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MAINSTREAM COOLER - For those who believe mainstream contemporary facts.

Sandy Larsen

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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

This statement by Prigozhin, certainly, debunks the oft-repeated Russia Today narrative on the Education Forum blaming Biden and NATO for Putin's invasion of Ukraine.

Hopefully, we'll hear an explanation from the "blame it on NATO" crowd-- but I won't hold my breath.

The MAGA crowd is now blaming Biden and NATO for Prigozhin for his threatened Coup.

It's nice to have a boogeyman to blame all your troubles on, isn't it?

Life is so much simpler that way.

Steve Thomas


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On 6/11/2023 at 6:23 PM, Steve Thomas said:

We can now add:

The Pottery Barn

Cracker Barrel

Garth Brooks

to the list of boycott targets

Steve Thomas

Add Yosemite National Park to the list:


Can't eat at Cracker Barrel, can't listen to Garth Brooks, can't drink Bud Light, can't go to Disney, can't go to Yosemite.

We 're running out of places.

Steve Thomas

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12 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Glad I don't live any further South.  102 today.  Tomorrow is 105, then 103, 106, 106, 103, 101.  Maybe down to 98 a week from today they say.  The thing is when it doesn't get down below 80 ish at night it never really cools off, e.g. the house, A/C runs pretty much non stop until 2-3-4 in the morning then back on again by 9-10.  

But it's not global warming, even though I don't remember this much in my youth.  This is early in the year for such as well.  After a longer than usual cooler, wetter spring.  Makes me dread July, August, September.

I've not been in a few years now but for several we came to at least Southern Colorado for a week's break in late July or August.  The Rainbow Grocery/Ace Hardware/Fly Shop/Motel/Cabins in South Fork had an a frame dry erase board by the entrance that would say Dallas temp today 100, SF 78.  Daydreaming earlier I looked at the NWS.  High today of 82, with 5% humidity, yes, it said 5 %, ours is down to 31%.  With a low tonight of 38 GD FN degrees!  Coffee on the porch in the morning, needing a jacket?  Ah ha ha ha.

I guess somewhere up there the devil's got his jacket on,


Edited by Ron Bulman
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Putin received calls of support from the leaders of Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakstan, so his left flank is covered. FIghters from  Chechnya were dispatche'd to Rostov-On-Don in support.

Now that Prgozhin has denounced Russia's reasons for invading Ukraine, can the Wagner mercenaries be counted on to fight for Russia there any longer?

Even though they have been offered contracts to to fight for the regular Russian army, will they be less than loyal?

Will the mercenaries be accepted by the Russian rank and file? Will their loyalties be suspect? Will they begin to sow dissent?

If the regular army doesn't improve their logistics, we can expect to see higher rates of casualties and desertions among the regular Army forces. As that happens, how is that going to play out at home?

Things have gotten very complicated.

Steve Thomas

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1 hour ago, Matt Allison said:


 The blowback from this tweet has been absolutely epic.

She has been getting roasted non-stop, every minute of every hour on social media for over 24 hours now.

Proof that a single tweet can sink a Presidential campaign.



Yes, of course, restoring "faith."

We need to re-elect Trump and his fascist plutocrats, and get back to worshipping the Golden Calf.

We need to restore traditional Republican values-- corporate welfare, tax cuts for the rich, cutting Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, and gutting the EPA.

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