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The Von Möhrenshildt family


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I'm still working on this, just a quick-preview.

The pdf in the other topic (Von Möhrenshildt in Belgium) is mostly about :

1) Reinhold Von Möhrenshildt : S S Hauptsturmfuhrer (mitgl. nr 292779) per 1942, resp. for the Zamosc deportation and a lot more terrible things...., adj. via Globocnik to Heinrich Himmler), this is the one the family doesn't talk about... George did jokingly once said "Himmler wasn't such a bad guy"... but I'm pretty sure he knew him..  When we're talking this Reinhold we are talking Belzec, Treblinka, Sobibor und Majdanek... and his direct chief Globocnik... it doesn't get much worse really 

Reinhold is pretty much like George in the beginning :

Reinhold studies Trade and Consular Sciences 1933-1936 and univ. 1936-1937, in 1938 (you know Austria and Germany...) he immediatly enters the S S (as the author in the pdf proves he is actually in the Secret service iin that period already).   George went to the USA in 1938 when he got his degree.... 

2) Udo Walter Von Möhrenshildt : NSDAP mitgl.nr. 391195 

3) Walter Erich Von Möhrenshildt : NSDAP + SA mitgl.nr 193868 adjudant to Ernst RÖHM cfr. Reichbrandtag, +1934 (cfr. Night of the Long Knives)

Now... there is a lot more, but this shows the family relations, in short : the upper part stayed in Germany/Poland/Austria, the bottom half moved to the USA.   Also, the family lines are closer as they may seem, a few of the VM married a cousin, I only mentioned a small part, most had a lot more children and were married a couple of times


Edited by Jean Paul Ceulemans
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Interesting stuff.

Many White Russians, unfortunately, allied themselves with the N-a-z-i-s in 1942-- even some (future) hierarchs of the "White" Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (ROCOR) that I know of. 

And many European aristocrats, including the Duke of Windsor, also initially viewed the N-a-z-i-s favorably, as a bulwark against Bolshevism-- as did the Dulles brothers and Union Bank President Prescott Bush.


Edited by W. Niederhut
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Thanks,  there is al lot more, I haven't even looked at the womans/sisters marriages.

Connections to high ranking officers in the S S / S D ( Sicherheitsdienst) / GS (Gestapo / Geheime Staatspolizei) /  SIPO (Sicherheitspolizei).  Often originating in the 15 years before the beginning of WW II.  One sees the SD recruiting students as from ca 1933. 

George VM goes to NY in 1938 when he got his college degree, but during his studies in Belgium he was travelling all over Europe.  The Sigurd Company could have been just a cover (the company did not make him a lot of money it seems, I'm still working on that)

Pretty much the same (even the same college degrees...) as his distant cousin Reinhold VM.  Most people think the code-name of "Operation Reinhard" came from Reinhard Heydrich, very well possible but Globocnik knew Reinhard VM well before that. 

Reinhard VM is one of those that got off the hook after the war, his connections must have been reaching... who knows....  but it wasn't untill recently he was discovered to be an early SD as well (besides S S and extremely close to Globocnik, they even  lived in the same house).



Berndt Rieger has done a lot of work on the family DM (one of the DM was from his home town, but that was all so secrative... he had never heard of the name before...).   He also worked on Franz Novak (responsible for the transportations/deportations and 1st attache to Adolf Eichmann).

Now, I must be correct, most files on SD recruiting have been destroyed... so it is not sure George DM indeed was SD.  









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Well, this didn't take very long (about the marriages/sisters/etc) : Reinhard Von Möhrenschildt

had 2 sisters, both.... recruited by the SD .... (details will follow...)


There's another thing, I have read somewhere (?) George De Môhrenschildt had connections to Reinhard Gehlen ?

Gehlen was CIA, full story pretty much out there : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reinhard_Gehlen

But I am not sure anymore about his connection to George DM ?   

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5 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

FYI if you've not seen it.  An important part about halfway through.  More tomorrow.

The Mysterious Mr. de Mohrenschildt | COPA (politicalassassinations.net) 

Just read this "Secrets" entry again.

