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Sandy Larsen

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16 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


I've been listening to this terrific old Sinatra recording all month-- the only time Sinatra ever sang with Bing Crosby.

(From the 1956 film, High Society, which also features Louis Armstrong's band and Grace Kelly in Newport, Rhode Island.)


From Facebook today: In early 1943 Frankie Sinatra’s manager tried to book him at the elite Copacabana night club in New York City. He was turned down. So he settled for a three week engagement at the lesser known Riobamba Club in New York City in April 1943 for $750.00 dollars a week. There were three shows in the evening into the next morning and Sinatra did all three to standing room only crowds. 8:30pm, 1200am, 2:00am. By the end of the third week it was standing room only for his shows even at 2:00 am. His salary rose to $1,200.00 a week and the Copacabana begged for his services. This is an account of Sinatra’s performance at the Riobamba club. Three times an evening, Sinatra ... steps into the baby spotlight that splashes on to the dance floor. In a come-hither, breathless voice, he then sings such songs as 'You'd Be So Nice to Come Home To', 'That Old Black Magic', 'She's Funny That Way', and 'Embraceable You'. As he whispers the lyrics, he fondles his wedding ring and his eyes grow misty. A hush hangs over the tables, and in the eyes of the women present there is soft contentment. The lights go up and Sinatra bows, slouches across the floor and is swallowed up by the shadows.
–George Frazier, Life magazine, May 3, 1943.
Dean Martin in September of 1943 was a last minute substitution for Sinatra at the Riobamba club. That’s where they both met each other. As 1943 progressed he became increasingly incredibly popular and was in demand by most everyone and by the end of that year he was unbelievably followed and loved by millions of people especially teenage girls and young women.
Edited by Douglas Caddy
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pos Justice Clarence Thomas threatened to resign as SCOTUS Justice back in 2000, because $173K annual pay (equivalent now to 300K a year)was just too little. Then a bunch of wealthy backers decide to make it easier on poor widdow Clarence!

I'm sure his ruling in Bush vs. Gore in Dec. 2000 probably gave Clarence a newfound sense of importance!



Let's get this show on road! Jack Smith said that it is of the "utmost gravity" to get these court cases done as quickly as possible, and makes his appeal to SCOTUS. Why should we hold our entire election process hostage to endless delays? 


Yes, great movie Doug! i would never remember it if I didn't see the phrase "Gorsuch case".

I then remembered the meeting when they declared Richard Crenna's will intestate!

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         I have fairly direct, personal knowledge about Putin's FSB agents coercing a bishop in the old (White) Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (ROCOR) to vote for Putin's Moscow Patriarchate takeover of the ROCOR in Western Europe and the U.S. in 2007.  These guys are ruthless and skillful.

         Little wonder that the Republicans in Congress just sabotaged defense funding for Ukraine.

GOP Lawmaker Says His Colleagues Are Compromised

December 21, 2023 at 3:37 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 49 Comments

Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN) said on a podcast that some of his colleagues have been compromised by the Russians using drugs and prostitutes.

Said Burchett: “You know the old honeypot. The Russians do that and I’m sure Members of Congress have been caught up. Why in the world would good conservatives vote for crazy stuff like what we’ve been seeing? Here’s how it works. You’re visiting, you’re out of the country or out of town or you’re in a motel or at a bar in DC and, whatever you’re into – women, men, whatever – comes up and they’re very attractive and they’re laughing at your jokes, and you’re buying them a drink.”

He added: “Next thing you know you’re in the motel room with them naked, and next thing you know you’re about to make a key vote, and what happens? Some well-dressed person comes up, whispers in your ear, ‘Hey man, there’s tapes out on you. Were you in a motel room on whatever with whoever? And you’re like, ‘Uh, oh.’ And they say, ‘You really ought not to be voting for this thing. And what do they do? It’s human nature.”

Edited by W. Niederhut
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MAGA merch at Trump Tower is Made in China (video)

by Mark Frauenfelder Dec 20, 2023


Walter Masterson went to the Trump Tower to show folks all the wonderful Made-in-MAGA Land merchandise available there. The only problem is, everything he looked at, from hats to T-shirts to Donald Trump bobbleheads, all had tags that said "in the Republic of China."Made in China."”

Steve Thomas

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Don't let anyone ever tell you that Trump isn't in Putin and Russia's pocket.

Because he 100% is.


"Trump’s former longtime architect, Alan Lapidus, echoed this view in an interview with FP this month. Lapidus said that based on what he knew from the internal workings of the organization, in the aftermath of Trump’s earlier financial troubles “he could not get anybody in the United States to lend him anything. It was all coming out of Russia. His involvement with Russia was deeper than he’s acknowledged.”"





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This reference is from Rupert Murdoch's MAGA rag, the NY Post, but it is, nevertheless, mind-boggling.

I have made no secret of my disagreement with Biden's Gaza policy, but his low approval ratings are, frankly, bizarre.

The U.S. economy is doing fairly well, and Biden should get an "A" for his management of domestic policy issues.

Why the historically low approval ratings?  I attribute them to the deluge of anti-Biden MAGA propaganda in the media.

Biden ends 2023 with lower approval than past 7 presidents: poll (nypost.com)

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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

Why the historically low approval ratings?  I attribute them to the deluge of anti-Biden MAGA propaganda in the media.

Polls are also historically more unreliable than ever, due to the fact that there are two demographics now: people that answer their phones, and people that don't.

I'll let you judge what those demos look like.

However you're 100% correct about the the effect right-wing media's 24/7 America-hate is having. With Fox "News" constantly rooting against the U.S. and talking about how awful the country is, many people are bound to believe them.

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14 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

The U.S. economy is doing fairly well, and Biden should get an "A" for his management of domestic policy issues.


Home prices have increased by a whopping 60% since 2020. While in some sense that is good for homeowners, it is awful for everybody else. For some reason the inflation rate doesn't seem to account for that rise. Because I've noticed price increases in most everything else as well. Though not gas.

That said...

I'll bet that consumers are feeling the pinch because wages haven't risen near as much as costs have. I know that that is definitely the case in my household.

I've wondered if the reason unemployment rate is down is because people who haven't worked before (like house wives) have had to take jobs to make ends meet.

I've noticed in our neighborhood that the number of people living in one house has increased. Due to house sharing, subletting, adult kids moving home. We used to have no cars parked on the streets, but now there is overcrowding.

So while the economy is booming, the average joe is just getting by. As usual, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.


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