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The Clean Cut Throat Wound

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4 hours ago, Michael Griffith said:

Jeremy Gunn nailed Humes on this phony excuse. He pointed out to Humes that some of Boswell's notes had blood on them too but were not burned. From there, after further questioning, Gunn got Humes to admit that he had also burned the first draft of the autopsy report, as I mentioned in my previous reply. 

The disappearance of Finck's autopsy notes is also revealing. Just think: Who would have stolen those notes, at Bethesda no less, while Finck was washing up after the autopsy, and why? Finck was the only expert in the room, the only board-certified forensic pathologist at the autopsy. He had been called in from the AFIP to help with the autopsy. He was also a Lt. Colonel in the U.S. Army. Just try to imagine who would have had the nerve, not to mention the motive, to steal Finck's notes while he washing up after the autopsy. 

James Jenkins said that not alot of people were allowed on the floor.You can probably narrow this down to about 8 people.Sibert & O'Neil seem pretty straight laced & the Secret Service confiscated film.I'm leaning towards the Secret Service.

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1 hour ago, Michael Crane said:

James Jenkins said that not alot of people were allowed on the floor.You can probably narrow this down to about 8 people.Sibert & O'Neil seem pretty straight laced & the Secret Service confiscated film.I'm leaning towards the Secret Service.

Humes is another prime suspect, IMO.

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11 hours ago, Michael Crane said:


That really did not enter my mind. I'm going to have to agree with you after giving it some thought.

Kellerman and Greer were the two Secret Service agents at the autopsy. It was Kellerman who told Dr. Earl Rose at Parkland that there was "no time" for him to perform the legally required autopsy because Jackie would not leave without the body, as if Jackie could not wait for an autopsy to be done. I could see Kellerman or Greer taking Finck's notes.

Another suspect, IMO, is Dr. Burkley.

But, in my mind, Humes is the most likely suspect.

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Notice that no WC apologist has explained how a yawing bullet, even one passing through a magically shored-up neck, could have created such a small (3-5 mm), neat, and punched-in throat wound. The edges of the wound were punched inward, not outward. Most important, the wound was very small, no more than 5 mm in diameter. A yawing bullet could not have produced such a small wound. 

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7 minutes ago, Michael Griffith said:

Notice that no WC apologist has explained how a yawing bullet, even one passing through a magically shored-up neck, could have created such a small (3-5 mm), neat, and punched-in throat wound. The edges of the wound were punched inward, not outward. Most important, the wound was very small, no more than 5 mm in diameter. A yawing bullet could not have produced such a small wound. 

When mosquito's are biting my neck, my instant reaction is to grab my throat. (sarcasm)

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2 hours ago, Michael Griffith said:

Notice that no WC apologist has explained how a yawing bullet, even one passing through a magically shored-up neck, could have created such a small (3-5 mm), neat, and punched-in throat wound. The edges of the wound were punched inward, not outward. Most important, the wound was very small, no more than 5 mm in diameter. A yawing bullet could not have produced such a small wound. 

I don't think the bullet could have yawed much in the short distance it travelled through JFKs neck.

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On 6/12/2023 at 2:31 PM, Gerry Down said:

I don't think the bullet could have yawed much in the short distance it travelled through JFKs neck.

But the standard tale offered by WC apologists for years is that the bullet that hit Connally was yawing. If the bullet was not yawing before it allegedly exited JFK's throat, what would have caused it to suddenly start yawing before it supposedly hit Connally in the back?

Of course, no bullet traveled through JFK's neck. We now know that the first two drafts of the autopsy report said nothing about a bullet exiting the throat. This explains why there was no hole through the tie knot and no nick on either edge of tie knot. This explains why the shirt slits had no copper traces around them and no fabric missing from them. This explains why the slits exhibit signs of having been cut by a scalpel. This explains why the damage behind the throat wound was larger than the wound itself, indicating that a projectile entered the throat, not exited it. This explains why the slits look nothing like an exit defect made by a bullet. This explains why the FBI lab initially said nothing about a bullet exiting the slits but said the slits could have been made by a fragment. This explains why Dr. Carrico specified that the throat wound was above the collar. And on and on we could go.

Also, the back wound was well below the neck, as we know from the hard physical evidence of the rear clothing holes. Moreover, before he realized it was a problem and expunged it from the autopsy report, Humes stated that the back wound had a sharply downward angle. But, Humes did not realize that Sibert and O'Neill had dutifully recorded his observation and included it in their report on the autopsy; nor did he realize that this observation was included in the FBI's summary report on the assassination. 

JFK starts to react to the throat shot in Z200. This is why he reaches for his throat. Then, while he's still grabbing at his throat, he is visibly knocked forward by the back shot starting in Z226. These things are obvious to anyone not committed to denying reality.

Connally, of course, shows no signs of having been hit until Z238, when his right shoulder is suddenly knocked downward and his cheeks puff. In perfect agreement with the Zapruder film, Connally himself chose Z234 as the moment of impact, which explains why his right shoulder was slammed downward less than 1/4-second later (or just 218 milliseconds later). 

Edited by Michael Griffith
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1 hour ago, Micah Mileto said:

I think the lapel flap is the real deal!

The lapel flip is meaningless. The lapel flip occurs nowhere near the exit wound in Connally's chest. The lapel flip was caused by the wind that was gusting intermittently in Dealey Plaza. 

If one assumes that Connally was hit at Z224, one needs to explain why Connally shoulder does not get slammed downward until Z238.

If one assumes that the Z224 shot hit JFK first, one needs to explain what in the world caused JFK to freeze his waving motion, snap his head to the left, begin to bring his hands up to his throat. One also needs to explain how in the world JFK's left hand is clearly reaching for his throat in Z224. 

The alleged Z224 SBT shot is sheer silliness. 

There is a shot at Z224, but it's the second shot to hit JFK--it's the one that knocks him visibly forward and causes his hands and elbows to be flung upward and forward starting in Z226. 

Edited by Michael Griffith
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36 minutes ago, Michael Griffith said:


Honestly, I've always thought the lone nutters had a pretty solid point that both men appear to be reacting simultaneously beginning at z222-224. Could've been automatic gunfire, as Connally suspected, but still I don't think the Z film is the best at refuting the Single Bullet Theory. Both lone nutters and conspiracy theorists can rejoice in the basic fact that people being shot don't always react how you expect them to.

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JFK does not reach for his throat. He raises both clenched hands ( like fists) to an area near the front of his throat. Was this a reflex action, or perhaps a taught response to protect himself from a forward shot. 

 There is no touching, squeezing, or cradling of his throat. His hands go up. Why , why are the fingers clenched?




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