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A Bullet's (lack of) Transfer Of Kinetic Energy

Bill Brown

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On 11/28/2022 at 10:11 AM, W. Niederhut said:

The law of conservation of momentum ...

m1v1 +m2v2  =  m1v3 + m2v4


Momentum in calculated as mass times velocity, as William noted. In a system, the total momentum is the addition of all momenta. Momentum of a system remains constant regardless of collisions.

It is important to note that momentum is a vector. That is to say, it has direction.

It's also important to note that an object hit in a collision can move in ANY direction... even in the direction from whence the object that hit it came from. However, in order to conserve momentum in such a case, an object of equal momentum must also move in the opposite direction.

This explains why you will see pieces of some objects fly in all directions when hit by something. Still, the momenta of all pieces added together must remain the same as before the collision.


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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

The gelatinous, blob-like CIA photo-shopping on this clip reminds me of the special effects in the movie, The Blob.

It is also completely inconsistent, physiologically, with the photo of JFK's cadaver showing a small bullet hole/entry wound in the right frontal temple.

What???? His autopsy photos do not show a small bullet hole in the right frontal temple. That's been the problem all along. No one saw such a wound. And there's no record of such a wound in the photos and x-rays. The closest one can come is that there may or may not be a few small fragments on the frontal bone in the lateral x-ray. Those claiming a frontal shot cling to that or claim the films and photos have been faked, or both

As far as the "blob-like CIA photoshopping"... That's nonsense. The sheer size of the large defect strongly suggests a tangential wound of both entrance and exit, and not an exit for a shot fired from behind entering at a small hole low on the back of the head. It is clear evidence for a tangential shot in addition to the shot entering at the small hole. 

This is something I've researched in great detail. When I attend conferences, I meet with the most prominent men writing on the medical evidence and report what I've uncovered. 

One of my relatively recent discoveries was of the first book written on Mannlicher-Carcano ammunition, a Romanian book written in French in the 1890's. Its depiction of a typical entrance and exit wound on a cadaver is below. Note that this shot was fired from much closer to its target than the shot striking Kennedy. And yet there was no explosion of the skull... 

P.S. I have a book's worth of this kind of material in chapter 16b of my website....



Edited by Pat Speer
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9 minutes ago, Pat Speer said:

What???? His autopsy photos do not show a small bullet hole in the right frontal temple. That's been the problem all along. No one saw such a wound. And there's no record of such a wound in the photos and x-rays. The closest one can come is that there may or may not be a few small fragments on the frontal bone in the lateral x-ray. Those claiming a frontal shot cling to that or claim the films and photos have been faked, or both

As far as the "blob-like CIA photoshopping"... That's nonsense. The sheer size of the large defect strongly suggests a tangential wound of both entrance and exit, and not an exit for a shot fired from behind entering at a small hole low on the back of the head. It is clear evidence for a tangential shot in addition to the shot entering at the small hole. 

This is something I've researched in great detail. When I attend conferences, I meet with the most prominent men writing on the medical evidence and report what I've uncovered. 

One of my relatively recent discoveries was of the first book written on Mannlicher-Carcano ammunition, a Romanian book written in French in the 1890's. Its depiction of a typical entrance and exit wound on a cadaver is below. Note that this shot was fired from much closer to its target than the shot striking Kennedy. And yet there was no explosion of the skull... 

P.S. I have a book's worth of this kind of material in chapter 16b of my website....



That's also not a frangible bullet, so your point is moot. 


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2 minutes ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

No, your point is moot, because there is no hard evidence that Kennedy was hit in the head by a frangible bullet.

There is a snowflake pattern in the x ray, which is consistent with a frangible bullet and not a full metal jacketed bullet like a carcano 

Edited by Matthew Koch
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13 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

There is a snowflake pattern in the x ray, which is consistent with a frangible bullet and not a full metal jacketed bullet like a carcano 

Thanks for bringing this up Jonathan, because this is a chance to show why Bill's Premise is wrong ie Lack of Kinetic energy transfer.

First I would ask Bill to explain to us how a hollow point bullet works. Now when we see a frangible bullet work, it transfers more energy to the target which is why the water juggs don't get hit when he shoots the ballistic gelatin. Which is why... We see Kennedy's 'Back and to the Left motion' it's the transfer of kinetic energy.

