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Destroying the WC Lies --- The Rifle, Conclusion

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The "Smoking Gun"

by Gil Jesus ( 2021 )

For nearly 60 years the public has been confused and purposely mislead by a systematic and continuous barrage of disinformation relating to the assassination of President Kennedy.  This began with the Warren Commission, continued with the House Select Committee on Assassinations, and was continuously promoted with an endless stream of Oswald-did-it books and made-for-TV documentaries. Over the years numerous books were written about the life of Lee Harvey Oswald by his mother, his wife, and his brother--people who allegedly knew Oswald better than anyone. But these books in particular are filled with inaccuracies and were designed and promoted to fool and confuse the public about the life and background of Lee Harvey Oswald. 

80% of the public believes that the assassination of President Kennedy was the result of a conspiracy and few believe that Oswald was the shooter. 

Many of these people have been hoping for a "smoking gun" to emerge that would solve the JFK mystery once and for all. The public's perception of a single "smoking gun" will probably never happen. But there is a "smoking gun" and there has always been a "smoking gun," right before our eyes, and for many years. This "smoking gun" does not have a magic bullet that will solve the JFK assassination with a single piece of evidence, a singular event, or a single witness. This "smoking gun" is more like a shotgun, with buckshot consisting of numerous unexplained, confusing, and misleading pieces of information that have never been properly or thoroughly investigated. By studying these very important details, and understanding their purpose and their meaning, you can piece this evidence together like a puzzle. What emerges is the proverbial "smoking gun." As the old saying goes, "the devil is in the details." 

Study these details, the minute details, again and again, and you most certainly learn and understand the subsequent coverup of the assassination.

These "smoking guns" will not show us who was behind the assassination, but they will clearly show that the FBI deliberately manipulated crucial pieces of evidence and failed to conduct a thorough investigation. And they will show how the Warren Commission used FBI reports, testimony from FBI officials, and documentation acquired by the FBI in a blatant and deliberate attempt to "prove" that Oswald purchased and used the rifle to murder President Kennedy.

They will show us the extent to which the Dallas Police went to frame an innocent man and how the FBI and Warren Commission covered it up. In the end you will know why Ruby killed Oswald: to prevent him from going to trial and exposing this fake evidence.

Then the question becomes: if Oswald was guilty as charged, why would they have to fake the evidence ?

One of the "smoking guns" in the assassination is, ironically, the rifle allegedly ordered and purchased thru the mail by Oswald. 

In this nine part series on the rifle, I've tried to expose the inconsistencies regarding this piece of "evidence". While there is so much more to this assassination story than I care go get into, my research has been over the years to examine the evidence against Oswald and it is there that I make a stand.

Now, let's look at the details of the rifle carefully and find out how we were misled.

In a normal investigation, you would produce as evidence only those things that support your charges. For example, in tracking the rifle one would produce only the documentation that includes the rifle or the carton it was in. But the Warren Commission produced shipping documents that did not include carton 3376, which included rifle C2766. As a result there is no record when carton number 3376 was removed from the Harborside Warehouse. It arrived at the Harborside on 10/25/60 and isn't seen again on record until it appears on Crescent Firearms invoice # 3178 dated 2/7/63. 

That invoice 3178 lists 10 cartons shipped to Klein's Sporting Goods, but only nine are actually checked off. The tenth, carton # 3376 is not checked off. The Commission produced 4 shipping documents showing 264 rifles were removed from Harborside but none of those documents listed the carton numbers that were taken.
Without a reference to carton 3376, these documents are worthless as evidence and prove nothing. In addition, the FBI used an undated list of serial numbers to show carton 3376 contained a rifle bearing the serial number C2766.  When tracking an object, an undated document is worthless as well.

All of the rifles in the FBI's tracking are "38E". The 38E's were all 36" rifles. There is no evidence that any of these rifles was a 40" rifle.

