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Harry Dean RIP

David Boylan

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I'm sorry to hear this. As a former member of the John Birch Society, he gave a unique perspective on Guy Gabaldon and others with whom he was in close contact back in the day.


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Sorry to hear about this.

I think he was on Tom Snyder once?

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Sorry to hear of his passing. He was someone who I enjoyed messaging with. I once asked him about the book W.R. Morris wrote on the assassination using him as a source and he said that Morris was an exaggerator. That led me to research the death of another of Morris' subjects, McNairy County Tennessee Sheriff Buford Pusser. I believe that Morris exaggerated Pusser's story as well and Pusser died as the Tennessee Highway Patrol said he did, as a result of an accident. In the movie "Walking Tall, Final Chapter" the message is implied that Pusser was murdered, his tire was shot out, but I believe the cause of the crash was the failure of at least one of the Firestone Steel Belted Radial 500's he had on his 1974 Corvette. Several years later those tires were recalled in what was ( at the time ) the largest tire recall in history.

The impression I got of Harry was that he was an honest man and we need more like him in this age of fakery and deceit.

He will be missed.

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