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Dale Myers and his World of Illusion

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And let us never ever forget this about good ole Dale.

I would wager some of you are not aware that Dale did a flip flop on the JFK case. 


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14 hours ago, David Von Pein said:

Because what you're saying is just flat-out NOT TRUE. If it was true, we wouldn't find this passage in the autopsy report (written by those very same autopsy doctors):

"The missile contused the strap muscles of the right side of the neck, damaged the trachea and made its exit through the anterior surface of the neck." -- Page 6 of the Official Autopsy Report; Warren Report, p.543

You must be kidding. So your answer to all the ARRB-released material on the back wound and on the evolution of the autopsy report is to quote the third and final draft of the autopsy report?! This is your answer, even though we now know that the autopsy doctors knew for an absolute, observable fact, verified by others at the autopsy, that the back wound had no exit point, and even though we now know that the first two drafts of the autopsy report did not claim the throat wound was caused by an exiting bullet? Your reply seems like a conscious effort to deny disturbing facts, not a serious effort to deal with those facts.

This is what happens when a group of true believers in an erroneous theory are confronted with ironclad evidence that the foundation of their theory is not only false but impossible. Without the SBT, there can be no lone-gunman theory. The ARRB disclosures about the back wound alone destroy the SBT. 

It has been obvious to objective people for a very long time that the SBT is absurd. The rear holes in JFK's coat and shirt refute it (the bunched-clothing theory requires us to believe that the coat and the tailor-made shirt magically bunched in virtually millimeter for millimeter correspondence, both horizontally and vertically). The chest x-rays refute it. The Zapruder film refutes it (JFK and JBC were never aligned in a manner that would make the SBT possible). The 11/22/1963 Parkland Hospital treatment reports refute it. JFK's tie knot refutes it (no hole through the knot and no nick on the edge of the knot). The irregular slits below JFK's collar refute it (they had no fabric missing and no traces of metallic substance on their edges--the first FBI lab report on the slits theorized they were made by a fragment). The irregular H-shaped hole in the front of JBC's shirt refutes it (I'm still waiting for someone to explain how CEE 399 could have made such a hole--it was clearly made by exiting fragments, not an intact missile). The accounts of the surgeon and nurse who repaired JBC's wrist refute it. Until they were finally pressured into changing their minds, even the autopsy doctors rejected it. And on and on we could go. 

Edited by Michael Griffith
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On 11/15/2022 at 3:51 PM, David Von Pein said:

Yeah, sure Jim. Sure. That must be why Z-Axis Corporation, one of the nation's leading forensic animation companies, said this in October of 2003:

"Mr. Myers has taken a comprehensive and reasoned approach to animating this event and has successfully incorporated many diverse visual records into a unified and consistent recreation. We believe that the thoroughness and detail incorporated into his work is well beyond that required to present a fair and accurate depiction."  http://www.jfkfiles.com/jfk/html/faq_01.htm


Full Z-Axis report on Dale K. Myers' computer animation:



You have no clue what z-axis actually does do you?  Do you just copy and paste everything you read or hear?

Edited by Cory Santos
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15 hours ago, David Von Pein said:

Because what you're saying is just flat-out NOT TRUE. If it was true, we wouldn't find this passage in the autopsy report (written by those very same autopsy doctors):

"The missile contused the strap muscles of the right side of the neck, damaged the trachea and made its exit through the anterior surface of the neck." -- Page 6 of the Official Autopsy Report; Warren Report, p.543


Let this sink in. The strap muscles are at the front of the neck. 

The autopsy doctors saw a divot on the back that gave no signs of entrance into the body.

But they also saw a tracheotomy incision on the front, with bruising within the front of the neck, and at the top of the right lung. 

Questions needed to be answered.

The next morning Humes called Perry and found out that the tracheotomy incision had been cut through a small wound.

With no body in front of him, and no photos to double-check the feasibility of his conclusion, he took from this that the bullet creating the divot must have somehow actually passed through the body and exited the throat. 

But there was NO evidence for this passage. He simply conjured it up. It made sense to him. He'd read the paper and it said three shots were fired. Well, this was the only way he could think of to make things add up. 

But it wasn't exactly scientific. His deduction was flawed because 1) he actually had no idea how many shots were fired, and 2) he failed to consult with anatomy books--or even the photos he'd had taken--to see if this trajectory made sense. In fact, the only material available to him with which he could double-check his proposed trajectory was the autopsy face sheet, which showed a back wound inches below the throat wound, and suggested a sharply upwards trajectory through the body--the exact opposite of what he'd noticed at autopsy. At autopsy he'd thought the bullet entering the back was headed downwards but could find no passage into the underlying tissue. And at autopsy he'd noted that the contused strap muscles were behind or even slightly above the tracheotomy incision.  

So...1) he found no evidence a bullet passed through the body from the back to the throat AND 2) he found no evidence that whatever exited the throat came from below. But he needed the pieces to fit. So he crammed a square peg into a round hole.

That ain't science. That's politics. 

Edited by Pat Speer
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The above is just one example of why I find Myers whole "Single Bullet Fact" simulation so objectionable.

We do not even know that this first step really happened.

And it shows just why Henry Lee was correct.



Edited by James DiEugenio
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Just now, David Von Pein said:

Why don't you explain it to me, Cory. A know-nothing LNer like me needs your help---badly!

Well you cited that letter from company.   Please explain why, in refuting your friend Jim, did you cite to that letter.  Specifically, please state what authority do you feel it gives Myers depiction and why do you feel the letter has any relevance?