We now know of at least three 6.5 Mannlicher Carcanos with the serial number C2766. No one less than J. Edgar Hoover himself advised the Warren Commission that more than one rifle had the same serial number.  As long as there was more than one rifle with the same serial number, the serial number as evidence becomes worthless as well.

The money order in evidence was not stamped by any financial institution that handled it and never passed through the Federal Reserve System. The envelope containing the money order was mailed from a postal zone that was 3 zones away from the main post office and Oswald's place of employment at a time when Oswald was documented at work. Oswald must have left work, bought the money order, mailed it and returned to work unnoticed. But there is no evidence that Oswald left work to purchase and mail the money order.

The FBI used a March 1963 monthly statement of a February 1963 Klein's deposit to "prove" that the money order was deposited by Klein's. But the VP of Klein's bank told the FBI that the "$21.45" item on the tape ( Waldman Exhibit 10 ) between the $15.08 and $14.36 items was an American Express Money Order. This is the same one the WC claimed was the "Hidell" postal money order. There is no evidence that this money order was ever actually deposited by Klein's.

Part 3 of Oswald's Post Office Box application was destroyed in violation of Federal postal regulations. The FBI claimed to have checked the part 3 and no one other than Oswald was to receive mail at box 2915. This means that anything addressed to anyone other than Oswald, including "A.Hidell", would be returned to sender. There is no evidence that Oswald ever received the rifle.
 Postal forms ( delivery receipt, seller's statement ) required to be filled out for firearms sales were never filled out for the rifle sale. A "certificate of character" from a judge in the county where "Hidell" lived was also required for the purchase of the rifle. No such certificate exists. 


There were three different types of Mannllcher-Carcano rifles. There was a 42" Long Rifle, a 40.2" Short Rifle and a 36" Troop Special. The rifle "Hidell" allegedly ordered and the rifle they said was shipped was a 36" Troop Special. The rifle found on the sixth floor of the TSBD was a 40.2" Short Rifle. There is no evidence that a 36" rifle was ordered and a 40" rifle was substituted in its stead.

The WC experts comparing Oswald's handwriting used first and second generation COPIES, rather than original documents. The HSCA experts also used copies but explained the problems when not using originals. A document examiner's conclusion is correctly considered a professional opinion, not evidence. Without the original documents, there is no evidence to prove that Oswald's handwriting wasn't forged by a "cut and paste" method.  In fact, the phony "Hidell" selective service card is an example of how much technology they had in this field.

While we're on the subject of "cut and paste", let's look at the rifle in the "backyard photographs".

If anything should give you pause on whether the "backyard photographs" are real or not, it's the sling mounts on the rifle. The sling mounts on the Depository rifle are not the same as the sling mounts on the rifle depicted in those photographs. 

Then there's the condition of the rifle itself. The FBI received the rifle the day after the assassination. They found that the barrel, firing pin and bolt of the Depository rifle had undisturbed rust, indicating that the rifle had not been fired in the recent past. They returned the rifle to Dallas. There is no evidence that the Depository Rifle was ever fired in Dealey Plaza.

The mainstream media has historically been a co-conspirator in the ongoing character assassination of Oswald. For example, it's so-called "experts" viewed the partial fingerprints on the trigger guard and pieced them together to get a whole fingerprint. Then they matched the whole print to Oswald.
But those of us who have done fingerprinting and examined fingerprints, we know that this is not the way it's done. You don't piece partials together. You examine each individual partial and compare it to the whole print. If you have 6 or more similarities, it's considered a match. Anything less is not a match. The more similarities, the stronger the case is for a match.
It's like building a car using a door of a Dodge, the hood of a Chevy and the fender of a Ford and claiming it's a Cadillac. It's ridiculous.
That's why when the FBI first got the rifle and examined the prints they said that there were no legible prints on the trigger guard. Not enough similarities to match Oswald's prints.


Looking at all the evidence with regard to the rifle in detail, it's hard to imagine how any sane person would accept this garbage as evidence. It's harder to imagine that any prosecutor worth his salt would take this case forward. He'd be laughed out of court.

