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Tina Towner

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So, while I was in Dallas visiting Dealey Plaza this past Sunday, I wanted to get some sort of memorabilia from the Plaza. I had already checked out the small bookstore/cafe across the street from the TSBD before I did the Sixth Floor Museum tour. Didn't really find anything I wanted in there. Like I assumed, most of the books in there and the Sixth Floor Museum gift shop were lone nutter books. They did have Last Second In Dallas in both shops though. I bought a Dealey Plaza shot glass for my step son who collects shot glasses from different states. I ended up buying a small book by Tina Towner in the gift shop that had been marked down from $15.95 to $8.99. It was cheap and I'm always interested in reading anything from eyewitnesses to the assassination. It is less than a hundred pages so it was a quick read. For the most part it was nothing new or nothing eye opening but there were a few small tid bits in there that stood out. A couple could be pretty important I think! First off, her film of the motorcade apparently has a splice in it that was professionally done by someone or some entity. And the author is no conspiracy theorist and is pretty ambivalent about the whole thing. She says she only heard 3 shots and they were pretty equidistant in spacing but she feels like even if it were only Oswald shooting that others would have to have known about it, that it was going to happen. That's pretty much her view on things. She says almost as an afterthought that when they had the film analyzed there was a splice discovered during the wide turn onto Elm Street. That just reinforces my already held belief that something significant happened during the turn. All these photographers, and all these people filming yet not a one captures the complete turn from Houston onto Elm? Zapruder begins filming, and though he always maintained that he didn't stop filming and then start back, we all of a sudden get a splice and a time jump to the presidential limo already on Elm. I can't say what exactly happened there but something they didn't want us to see happened there! Whether a shot was fired at that time or cameras captured someone in the crowd there who wasn't meant to be seen....... something happened! And I don't think it was just the reported wide turn by Greer where he almost went down the service road and had to overcorrect the vehicle and maybe ran over a bit of curb in the process. I just don't think that in of itself would be that damning to the SS that they would remove it from all photographic evidence. The second thing I read was most interesting! In writing the book she asked friends and family members to relate what they were doing and what their reactions were upon hearing the news of the assassination. So, after giving his account of that information, one of her brother-in-laws shares this: The day of the assassination his grandmother and grandfather were in a laundromat on 7th street behind the Texas Theater and saw Oswald get out of a car out front and come inside to use a pay phone to make a call. His grandmother had her coin purse right below the pay phone so she kept a close eye on this young man since her purse was right there. She told the police about this after seeing his picture on the news but was told that it could not have been him. After using the pay phone, he went out the back door and walked 4 blocks to the Texas Theater where he was apprehended. Pretty interesting story there if you ask me! Anyway, those are a few of my observations from the book.

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1 hour ago, Jamey Flanagan said:

After using the pay phone, he went out the back door and walked 4 blocks to the Texas Theater

The old folks clearly didn't have much idea of Dallas' topography!

As for using the pay phone....someone is bound to propose Lee was speaking with Judyth Vary Baker.

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Been watching the Towner film on YouTube and sure enough (once you know to pay attention) there is an obvious time jump of a few frames. I think I saw a post somewhere saying 7 frames. Not sure, but I could buy that. Right as Jackie's head is about to get to the TSBD there is this quick blob or something and then she is at the end of the TSBD. My guesses as to what the entities who altered these films where trying to hide would be one of the following: a missed shot, the traffic light shaking from a shot that pierced it as theorized in The Lost Bullet special, or possibly Oswald standing in the doorway watching JFK pass by. If you don't find it strange that all of these cameras filming catch the motorcade just as it starts the turn and then stop and Zapruder, Nix and all on Elm Street only start filming once the car is on Elm Street then something is wrong with your thinking, lol! Something happened there as the limo passed the TSBD on that turn. Something they did not want us to see!

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Room for thought for sure.

Those grandparents in the laundromat may have had their directional distances wrong but if they shared their story within a day or two to the DPD and probably their family...what they ( or she ) "thought" they saw was totally fresh in their minds.

Yes, the grandma may have been wrong in her ID of the pay phone user being Oswald, however the fellow must have certainly looked enough like Oswald for her to put herself in a position of scrutiny by the police which most average persons are loathe to do.

