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5 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:

I disengaged when you requested.

Just try being honest, Leslie. I am pretty sure the moderators have access to PM’s. You sent at least two more messages disregarding Ben & I’s request. Before being reported. Then sending a third.

I am starting to doubt your credibility on just about everything. That’s my opinion, however, I am far from alone at this point. 

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9 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

Just try being honest, Leslie. I am pretty sure the moderators have access to PM’s. You sent at least two more messages disregarding Ben & I’s request. Before being reported. Then sending a third.

I am starting to doubt your credibility on just about everything. That’s my opinion, however, I am far from alone at this point. 

Chris, if I sent Ben an additional email after his request to be dropped, it was an oversight on my part. You on the other hand, continued to engage, stating you know with — I believe you said — 99% certainty Koch wouldn't make a menacing, threatening phone call. You said that you know his voice, indicating you've spoken with him personally. I asked four times if you would confirm with him that he didn't leave a 3 a.m. threatening call. Why didn't you simply say from the outset, "I'm uncomfortable asking my friend such a question," which would have ended our discussion?

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2 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:

Chris, if I sent Ben an additional email after his request to be dropped, it was an oversight on my part. You on the other hand, continued to engage, stating you know with — I believe you said — 99% certainty Koch wouldn't make a menacing, threatening phone call. You said that you know his voice, indicating you've spoken with him personally. I asked four times if you would confirm with him that he didn't leave a 3 a.m. threatening call. Why didn't you simply say from the outset, "I'm uncomfortable asking my friend such a question," which would have ended our discussion?

Another lie, which the transcript confirms. You personally sent me 2 more messages after I asked you to stop. And then another generic message which seems to be at Ben and I, totalling 3 messages.  I will also note that after asking you to stop you waited a cool 33 mins (approximately) to start replying again, ignoring our requests.

What is wrong with you?  

What we are establishing here is that facts and data go against your assertions. 


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Moderators here do NOT have access to PMs between forum members unless a member chooses to share them with a moderator.

They are private messages, as the name implies. 

And Matthew Koch is encouraged to respond to the email Sandy and Kathy gave. Administrators giving out their private email addresses would set a bad precedent. The Education Forum business email goes to Kathy, and she will be more than willing to deal with the matter. If it requires a conference among the administrators, that will be handled privately, as such matters should be.

Obviously, the Administrators do not condone members threatening other members. Nor do we condone members making charges against other members that are without factual basis. At this point, we are neutral in this dispute because we don't know the facts, if indeed they are knowable at all. If it comes down to a "he said/she said" situation without verifiable proof, then that's what it is.

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41 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

Another lie, which the transcript confirms. You personally sent me 2 more messages after I asked you to stop. And then another generic message which seems to be at Ben and I, totalling 3 messages.  I will also note that after asking you to stop you waited a cool 33 mins (approximately) to start replying again, ignoring our requests.

What is wrong with you?  

What we are establishing here is that facts and data go against your assertions. 


Chris, are you asking me to copy and paste the full exchange? I think you might be frustrated that there is a record of your continuing to engage yet refusing to say whether you had asked Mr. Koch.  It would have been so easy and efficient to simply state you were uncomfortable doing so.

fyi, I'm still experiencing a learning curve with EF messaging software.

As far as I'm concerned, the discussion with you is concluded. I look forward to hearing from Koch personally. 

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23 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:

As far as I'm concerned, the discussion with you is concluded. I look forward to hearing from Koch personally. 

Thanks, Leslie. 

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On 3/17/2023 at 5:42 PM, Matt Allison said:

Wait, you're complaining that by talking about the JFKA, someone is being "disruptive"? In yet another OT thread that complains about a disruptor/propagandist getting (thankfully) bounced from this JFK forum? That's rich.

My question is this: has this nonsense now reached the point where it can be described as harassment towards the Mods?

I lost track of this thread when it was moved, then the name changed.  Jmo, it's where it belongs.  But after finding it again and reading the last couple of pages on it I started re reading the whole thing.  Matt's question made me stop and think, is that's what's still happening?  Leslie mentioned a comment about wondering if this might be a coordinated effort to shut down the JFKA aspect of the forum.  That was me, I still wonder.  Would a sustained effort accusing the moderators of discrimination, along with disruptive argument with members over time wear them down, make them give up in frustration and abandon the forum?

Back to re reading.  It is an important subject.  Right where it needs to be, imho.

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5 hours ago, Mark Knight said:

Moderators here do NOT have access to PMs between forum members unless a member chooses to share them with a moderator.

They are private messages, as the name implies. 

And Matthew Koch is encouraged to respond to the email Sandy and Kathy gave. Administrators giving out their private email addresses would set a bad precedent. The Education Forum business email goes to Kathy, and she will be more than willing to deal with the matter. If it requires a conference among the administrators, that will be handled privately, as such matters should be.

Obviously, the Administrators do not condone members threatening other members. Nor do we condone members making charges against other members that are without factual basis. At this point, we are neutral in this dispute because we don't know the facts, if indeed they are knowable at all. If it comes down to a "he said/she said" situation without verifiable proof, then that's what it is.

Thanks for clarifying. I would be happy to supply any private messages, should a moderator require them to verify the truth. 

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9 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

I've never fully understood the term, but is this gaslighting?


You’re confusing that with calling out bad behaviour, Ron. There is a straight up mistruth repeated in this exchange which I can easily prove. Am I to assume that you are not able to process that? 

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On 4/12/2023 at 7:01 AM, Chris Barnard said:

You’re confusing that with calling out bad behaviour, Ron. There is a straight up mistruth repeated in this exchange which I can easily prove. Am I to assume that you are not able to process that? 

If you are referring to our private exchanges, Chris, you have my permission to copy / paste verbatim. It's even more obvious to me that you and a former member of the forum share a predisposition for silly memes in lieu of complete sentences to convey your frustrations. 

Edited by Leslie Sharp
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17 hours ago, Kathy Beckett said:

Please do not sully up the Forum with these. You can send them to Admins, if you like, Chris,  but we don't need mudslinging. Please don't.


Please clarify exactly what you mean, Kathy. I did actually report the matter initially using the report button. 

There have only been expressions of verifiable truth from me in this thread. I can’t say the same for others. 

Edited by Chris Barnard
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Just an FYI:

I have ended Matthew Koch's suspension from posting on the Education Forum. It was, after all, a suspension and not a ban from forum membership.

I have also extended an apology to Mr. Koch for suspending him without a prior warning, and I have assured him that, going forward, that will not occur again.

I am making this post in the interest of transparency. When a member of the Education Forum is warned, admonished, or punished by a moderator, that is strictly between the moderating team and that member, just as any reprimand between an employer and an employee should not be a public matter. And that is why I didn't respond to specific details about which I was asked in this matter.

I have PMed Matthew Koch to make him aware of this change in his status.

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