When the normal round is fired we see what Bill said is basically accurate. So Hargis most likely would have been struck by a bullet had it not been a frangible round. 


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27 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

That's also not a frangible bullet, so your point is moot. 


What??? It was the same ammo as that found in the limo. The point is that M/C bullets don't normally break up and explode heads, and that the large head wound can not be explained by the WC's trajectory. 

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6 minutes ago, Pat Speer said:

What??? It was the same ammo as that found in the limo. The point is that M/C bullets don't normally break up and explode heads, and that the large head wound can not be explained by the WC's trajectory. 

It's a waste of time talking to you if you are going to be disingenuous. 

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19 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

There is a snowflake pattern in the x ray, which is consistent with a frangible bullet and not a full metal jacketed bullet like a carcano 

The metal snowstorm etc is indicative of a frangible bullet as opposed to a full metal jacket bullet because FMJ bullets do not normally burst. In this case, however, we have a full metal jacket bullet that burst. The question is why.

Well, fortunately all the evidence fits, far better than at most any other point on the JFK case. 

FMJ bullets burst when striking the skull at a tangent.

Such bullets can create large wounds, far larger than would be expected from the exit of an intact bullet that did not impact at a tangent. 

Such impacts leave large gaping holes, in which scalp is missing, when scalp is usually torn at exit, but not missing beyond that of a small hole. 

Such impacts devastate the dura, which is usually not affected beyond a small hole at exit. 

An impact at the top of the head, as opposed to low on the back of the head, or high on the front of the head, for that matter, causes tears in the mid-brain, where extensive damage was noted at autopsy. 

We can look at the bullet as well. A bullet rupturing on impact at the top of the head will leave fragments on the outside of the skull. Well, the supposed trail of fragments is on the outside of the skull. Some of these fragments will then proceed forward, which explains the impacts on the windshield, and a fragment's striking the curb down by Tague.

It all adds up. 


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52 minutes ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

No, your point is moot, because there is no hard evidence that Kennedy was hit in the head by a frangible bullet.

Z313 shows jfk's head exploding -- that is hard evidence (that it was a frangible slug)(from Hickey's AR15)(23 ft away).

Plus the small bits of lead in the brain etc.

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1 hour ago, Bill Brown said:

Bill, Nalli states in that article that the ITEK study determined that JFKs head showed the only observable forward motion between 312-313. As per my previous comment in this thread, the ITEK study actually determined that Jackie moved forward essentially just as much as JFK. I don’t know how legitimate ITEK’s calculations are, but for Nalli to tell his readers that one of his own sources concluded the exact opposite of what it actually concluded reflects either massive incompetence, or something else. 

Don’t even get me started on Nalli’s jet effect paper. I’m sure you are aware that Nalli had to be corrected on the standard weight of a human brain, and his simple pendulum model has no foundation whatsoever in the real world, not to mention the JFK assassination.  

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24 minutes ago, Pat Speer said:

The metal snowstorm etc is indicative of a frangible bullet as opposed to a full metal jacket bullet because FMJ bullets do not normally burst. In this case, however, we have a full metal jacket bullet that burst. The question is why.

Well, fortunately all the evidence fits, far better than at most any other point on the JFK case. 

FMJ bullets burst when striking the skull at a tangent.

Such bullets can create large wounds, far larger than would be expected from the exit of an intact bullet that did not impact at a tangent. 

Such impacts leave large gaping holes, in which scalp is missing, when scalp is usually torn at exit, but not missing beyond that of a small hole. 

Such impacts devastate the dura, which is usually not affected beyond a small hole at exit. 

An impact at the top of the head, as opposed to low on the back of the head, or high on the front of the head, for that matter, causes tears in the mid-brain, where extensive damage was noted at autopsy. 

We can look at the bullet as well. A bullet rupturing on impact at the top of the head will leave fragments on the outside of the skull. Well, the supposed trail of fragments is on the outside of the skull. Some of these fragments will then proceed forward, which explains the impacts on the windshield, and a fragment's striking the curb down by Tague.

It all adds up. 


At Z313 the remnant AR15 slug veered 6 deg in say 6" & then cracked the windshield glass.

The previous AR15 slug went under the roll divider bar & put a dent in the chrome trim above the mirror.

