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David Talbot posts an important message on Facebook

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Brothers... The United States could've gone in the direction of the Kennedy brothers -- toward peace and social progress. Instead, we went in the direction of the Dulles brothers. My books "Brothers" and "The Devil's Chessboard" tell this national tragedy. If you want to hear me encapsulate this epic story, please listen to my recent interview on Black Op Radio:
(The interview starts about 29 minutes in...)
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2 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:
Brothers... The United States could've gone in the direction of the Kennedy brothers -- toward peace and social progress. Instead, we went in the direction of the Dulles brothers. My books "Brothers" and "The Devil's Chessboard" tell this national tragedy. If you want to hear me encapsulate this epic story, please listen to my recent interview on Black Op Radio:
(The interview starts about 29 minutes in...)

It’s a good episode of BOR. One question I had is Talbot mentioned Bill Harvey flying from Rome to Dallas right before the assassination - and said he was blocked by the CIA on grounds of national security when he tried to obtain Harvey’s travel records. I’d heard something about this before, but does anyone know the details? Did Talbot do a FOIA request, etc.? 

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1 minute ago, Tom Gram said:

It’s a good episode of BOR. One question I had is Talbot mentioned Bill Harvey flying from Rome to Dallas right before the assassination - and said he was blocked by the CIA on grounds of national security when he tried to obtain Harvey’s travel records. I’d heard something about this before, but does anyone know the details? Did Talbot do a FOIA request, etc.? 


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As far as I could determine after the book came out and presented that claim,  the only support was an anecdotal remark by someone who worked with Harvey in Rome and who ran into Harvey at the airport.  As I recall he asked Harvey about his trip and there was a mention about Dallas - which is what he much later related to Talbot.   As far as I know the story rests totally on that.

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34 minutes ago, Tom Gram said:

It’s a good episode of BOR. One question I had is Talbot mentioned Bill Harvey flying from Rome to Dallas right before the assassination - and said he was blocked by the CIA on grounds of national security when he tried to obtain Harvey’s travel records. I’d heard something about this before, but does anyone know the details? Did Talbot do a FOIA request, etc.? 

Here is a key passage from the Devil's Chessboard quoting Dan Hardway, House Assassination Committee investigator assigned to probe the CIA's connection to the JFKA.  "We considered Harvey one of the prime suspects from the very start....We tried to get Harvey's travel vouchers and security file from the CIA, but they always blocked us. But we did come across a lot of memos that suggested he was traveling a lot in the months leading up to the assassination.  (More recent legal efforts by the author to obtain Harvey's travel records from the CIA also proved fruitless, despite the 1992 JFK Records Act, which required all federal agencies to release documents related to the Kennedy assassination."  

Another example of a JFK record that has emerged since the ARRB closed that belongs in NARA's JFK Collection:  Talbot's notes, his book, and most of all, Harvey's travel records from the CIA.

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51 minutes ago, Larry Hancock said:

As far as I could determine after the book came out and presented that claim,  the only support was an anecdotal remark by someone who worked with Harvey in Rome and who ran into Harvey at the airport.  As I recall he asked Harvey about his trip and there was a mention about Dallas - which is what he much later related to Talbot.   As far as I know the story rests totally on that.

I believe that is correct. Why are Harvey’s travel records blocked? I know you have a high bar on evidence, and respect that. Would you go a step further and speculate? 

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I have no information on his travel records being blocked, we have virtually no travel records for other than a couple of folks I am aware of and those generally were left in personnel files as expense vouchers.  For example we do have his record of travel to Florida in April that year but its not really a travel record its an expense voucher.  Given his position as COS in Rome I have no idea where his expense vouchers went or if he even filed any. 

Obviously David may have information on why he thinks the records exist/existed and are being with held....if he has information on that it would be really good to have the details in the event MFF wins its legal action and we can look specifically for them.

