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The problem with Tucker Carlson.

Simon Andrew

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Could everyone who wants to parade their political correctness by flagellating their bogeyman Tucker Carlson please line up and flog away on this thread, and kindly refrain from polluting other threads with such irrelevance.

Thank you.

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42 minutes ago, John Cotter said:

Could everyone who wants to parade their political correctness by flagellating their bogeyman Tucker Carlson please line up and flog away on this thread, and kindly refrain from polluting other threads with such irrelevance.

Thank you.


     You forgot to say, "Simon says..."

     And, incidentally, what is our new member Simon's full name?

     Isn't the standard here on the Education Forum that members need to use their proper names, to prevent pseudonymous t-r-o-l-l-i-n-g?

Edited by W. Niederhut
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11 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


     You forgot say, "Simon says..."

     And, incidentally, what is our new member Simon's full name?

     Isn't the standard here on the Education Forum that members need to use their proper names, to prevent pseudonymous t-r-o-l-l-i-n-g?

Thank you, William. I stand corrected.

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It is fine if we see Carlson as an ally, and I understand Jim’s points completely. It is just near impossible to overlook Tucker’s support for Fascism, the murder of cops on January 6, his alliance with White Supremacists, overseas dictators, Putin and mass murder, etc etc. That is NOT political correctness, it is human repulsion at the things Carlson has always said and continues to say. So let us not flog those here who find him and any alliance repulsive.

Edited by Allen Lowe
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I do not think I have ever watched his program in say the last four years at least.

So I don't know what he says about these things.

I am not surprised if he  supports what Trump did on January 6th.

That is what I expect from someone at Fox.  Anyone at Fox.

But what I don't expect from Fox is what Tucker Carlson said on the 15th.  In fact if you saw the promo in front of the spot I did, on Jesse Watters, that was pretty much what I expect from them.

But he did not say that at all, which is what was so surprising.  And as I said, according to my sources, he means it.  Which is why Larry S went on.

But for him to say that shows you the kind of torque he must have at Fox.  Which would protect anyone from our side who goes on from an ambush.  Could you imagine a show with Jeff Morley and Oliver Stone?

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4 hours ago, Allen Lowe said:

It is fine if we see Carlson as an ally, and I understand Jim’s points completely. It is just near impossible to overlook Tucker’s support for Fascism, the murder of cops on January 6, his alliance with White Supremacists, overseas dictators, Putin and mass murder, etc etc. That is NOT political correctness, it is human repulsion at the things Carlson has always said and continues to say. So let us not flog those here who find him and any alliance repulsive.

This is exactly the point.

Indeed the extreme nature of some of the reactions here is indicative of the kind of politics Carlson stands for and the type of hatred that killed JFK in the first place.



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7 hours ago, John Cotter said:

Could everyone who wants to parade their political correctness by flagellating their bogeyman Tucker Carlson please line up and flog away on this thread, and kindly refrain from polluting other threads with such irrelevance.

Thank you.

Yes, indeed. It rather reminds me of something. I noticed from my travel to rural France, that as a Brit, I have much in common with the people, culturally, which makes sense with out earlier shared history. I thought it strange that outwardly the perception is that Brits and French hate eachother. Someone once explained it to me, it dates back to the defeat of Napoleon. France’s greatest hero was defeated by Britain/England (with help). They could never forgive Britain/England for this. When in the twentieth Century, Britain liberated France from the German’s (with help), the French, instead of being grateful, still hated Britain, as they could never forgive Britain for liberating them. Their arch enemy pulling them out of the proverbial. But, they forgave the Germans very quickly for invading, occupying and oppressing them. Sure, It’s a little more nuanced (like the French fleet being bombed in the ‘Med’) and DeGaulle played a big role in this division/hatred, he had a big grudge as he spent the war in London, hiding), but, it seems analogous to the Tucker Carlson JFKA debate here. 

Just like the French having been liberated by their enemy (Britain), the JFKA researchers who hate Tucker Carlson because of the past, can’t bear the idea of their enemy doing them a massive favour, giving them a gift that nobody else could in 59 years of suffering. 

It’s a funny old world isn’t it? 

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7 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


     You forgot to say, "Simon says..."

     And, incidentally, what is our new member Simon's full name?

     Isn't the standard here on the Education Forum that members need to use their proper names, to prevent pseudonymous t-r-o-l-l-i-n-g?

I am curious about this too, William. I’ve come to two conclusions. Potentially, “Simon” is some kind of omnipotent being that is blessed with one all powerful name. Or, he is kind of a big deal in the music industry and has gone for that one name thing; like “Prince” or “Madonna.” 

@Mods or @Simon, could we get some clarity on why you don’t have a last name listed? 

Edited by Chris Barnard
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19 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

I am curious about this too, William. I’ve come to two conclusions. Potentially, “Simon” is some kind of omnipotent being that is blessed with one all powerful name. Or, he is kind of a big deal in the music industry and has gone for that one name thing; like “Prince” or “Madonna.” 

@Mods or @Simon, could we get some clarity on why you don’t have a last name listed? 

I provided my surname, my username was just set up like this and I can’t edit it.

