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I'm Just A Patsy!

Gerry Down

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3 hours ago, Norman T. Field said:

Let us not forget that the "I'm just a patsy" statement was identified as truthful by the PSE audio test. 


Didn't know that.

And what usually happens to the patsy or fall guy in a major crime?

Either the cops do him in...or the bigger criminal masterminds do.

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On 1/27/2023 at 8:04 AM, Chuck Schwartz said:

This is from Sparticus. "Curry was also responsible for protecting Lee Harvey Oswald. However, he later claimed that just before Jack Ruby shot Oswald he was "called to take a phone call from Dallas Mayor Earle Cabell"."  Cabell had jurisdiction over the Dallas City Jail, but not the County Jail, where LHO was to be delivered.  LHO had to be murdered in the City Jail, where Earle Cabell had jurisdiction.  That is why the murder of LHO occurred when it did.  Ealre's brother  (Charles) reported to A. Dulles in the CIA and they were both fired  by JFK for the BOP  fiasco.




In saying that Curry was responsible for protecting Oswald, the Spartacus article is saying that the responsibility of protecting the accused assassin fell on the shoulders of Dallas Police Department and since Curry was the Police Chief, it was ultimately his responsibility.


You're making it sound like Curry was supposed to be leading the charge of personnel involved in getting Oswald safely to the vehicle in the basement; and that is just not true.


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On 1/30/2023 at 10:42 AM, Gil Jesus said:

Does it mean they're actually guilty ? What else would you expect an innocent person to say, "I did it" ?


Jack Ruby was guilty of murdering Oswald. Did he proclaim his innocence while in custody ?


So your argument is pointless.




Ruby couldn't proclaim his innocence since he had just gunned down the alleged assassin in front of an entire police basement full of people (not to mention national television).


So your point is pointless.


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Look at Oswald's statement in it's totality. "They're taking me in because of the fact that I lived in the Soviet Union. I'm just a patsy." Oswald was clearly saying, in my opinion, that the Dallas Police Department was picking on him because he once lived in Russia.

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18 hours ago, Bill Brown said:

Look at Oswald's statement in it's totality. "They're taking me in because of the fact that I lived in the Soviet Union. I'm just a patsy." Oswald was clearly saying, in my opinion, that the Dallas Police Department was picking on him because he once lived in Russia.

So, you are inferring that Oswald's claim of being a patsy was specifically referring to the DPD only, choosing him as one because of his having lived in the Soviet Union?

Or, could there be another nefarious force Oswald was referring to who he felt was behind making him the patsy besides the DPD?

"I'm just a patsy."  Damn...if only Oswald hadn't shouted out this loaded with intrigue claim to the world press.

The term "patsy" is not typically one perp's use to defend their innocence.

It is a loaded term. With all kinds of suspicion arousing interpretations.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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7 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

So, you are inferring that Oswald's claim of being a patsy was specifically referring to the DPD choosing him as one because of his having lived in the Soviet Union?

Or, could there be another nefarious force Oswald was referring to who he felt was behind making him the patsy besides the DPD?

"I'm just a patsy."  Damn...if only Oswald hadn't shouted out this loaded with  intrigue claim to the world press.

The term "patsy" is not typically one perp's use to defend their innocence.

It is a loaded term. With all kinds of suspicion arousing interpretations.



"They're taking me in because of the fact that I lived in the Soviet Union. I'm just a patsy."


"They" obviously refers to the Dallas Police Department.


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Jack Ruby F***** every citizen of the United States when he whacked the only person that could have revealed the truth about who murdered their president.

Oswald was all we had!  But, he was everything!

Ruby blew it all away, the entire case, the truth, when he blew away Oswald.

Thanks a lot...."Sparky!"

Jack Ruby will forever be known as the man who shot the most important truth revealing person in American history.

What an absolute worst American damage causing legacy to leave forever. The biggest fool in American history?

And the DPD in November, 1963 were totally to blame for this truth destroying tragedy to happen. They really were.

The DPD had Oswald in the palm of their hand. Alive and well!

And they ignored advice from so many, even in their own ranks, not to risk Oswald's life ( Oswald was the most threatened criminal suspect in American history!) by transferring him in broad daylight, with advance notice to the public regards when and where and having a blinding light crowd of pushing shoving press people within feet of Oswald just as he was being led to his transport vehicle.

AND only having two security escorts "at his sides" instead of surrounding him completely to shield him from a leaping inches away gut shot attack like Ruby's?

The national media could have, should have blared headlines of outrage over Oswald's death in the hands of the DPD and by the gun of a local strip joint owner who claimed he was avenging Jackie Kennedy's honor, dignity and saving her from a trial of Oswald.

To this day I am surprised that never happened.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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Jerry never got back to me when I asked what they were charged with since he sounded like he was sharing this as support for Lone Nutters that Oswald saying he was a Patsy and that he did no act of violence are meaningless because Andrew Tate said the same things and he is guilty.

When I searched for what they are charged with, seems that they aren't charged even after having their holding in jail extended for very frivolous reasons. Is this because he called out Globalist Gretta Thundberg or could this be because he keeps mentioning that his father worked for the CIA (Romania is where CIA had black international holding/enhanced interrogation (torture) cites) The Judge ruling that victims have been brainwashed is interesting, could Tate have learned these skills from his CIA father? Could this just be a coincidence and he really is sex trafficking rapist Gerry implies he is, or is something bigger going on and Andrew Tate is a patsy like Lee Harvey Oswald? 




