO, the spectacular explosive demolitions of the World Trade Center on 9/11 were a carefully planned psy op-- a "New Pearl Harbor" event-- to mobilize outrage and popular support in the U.S. for implementation of the PNAC "Wolfowitz Doctrine," later dubbed, "the Bush Doctrine."   Among other military interventions in the Middle East, the plan called for overthrow of Saddam Hussein.   General Wesley Clark later claimed that officials in the Rumsfeld-Wolfowitz-Feith Pentagon told him shortly after 9/11 that, "We are going to take out 7 countries in 5 years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and, finishing off, Iran." *

    As for these specific buildings-- WTC1 and WTC2-- they were leased by New York real estate tycoon Larry Silverstein from the Port Authority in July of 2001, just a few weeks before 9/11.  Among other issues at the time, they required asbestos removal/mitigation.  (WTC7 was built and owned by Silverstein for years.)

    Silverstein insured the buildings by September of 2001 through a consortium of international financiers, and there was an odd rider stipulating that, in the event of a terrorist attack on the WTC, the insurers would not be permitted to conduct an independent forensic examination of the damaged buildings.

    Silverstein, ultimately, collected $4.5 billion in insurance on his original $15 million July 2001 down payment for the WTC lease.



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17 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


      Here's some visual evidence and witness testimony about the serial explosions that brought down the towers--  e.g.,  "The bombs just started exploding... boom...boom...boom..boom..."

     If you study the film, you can clearly see the serial explosions that were described by multiple witnesses.

 [video link removed in quote]



15 hours ago, Micah Mileto said:

Yes, I am aware of all that. But the WTC collapses were no where near as loud as a typical explosive demolition device. So If the WTC was a demolition, it probably should have involved some rare sophisticated technology.

There are many witnesses who describe the explosions and their sound as being as loud or louder than the initial explosive impacts. I'm not talking about "pows" and "bams" but "BOOMS" which shook the entire building and sometimes the entire complex.

Reports of explosions:

Fire Patrolman Paul Curran


...With that, all a sudden the tower went completely -- a horrendous noise, a very, very, tremendous explosion...

Firefighter James Murphy


...That's when 30 seconds after the lieutenant left you could hear the noise. I was looking down towardss West Street, because that's where it seemed like it was coming from. You just heard -- I thought it was a third plane that hit, because when we were going in there was a couple of cops. When we made the right onto Liberty, they said, "Be careful, guys, there's a third plane heading in." So thats what I thought it was. It just seemed like a long time that it was -- it didn't seem like an explosion. It was like boom, boom, and then just got louder and louder...

Firefighter Fernando Camacho


...As we came in through the revolving doors, the lights went out. A second or two later everything started to shake. You could hear explosions...

Firefighter Craig Carlsen


...I guess about three minutes later you just heard explosions coming from building two, the south tower. It seemed like it took forever, but there were about ten explosions. At the time I didn't realize what it was. We realized later after talking and finding out that it was the floors collapsing to where the plane had hit...

Firefighter Thomas Turilli



...The door closed, they went up, and it just seemed a couple seconds and all of a sudden you just heard like it almost actually that day sounded like bombs going off, like boom, boom, boom, like seven or eight...

Firefighter Stephen Viola


...that's when the south tower collapsed, and it sounded like a bunch of explosions. You heard like loud booms, but I guess it was all just stuff coming down...

Firefighter Richard Carletti

...When the north tower collapsed, I remember seeing the antenna do a little rock back and forth and I could just hear the floors pancaking. I heard if for 30 pancakes, just boom, boom, boom, boom and the dust blew up to us...

Firefighter Kevin Gorman


...We were between the two towers. At that time, I would say we heard an urgent message from OEM, it said, where OEM informs us that there is a third plane en route...


...there was a cop I knew who came by and gave me a drink of water, and then as he was standing there, he said, "Aviation just reported that the north tower is leaning." I said, "Which was is it leaning?" He said, "This way."..



...and as I was looking at him I heard the explosion, looked up, and saw like three floors explode, saw the antenna coming down, and turned around and ran north.

Q. About how long would you say it was from when the police officer told you it was leaning?

A. Within 30 seconds...




...you had the second collapse. What happened at this point? You got engulfed in the smoke again?

A. In the ash...


Firefighter John Wilson


...It was just like a crescendo sound like boom, boom, boom, and it just got louder and faster for like -- what did it last, ten seconds or something like that...

