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Texas Theater: Fill in the blank!


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22 hours ago, Cory Santos said:

Ron even if those statements are true the statements are not verifiable.   Certainly, these points will not convince anyone, well mostly anyone, without verification.   In court those statements are hearsay and only admissible in certain situations for a reason.  If you want to convince people like DVP you need more than that.    

So if an attorney, in a court of law, as opposed to Larry as a researcher and journalist asked Martino's son, did you hear your father say "If JFK goes to Dallas he will be killed", would that be admissible?  A direct statement from the son as to what he heard his father say?

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26 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

So if an attorney, in a court of law, as opposed to Larry as a researcher and journalist asked Martino's son, did you hear your father say "If JFK goes to Dallas he will be killed", would that be admissible?  A direct statement from the son as to what he heard his father say?

It is hearsay.   So generally, no.  There are a few exceptions.  Now, as someone who studied history at the graduate level, a historian might give it some weight but without other support, generally it would not be solely relied on by a historian in the academic field.  

Lance am I right or wrong here?

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On 2/11/2023 at 10:41 PM, Cory Santos said:

It is hearsay.   So generally, no.  There are a few exceptions.  Now, as someone who studied history at the graduate level, a historian might give it some weight but without other support, generally it would not be solely relied on by a historian in the academic field.  

Lance am I right or wrong here?


Edited by Lance Payette
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On 2/10/2023 at 9:37 PM, David Von Pein said:


"...confirmed had pre-knowledge of the assassination..."


The things that are "confirmed" in the mind of a conspiracy theorist are actually things that haven't come even close to being "confirmed" here in the World of Reality.

(But thanks for today's laugh break, Allen.)

yes, except for the fact that they have been confirmed by Martino's wife and son (who were initially reluctant) and various news reporters. So thanks for today's Stupid Break, David


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On 2/12/2023 at 11:20 AM, Lance Payette said:

Of course you are.

I also continue to beat the drum, because it is SO TRUE: In every area of weirdness, seemingly credible people come out of the woodwork and tell incredible tales, for no obvious reason, that are later proven to be completely bogus.

Forget the UFO field, where I could give any number of examples where at least half the research community ended up with egg on its face. In the JFKA itself, if you took seriously every variety of James Files, Judyth Vary Baker, Loy Factor and a hundred others like them, you'd lose your mind.

so anything not based on primary sources is wrong? Ok, you don't exist. Prove otherwise.

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On 2/11/2023 at 7:40 AM, Lance Payette said:

Hell of a strange route to "meet a contact."

Get out of the TSBD somehow, fella ... grab a bus or taxi or whatever ... run home and grab your revolver because you might need it ... stroll down the sidewalk ... if you encounter a cop, shoot him and run like a rabbit ... if you see cop cars, duck into the vestibule of a shoe store ... and then sneak into the theater without paying just because, well, hey, that would be cool and spy-like. Your contact will be waiting in row 4, seat 7.

Yeah, that sounds like a plan.

I will not add to what DVP has said, except to say (1) I have read Larry's book and probably considerably more conspiracy literature than most CTers here, and (2) if that is your notion of evidence, you are hereby awarded the 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Conspiracy Loon fez and vestments, with all the rights and privileges attendant thereto.

sure, Lance, they could have met in Dealey Plaza, or maybe at your house. Apparently, from everything I have read, you were there. But all dopey-ness aside, I suppose LHO went to the theater that day to catch the early show? That's kinda the problem with you LN'ers; you don't really think for yourselves, you regurgitate disinformation that is supplied to you, leaving huge logical gaps. There would be no other reason for LHO to head out there. Unless you (and your secret sources) know something that no one in the last 60 years has known.

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43 minutes ago, Allen Lowe said:

yes, except for the fact that they have been confirmed by Martino's wife and son (who were initially reluctant) and various news reporters. So thanks for today's Stupid Break, David

Even with the wife and son being totally honest people (which I have no reason to doubt; they probably were being honest), you actually think that that honesty somehow PROVES that Martino DID have advanced KNOWLEDGE of a JFK hit? That's a silly belief.


