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The JFK Assassination Records: The Picture is getting clearer

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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:


Like it or not, Fox is doing the best job, and by a mile, on the JFKA and Records Act. 

Why can't the modern left wing do this? The Daily Beast self-righteously and snottily ridiculed Oliver Stone. 

"To his credit, President Trump released thousands of documents" (no comment about he was supposed to release them all or give specific reasons why not for every one, that what he did was illegal).  ". . . he's skeptical the current president has the 'courage' to 'do the right thing'".  Sounds kind of foxy to me.

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11 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

"To his credit, President Trump released thousands of documents" (no comment about he was supposed to release them all or give specific reasons why not for every one, that what he did was illegal).  ". . . he's skeptical the current president has the 'courage' to 'do the right thing'".  Sounds kind of foxy to me.

Ron B--

Please see my separate post on the Fox news report. I agree with you regarding Trump, on this matter. 

That said, where is NYT-WaPo-WSJ-CBS-NBC on full disclosure...anybody? 

OK, even if you believe the WC...no full disclosure? Why not? Only Fox is clamoring for full disclosure. 

Give credit where credit is due, and Fox is due credit on this matter.

And damn those who do not call loudly and clearly call for full disclosure. 



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10 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


      After he was passed over for the position of Ambassador to South Vietnam, Ed Lansdale was appointed to run Operation Mongoose which, apparently, operated out of JMWave in Miami.  But I don't know what the JMWave organizational chart looked like.

       My impression is that Lansdale was, basically, an Allen Dulles factotum.  Prouty claimed that Lansdale, a psy ops expert, had contacts in the U.S. mainstream media with people like Joe Alsop.  And Dulles, obviously, had relationships with a lot of powerful people in the media.

       I think Talbot (in The Devil's Chessboard) described Dulles maintaining on-going, regular meetings with his "Secret Team" associates after JFK fired him.  And I read somewhere that Dulles was at "the Farm" at Langley on 11/22/63.

I re read a little today in JFK, The CIA, Vietnam and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy along with part of Lansdale's bio.  I thought I'd read that Lansdale never really assimilated with the CIA leadership other than Dulles.  He and John Foster seemed to love him.  He was from Michigan,, raised in California, graduated from USC.  Not part of the east coast Ivy league crowd.  Prouty points out he was a LA advertising agent who enlisted in the OSS then quickly "transferred" to army intelligence.  He also notes OSS agents maintained their affiliation with them when such happened.  Lansdale continued his military cover when if I remember right Dulles got LeMay promoted to Airforce General.

Who would have made a better liaison with the local military intelligence groups in setting up Dealy Plaza? 

Edited by Ron Bulman
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On 8/9/2021 at 5:03 PM, Anthony Thorne said:

The visit to the Farm was discussed in Talbot’s book. 

Less noted - can’t remember if Talbot brought it up - mid ‘63 Dulles was given a good excuse to travel around the country conducting appearances and meetings with various big wigs. His CRAFT OF INTELLIGENCE had just been published, and he decided to go on a wide ranging book tour. 

Yes Anthony, if I remember right Dulles was at his house on the Farm from the evening of Friday 11/22 until Sunday, after Oswald was shot.

I need to look to verify but I think Dulles book tour was only about three stops.  One in Dallas, which he'd never been to before (?), the world wide traveler.  Then he joked about it after the assassination regarding knowing Ruth Paine's mother. 

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On 8/9/2021 at 6:37 PM, Benjamin Cole said:

Ron B--

Please see my separate post on the Fox news report. I agree with you regarding Trump, on this matter. 

That said, where is NYT-WaPo-WSJ-CBS-NBC on full disclosure...anybody? 

OK, even if you believe the WC...no full disclosure? Why not? Only Fox is clamoring for full disclosure. 

Give credit where credit is due, and Fox is due credit on this matter.

And damn those who do not call loudly and clearly call for full disclosure. 



I suspect FAUX has some guilt re: 500,000 (at least) USofA Covid deaths, and how they've shaped their coverage of same. They're looking for any low hanging fruit to get behind. They'll never cover for the sins of Tuck Carlson, etal., but they sure know distraction to the nth degree.

Full disclosure is a pipe dream, just like we found out about subpoena's and executive priledge for Executive Branch Denziens...

FAUX is BS, always will be... Haven't liked Red's and Fascist's since 1962 and here we are surrounded by them...

