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New Article by Dale Myers on Tippit

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10 minutes ago, W. Tracy Parnell said:

There is an app you can install-that is what I use. I currently have about 80 or 85 JFK books (have sold many) and about 50 of them are on Kindle. I will admit that there are times that I prefer the physical book but the Kindle is cost effective and doesn't take up any space in my house. I had the physical version of With Malice when it first came out and sold it (out of greed) when the price went to $60 since I doubled my money. I now have the Kindle version.

There are also online tools that can convert from various epub formats to pdf if that's more convenient.

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9 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

Do you think that the Smith & Wesson revolver (Serial Number V510210) was the weapon that killed J.D. Tippit?

If you answer yes to that question, then the only way for Lee Oswald to be innocent of that crime is if the "idiotic" scenario I mentioned in my last post actually somehow did occur on 11/22. Agreed?

About the only thing that John McAdams and I agreed upon was that the Tippit killing is not the Rosetta Stone etc.  That's garbage. If Oswald was running for his life he may very well have killed Tippit. it's a separate issue from the Kennedy assassination. The argument that he must have been guilty or he wouldn't have killed a cop is just make-believe. It evaporates by the light of day. if he was on the run for his life and thought he'd been set up, a cop is exactly who he'd kill, because that would be the person who would be his greatest threat. 

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Another reply to Dale K Meyers and his book, this one is in two parts.


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22 minutes ago, Pat Speer said:

About the only thing that John McAdams and I agreed upon was that the Tippit killing is not the Rosetta Stone etc.  That's garbage. If Oswald was running for his life he may very well have killed Tippit. it's a separate issue from the Kennedy assassination. The argument that he must have been guilty or he wouldn't have killed a cop is just make-believe. It evaporates by the light of day. if he was on the run for his life and thought he'd been set up, a cop is exactly who he'd kill, because that would be the person who would be his greatest threat. 

That's not what I asked you though, Pat.

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How anyone can take Meyers seriously on the JFK case is astounding.

This is the guy who put together a GIGO computer presentation and then on national TV, he proclaimed the Single Bullet Theory the Single Bullet Fact.

That presentation was utterly destroyed at least five times: Speer, Harris, Mantik, Cranor and Orr.  All on mostly different grounds.

Anyone who can do something like that should not be trusted with anything on the JFK case.

Which is why I do not read Meyers.  Recall, he explained why he switched sides with "you grow you know".  LOL. ROTF.

Its very clear what is happening here.  He and his book are being dragged over the coals and shown to be, to put it mildly, rather dubious and incomplete.   And he does not like it.  


Edited by James DiEugenio
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2 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

That's not what I asked you though, Pat.

To be clear, I have focused on the shooting in Dealey and remain open-minded about the Tippit shooting. It has no bearing on Oswald's guilt re Kennedy, but may have been a factor in his death. Cop Killers don't live very long. The police somehow make sure of that. 

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3 minutes ago, Pat Speer said:

To be clear, I have focused on the shooting in Dealey and remain open-minded about the Tippit shooting. It has no bearing on Oswald's guilt re Kennedy, but may have been a factor in his death. Cop Killers don't live very long. The police somehow make sure of that. 

OK, Pat. I won't press you any more on Revolver V510210.


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44 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

How anyone can take Meyers [sic] seriously on the JFK case is astounding.

This is the guy who put together a GIGO computer presentation and then on national TV, he proclaimed the Single Bullet Theory the Single Bullet Fact.

That presentation was utterly destroyed at least five times: Speer, Harris, Mantik, Cranor and Orr.  All on mostly different grounds.

Anyone who can do something like that should not be trusted with anything on the JFK case.

Oh my Lord! These eggshells are getting harder and harder to walk on!


44 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

Which is why I do not read Meyers [sic]

It'd be nice if you could learn how to spell his name correctly though. (Even if you do hate the man's guts.)


44 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

Its [sic] very clear what is happening here. He and his book are being dragged over the coals and shown to be, to put it mildly, rather dubious and incomplete. And he does no[t] like it.

Anyone who can call Dale Myers' book "With Malice" an "incomplete" book must certainly be somebody who has never read it. Because if there's one thing "With Malice" is certainly NOT, it's "incomplete".


Edited by David Von Pein
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This article by Myers reflects everything that's wrong with lone assassin literature IMO. The condescending tone and barrage of insults makes it very hard to take him seriously, even when his arguments are valid. Myers presents himself as some sort of messiah sent to rescue history from the evil, lunatic conspiracy theorists with his superior intellect and preeminent expertise in the Tippit case. His approach is that of a self-ordained classroom genius who just discovered Christopher Hitchens and thinks he figured out the mysteries of the universe. The article is nothing but an ego-trip, and if Myers is going to lob vicious insults at forum members from his blog he should at least grow the cajones to debate the evidence with them directly. Myers the almighty is above forums though, according to Himself, so I'm not going to hold my breath. 

