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37 minutes ago, Greg Doudna said:

OK David I think you’re right on the coincidence. Brennan already had his 6th floor shooter at 165-175 lbs, first-day written statement, or 160-170, WC testimony, thinks the height was about 5’10”, WC testimony, and the description given by Sawyer juxtaposed with Brennan’s makes Brennan pretty clearly Sawyer’s source. Therefore the agreement with the preexisting Oswald height and weight does look like coincidence, a “false positive” so to speak. 

That is coincidence, but it still seems a bit much to me that Baker also has the exact same 165 lbs applied to his non-165 lbs Oswald, not because Baker did not run into Oswald (as Oswald was about to exit the second floor to go down the NW stairwell to exit out the back as I understand it), but because Baker must have picked up the 165 lb estimate overheard from somewhere, and having no clearer idea of Oswald’s weight just used the 165, though Baker’s height estimate (5’9”) and clothing description would be original to him. 

Marrion Baker was coached to put 165 pounds in his statement by his fellow dirty Dallas cops who were involved in the frame up of Oswald. Baker completely made this up at their request to conform with framing the patsy with the 165 pound description (Oswald was 135 pounds on that day) that had been seeded 5 times by the Dallas Police Dispatcher (who in my opinion was being manipulated by U.S. military intelligence, the plotters who who killed JFK and who wanted a pre-selected patsy in place).

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4 hours ago, David Von Pein said:

Yes....it was coincidence. Without doubt (IMO).

It's a coincidence brought about by Howard Brennan's description of the assassin that he gave to the police (probably to J. Herbert Sawyer).

But maybe Bob Morrow thinks that Brennan was in cahoots with Marguerite on the "5-feet-10, 165 pounds" thing. After all, anything's possible in the bizarre conspiracy-flavored world inhabited by many CTers. 😛


Marguerite Oswald told Dallas FBI agent John Fain in May of 1960 that her son was "5 feet 10 inches" tall and 165 pounds. This same description of Oswald later appeared in an INS and CIA documents created long before the JFK assassination.

Elements of U.S. intelligence used the Dallas police to immediately frame Lee Harvey Oswald with this exact same description of "5 feet 10 inches, 165 pounds" - beginning at 12:44PM.

In my opinion, Howard Brennan did not tell the police that he saw a man "160 to 170 pounds" at any time. The Dallas police on 11-22-1963 late in the day steered Howard Brennan into signing a completely fabricated witness affidavit that would match the frame-up description that the Dallas police sprayed all over their radios from 12:44PM to 1:09PM which they did 5 times.




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14 minutes ago, Robert Morrow said:

Howard Brennan was totally lying. In reality the Dallas police put words into his mouth for the "first day written statement"  - and we don't know exactly when this was written, typed up, massaged and crafted by the Dallas police for Brennan. One thing we do know is this fraudulent statement was created AFTER the immediately framing of Lee Harvey Oswald begin via the Dallas Police Dispatcher at 12:44PM. 

 Dallas FBI agent John W. Fain wrote up this physical description of Oswald in an FBI report dated 5/12/60 – This description was given by Marguerite Oswald and is located on page 145 out of 206 pages of Oswald’s 201 file: https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=95569#relPageId=145 In this FBI report Marguerite Oswald describes her son Lee as “five feet 10 inches, 165 pounds.”

 The 5/12/1960 FBI report was written up by Dallas FBI agent John W. Fain:


One it has been confirmed that Oswald was a pre-selected patsy for the JFK assassination, then EVERYTHING that the Dallas Police and soon the FBI claim about the JFK assassination immediately becomes suspect.

One can't believe ANYTHING those two parties say about the JFK assassination because Oswald has been proven to be framed.

How does this "queering" of the evidence and fabrication of witness statements occur. Very easily, the cops or the FBI steer/suggest the witnesses into saying what the Dallas police and the FBI want them to say. And if "suggesting" does not work, then just fabricate the statement after the fact.

A good example is one of JFK's closest aides Kenny O'Donnell who was told by the FBI to lie to the Warren Commission about not hearing shots from the Grassy Knoll.

Who knows how many witness statements the Dallas police, the FBI and the Warren Commission fabricated or warped to conform to their requirements to frame Lee Harvey Oswald for both the JFK assassination and the murder of Officer J.D. Tippit?

Dozens of times? Hundreds of times?



I thought little of Brennan until a few years back when I went back and read everything he said and noticed a few things. 