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7 hours ago, David G. Healy said:

I suspect FAUX has some guilt re: 500,000 (at least) USofA Covid deaths, and how they've shaped their coverage of same. They're looking for any low hanging fruit to get behind. They'll never cover for the sins of Tuck Carlson, etal., but they sure know distraction to the nth degree.

Full disclosure is a pipe dream, just like we found out about subpoena's and executive priledge for Executive Branch Denziens...

FAUX is BS, always will be... Haven't liked Red's and Fascist's since 1962 and here we are surrounded by them...

Hey, Fox called for full disclosure. Give credit where credit is due. Doesn't mean you have to like them, or 99% of their reporting. 

But for the purposes of this Forum, I think it is worth mentioning, and saluting. 

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14 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Hey, Fox called for full disclosure. Give credit where credit is due. Doesn't mean you have to like them, or 99% of their reporting. 

But for the purposes of this Forum, I think it is worth mentioning, and saluting. 

I was in Saigon on 11/22/63, I finally called for full disclosure in '92! Where's my credit? And, they FAUX don't "report", they comment on other's theorizing, commentary and reporting... so enjoy their "reporting," as far as saluting FAUX: nah!

Have a good one!

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21 minutes ago, David G. Healy said:

I was in Saigon on 11/22/63, I finally called for full disclosure in '92! Where's my credit? And, they FAUX don't "report", they comment on other's theorizing, commentary and reporting... so enjoy their "reporting," as far as saluting FAUX: nah!

Have a good one!

I give you credit for calling for full disclosure. 

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On 8/9/2021 at 2:12 AM, James DiEugenio said:

I don't know how he said he saw them all if its really 31,000.  But I got from Mark that this is what is in the Gannon memo apparently after they did their review.

Adam, that was a good one.

Definitely trying to poison the well...

I was astonished on trips to NARA to find how many docs of LHO's trip to USSR were still being withheld. I was also assigned a staff person through whom to place my requests (maybe they even do that with researchers who don't ask to see the limo windshield) James Mathis. When I asked to see the new Garrison documents in 09 I was told that I 'wouldn't be there long enough' to see them.  I translated that to mean they hadn't culled them yet...

Edited by Pamela Brown
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On 8/9/2021 at 8:37 PM, Benjamin Cole said:

Ron B--

Please see my separate post on the Fox news report. I agree with you regarding Trump, on this matter. 

That said, where is NYT-WaPo-WSJ-CBS-NBC on full disclosure...anybody? 

OK, even if you believe the WC...no full disclosure? Why not? Only Fox is clamoring for full disclosure. 

Give credit where credit is due, and Fox is due credit on this matter.

And damn those who do not call loudly and clearly call for full disclosure. 



I wouldn't get too excited about FoxNews. When I was the limo researcher on their 03 JFK/A program, with everything going smoothly, everything stopped for an entire afternoon when I explained to them, through faxes and phone conversation with the producer Peter Russo how the WC reenactment of the assassination was flawed, and even the diagram about it incorrect. They were stumped. After that, they shut me out and did not air the limo segment.  

Then in 2013, after trolling conspiracy, they had Geraldo Rivera claim at the end that it was all done by 'that silly little Communist."...

Don't let your guard down...

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On 8/18/2021 at 12:19 AM, Pamela Brown said:

I wouldn't get too excited about FoxNews. When I was the limo researcher on their 03 JFK/A program, with everything going smoothly, everything stopped for an entire afternoon when I explained to them, through faxes and phone conversation with the producer Peter Russo how the WC reenactment of the assassination was flawed, and even the diagram about it incorrect. They were stumped. After that, they shut me out and did not air the limo segment.  

Then in 2013, after trolling conspiracy, they had Geraldo Rivera claim at the end that it was all done by 'that silly little Communist."...

Don't let your guard down...



Good advice. I am getting my hopes up...but will keep the guard up too. 

Meanwhile, the Deep State is alive and thriving in US media:



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On 8/15/2021 at 8:01 PM, David G. Healy said:

I was in Saigon on 11/22/63, I finally called for full disclosure in '92! Where's my credit? And, they FAUX don't "report", they comment on other's theorizing, commentary and reporting... so enjoy their "reporting," as far as saluting FAUX: nah!

Have a good one!

For you David.  Not trying to say you are.  Thanks for your time there in whatever capacity.


I guess we're too old.


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