Myers' asinine comments about the motivations of conspiracy theorists are designed for one reason: to discourage people from doing their own research. Instead, Myers would rather people buy his book, trust unconditionally in his bogus authority, and save themselves from the miserable, pathetic existence of studying perhaps the most important event in twentieth century American history and the most fascinating unsolved murder mystery of all time. Does it get any worse than that? Myers claims to be an advocate for history but in reality he is the exact opposite. He's telling people to trust his interpretation of truly ambiguous evidence just because he says so; and if they look for themselves and evaluate the probability distribution of events any differently, according to Myers they are a pitiful loser. That is anti-intellectual, pseudo-skeptical bullshit, and one of the worst examples of juvenile marketing tactics being used to promote the lone assassin theory I've ever seen. 

People get into the JFK case because it's interesting, period. There is a ridiculous amount of material in the ARC, much of which has barely (if ever) been seen by anyone, and we should be encouraging as many people to study the case as possible. What Myers did in this article is deplorable; and I hope other lone assassin theorists can stick to the evidence, make an argument, and acknowledge when dealing with legitimate ambiguity. The insults, condescension, and superiority complex are just an advertising tactic targeted at the dull and gullible. To convince anyone with a brain that Oswald did it I would highly recommend taking a more tempered approach. Either way, good luck. That's my rant for the day. 

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1 hour ago, Tom Gram said:

...and acknowledge when dealing with legitimate ambiguity.

The key word there, Tom, being "legitimate".

Dale Myers doesn't think there's "legitimate ambiguity" in the Tippit evidence at all. And he argues his case from that POV. And I happen to agree with him about the evidence that exists in the Tippit murder case.

The Tippit case is about as "open and shut" as any case could ever be, IMO. (And HERE is why I believe that.)

You and other CTers disagree. Well, okay. There's always going to be that basic disagreement about the Tippit evidence, I guess. But I certainly haven't seen any solid proof to indicate, for example, that the chain of custody is terrible or non-existent for the V510210 revolver (which was definitely shipped to OSWALD'S P.O. Box by Seaport Traders) or that the chain of custody/possession is lousy for the 2 non-Poe bullet shells that littered 10th Street either.

And if Officer C.T. Walker's testimony regarding some of the things uttered by Lee Oswald in the police car after his arrest are correct and accurate (and I see no reason to totally disregard Walker's testimony; do you?)....then, in my opinion, Oswald, in essence, practically confessed to murdering J.D. Tippit during that ride in the police car on the way to City Hall. No, he didn't say to Walker: "I just shot me a cop!" But does anybody really think a totally innocent person would say some of the things that Oswald is alleged to have said in the theater and just after his arrest?

http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com / They Say It Just Takes A Second To Die


Edited by David Von Pein
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1 hour ago, Tom Gram said:

This article by Myers reflects everything that's wrong with lone assassin literature IMO. The condescending tone and barrage of insults makes it very hard to take him seriously, even when his arguments are valid. Myers presents himself as some sort of messiah sent to rescue history from the evil, lunatic conspiracy theorists with his superior intellect and preeminent expertise in the Tippit case. His approach is that of a self-ordained classroom genius who just discovered Christopher Hitchens and thinks he figured out the mysteries of the universe. The article is nothing but an ego-trip, and if Myers is going to lob vicious insults at forum members from his blog he should at least grow the cajones to debate the evidence with them directly. Myers the almighty is above forums though, according to Himself, so I'm not going to hold my breath. 

Myers' asinine comments about the motivations of conspiracy theorists are designed for one reason: to discourage people from doing their own research. Instead, Myers would rather people buy his book, trust unconditionally in his bogus authority, and save themselves from the miserable, pathetic existence of studying perhaps the most important event in twentieth century American history and the most fascinating unsolved murder mystery of all time. Does it get any worse than that? Myers claims to be an advocate for history but in reality he is the exact opposite. He's telling people to trust his interpretation of truly ambiguous evidence just because he says so; and if they look for themselves and evaluate the probability distribution of events any differently, according to Myers they are a pitiful loser. That is anti-intellectual, pseudo-skeptical bullshit, and one of the worst examples of juvenile marketing tactics being used to promote the lone assassin theory I've ever seen. 

People get into the JFK case because it's interesting, period. There is a ridiculous amount of material in the ARC, much of which has barely (if ever) been seen by anyone, and we should be encouraging as many people to study the case as possible. What Myers did in this article is deplorable; and I hope other lone assassin theorists can stick to the evidence, make an argument, and acknowledge when dealing with legitimate ambiguity. The insults, condescension, and superiority complex are just an advertising tactic targeted at the dull and gullible. To convince anyone with a brain that Oswald did it I would highly recommend taking a more tempered approach. Either way, good luck. That's my rant for the day. 

Excellent essay.

Yes, many people get involved studying the JFK case because it is one of the most interesting whodunit's ever and with a cast of characters so fascinating and intriguing anyone with any intelligent crime mystery curiosity almost can't avoid it.

And yes, why do so many of the LNers always have this condescending tone and attitude and feel they need to call their counterparts insulting names like loons, kooks, buffs, nuts, crazies, etc.?

Bugliosi actually felt the need to state these insults (about 50 times!) in his ship's anchor weight tome.

Trump does this personal name calling insult stuff as a regular part of his daily spoutings. 

Doing this makes the name callers themselves seem incredibly insecure to me.


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I would like to see an all-out heavyweight debate between Myers and our own Tippit researcher Joseph McBride!

Maybe arrange this on the same R. Robertson podcast JM just appeared on? 

Edited by Joe Bauer
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