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Was David Lifton right about "wound alteration" prior to the autopsy ?

Gil Jesus

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This document seems to support his theory. A report that at least one witness saw a doctor perform "some type pf mutilation of three bullet punctures to the head area" prior to the autopsy. 


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Could be talking about dissecting some of the bullet fragment exit wounds on JFKs head. There is some talk these were cut open. The most notable of these is the triangular slice that appears over JFKS right forehead. This may have been a bullet fragment exit wound which was dissected. 

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29 minutes ago, Gil Jesus said:

This document seems to support his theory. A report that at least one witness saw a doctor perform "some type pf mutilation of three bullet punctures to the head area" prior to the autopsy. 




Thanks for posting. Just so sad. Leads which should have been tracked down hard and heavy decades ago....just left to die on the vine. 

Maybe there was nothing to do this lead. Maybe there was. Looks like we will never know. 

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59 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:



Thanks for posting. Just so sad. Leads which should have been tracked down hard and heavy decades ago....just left to die on the vine. 

Maybe there was nothing to do this lead. Maybe there was. Looks like we will never know. 

Corroboration to this report of pre-autopsy tampering with the head wounds comes from the Sibert-O'Neill report, pg. 4. that describes "surgery of the head area".




You'll also notice that Sibert and O'Neill corroborate that, "many people were forced out of the autopsy room" by reporting that all personnel who were not involved in taking the Xrays and photographs were asked to leave the autopsy room.

Then there's the ARRB testimony of Jerrol Custer who testified that the "flap" on the right side of JFK's head, ( in the temporal bone area, the alleged "wound of exit" ) "looked as if they had sawed it".




This is all corroborated evidence that the head wounds were tampered with prior to the autopsy.

Over forty years ago, Lifton presented this as a theory based on fact.

Time has proven that he was correct.

Edited by Gil Jesus
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Been looking into the autopsy again...

There is a Military Doctor - Dr.GEORGE BATEMAN - who could not be located by the HSCA and does not appear in the WCR or WCDs... here is a nice thread on the man thanks to Kelly and Knight..  I don't think that was his real name FWIW, if he was indeed involved in changing JFK's wounds...

17  Brio.Gen.Godfrey McHugh, Air Force aide to the President;

18.Lt. Comdr. Gregory H .Cross, resident in surgery;

19.Gen.Philip C.Wehle, commanding officer of the U .Military District, Washington, D .C.;
20. Chester H .Boyers, chief petty officer in charge of the pathology division ;

21.Dr. George Bakeman, U.S.Navy(the committee could not locate this person) ;

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11 hours ago, Gil Jesus said:

Corroboration to this report of pre-autopsy tampering with the head wounds comes from the Sibert-O'Neill report, pg. 4. that describes "surgery of the head area".




You'll also notice that Sibert and O'Neill corroborate that, "many people were forced out of the autopsy room" by reporting that all personnel who were not involved in taking the Xrays and photographs were asked to leave the autopsy room.

Then there's the ARRB testimony of Jerrol Custer who testified that the "flap" on the right side of JFK's head, ( in the temporal bone area, the alleged "wound of exit" ) "looked as if they had sawed it".




This is all corroborated evidence that the head wounds were tampered with prior to the autopsy.

Over forty years ago, Lifton presented this as a theory based on fact.

Time has proven that he was correct.

I agree. I meant the lead regarding Mr. Israel. That would have been one more corroborating witness. Maybe Israel had other observations also. 

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20 hours ago, David Josephs said:

Been looking into the autopsy again...




David Joseph's looks at autopsy again! I'm looking forward to this. My current favourite anomaly is Boswell at the HSCA, stating they completed the small rear entry wound with a fragment that came later. WHAT????? A fragment that had been blown out!!!! Low in the back of the head!!!!

Edited by Eddy Bainbridge
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Enthusiasm appreciated...  It was BAKEMAN that got me re-interested...  And figuring whether this was just a made up name given, a real name/person, or what.

I did find a few things and while MR. GEORGE does not seem to be a doctor, there is no indication he was a Major in the Navy...  And 

AAMC:  EMERITUS MEMBERS The following individuals were voted into emeritus membership in the Association : Mr. George W. Bakeman, Medical College of Virginia1993757759_GeorgeWBakemanAsstdeanofmedicineMedicalcollegeofVA.jpg.5493a454d466ef301455d82abc7424bd.jpg


I'll continue the rest here:




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38 minutes ago, David Josephs said:

Enthusiasm appreciated...  It was BAKEMAN that got me re-interested...  And figuring whether this was just a made up name given, a real name/person, or what.

I did find a few things and while MR. GEORGE does not seem to be a doctor, there is no indication he was a Major in the Navy...  And 

AAMC:  EMERITUS MEMBERS The following individuals were voted into emeritus membership in the Association : Mr. George W. Bakeman, Medical College of Virginia1993757759_GeorgeWBakemanAsstdeanofmedicineMedicalcollegeofVA.jpg.5493a454d466ef301455d82abc7424bd.jpg


I'll continue the rest here:




The guy on the left looks like Pres. Truman

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2 minutes ago, Paul Cummings said:

The guy on the left looks like Pres. Truman

Problem I'm having is this is also George W BAKEMAN in 1937 in Paris within the Rockefeller circle as office manager doing the decor, 22 years earlier...  same guy?