Edited by David Von Pein
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3 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

Even with the wife and son being totally honest people (which I have no reason to doubt; they probably were being honest), you actually think that that honesty somehow PROVES that Martino DID have advanced KNOWLEDGE of a JFK hit? That's a silly belief.

What Martino was obviously talking about is simply what he thought might happen to JFK if he went to Dallas. He had no "advanced knowledge" of anything. And nobody has provided any proof that he did.


no, no. DeMartino TOLD HIS WIFE that JFK was going to be hit in Dallas that day. And since you now profess to admit they were honest, I want to welcome you to the other side. As you do, by association, now admit that DeMartino had advanced knowledge (this will probably get you expelled from the LN'er country club along with Lance but don't worry, I can't get in either, because it's probably restricted).

Edited by Allen Lowe
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7 minutes ago, Allen Lowe said:

I suppose LHO went to the theater that day to catch the early show? .... There would be no other reason for LHO to head out there. Unless you (and your secret sources) know something that no one in the last 60 years has known.

You don't think a nice dark movie theater would be a good place for a double-murderer who's on the run from the cops to hide for at least a little while? Why in the world not?


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37 minutes ago, Allen Lowe said:

sure, Lance, they could have met in Dealey Plaza, or maybe at your house. Apparently, from everything I have read, you were there. But all dopey-ness aside, I suppose LHO went to the theater that day to catch the early show? That's kinda the problem with you LN'ers; you don't really think for yourselves, you regurgitate disinformation that is supplied to you, leaving huge logical gaps. There would be no other reason for LHO to head out there. Unless you (and your secret sources) know something that no one in the last 60 years has known.

Allen, if you look into who owned the Texas Theater at the time, it was owned by Howard Hughes. Howard Hughes assistant was Robert Maheu was the cut out for the CIA-Mafia plots.. I'm sure our LN'ers will say; that is just a coincidence.. 

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52 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

You don't think a nice dark movie theater would be a good place for a double-murderer who's on the run from the cops to hide for at least a little while? Why in the world not?


Obviously for Oswald it wasn't a safe place to hide from the cops.

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On 2/13/2023 at 11:15 AM, Allen Lowe said:

sure, Lance, they could have met in Dealey Plaza, or maybe at your house. Apparently, from everything I have read, you were there. But all dopey-ness aside, I suppose LHO went to the theater that day to catch the early show? That's kinda the problem with you LN'ers; you don't really think for yourselves, you regurgitate disinformation that is supplied to you, leaving huge logical gaps. There would be no other reason for LHO to head out there. Unless you (and your secret sources) know something that no one in the last 60 years has known.


Edited by Lance Payette
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On 2/13/2023 at 11:55 AM, Matthew Koch said:

Allen, if you look into who owned the Texas Theater at the time, it was owned by Howard Hughes. Howard Hughes assistant was Robert Maheu was the cut out for the CIA-Mafia plots.. I'm sure our LN'ers will say; that is just a coincidence.. 


Edited by Lance Payette
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3 hours ago, David Von Pein said:

Is this the "Martino" that you're talking about, Allen?

(Excerpt from Vince Bugliosi's book regarding a "John Martino". Click to enlarge....)


Disclaimer: I know next to nothing about Martino other than what was in SWHT, which I haven’t read in a while, but it looks like Bugliosi’s main criticism is that Oswald was never in Miami. That’s pretty reasonable, but is there any timeframe in 1963 where Oswald theoretically could have been in Miami? “Several weeks” before the assassination could easily stretch back into September. Oswald was unemployed at that time, so is it at all possible that he could have taken a weekend getaway with a few disreputable Cubans, or something like that? 

It just seems a bit odd that Martino would fabricate an easily disprovable elaborate story like that and ask that it not be published until after his death. Is there any actual evidence that Martino had dementia? The 1964 story trying to link Oswald to Cuban intelligence is equally curious, since Martino subsequently claimed it was an anti-Castro plot. 

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