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KENNEDYS & KING - Zero Fail: Déjà vu All Over Again

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Saves me the trouble of posting it.



Interesting info about VInce's work and this big bestseller in the timing department.

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I would like to add here that someone also hacked the Weisberg archive shortly prior to these Amazon hacks. All of the content of the site was removed by a hacker named Emma-North Best, which she put on her own page on archive[dot]org, then the Hood site was shut down and defaced.

They got it working again.

North-Best is a very well known hacker who was involved in hacking Gab and a few other social media sites. Right-wing nutjobs referred to her as a "Tranny Demon Hacker" on Twitter...

Judging by her writing over at MuckRock, she is a staunch anti-Garrisonite who wrote a smear piece on Garrison. Interestingly, she wrote in legal documents concerning her legal name change (she was born with a male name) that she needed to change her name because she "works in counterintelligence" and did not want anyone being able to connect her to family.

She is also close friends with MARK ZAID and he has represented her in a legal capacity in FOIA lawsuits. These things should set off red flags to people paying close attention.

North-Best is also well known for being behind the group "Distributed Denial of Secrets" which is kind of like Wikileaks. (except that they hate Wikileaks, and want to supplant Wikileaks to become the central source for leaks). My suspicion is that this group and Emma Best both are intelligence community assets, but this is just speculation on my part based mostly on Emma-Best's disruptive behavior and her on-the-record statement that she works in counterintelligence. To me, she's an intelligence-connected and employed hacker. 

I believe it was North-Best who hacked Hood college's Weisberg archive and have strong suspicions that she may be involved in other things targeting our community. 

Here is a snippet from the official name change document that Emma North-Best submitted where she admits that she is studying counterintelligence and intends to work in national security and counterintelligence. Her name before changing it was Daniel Burnet.

I have no reason to suspect she was behind the Amazon hacks (besides being anti-JFK researcher, a skilled hacker, and a counterintelligence asset), but it's certainly possible and definitely a certainty that if it wasn't her it was someone like her, in the employ of the same people.



Edited by Richard Booth
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Thanks for this, really interesting.

Between this and VInce, I would say the JFK case is much alive.

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2 hours ago, W. Tracy Parnell said:

Must be the evil conspiracy at work again.

Well, yeah, obviously. It could be one of the lone nutters but the level of sophistication and maliciousness indicates otherwise. As far as I know you guys don't usually commit felonies to spread your b.s. 

The only thing worse than people who are doing these kinds of things professionally because they're paid to do it are people who do it for free.

It's like the difference between a paid member of Pinochet's secret police and a guy who shows up at rallies holding a "WE LOVE PINOCHET" sign and making fun of people talking "conspiracy theories" about disappearing students...

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2 hours ago, W. Tracy Parnell said:

Ray and Richard,

Sorry, I usually resist urges to respond in this manner but I had a weak momment.

It's expected -- any time something happens which shows that this subject is sensitive--that there is a tangible opposition to researchers--the lone nutter crowd is expected to minimize it and suggest we're paranoid for arguing that there is some kind of conspiracy behind the malicious behavior. 

In this case, what we have here is either someone who works at Amazon having done this--for whatever reason--or someone outside of Amazon doing it and probably committing some felonies, computer crimes. The lone nutter will say it's all just a coincidence. Anyone else who sees what happened realizes something malicious happened. 

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4 hours ago, Richard Booth said:

It's expected -- any time something happens which shows that this subject is sensitive--that there is a tangible opposition to researchers--the lone nutter crowd is expected to minimize it and suggest we're paranoid for arguing that there is some kind of conspiracy behind the malicious behavior. 

In this case, what we have here is either someone who works at Amazon having done this--for whatever reason--or someone outside of Amazon doing it and probably committing some felonies, computer crimes. The lone nutter will say it's all just a coincidence. Anyone else who sees what happened realizes something malicious happened. 

Well said!

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5 hours ago, Vince Palamara said:

Well said!

Thanks. Anyone who did this was pretty short sighted. What did it accomplish? What, so some books weren't easy to access for a period of time? 

Big f'n deal -- at the end of the day the only thing this did was show some people desperate to keep the lid on the subject. 

The bigger and more effective effort in the truth embargo is weaponizing the term conspiracy theory to ensure that even if these books exist, people are so afraid to talk about them or the details within lest they might be accused of being some kind of "conspiracy theorist"

People's egos are so fragile that this is an effective way to prevent discussion. Just stigmatize the hell out of out.

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Abrams, Woolsey and Leonnig: three in a row.  All getting much exposure for what--as far as JFK goes--is BS?

That is a coincidence?

And the books all coincide with the release of the last files, and Stone's film debuting at Cannes?

Edited by James DiEugenio
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17 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Abrams, Woolsey and Leonnig: three in a row.  All getting much exposure for what--as far as JFK goes--is BS?

That is a coincidence?

And the books all coincide with the release of the last files, and Stone's film debuting at Cannes?

My mentor, Lt. Colonel Roger Charles, always told me to ask this question:

"Why now?"

You've answered it, in this matter.

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19 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Abrams, Woolsey and Leonnig: three in a row.  All getting much exposure for what--as far as JFK goes--is BS?

That is a coincidence?

And the books all coincide with the release of the last files, and Stone's film debuting at Cannes?


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