What a storm in a tea cup.



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30 minutes ago, Simon said:

I provided my surname, my username was just set up like this and I can’t edit it.

What a storm in a tea cup.



It’s perhaps an admin error or glitch. I think the reasoning for providing both names, or relatively verifiable identity is so that there are less trolls and people are accountable for their words. People behave differently from anonymous accounts.

It’s not your fault anyway. My comments were in jest more than anything. I apologise for any offence caused. 


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6 hours ago, Simon said:

This is exactly the point.

Indeed the extreme nature of some of the reactions here is indicative of the kind of politics Carlson stands for and the type of hatred that killed JFK in the first place.



It says more about the person reacting then it does about Tucker, it's been 4 or 5 days now and all anyone can offer up are generalities about Tucker because they watch CNN or MSNPC who do segments on Tuckers's Dog Whistle Racisms!!! What has been rather humorous is watching people act like little brothers when their big sister starts dating and is jealous she's going with a guy little bother doesn't like. Never mind the fact that Tucker has RFK jr on his program regularly and liberals now think RFK Jr should be kicked off of social media for Vaccine misinformation.


Tucker Carlson stands for the hatred that Killed JFK in the first place? LOL!!! If you say so.. 


Tucker: Nothing can prepare you for new CIA video

The C.I.A. is the most heavily armed and supposedly the most sophisticated intelligence gathering operation on the planet. And yet somehow, they produced this and then put it on social media. 


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE:  I am a cisgender millennial who has been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder. 

I am intersectional. But my existence is not a box-checking exercise. I am a walking declaration, a woman whose inflection does not rise at the end of her sentences suggesting that a question has been asked. 

I did not sneak into C.I.A. My employment was not and is not the result of a fluke or slip through the cracks. 




Edited by Matthew Koch
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10 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

It says more about the person reacting then it does about Tucker, it's been 4 or 5 days now and all anyone can offer up are generalities about Tucker because they watch CNN or MSNPC who do segments on Tuckers's Dog Whistle Racisms!!! What has been rather humorous is watching people act like little brothers when their big sister starts dating and is jealous she's going with a guy little bother doesn't like. Never mind the fact that Tucker has RFK jr on his program regularly and liberals now think RFK Jr should be kicked off of social media for Vaccine misinformation.


Tucker Carlson stands for the hatred that Killed JFK in the first place? LOL!!! If you say so.. 


Tucker: Nothing can prepare you for new CIA video

The C.I.A. is the most heavily armed and supposedly the most sophisticated intelligence gathering operation on the planet. And yet somehow, they produced this and then put it on social media. 


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE:  I am a cisgender millennial who has been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder. 

I am intersectional. But my existence is not a box-checking exercise. I am a walking declaration, a woman whose inflection does not rise at the end of her sentences suggesting that a question has been asked. 

I did not sneak into C.I.A. My employment was not and is not the result of a fluke or slip through the cracks. 




That ad was silly. 

As awkward as it was, there is a take-away: You can fly the rainbow flag and drop bombs on behalf of multinationals. 

Join the team! 

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16 hours ago, Simon said:

This is exactly the point.

Indeed the extreme nature of some of the reactions here is indicative of the kind of politics Carlson stands for and the type of hatred that killed JFK in the first place.



Nonsense.  I'm the furthest thing from a Tucker Carlson/Fox fan, but, as I said last week, his recent commentary about JFK and the CIA was unprecedented and historic.

I'll number you with those of my fellow liberals who are, apparently, too blinded by their contempt for Tucker Carlson to appreciate his take down of the 59 year CIA/Mockingbird/M$M cover up of JFK's assassination.

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Tucker Carlson has been one of the most effective mainstreamers of the dangerous so-called replacement theory.

If you need to look up what replacement theory is, then your opinion has been ill-informed up to this point on the merits of associating with such a person.

If you already understood how replacement-theory arguments amount to stochastic terrorism against immigrants, Jews and people of color, feeding into massacres at the Tree of Life Synagogue and the Buffalo Walmart, then I doubt you're so quick to credit a white nationalist for putting on an occasional pretense of plausible deniability about it.

EDIT TO ADD: The fact that no one on any rival corporate-media networks has fingered enemies within JFK's own government like Carlson just did only further underscores the depths of their own laziness, naivete and cowardice.

Edited by James Wilkinson
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1 hour ago, James Wilkinson said:

Tucker Carlson has been one of the most effective mainstreamers of the dangerous so-called replacement theory.

If you need to look up what replacement theory is, then your opinion has been ill-informed up to this point on the merits of associating with such a person.

If you already understood how replacement-theory arguments amount to stochastic terrorism against immigrants, Jews and people of color, feeding into massacres at the Tree of Life Synagogue and the Buffalo Walmart, then I doubt you're so quick to credit a white nationalist for putting on an occasional pretense of plausible deniability about it.

EDIT TO ADD: The fact that no one on any rival corporate-media networks has fingered enemies within JFK's own government like Carlson just did only further underscores the depths of their own laziness, naivete and cowardice.

He's referring to this James.. 



Edited by Matthew Koch
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