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Another CIA Crest find - Transcripts of October 1975 calls between former CIA Director William Colby and Mrs. Claire Booth Luce concerning the activities of Lee Harvey Oswald prior to the Kennedy assassination

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Again, this copy is NOT in the JFK Records Collection at NARA or at MFF. There is no RIF #. Don't look for it there. 

See - https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/document/cia-rdp80-00473a000200120015-5 - I try to give you copies that do not have a highlight to them. I don't want documents to look like a college kid's used textbook. 

Now there are different versions of this document at MFF.  RIF # 104-10303-10006 at p. 73 of 148, for example. But the version referenced by the tweet is only at the CIA Crest site. - Joe


Edited by Joseph Backes
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Thanks Joe,  David Boylan and I have been writing and speaking about this exchange and others related to Mrs Luce for some time.  As far as I can tell this copy is very close to what we have been working with but David would be the one to compare and know because he was the one who located the documents were were working from....we do consider it a very important exchange for several reasons and detail those in our Red Bird leads papers...

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this highlights another problem with the JFK Records Collection. Documents that are released under FOIA that are not part of the JFK Collection are not automatically placed into the Collection. Either the agency or the FOIA requestor has to decide to send the records to NARA.  Otherwise, these records do not become part of the Collection. 

Since the ARRB went out of business, NARA has been a passive recipient of additional records even though it stated in its rulemaking shifting the ARRB regulations to NARA's portion of the code of regulations that it was assuming ARRB's functions. Apparently, NARA has not interpreted those functions to include pursuing the outstanding ARRB search requests.  

Interesting that this seems to be released as a result of schweiker's investigation. 

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