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3 hours ago, Larry Hancock said:

As far as I could determine after the book came out and presented that claim,  the only support was an anecdotal remark by someone who worked with Harvey in Rome and who ran into Harvey at the airport.  As I recall he asked Harvey about his trip and there was a mention about Dallas - which is what he much later related to Talbot.   As far as I know the story rests totally on that.

There is a You Tube video of an interview of William Harvey's wife many years after his passing. 

Of all the incriminating things she naively shares about her and her husband's hatred of JFK and RFK and even Jackie ( "they were scum" ) I kept hoping the interviewer would ask her where she and her husband were at the time of JFK's assassination. 

Mrs. Harvey was not asked this specific question and she never volunteered her and her husband's physical location or what they were doing when it happened. Too bad.

Most people, when reminiscing about the JFK assassination bring up their location and actions when they first heard of it.

Mrs. Harvey didn't. 

She instead spent most of her interview time sharing why she and her husband thought the Kennedy's were scum, yet at the same time felt great respect, admiration and even affection for Mafioso Johnny Roselli ("I loved Johnny Roselli") whom she also described as " a patriot." 

Mrs. Harvey quoted her late husband saying ( regards Roselli ) "If I had to ride shotgun, that's the guy I would take."

Of course spy master Harvey would try to keep any trip to Dallas during the assassination time as secret as possible. Maybe not even telling his wife.

What I also found so disturbing about this interview of Mrs. Harvey, along with the deep and extreme vitriol Mrs. Harvey and her husband felt toward JFK, RFK and even Jackie Kennedy ( "they were scum" ), was her complete lack of any empathy or sympathy for Jackie Kennedy in her horrific trauma experience of seeing her husband's head bloodily blown apart inches from her face and so tragically being widowed with children.

You'd think any woman might soften their hatred of another woman/mother even a little after such a monstrous crushing blow and especially after having decades of time to reflect from a woman's point of view such a traumatic, heart breaking loss?

This Mrs. Harvey was as deeply hating of Jackie Kennedy in her last days as she was before 11,22,1963. Now THERE'S a hard woman.

3.5K views5 years ago
EXCLUSIVE FROM JFK FACTS (jkfkacts.org) William K. Harvey was one of the big men of CIA in it earliest days. A



Edited by Joe Bauer
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The information about Harvey being in Dallas in November is on pages 476-77 of The Devil's Chessboard.

It comes from Mark Wyatt of Harvey's staff in Rome. 

Edited by James DiEugenio
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Harvey and his ilk are exactly why the JFKA has been a problem for so many years. He and his wife were the type of scum bags the agency loved to have because they were amenable to do anything as long as you could justify it in some obscure way. I've met enough of these kooks over the years to get a clear profile of what was most likely the agency rule about operators during the cold war. Psychopaths with no compunction whatsoever about taking a person's life for little or no reason and have the ability to stitch together a justification for their acts.

Breaking any law, falsifying records, routinely lying and many other similar habits were far inside the bounds of conduct for these people. Why people like David Von Pein assume they're Efraim Zimbalist Junior types is beyond me. It's willful ignorance to me. I mean a DPD cop was joking about castrating a black guy but these are the people many LNs rely on to spin the tale they want to tell. 

After World War two there were plenty of recruits to draw from who had seen so much horror, they had become blood simple. Like dogs who have killed chickens. There's no way to untrain them. I have no doubt that Harvey was of that type as were many of the characters we talk about here. 

In my view it's impossible to talk about Dallas in 50-60's and even later without taking that into account. The so called "greatest generation" was hardly that in my view. They were the ones burning crosses in the south well into the 80's.

Interracial marriage wasn't even legal in Texas when JKF was assassinated FCS. Stone age stuff.

I've tried finding military travel records based on DD214s but have found that details of sensitive missions are difficult if not impossible to find. I doubt they even committed them to a memo or letter in most cases. Most likely anything beyond Rome (in Harvey's case) wasn't. Travel vouchers would be the most likely record but those expenses were probably off the books I'd imagine.

Edited by Bob Ness
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