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Deconstructing JFK: A Coup D'Etat over Foreign Policy?

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Jim - is it possible that Doug and others never considered that LeMay landed where he did in order to be closer to the autopsy location? Am I the only one that wonders about this? 

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Paul and Chuck,

I never heard him say that, but it is a distinct possibility. Isn't it something that to my knowledge, the HSCA never interviewed LeMay.

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Sterling's article is now at a new site, Bravo Rick.

As the cliche goes, more than one way to skin a cat.



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On 1/28/2021 at 10:07 PM, Ron Bulman said:

The best concise big picture piece I've ever read, though I don't pretend to be well read on all the subjects.  

Lumumba being killed by enemies he was turned over to by the CIA, three days before JFK's inauguration on January 20 is telling.  That the President Elect was not told of this until February 13, well after he'd become President, over two weeks, is incriminating.  JFK had known support of Lumumba which is why it took place before he took office.  The picture of JFK's reaction is a national treasure.

The Nixon, Eisenhower, Saud picture says it all about oil.  The grins.  Though the details that explain this are new to me.

A United States of Africa. That's a unique concept.

Dimona...  This article should lead to a book.  Angleton gave the Israeli's enriched plutonium to make Atomic Bomb's after JFK died.

Is the Liberty photo legit enhanced?  If actual, stunning.

Need to re read.  Deep.  Note to self, "White Wash", but not about Harold Weisberg?

Ok, White Wash were the last word's of the article.  Nkrumah when shown the Warren Commission Reports saw Dulles name and said White Wash.  Perceptive for an African leader of the time.

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Great story isn't it?

I found Mahoney's book at the little ski town of Julian near Mt Palomar.  I was in a used book store and I saw that iconic picture of JFK getting the news of Lumumba's death. Then i opened up the book and leafed through it and saw that story about Nkrumah. And I bought it off of that.  That was about 1997 and I wrote an article based largely on the book.



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Can anyone imagine LBJ or Ike reacting like that to the news of Lumumba's death?

Ike ordered him killed and LBJ sent in the Cuban exiles to get rid of the last of his followers.

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On 1/26/2021 at 12:40 PM, Greg Doudna said:

James D., a personal note to add here: the recovery of the Republican Party after the Goldwater disastrous loss in 1964, to the point of the 1968 election of Nixon, has been credited to, more than any other single person, the work of the Republican National Committee chair from 1965-1969, a former Ohio State Republican Party chair, named Ray Bliss, from Akron, Ohio. Bliss never ran for political office himself and was not in the headlines or public limelight but was a kingmaker well known to every insider in the Republican Party. He also, as was noted in comment by some peers in obituaries, had a reputation for having no known ideological principles but worked with everyone focused entirely on pragmatic coalition building to put together enough votes to win elections, stunningly with the Nixon election of 1968. Today there is a political institute at the University of Akron named after him with a website giving his biography. 

The reason I mention this background is this: when I was 14 I had a paper route in my neighborhood near the Highland Square district in west Akron. In those days paperboys paid for their papers themselves, delivered them daily, then went around 2-3 evenings every week door to door to collect, with a puncher that would punch out the date on the customer's punch card. With absolutely no idea who this person was, one of my customers was listed as Ray Bliss, who I did not know from Adam. He lived with a socialite looking wife in a modest but well-kept upper-middle-class home on Dodge Avenue on my route.

My first time collecting I knocked on the door and a man, short and smoking, answered, and was unbelievably rude. He was very irritated that I had the nerve to knock on his door asking to be paid for delivering his paper. "All you service people sure want your money don't you!?" he sneered. When I tried to explain what he owed he cursed at me. The socialite wife who appeared moments later seemed embarrassed by his behavior and tried to shush him up while she paid me. Thereafter I never saw him again, only his wife when I went to collect, and she was always nice to me. 

I still had no idea who he was, only the rude arrogant customer on my route, when at a later stage they moved away on me leaving five weeks unpaid, which to a paperboy was a significant loss. I tracked down the address they had moved to, some apartment or condominium in another part of Akron, and got my father to drive me over there one evening. When I showed up at the door Mr. Bliss was there AGAIN, and really fumed at the nerve that I would show up asking for money. "You really want that money don't you?" This time I was ready for him. I said, "Yes sir, I delivered your paper in all kinds of weather and you are right, I would like to be paid". Again he expressed contempt for "you service people" while his wife paid me and apologized, and that was the last I had to do with him. 