And I'll guess that people walking into a laundromat to only use it's pay phone when they aren't doing their laundry there was not a 6 a day occurrence.

The woman must have seen Oswald's picture 100 times in the papers and on TV that day and right after. She obviously felt sure he was the same person who she saw come into the laundromat and do something different than a normal customer.

Especially when she kept an eagle eye on him due to her purse being right next to him.

Who's to say Oswald didn't call someone just before his reaching the shoe store and then the theater?

I give as much believability credibility to average everyday people as I do so-called higher educated or professional position folks.



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I've mentioned the following idea many times in the forum over the last few years.

Facial and body identification technology has been advanced 200 fold in the last 30 years.

It's actually scary to know that in many totalitarian and dictatorial run societies they have this advanced technology and use it regularly and in a wide scale public way to stifle dissent.

No place to hide for those who may be opposed to such regimes. Public protest demonstrations are out of the question for them.

With that...there is the technology now to take new looks at several suspicious character pictures of the Dealey Plaza street crowd scene on 11,22,1963 and have a decent chance of determining whether they are truly some of the "Usual Suspects" many have suggested in the past.

General "Ed Lansdale" as the crooked hand suited man walking by the three tramps in front of the side of the Texas Schoolbook Depository building.

And "Rip Roberston" standing in front of the TXSBD entrance area watching as JFK's limo drives by.

And who knows what other nefarious characters such as Johnny Roselli, David Morales, Joseph Milteer, etc.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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@Joe BauerFor sure, there is SO much technology out there! You think someone somewhere with money or clout could have this huge database to analyze every picture and every film frame taken in Dealey Plaza that day and plug all that data into a computer to get a definitive picture of the Plaza. That is, if all those pics and films are legit which I don't think they are at all! But.....plugging all that info into one huge database would show if the different pics and films aren't compatible.

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4 minutes ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

So they removed him from here but left him in other films of the same area? Smart conspirators, eh?

I'm not aware of a frame from any film where he is recognizable on the steps.

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Yeah, @Jonathan CohenI can't speak for Andrew, (which he already replied anyway) but I'd assume the thinking on that would be the only picture that remotely had anyone looking like Oswald in the doorway has been dismissed time and time again as Lovelady. Assuming that is a correct identification then the only other figure would be the now infamous "prayer man". And that figure is so buried in shadows that you can't really identify it as Oswald beyond the shadow (pun intended) of doubt, lol! The films, you could easily edit out the doorway area. And those films were turned over to authorities. Altgens 6 was taken by a press photographer, am I correct? He probably had his own dark room and developing capabilities. I'm just brainstorming here, but I'd say he probably developed the pictures he took and had them in the newspaper and it slipped through the cracks. I could very well be wrong, and I'm not even saying that I think Oswald being in the doorway was the reason all of these films were edited to specifically not show the doorway area. I firmly believe something happened there that they absolutely did NOT want the public to see. Although I don't buy the entirety of the theory proposed in The Lost Bullet documentary, I really do think it's highly probable and possible that a shot fr the sixth floor window pierced through the corner of the traffic light. Maybe that's what they were hiding. Cause then you have to account for more than one missed shot cause the traffic light miss wouldn't exactly have hit the curb injuring Tague in it's trajectory. Could be as simple as that. Who knows really? 

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I know you are not of the belief that any film was altered or edited, at least not with nefarious intentions @Jonathan Cohen, but I ask you to watch just the film that is the topic of this thread, the Tina Towner film. Jackie's head is almost at the TSBD building then magically she's a few feet further up the road. When analyzed, Tina was told that there was a splice in it. Her family or her hadn't made any splice there. They had turned the film over to the Dallas Morning News and the authorities investigating the case had the film for many months. Do you think it was just an accidental thing like Life claimed happened to the Z film? These people sure are making huge mistakes handling these films of the president getting killed. They sure aren't handling it with care, lol! Just curious if you can watch the film and still say with a straight face that there has not been frames removed.

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36 minutes ago, Jamey Flanagan said:

@Andrew PrutsokI kept rewatching the Towner film and despite frames missing you can still see the doorway to the depository. So, I'm thinking it was something else they were trying to hide other than Oswald in the doorway.

Just a guess. But man, something weird going on with Jackie's head at about 15 seconds, looks like it almost disappears.

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