One of the earlier AR15 slugs went between or over the sun-vizors of the jfk limo & hit the street -- Tague being wounded by a fragment of something.

The 2 copper half jackets found in the limo were from Oswald's first shot of his 2 shots -- the first shot ricocheted off a guy rod on the overhead signal arm -- the jacket breaking in two as is usual for a ricochet -- the main remnant slug making a hole in the floorpan -- little bits of lead splatter peppering jfk's head -- which is when jfk said that he had been hit -- all in accord with Kellerman's testimony & Connally's testimony.

Edited by Marjan Rynkiewicz
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27 minutes ago, Pat Speer said:

The metal snowstorm etc is indicative of a frangible bullet as opposed to a full metal jacket bullet because FMJ bullets do not normally burst. In this case, however, we have a full metal jacket bullet that burst. The question is why.

Well, fortunately all the evidence fits, far better than at most any other point on the JFK case. 

FMJ bullets burst when striking the skull at a tangent.

Such bullets can create large wounds, far larger than would be expected from the exit of an intact bullet that did not impact at a tangent. 

Such impacts leave large gaping holes, in which scalp is missing, when scalp is usually torn at exit, but not missing beyond that of a small hole. 

Such impacts devastate the dura, which is usually not affected beyond a small hole at exit. 

An impact at the top of the head, as opposed to low on the back of the head, or high on the front of the head, for that matter, causes tears in the mid-brain, where extensive damage was noted at autopsy. 

We can look at the bullet as well. A bullet rupturing on impact at the top of the head will leave fragments on the outside of the skull. Well, the supposed trail of fragments is on the outside of the skull. Some of these fragments will then proceed forward, which explains the impacts on the windshield, and a fragment's striking the curb down by Tague.

It all adds up. 


Show me one example of a fmj breaking into pieces when hitting a skull or something similar -- eg glass -- ie on an angle.

There is plenty of footage on youtube -- but i doubt that u can find any such breakage of a fmj.

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29 minutes ago, Pat Speer said:

The metal snowstorm etc is indicative of a frangible bullet as opposed to a full metal jacket bullet because FMJ bullets do not normally burst. In this case, however, we have a full metal jacket bullet that burst. The question is why.

Well, fortunately all the evidence fits, far better than at most any other point on the JFK case. 

FMJ bullets burst when striking the skull at a tangent.

Such bullets can create large wounds, far larger than would be expected from the exit of an intact bullet that did not impact at a tangent. 

Such impacts leave large gaping holes, in which scalp is missing, when scalp is usually torn at exit, but not missing beyond that of a small hole. 

Such impacts devastate the dura, which is usually not affected beyond a small hole at exit. 

An impact at the top of the head, as opposed to low on the back of the head, or high on the front of the head, for that matter, causes tears in the mid-brain, where extensive damage was noted at autopsy. 

We can look at the bullet as well. A bullet rupturing on impact at the top of the head will leave fragments on the outside of the skull. Well, the supposed trail of fragments is on the outside of the skull. Some of these fragments will then proceed forward, which explains the impacts on the windshield, and a fragment's striking the curb down by Tague.

It all adds up. 


You are using the same logic that Mark Fuhrman used in his book thesis lols the head shot lost it's jacket and went on to hit the curb where Teague was. https://www.amazon.com/Simple-Act-Murder-November-1963/dp/0060721545

Sounds like you have never spent time with guns if you believe something like that.

Your take It's also very close to Gerald Posners take that the bullet hit a twig and lost it's jacket and went on to hit the curb by Teague. I think Occums razor on this is explained by more than one person shooting at the president. Watch the video on the frangible round you might learn something. 

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1 hour ago, Pat Speer said:

What???? His autopsy photos do not show a small bullet hole in the right frontal temple. That's been the problem all along. No one saw such a wound. And there's no record of such a wound in the photos and x-rays.


I probably know less about the photographic evidence and Zapruder film alterations than most of the people on this forum, but this photo, certainly, shows the fatal entry wound--above the right eye. 

And the doctors at Parkland described this entry wound and the occipital-parietal exit wound.

Also, Douglas Horne has meticulously documented how the CIA altered the Zapruder film (and their Life magazine stills) to animate out the occiptal exit wound, (and debris) and animate the red temporal blob in your clip.


John F. Kennedy autopsy - Wikipedia




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