I am a little amazed in retrospect but it is true: I did not realize who he was until a few years had gone by and I was reading about Ray Bliss of Akron, Ohio, praised and spoken of very highly by famous people. Because of the disconnect in glowing descriptions with the rude customer I remembered by the same name I first wondered if my customer was a different person by the same name. But when I saw a photo of the former Republican Party national chair I saw it was him. 

For a long time I was completely baffled at his reaction of being so irritated by a paperboy collecting for delivery of a paper for which he was a voluntary subscriber, which certainly was not a typical reaction. As I reconstructed it, the only interpretation that made sense is: as Republican Party national chair he spent most of his time in Washington, D.C., rarely getting home to Akron except for brief visits during that period. After the election of Nixon, Nixon thanked Bliss for his good work then replaced him. The newly-unemployed Bliss (perhaps not in the best of spirits) had just returned to Akron when, knowing nothing of any of that background, I had the misfortune to unwittingly knock on his door that evening. He may not have known that paperboys normally collected in the evening, and may have thought knocking on his door in the evening asking for money was out of line. 

Just an experience of a 14-year old encountering an attitude of the former national chair of the Republican Party, 1965-1969, toward "you service people". 

Hi Greg: Your personal recollections are most interesting.  Definitely credible.  What a nasty person Ray Bliss was.  DSL  

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On 1/30/2021 at 3:23 AM, James DiEugenio said:

Great story isn't it?

I found Mahoney's book at the little ski town of Julian near Mt Palomar.  I was in a used book store and I saw that iconic picture of JFK getting the news of Lumumba's death. Then i opened up the book and leafed through it and saw that story about Nkrumah. And I bought it off of that.  That was about 1997 and I wrote an article based largely on the book.



June 13: The Rare but Shameful Censure of a Sitting U. S. Senator – Today in Connecticut History (todayincthistory.com)

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Dodd was a really bad guy.  And his staff turned on him after the JFK assassination.  Since when he flew into Washington that day he said the country would never get over what JFK did in fifty years.  He then called in Ed Butler as a witness to his committee.



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I should add this about Dodd, in  novel Corruption of Blood, he has a fictional character representing Dodd's son Chris who is on the investigative committee. Tanenbaum's novel implicates this character in the cover up, based on the corruption of blood clause in the Constitution.

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5 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

I should add this about Dodd, in his novel Corruption of Blood, he has a fictional character representing Dodd's son Chris who is on the investigative committee. Tanenbaum's novel implicates this character in the cover up, based on the corruption of blood clause in the Constitution.

So HSCA assistant prosecutor Robert Tannenbaum, in his historically based fictional Corruption Of Blood does in essence blame the sins of the father Thomas Dodd, for his complicity in the cover up on son Christopher, for his continued complicity?  I'm probably all screwed up on my google searches regarding the little bit I'd read about this before.

JFK Facts » Rob Tannenbaum’s ‘spellbinding’ presentation on the HSCA’s thwarted JFK investigation

Edited by Ron Bulman
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BTW, if you look at that thread, the McAdams/Davison penguin act about Tanenbaum, namely that he did not have the document about Oswald's voice not being on the tape when Phillips testified, see neither of them talked to Bob about that.  I did later.  What he meant there was that Sprague did not have it when Philips first testified before the HSCA.  This was partly my fault since I did not let him proof the interview before we printed it.  Not good journalism by me. My only excuse is that it was the first really big interview we did.

BTW, that document that impeached Phillips, it was given to him by Lane.  It was given to Lane by Don Freed. Tanenbaum held regular office hours on Thursdays when anyone could come in and talk to him or drop off exhibits. Lane came in, dropped off the document in an envelope, and then turned to leave. Tanenbaum asked him if he want to explain anything.  Lane said no, he understood who he was and so he knew he would know how to handle the document.  He did.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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JFK vs. Allen Dulles: Battleground Indonesia Paperback – November 17, 2020

by Greg Poulgrain (Author), Oliver Stone (Introduction), James DiEugenio (Afterword)



JFK vs. Allen Dulles - LewRockwell


[Author of this book review closes it with high praise for Jim DiEugenio and Oliver Stone.]

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