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Why LHO Was Involved in the JFKA

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There really isn’t any reason to link Oswald to your false flag theory as a shooter. They didn’t need him to miss a shot. 
I think that accounting for his gun ownership and suggested movements afterwards, including picking up a revolver on his way to the theater, shooting Tippit etc lies behind your inclusion of Oswald in your theory. Maybe all that is true, but it could all be false and planted and the rest of your theory could still make sense. 

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5 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

There really isn’t any reason to link Oswald to your false flag theory as a shooter. They didn’t need him to miss a shot. 
I think that accounting for his gun ownership and suggested movements afterwards, including picking up a revolver on his way to the theater, shooting Tippit etc lies behind your inclusion of Oswald in your theory. Maybe all that is true, but it could all be false and planted and the rest of your theory could still make sense. 

Paul B--

Yes, I have wondering about this lately. Was LHO's role to cut off power to the TSBD? That would place him in the innards of the building, where he was first seen (I accept the Baker-LHO snack room meeting). 

But why bother with the wildly missed shot? (the Tague shot). That shot suggests to me someone shooting and intending to miss (aka the Walker shot). Of course, in the real world mistakes happen, and a trigger finger jumped unintentionally...who knows?

My pet explanation is LHO shot well above JFK and missed, a single shot (thus the different sound between the first and subsequent shots)....as he was on his ways to the stairs, and real shots rang out...

But the event may have unfolded in many ways.....just IMHO




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If, indeed, he went home and got a gun:

  • He may have been told to dump everything and prepare to leave town, and been assigned a rendezvous point at Texas Theater (nothing new here).

He may have been told by the plotters, or by another organization he thought was protecting him from the plotters. 


  • He understood that events had gone differently from what he had been told to expect, and gone to a pre-arranged catastrophe rendezvous point to meet people he didn't completely trust, but opted to rely on.

He may have known that Texas Theater was a place of dubious safety for him - public, all right, but dark and secluded, with a film-distracted audience.

At this point in the day, who could LHO trust?

It seems to have gone differently than he expected.  Spending the night at the Paines', LHO showed up for work unshaven, arguably unwashed, and in what appears to have been yesterday's T-shirt - the ultimate casual Friday.  One of his first complaints at DPD was that he wasn't allowed to shower.  Wouldn't you schedule that in the morning, if you knew you wouldn't be sleeping at home that night, or ever again?

Yet he may have anticipated danger and possible exile, hence the unusual Thursday night sleepover with family.

Edited by David Andrews
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58 minutes ago, David Andrews said:

If, indeed, he went home and got a gun:

  • He may have been told to dump everything and prepare to leave town, and been assigned a rendezvous point at Texas Theater (nothing new here).

... he may have anticipated danger and possible exile, hence the unusual Thursday night sleepover with family.

I recall reading in James Douglass's book, JFK and the Unspeakable, about Wayne January's claim that he saw a visitor who looked like Oswald at Redbird Airport a day or two before November 22, 1963.  He was with some other guys who were making inquiries about the leased CIA airplane that flew from Redbird to Houston on the afternoon of 11/22/63.

It left me with the impression that Oswald thought he was going to be flown out of Redbird with the Cuban/CIA assassination team on 11/22/63.

He didn't realize that he was going to be ditched in Dallas and murdered as the patsy.

Isn't Larry Hancock the expert on this subject?

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16 hours ago, Norman T. Field said:

After LHO was arrested, Dallas police tested him for GSR, which yielded a negative result. 

Therefore: LHO did not fire a bolt action rifle that day. Period. 



This is not really cut-and-dried.

LHO may have fired only once, and if the building was "exhaling" he would have gotten a small dose of GSR on his face. Or, being smart, LHO may have put saran wrap or even just paper on his face before he fired. 

Too many hours passed for the test to be accurate.

A suspect washing his face or perspiring can erase the GSR. LHO may have washed his face when he visited home, or the Texas Theater. It is not even clear if LHO even visited the bathroom while in custody, before he was tested.


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According to James Files (who only lies on days that end in 'y') you cannot wash off GSR. It must be waxed off as the GSR is embedded into the skin. Again, no GSR on the face and neck means LHO did not fire a bolt action rifle. 

Richard Case Nagell described LHO as a manipulated patsy who ignored Case's warnings to get out while he could.  In November of '63, LHO was a paid FBI informant who was likely a CIA asset and probably feeding info about the Cubans back to RFK as well. 

And, a perfect patsy. 


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