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5 hours ago, Michael Griffith said:

You must be kidding. So your answer to all the ARRB-released material on the back wound and on the evolution of the autopsy report is to quote the third [sic] and final draft of the autopsy report?! This is your answer, even though we now know that the autopsy doctors knew for an absolute, observable fact, verified by others at the autopsy, that the back wound had no exit point.

You, of course, already know what the solution is. Dr. Boswell explained it in his ARRB testimony in 1996.

Do you think Boswell is just full of sh*t here? I sure don't:

"We probed this hole which was in his neck with all sorts of probes and everything, and it was such a small hole, basically, and the muscles were so big and strong and had closed the hole and you couldn't get a finger or a probe through it."  -- J.T. Boswell

Boswell ARRB

And there is also this 2/13/96 ARRB testimony from the leading autopsy surgeon, Dr. Humes:

QUESTION -- "Do you know what the standard autopsy protocol is for
gunshot wounds and autopsy of the neck?"

DR. HUMES -- "Well, no. I haven't seen that in--what you say,
standard, I mean, many times if you have a track of a missile, it's
helpful to take a long probe and put it in the position. It can tell
you a lot of things. If you know where the point of entrance and the
point of exit are, it's duck soup. But for me to start probing around
in this man's neck, all I would make was false passages. There
wouldn't be any track that I could put a probe through or anything of
that nature. It just doesn't work that way."

QUESTION -- "Was any probe used at all to track the path--?"

DR. HUMES -- "I don't recall that there was. There might have been
some abortive efforts superficially in the back of the neck, but no.
And if there's a standard protocol, I don't know where you'd find it,
to tell you the truth."

Humes ARRB

Edited by David Von Pein
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DVP is not going to reply to you. He does this all the time.  Ask Gil Jesus. Its why I have him on ignore.  But still when someone quotes him i have to look at his drivel.

I don't know what is worse, if he knows what that company is and he still tries to use it as credit, or if he does not know.

I actually think its worse if he does know.

But to use that and say that somehow that company is equal to Henry Lee?


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8 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

Oh, I'm sure if you concentrate real  hard, Cory, you might be able to figure out why.


Ok, the record shows, again, you have deflected and not answered the question.  That’s ok.  I know it’s tough.  

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As I said in my article, Myers gives the MSM what it wants on the JFK case.

In the Tippit case, the  question,  as expressed by Tanenbaum in Chicago in 1993 was: Why did Tippit stop Oswald?

So Myers put together his "LHO reversed Direction" configuration.  Which Mike Griffith has so cogently shown was ersatz.

Later, his function was to discredit the acoustics. Again, Dale comes up with his "200 mph" configuration. Which Don Thomas, three years later when Myers revealed his computations, was also shown to be, being mild, problematic.

He then went to work on doing some serious alchemy.  That was, to silence anyone who had doubts about the Single Bullet Fantasy.  With his trusty computer, he "simulated" that not only was it not a theory, but a fact!  Well, it was not long before several people took apart Dale's sci fi production and exposed it on many levels to be also ersatz.

The fact that none of these has stuck does not seem to bother Dale.  He keeps on plugging along.

One thing that I think motivates his barbershop trio-him, Todd Vaughn, and Russo--is that they take enjoyment out of slamming what Russo and Myers used to be: critics of the case.  I have compared this to David Horowitz, formerly of Ramparts, who does this all the time--slams what he used to be-- and makes money off of it. So what Dale does is really a twofer.  He invents these paper mache simulations to bolster the WR, and then he slams the critics of the WR, as he did with Joe McBride.

It is a peculiar psychology, ignoring that you used to be a part of that you now revile.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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On 11/17/2022 at 3:51 PM, James DiEugenio said:

But to use that and say that somehow that company is equal to Henry Lee?

Which, of course, is something I never said.

And as for Mr. DiEugenio's God Of All Criminalists, Henry C. Lee, I'll remind Jim D. that it was that very same man, Mr. Lee, who was stupid enough to testify at the O.J. Simpson trial in 1995 that a second killer's shoe print might very well have been at the scene of Nicole Brown's murder---even though the shoe print in question had been left in the concrete years earlier when the sidewalk was first constructed.

So, yes, Henry Lee is one of the leading forensic scientists in the world, but his blunder at the Simpson Trial proves that even the "world's greatest" can make a (big) mistake now and then.

And if Henry C. Lee has gone on record as saying that President Kennedy was killed via some kind of conspiracy (and/or cover-up), then he has made a second  big mistake (in my opinion).

If you want to watch Vincent Bugliosi rip Henry Lee to shreds with respect to the O.J. Simpson Trial, go to the 2:05:38 mark in this video.


Edited by David Von Pein
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Myers' reply to my article is I mean whew.


He says my article was up a few days.  The article was posted on 11/14.  His reply was posted 11/16.

Apparently he does not want to admit he spent all of one day on it. And man does it show.

BTW, he still will not admit to the fact that the back wound was not dissected. Or why it was not.

How about what he says about, for example,  Mili Cranor not having any credentials.  

Uh Dale, they did not get on ABC and present something they called the Single Bullet Fact in a Peter Jennings hosted special. You did that. Since you have no credentials, then they are free to critique you. 

Edited by James DiEugenio
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2 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

Apparently he does not want to admit he spent all of one day on it. And man does it show.

He didn't require more than 24 hours to rip you a new one, Jim. I'm quite sure he could have done it in just 3 hours. And he did an excellent job at cutting your crap down to size too (as usual).

Here's Dale's link (again):



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