Especially if he were reclaiming history.

The rifle is only one of the "smoking guns" that tell us that Oswald was innocent. I could see them screwing one or two things up, but from the unfair police lineups, to the shirt fibers of a shirt Oswald wasn't wearing at the time of the shooting, to the paper gunsack that wasn't where they said it was, witness' statements being altered, witnesses threatened and intimidated, a magic bullet with no blood on it, piece after piece of evidence in this case proves that the whole thing was fake.

The evidence itself IS the "smoking gun".

If Oswald was as guilty as they said he was, why on earth would they go to such extremes ?

That's why Ruby killed Oswald...to prevent him from going to trial and exposing this travesty of justice. 
And that's the story Ruby couldn't tell in Dallas.


In the months ahead I'll be exposing some more of these "smoking guns" on this and other forums. The world needs to know the truth.

Because there's only one truth and everything else is a lie.

Edited by Gil Jesus
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  • Gil Jesus changed the title to Destroying the WC Lies --- The Rifle, Conclusion

Keep 'em coming Gil.

I'm no expert on ballistics but I've always considered even the botched autopsy to be another 'smoking gun' with the X-ray's showing 'a whole mass of stars' (lead fragments) in JFK's head, supposedly from CE399 according to WC & a FMJ bullet.

Surely a FMJ bullet fired from TSBD would have caused great damage to the front of Kennedy's face, not a large fist size hole in the rear of the head.

+ Thanks for the rif file!

Edited by Pete Mellor
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3 hours ago, Gil Jesus said:

Then there's the condition of the rifle itself. The FBI received the rifle the day after the assassination. They found that the barrel, firing pin and bolt of the Depository rifle had undisturbed rust, indicating that the rifle had not been fired in the recent past. They returned the rifle to Dallas. There is no evidence that the Depository Rifle was ever fired in Dealey Plaza.


Thank you for this information.  There are lots of info that I didn't know in your work.  The one above is something I have never heard anywhere in years of research.  I can cast reasonable doubt that a shot was never fired from the 6th floor Sniper's Nest.  And, the rifle, Oswald's alleged Carcano, was never fired by anyone on the 6th floor making that reasonable doubt a certainty.

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15 minutes ago, John Butler said:


Thank you for this information.  There are lots of info that I didn't know in your work.  The one above is something I have never heard anywhere in years of research.  I can cast reasonable doubt that a shot was never fired from the 6th floor Sniper's Nest.  And, the rifle, Oswald's alleged Carcano, was never fired by anyone on the 6th floor making that reasonable doubt a certainty.

You can cast reasonable doubt that if a shot was fired from the TSBD, it wasn't that rifle. That rifle was junk. Robert Frazier testified that the barrel was "roughened" due to corrosion and wear. His next words were an explanation of what happens when the barrel rusts and how one shot through that barrel removes all rust. He couldn't check the barrel for fouling because when he looked down the barrel he saw rust and he knew the rifle had not been fired in the previous 24 hours.

Edited by Gil Jesus
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Nice one Gil.

BTW, as far as the whole PBS charade about the partial prints etc, in addition to what you say above, Pat Speer did a really nice essay on that one.  What a dog and pony show that one was. The late producer MIke Sullivan, and the deceased examiner, Scalice, pulled a fast one.  The so called new set of photos, was not a new set.

I also agree with you about the number of smoking guns.

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5 hours ago, Gil Jesus said:

The "Smoking Gun"

by Gil Jesus ( 2021 )

"confusing, and misleading pieces of information that have never been properly or thoroughly investigated. By studying these very important details, and understanding their purpose and their meaning, you can piece this evidence together like a puzzle. What emerges is the proverbial "smoking gun." As the old saying goes, "the devil is in the details." 

Study these details, the minute details, again and again, and you most certainly learn and understand the subsequent coverup of the assassination."


Nicely crafted connecting these jigsaw puzzle pieces.

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