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9 minutes ago, David Josephs said:

Problem I'm having is this is also George W BAKEMAN in 1937 in Paris within the Rockefeller circle as office manager doing the decor, 22 years earlier...  same guy?


They look similar to me given he's more filled out in 1937

Edited by Paul Cummings
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28 minutes ago, David Josephs said:

Enthusiasm appreciated...  It was BAKEMAN that got me re-interested...  And figuring whether this was just a made up name given, a real name/person, or what.

I did find a few things and while MR. GEORGE does not seem to be a doctor, there is no indication he was a Major in the Navy...  And 

AAMC:  EMERITUS MEMBERS The following individuals were voted into emeritus membership in the Association : Mr. George W. Bakeman, Medical College of Virginia1993757759_GeorgeWBakemanAsstdeanofmedicineMedicalcollegeofVA.jpg.5493a454d466ef301455d82abc7424bd.jpg


I'll continue the rest here:




Have you checked Ancestry.com or anything like that? They have a ton of info and a ton of military records. You might also get lucky and find a Richmond city directory or something that would list all the Bakemans, etc. Ancestry has a good collection of pre-1960 directories online. 

I’ve been too busy to work on it for a while, but I’m having a similar problem tracking down a guy from New Orleans who by all indications appears to be a spook. I might make a thread today and see if anyone here can find anything. 

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34 minutes ago, Tom Gram said:

Have you checked Ancestry.com or anything like that? They have a ton of info and a ton of military records. You might also get lucky and find a Richmond city directory or something that would list all the Bakemans, etc. Ancestry has a good collection of pre-1960 directories online. 

I’ve been too busy to work on it for a while, but I’m having a similar problem tracking down a guy from New Orleans who by all indications appears to be a spook. I might make a thread today and see if anyone here can find anything. 

If you have a chance to check it out that would be great...  need to know who BAKEMAN's child friend to Baruj was....  Why do I think it will be William G Bakeman?

Who in New Orleans are you looking for?

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1 hour ago, David Josephs said:

If you have a chance to check it out that would be great...  need to know who BAKEMAN's child friend to Baruj was....  Why do I think it will be William G Bakeman?

Who in New Orleans are you looking for?

I don’t have an account anymore but they do a two week free trial or something if you’ve never had one. I’ll reactivate mine eventually but right now I just have zero time to use it. 

The guy I’m looking for is named Edward E. Parent. He listed his address on the articles of incorporation of a shady branch of Southern Research Company as 4525 Duplessis St. - which is the same apartment that Carlos Bringuier was placed in through a heavily CIA infiltrated federal exile resettlement program that was managed in New Orleans by an FBI informant and almost certain CIA asset. The apartment was in a 1200 unit dingy federal housing project, and Bringuier’s literal next door neighbors - both resettled through the same program - were Sergio Arcacha Smith and another CIA asset named Manuel Blanco who was a co-chair of the top secret CIA-sponsored CRC military committee with Arnesto Rodriguez Jr. 

Bringuier appears to have moved from that apartment in late 1962 - which he contradicts somewhat in his own book - but the apartment was still listed on his driver’s license when he was arrested with Oswald. 

Bringuier’s debate with Oswald was on August 21st, 1963. This new branch of Southern Research was incorporated on August 26th. The other partners in the branch were decorated former FBI agents with links to Guy Banister - and the two lawyers that helped set up the company were a full blown criminal who later spent decades in prison for fraud and money laundering, and an acting Asst. US Attorney. One of Banister’s secretaries, Mary Brengel, told the HSCA that Banister opened a separate company “with a bunch of former FBI agents” in the Summer of ‘63 to handle special security contracts. 

That branch of SRC was the same branch that ended up working for Clay Shaw’s lawyers during the Garrison investigation -  while working out of the same building as the New Orleans CIA Field Office. 

I could go on, but you get the picture. I have background information on everyone involved in this SRC branch except for Parent and someone named Shirley Riggs - but I’ve determined that Riggs was almost certainly a cut-out for the criminal lawyer. Parent on the other hand is a complete mystery. The only reference to him anywhere is in Bill Davy’s book where he mentions that William Walter told Jim Garrison in the 70s that Parent was involved in bugging Garrison’s office. 

I suppose it could be coincidence that out of all the available housing in New Orleans Parent decided to rent Bringuier’s old likely CIA subsidized apartment in the Cuban projects, but when you throw in the timing and all the other strange coincidences/connections (there’s a lot more) I think we’re approaching lottery odds that there’s nothing going on here. Ed Ledoux tracked down an Edward E. Parent of the right age from New Orleans and even got the guy on the phone but he denied everything. Since then I’ve found a couple suspects but the trail has pretty much gone cold. I’ve been too busy to really do anything though. 

Edited by Tom Gram
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