Firefighter John Malley


...There were secondary explosions, I don't know, aerosol cans or whatever. But we're in the darkness we see basically the glow of a flashlight and still things coming down. The noise, the explosions, whatever it was. I don't know, we just realized we had to get the heck out of there...


...At that point I didn't know the building came down. I thought I was still in the explosion...

Firefighter Christopher Fenyo


...At that point a debate began to rage because the perception was that the building looked like it had been taken out with charges. We had really no concept of the damage on the east side of 2 World Trade Center at that point, and at that point many people had felt that possibly explosives had taken out 2 World Trade...

Firefighter Kenneth Rogers


...Meanwhile we were standing there with about five companies and we were just waiting for our assignment and then there was an explosion in the south tower, which according to this map, this exposure just blew out in flames. A lot of guys left at that point. I kept watching. Floor after floor after floor. One floor under another after another and when it hit about the fifth floor, I figured it was a bomb, because it looked like a synchronized deliberate kind of thing. I was there in '93..

Chief Frank Cruthers


...the south tower, 2 World Trade Center, there was what appeared to be at first an explosion. It appeared at the very top, simultaneously from all four sides, materials shot out horizontally. And then there seemed to be a momentary delay before you could see the beginning of the collapse...

Chief Mark Steffens


...Then there was another it sounded like an explosion and heavy white powder, papers, flying everywhere...

Lieutenant Brian Becker


...I'd say we were in the 30th or 31st, 32nd Floor, or something like that , and a few of the guys were lying wiped out on the floor , you know, taking a break with their masks off and lying in the hallway when there was a very loud roaring sound and a very loud explosion, and the -- it felt like there was an explosion above us, and I had a momentary concern that our building was collapsing...

Assistant Commissioner Stephen Gregory

This interview has a significant portion redacted.



...No. I know I was with an officer from Ladder 146, a Lieutenant Evangelista, who ultimately called me up a couple of days later just to find out how I was. We both for whatever reason -- again, I don't know how valid this is with everything that was going on at that particular point in time, but for some reason I thought that when I looked in the direction of the Trade Center before it came down, before No. 2 came down, that I saw low-level flashes. In my conversation with Lieutenant Evangelista, never mentioning this to him, he questioned me and asked me if I saw low-level flashes in front of the building, and I agreed with him because I thought -- at that time I didn't know what it was. I mean, it could have been as a result of the building collapsing, things exploding, but I saw a flash flash flash and then it looked like the building came down.

 Q. Was that on the lower level of the building or up where the fire was?

 A. No, the lower level of the building. You know like when they demolish a building, how when they blow up a building, when it falls down? That's what I thought I saw. And I didn't broach the topic to him, but he asked me. He said I don't know if I'm crazy, but I just wanted to ask you because you were standing right next to me. He said did you see anything by the building? And I said what do you mean by see anything? He said did you see any flashes? I said, yes, well, I thought it was just me. He said no, I saw them, too. I don't know if that means anything. I mean, I equate it to the building coming down and pushing things down, it could have been electrical explosions, it could have been whatever. But it's just strange that two people sort of say the same thing and neither one of us talked to each other about it. I mean, I don't know this guy from a hole in the wall. I was just standing next to him. I never met the man before in my life. He knew who I was I guess by my name on my coat and he called me up, you know, how are you doing? How's everything? And, oh, by the way did you ... It was just a little strange.

 Q. On the television pictures it appeared as well, before the first collapse, that there was an explosion up on the upper floors.

A. I know about the explosion on the upper floors. This was like eye level. I didn't have to go like this. Because I was looking this way. I'm not going to say it was on the first floor or the second floor, but somewhere in that area I saw to me what appeared to be flashes. I don't know how far down this was already. I mean, we had heard the noise but, you know, I don't know...


There are some other, interesting reports from the day as well:

One interesting event for which it is hard to post the "details" of is something which happened on or around the George Washington Bridge at the same time. There are multiple redacted interviews which refer to this event and how interesting and peculiar the event appears to be. I have never been able to find out what this event was.

Battalion Chief Dominick DeRubbio

This interview has a small portion redacted.


...It was weird how it started to come down. It looked like it was a timed explosion,but I guess it was just the floors starting to pancake one on top of the other...

Interesting people on site:

Firefighter William Reynolds


...What I had forgotten to state previous to this, before the towers had fallen, two emergency service cops had come up to us in wired gear, carrying uzis and asked if we had seen any civilians. They said, "If you see any, come get us. Don't go near the civilians." At that time there were no civilians around, in my eye shot...