Two women who DENIED being trafficked by Andrew Tate and his brother and insist they worked for him willingly ARE victims and have been brainwashed, Romanian judges rule

  • The two women did not recognise that they were being enslaved, the court ruled
  •  A clinical psychologist's report said they were left traumatised and exploited

Two young women who denied being trafficked by Andrew Tate and his brother Tristan did not understand that they were enslaved as they had been brainwashed, a Romanian court has ruled.

The two women both claimed that they worked voluntarily for Andrew and Tristan Tate but a report prepared by a clinical psychologist said they were both left with trauma and did not recognise that they were being exploited.


Edited by Matthew Koch
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4 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:


Jerry never got back to me when I asked what they were charged with since he sounded like he was sharing this as support for Lone Nutters that Oswald saying he was a Patsy and that he did no act of violence are meaningless because Andrew Tate said the same things and he is guilty.

When I searched for what they are charged with, seems that they aren't charged even after having their holding in jail extended for very frivolous reasons. Is this because he called out Globalist Gretta Thundberg or could this be because he keeps mentioning that his father worked for the CIA (Romania is where CIA had black international holding/enhanced interrogation (torture) cites) The Judge ruling that victims have been brainwashed is interesting, could Tate have learned these skills from his CIA father? Could this just be a coincidence and he really is sex trafficking rapist Gerry implies he is, or is something bigger going on and Andrew Tate is a patsy like Lee Harvey Oswald? 




Two women who DENIED being trafficked by Andrew Tate and his brother and insist they worked for him willingly ARE victims and have been brainwashed, Romanian judges rule

  • The two women did not recognise that they were being enslaved, the court ruled
  •  A clinical psychologist's report said they were left traumatised and exploited

Two young women who denied being trafficked by Andrew Tate and his brother Tristan did not understand that they were enslaved as they had been brainwashed, a Romanian court has ruled.

The two women both claimed that they worked voluntarily for Andrew and Tristan Tate but a report prepared by a clinical psychologist said they were both left with trauma and did not recognise that they were being exploited.


Sorry for not getting back to you. I haven't been following the Tate story all that much. I think the way the authorities are viewing this situation is that while the women might not identify as victims now, in 10 or 20 years if Tate ditches them for younger women and they realize they didn't get rich from their time with Tate, they might then only realize they were victims of human trafficking and only then come forward. The possibility of getting rich from Tate might currently be blinding them to their situation. I think that's what going on but I could be wrong. Hopefully the full facts will come out via the current investigation and Tate found innocent or guilty accordingly. 

An investigation like this requires alot of planning and investigation in advance. They wouldn't be able to launch it just because he got into a fight with Greta Thunberg on Twitter recently. 

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2 hours ago, Lance Payette said:

Actually, we could view Oswald's statement as rather telling in the other direction. Theoretically, all the poor innocent soul knows is that he's been taken in for pulling his gun on officers in the Texas Theater and something about shooting some policeman he knows nothing about. Yet he immediately claims he's a patsy who's been taken in only because he lived in the USSR. Rather an odd thing to say under the circumstances, eh?

Lance, thanks.

Don't necessarily disagree, but could not Oswald, aware of the then Dallas' political climate, perhaps have been thinking, "Geez, folks around here (especially the DPD) don't necessarily cotton to perceived commies so I became a convenient target, and now they're trying to lay the killing of the policeman on me - hence, the "pasty" statement.    

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3 hours ago, Ron Ege said:

Lance, thanks.

Don't necessarily disagree, but could not Oswald, aware of the then Dallas' political climate, perhaps have been thinking, "Geez, folks around here (especially the DPD) don't necessarily cotton to perceived commies so I became a convenient target, and now they're trying to lay the killing of the policeman on me - hence, the "pasty" statement.    

You think?

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6 hours ago, Gerry Down said:

Sorry for not getting back to you. I haven't been following the Tate story all that much. I think the way the authorities are viewing this situation is that while the women might not identify as victims now, in 10 or 20 years if Tate ditches them for younger women and they realize they didn't get rich from their time with Tate, they might then only realize they were victims of human trafficking and only then come forward. The possibility of getting rich from Tate might currently be blinding them to their situation. I think that's what going on but I could be wrong. Hopefully the full facts will come out via the current investigation and Tate found innocent or guilty accordingly. 

An investigation like this requires alot of planning and investigation in advance. They wouldn't be able to launch it just because he got into a fight with Greta Thunberg on Twitter recently. 

No worries, they would be able to because there was a prior investigation and detainment prior to this Gretta thing. 

I don't really follow it that much, I saw a video from his lawyer a week ago where she explained the prior arrest and showed that very little has changed evidence wise and that this is politically motivated. Brainwashing always reminds me of Mk/Ultra so I read it seeing if it had anything to do with that, which it doesn't appear to be so. I'm kinda split on Andrew Tate I like the male empowerment stuff he talks about which he got from the pick up community. I don't like the other half about being Materialist and Chauvinistic, but I really don't believe he is involved in "Human Trafficking" and the stuff he was doing with Cams is basically like Only Fans, also Prostitution and Human Trafficking are different. I don't like that he's in that business and I don't like that they were scamming stupid simp rich guys to send the girls money and gifts. That isn't human trafficking, I'm very familiar with human trafficking from living in Mexico and it's borderline slavery. So if the Romanian government isn't putting up much evidence and can keep doing this for 6 months it looks like this is political and that what the judge ruled seems to be that they are "Rail Roading" which was somewhat happening to Oswald by the police and news media. Now if someone kills Andrew Tate than I guess there will be even more similarities. 

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