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James DiEugenio appears on Watters World to discuss the latest National Archives release

Matthew Koch

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I am shocked,  I hate this guy and his show, and yet he takes this on. Why is FOX jumping on this. I always thought most people leaned Dem or anti-political party on this issue. Jim did a great job because this will get to a lot of people. Why why why? I guess it's good if anyone is talking about it. But where were they 4 years ago?

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Perhaps their motive is to embarrass the Biden administration for colluding in the 59-year CIA cover up.

But, nevertheless, I'm thrilled to see the truth being told by people in the mainstream media.

Biden should be embarrassed.

James DiEugenio didn't overplay his hand-- simply calling attention to the blank pages, etc.

My question.  Did Watters edit out more extensive footage of DiEugenio discussing the CIA's involvement in the assassination?

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49 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

Perhaps their motive is to embarrass the Biden administration for colluding in the 59-year CIA cover up.

But, nevertheless, I'm thrilled to see the truth being told by people in the mainstream media.

Biden should be embarrassed.

James DiEugenio didn't overplay his hand-- simply calling attention to the blank pages, etc.

My question.  Did Watters edit out more extensive footage of DiEugenio discussing the CIA's involvement in the assassination?



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No he did not William.


I did not know the segment would be that brief.  I had seven talking points, I only got about two.

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2 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Does anybody know about the odd lead into this segment, about the KGB turning LHO?

Is there a document to that effect?


Watters used to do production for the O'Reily Factor. 

I'm in Denver visiting my parents for the Holidays and that lead in got me to turn around and say what is he talking about. My parents were able to digest Jim's points that the documents weren't released right and it seemed like they were still being covered up still, and Oswald didn't have enough money to stay at the places he did in Helsinki. It ended up being a good lead in for the Tucker segment because it was at the end of Watters World. 

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8 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

I did not know the segment would be that brief.  I had seven talking points, I only got about two.

Nice job Jim. Great idea using the docs themselves to show the absurdity of the agencies releasing blank and illegible pages in an supposedly good-faith adherence to the JFK Act.

You mentioned Jeff Morley at the end - had he come up in discussion before your on-camera appearance?

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Fantastic job, Jim. As always.

of course with all the anti-Russia sentiment these days and our Cold War revival, the media is naturally latching onto the old saw of Lee being a KGB agent. 

Easier to sell that shinola now -- the media just laps it up without question. Zero pushback. 

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