...I remember seeing a civilian, the first civilian that I saw, he was carrying a bag and I thought, you have to watch out for the civilians and I was thinking, maybe I should take his bag and throw it in the water, because I didn't know what it was. Then I thought maybe of throwing him in the water. Then I said, "No. He's walking south. I'll work north and get away from him." I remember discussing with other guys that maybe there is people around that would shoot us. Then we went over closer to the water and there was a barge there. I remember thinking, this might be an oil barge and there might be a bomb on it...

Lieutenant Brian Becker


...We got to the lobby, and we saw things. We saw an arrest being made of some Arab-looking type guy. I think he had a blue uniform type World Trade Center type maintenance type person. It was my impression. It didn't seem important to me. It seemed like he was being arrested by a Port Authority type policeman. That's my impression. I remember them putting cuffs on him, and I remember one of the firemen saying, "Look, they're arresting the guy," and I said, "Never mind that. Never mind that."...

EMT Michael D'Angelo


...Something I noticed from when I was standing in front of the Embassy Suites at the time, I saw that the US Secret Service were bringing somebody, and Arab man in a suit, covered in soot, walking away in handcuffs. I remember that distinctly, because the guy looked right in my eyes...

Lieutenant Robert Larocco


...Anyway, at this point three guys started running towards me. One guy believe it or not -- it may sound weird, but to me an Arabic-looking guy, American though. And the two guys that were chasing were yelling, "Stop, stop, FBI, FBI." One guy was a tall white guy. He had a long-sleeved white shirt and tie on. Anyway, I watched them chase this fellow toward me. Just as the guy was passing to my right maybe about 12 feet away, the so-called FBI guys, they get a hold of the guy, threw him on the floor and put cuffs on him. The next second I heard that loudest noise in the world that I was describing before getting louder and louder...

Deputy Commissioner Frank Gribbon


...At that point, there is a group of guys in suits that start walking south on North End Avenue. I asked them who they were and they said they are secret service and they are looking for one of their guys. I called out to some fireman because they are wearing rubber gloves. They got suits on...

Briam Smith



...So we picked him up, and we tried doing like a soldier carry with our arms on each shoulder, and it just wasn't working out, because he wouldn't let go of his briefcase , and he was whacking us in the face with it, and no matter how much we tried to make him let go of it, he wouldn't let go, you know, and we come to find out the guy has like half a million dollars in cash in his briefcase, you know, and really it was a lot --

Q. It was one million cash...


Third plane:

Firefighter John Malley


...As we're halfway across the street, we hear on the radio about an urgent message or a mayday message about a third plane en route...

Firefighter Sidney Parris


...At that particular time, I saw another FBI agent come by, who was starting to log some of the things. He was on his transmission, talking to whoever. They told me that another plane was in the area, and we thought that - the chauffeurs -- some of the guys that were out in the street thought it was a third plane. At that particular time, I walked to the corner of Church, because I heard the plane, but I couldn't see anything. Afraid it was going to hit the same part of the twin tower and make it topple and start a domino effect. As I got to the corner of Church and Vesey, that's when the building, the south tower, came down right on the corner, and from that point on, it was like mayhem for me...


Firefighter Edward Kennedy


...We were on Liberty Street and we came out into there and it just look like something that -- it looked like a bomb, of course, had gone off, almost like a nuclear bomb...

Firefighter Richard Carletti


...As we passed that, we came into the debris field. It was jet parts and body parts. I distinctly remember seeing a woman's hand. It was cut off at the wrist. She had wedding ring, so it had to be a left hand, and then I looked to the left and I just saw the rib cage with nothing in it and there was just debris...

Lieutenant Robert Larocco


...There were people's unidentifiable guts here and there on Liberty Street. The one thing that I remember most wsa that I noticed forearm and hand. It looked like a young woman. Her hand was manicured, and she had a nice ring on. I looked at it for like an extra half a second. I was amazed how it kind of looked fake, like a mannequin...

EMT Orlando Martinez



...Once we started taking off, I guess 30 feet in front of us, there was a lady on the ground by the curb and she was just waving her arms. That's all she could wave. Her legs were crushed. Apparently she got hit by part of the landing gear, one of the tires of the airplane. There was a large tire next to her. The person who was next to her, I guess worked with her, said something hit her. It may have been the landing gear. It was a large piece of metal that was so sharp it slit her whole back open, buttocks. Her legs were exposed, bones. I told Frank, jump out of the back of the bus, get the stretcher. So we too the second degree burn patient out of the stretcher, threw him on the bench. We placed him on the bench. We took the stretcher out, took the long board.