For one, he insisted the shooter was not wearing the shirt Oswald was wearing when arrested--y'know the shirt with the fibers magically found on the rifle. This is one of the most overlooked aspects of the case--that the supposed star witness for Oswald's guilt is also a star witness for a frame-up.

For another, I think it's significant that Brennan admitted he only came forward after being tracked down and hounded by a government agent, and that the WC made no effort to identify this agent. This reflects poorly on the FBI and WC, but not so much on Brennan, IMO. I mean, if the WC had been anything but a white wash, they would have performed an investigation as to how and why no record of the line-up where Brennan refused to ID Oswald was forwarded to the commission, and how and why an FBI agent just so happened to go out and visit Brennan at his home and convince him to ID Oswald. 

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On 10/14/2023 at 12:56 AM, David Von Pein said:


Right after Kennedy and Connally step off the plan at Love Field, Lyndon Johnson is at the base of the plane stairs to greet JFK and welcome to Dallas (JFK who Lyndon Johnson knows is trying to utterly destroy him at the moment with coordinated media exposes and a Senate Rules Committee investigation). Just take a look at the grimaced face and look into the eyes and furrowed brow of Gov. John Connally, a long time and close associate of LBJ since the late 1930's. John Connally knows that Lyndon Johnson in regards to the Kennedys is dead meat. In contrast, Lyndon Johnson knows that within an hour or so his hated foe John Kennedy is going to be real dead meat.




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Below is more completely fabricated fantasies and obstructions of justice, committed by the Dallas Police Department, all designed to frame Lee Harvey Oswald for the murder of JFK and also the murder of Officer J.D. Tippit.

What you are seeing is coordinated lying, all across the Dallas Police Dept. in the "Frame Oswald" operation.

Yes, DPD Sergeant Gerald Hill is perjuring himself to the Warren Commission; no such citizen gave Hill a description of 5 feet 10 inches, 160 to 170 pounds, of the Tippit killer (who btw was most definitely NOT Lee Harvey Oswald).

Steve Thomas 12/27/23 post on Education Forum on the Dallas Police Department Framing of Lee Harvey Oswald



WC testimony of DPD Sergeant Gerald Hill:


"We went on to the scene of the shooting where we found a squad car parked against the right or the south curb on 10th Street, with a pool of blood on the left-hand side of it near the side of the car.
Tippit had already been removed. The first man that came up to me, he said, "The man that shot him was a white male about 5'10", weighing 160 to 170 pounds, had on a Jacket and a pair of dark trousers, and brown bushy hair."

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On 9/8/2023 at 6:01 PM, David Von Pein said:


The article quotes LBJ as saying "My daddy used to tell me that the time to kill a snake is when you've got your hoe in your hands" ...




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I just picked out at random this Dayton paper from my newspaper collection. Let's see how many make-believe conspiracies and additional l-i-a-r-s Bob Morrow can find among these front-page articles. I'm sure he can find at least 2 or 3 more fantasy plots hidden in here somewhere. Good luck....


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20 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

I just picked out at random this Dayton paper from my newspaper collection. Let's see how many make-believe conspiracies and additional l-i-a-r-s Bob Morrow can find among these front-page articles. I'm sure he can find at least 2 or 3 more fantasy plots hidden in here somewhere. Good luck....


Dayton Daily News, Nov. 22, 1963, front page article “President Kennedy Assassinated in Texas; Johnson Takes Over”

The paragraph below is at the bottom of the page and the last paragraph in the article


Mr. Kennedy died of a gunshot wound in the brain at approximately 1 p.m. (CST), according to an announcement by acting White House press secretary Malcolm Kilduff. He was shot in the right temple.


JFK was shot in the right temple. A “temple” is located on the FRONT of someone’s head. Which makes perfect sense because JFK’s head kill shot came from the front right behind the stockade fence on the Grassy Knoll.

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When [Dallas District Attorney Henry Wade] asked if there were fingerprints on the gun he said he did not care to go into that at the present time.


It is time to point out that Henry Wade had previously worked for BOTH Lyndon Johnson and J. Edgar Hoover (as an FBI agent) and that Wade was a FORMER COLLEGE ROOMMATE OF JOHN CONNALLY, a longtime LBJ ally. Henry Wade kept pictures of both LBJ and Hoover prominently displayed in his office.

Henry Wade should have just said, nope, there were not fingerprints on the rifle that was found, HOWEVER we will soon be going by the funeral home to see if we can stick a palm print of Oswald's on the interior stock of the gun ...

Henry Wade later said LBJ's people called him often the weekend of the assassination and gave him directions on what to say about the JFK assassination, that there was no conspiracy of any type.



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