I too often forget it's existence but when I do remember and in rereading I am always gobsmacked by it's incredible and fascinating reveal of the "real" world of power, influence and inbredness of the elites throughout our 20th century.


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By the 1930's they were all over European companies (IG Farben included...).

They were trying to secure their financial interests in every way possible (euhhh... well...  probably the cause of a lot of bad things... including the JFKA....)

In 2004 in the Guardian there was a very interesting article about this stuff


Ex. "The US National Archive documents show that BBH's involvement with CSSC was more than simply holding the shares in the mid-1930s. Bush's friend and fellow "bonesman" Knight Woolley, another partner at BBH, wrote to Averill Harriman in January 1933 warning of problems with CSSC after the Poles started their drive to nationalise the plant. "The Consolidated Silesian Steel Company situation has become increasingly complicated, and I have accordingly brought in Sullivan and Cromwell, in order to be sure that our interests are protected," wrote Knight. "After studying the situation Foster Dulles is insisting that their man in Berlin get into the picture and obtain the information which the directors here should have. You will recall that Foster is a director and he is particularly anxious to be certain that there is no liability attaching to the American directors."


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When Globocnik got promoted Reinhold followed him (as one of his adj.), they managed the "Operational Zone of the Adriatic Littoral" (Einsatzgruppe R), wich was pretty close to Globocniks home town, the operation was pretty much the same as they had done in Poland (setting up concentration kamps etc).


This was mostly Yougoslavia, you know.... some years later there was another VM that showed up there (....)

Politically, during the war, it became part of Carinthia, just accross the border.... BUT that was since 1938 the new homebase of.... the family Von Mohrenschildt (actually the castle they aquired was Freudenberg/Magdalensberg near Klagenburg, the family VM bought it in 1938......)




Edited by Jean Paul Ceulemans
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And a lot of people do not understand why Reinhold wasn't put in prison for a very very very long time....

Well, I suppose he used the old family tricks :

- he was questioned in the 1960's and 1970's, but his main defence was always the same, "I was not there when those terrible things happened"*.  He was stationed in other places like Riga in Latvia (where the Minox was born) etc but he was very close with Friedrich Rainer as well....  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friedrich_Rainer (the Carinthia connection again...)     *he had some paperwork to proof he was elsewhere... sounds familiar in a way.....

- one of his daughters married to a Von Habsburg....... Ok... I see... talking about the House Von Habsburg is talking about almost 400 years on the Trone of the Holy Roman Empire... That's Royalty all over and beyond...

Just to say, there's people out there in a world we can not grasp (well... I can't), the VM's are part of it.

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Thank you.  

When looking at what happened in 1938 - 1939 :

- in the month of march the Anschluss Austria - Germany (one of the major events in history)

- a bunch of young academics (from well-known families and recruited the previous years by the poopoo) are put in places pretty much everywhere (diff. countries, major companies, in all the important places they had to have someone available....). 

- the invasion of Poland, and there it goes... 

I only want to say, this stuff was planned years before (and to the extreme details)





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13 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

FYI if you've not seen it.  An important part about halfway through.  More tomorrow.

The Mysterious Mr. de Mohrenschildt | COPA (politicalassassinations.net) 

You mention George possibly having connections to Reinhard Gehlen / the CIA.  In the article I linked it mentions his father (Sergius) and uncle running Nobel Brothers Oil in Baku.  I looked in David Talbot's The Devil's Chessboard which has several pages on De Mohrenschildt for what I remember but didn't find it there either.  Which is that George met first met Allen Dulles in the very early 1920's when he was about 10 years old.  When his father was "director of Noble Oil" in Baku.  The story went that Dulles was sent after college on one of his first missions for Standard Oil to the Baku oil fields to try to secure a portion of them for the company, and he dealt with Sergius.  The deal never happened because of the ongoing Russian revolution. 

Where I read this, I'm now not sure.  Possibly in a thread on the forum as it has been discussed here before.  I'll look some more or maybe another forum member remembers this better than I. 

Edited by Ron Bulman
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