Q. In your words. 

A. Yes. We boarded her as fast as we could. There was nowhere to grab her, She was too slippery, so I just grabbed the hip bone. That was exposed...


Lieutenant Richard Smiouskas


...I looked up and saw body parts, feet, a hand with a ring on it, a face with a mustache and eyes and part of an ear. Just a face, no head, just a face. I saw like the window of an airplane, one of those small plastic windows...


...I was photographing the fire from the roof. I had a long lens on the camera, and I had people in the windows. It looked like they were being -- they weren't actually jumping. one or two people I saw, they seemed like they were being forced out by the people behind them. There was half a dozen faces. In between the smoke you could see people...

Firefighter Kirk Long


...We made it up to the 22nd floor. We stood there for a couple minutes. I believe Andy Desperito talked to the battalion through the fire warden phones. We did locate somebody at the end of the hall, but everything was blown out. The ceiling had fallen. The drop ceiling had blown to the floor. Some of the walls were blown out...

Lieutenant Brian Becker


...Team up with Engine 4 and start your way up," and I remember specifically asking him how are we going up, and I remember thinking that it was a stupid question, because I knew the elevators were blown out, but I just asked it anyway, just in case he knew something I didn't know, and he said , "You're walking." I have an impression of smoke around the elevators , and bent doors, and it was pretty -- the lobby was pretty devastated...

Paramedic Gary Smiley



...As I was coming across the street, across Church Street, is when the second plane hit the south tower, at that point we ran across the street going towards St.Pauls and there was a fire engine on the corner of Vesey. We hid behind the fire engine and we got hit with a lot of debris.

It took I don't know how long for that to stop. I know it was hot because we all were -- I remember Danny looking at me and saying you are like red as a beet, because we probably got flash burns from the fireball...


Firefighter Richard Saulle


......We got through the tunnel. What we saw on the floor was amazing. There were plane parts, cars wrecked, body parts. It looked like Tales of the Crypt. There were arms sticking up in the air and bodies were just shredded all of the place. There was a car that we drove by that the driver's door and the passenger door were open, and there was a plane motor on the back half of the car. Two inches more, and both these guys would have been dead too. That was their ticket. It was amazing. The car was actually cut right in half with this motor, right there back of the front seat...

Firefighter Michael Hazel


...But we eventually got through the tunnel, and at first we started seeing bitas and pieces, when we turned up West Street, of the plane and what turned out to be body parts. But the closer we got, the bigger parts got, the plane parts and the body parts, and it finally got to the point where I was facing forward and I told the proby, who was facing the rear, not to look anymore because I told him the things he was going to see he'd rather not see and that he would never be able to get it out of his head if he did see them. At that point, Smitty was driving. That's when he started trying to snake his way up West Street. There was a lot of debris in the street and I remember yealling to the Lieutenant to keep going because stuff as sitll landing all around us. We just ppassed a compact car where the engine was running and the door was open, which looked to me like the driver had escaped, but from the back seat to the trunk was crushed by a jet engine...



Edited by Mark Stevens
tried to fix formatting
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If you study the collapse of building no 7, you will see that it falls directly downwards. If (as alleged) the fire that had started,  had weakened steel lower down the building, then the building would have collapsed in the direction of the weakened structure. It didn't it fell straight down, a sign of arranged demolition. `look at other arranged demolitions and you will see the way they demolish building on purpose. Just like Building 7 was demolished.


Watch this video and the way the buildings collapse (after 38 secs into the video) Remind you of Building 7?



Edited by Ray Mitcham
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27 minutes ago, Douglas Caddy said:


    This Wikipedia article about the observed free fall collapse of WTC7 on 9/11 is pseudo-scientific nonsense-- and I say that as a guy who was recruited to tutor physics when I was an undergrad at Brown back in the day.

     Office fires don't cause 47-floor steel skyscrapers to suddenly collapse in a symmetrical free fall.  That bogus NIST non-explanation simply defies the laws of Newtonian physics.

     Something had to abruptly eliminate all resistance to free fall acceleration.

     WTC7 was expertly demolished by pre-planted explosives on 9/11, after Larry Silverstein, in his own words, "told them to pull it."

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