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Sandy Larsen

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On 2/15/2024 at 2:05 AM, Kirk Gallaway said:




I wish when Oliver Stone did his 10 hour interview with Putin, he knew he was as full of sh-t as Tucker does here.

Hey i enjoyed Oliver drinking and getting high with Bill Maher but his defense of Putin in this interview is so cultish.

Vlad can do no wrong, ( what's that about Ukraine?) He refuses to believe there could be anything fishy about Prighozin's death.  All these Soviet journalists thrown out of windows were troublemakers and any western journalists imprisoned obviously had it coming!



Oliver Stone still feels the same way about Putin after the invasion of Ukraine? Oh...my...gosh, how stupid.


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25 minutes ago, Douglas Caddy said:

Thanks for posting this Douglas.  I was just about to post this version of the story when I saw yours. 

Reading the one I'm posting I had to chuckle to myself regarding the source.  I suspect this may chap the ass of many fox news followers.  Oh No, trump last!  Reagan the actor so low!  Biden That High?  Obama?  Trump said he wasn't even born in the US.

I did notice in the article you posted Jimmy Carter at 22.  Which surprised me given what I've read by many about him being such an ineffective peanut farmer from Georgia.  I found this kind of vindicating of my own thoughts.  That his Peace efforts in office and afterwards were admirable.  That he inherited and had to deal with a terrible economy.  That but for a desert storm, sand in helicopter carburetors on a mission to rescue the Iranian hostages he might have been perceived as a hero.  That he was sandbagged by ghwb, reagan et al with the October Surprise.

I did notice neither article mentioned where JFK was ranked.

Both articles should be of interest to many followers of the forum and I urge them to take the time to read, both.

New presidential rankings place Obama in top 10, Reagan and Trump below Biden (msn.com)  

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14 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:


Oliver Stone still feels the same way about Putin after the invasion of Ukraine? Oh...my...gosh, how stupid.


Oh, that's well known. He actually said the U.S. made Putin do it!

He's probably as snowed by Putin with Navalny as he was with Prighozin.That is, he tends to be skeptical that Putin had anything to do with his death. It would be interesting to hear his comments about Navalny.

He's just really gullible. It was interesting in his 10 hour interview with Putin, I believe he first opened the issue of Ukraine implying what is the big deal if Ukraine starts to emulate the West? That could be just sort of an interview technique.to get a strong response. Whatever Stone's true feelings were. He certainly ended up caving, and  then went on to spend I assume probably a few million of his own money to produce "Ukraine on Fire" to be Putin's disciple   and help spread Putin's gospel that Ukraine was nothing but a  neo nazi state that must be crushed and we'll never know how much it has served in Putin's getting cover to justify his brutal invasion of Ukraine.

Nobody will ever be able to take away from Stone what he did for open government. He's reached a place where people respect his film achievements , so they pass some of Stone's stuff off as "that's just Stone being Stone" and it's not a liability to the JFKAC movement. Still, as in a number of things,  it would be nice if the mantle could be passed on to some non Baby Boomer new blood. IMO



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3 hours ago, Matt Allison said:



      I have long suspected that this is a critically important issue in U.S. politics that has remained largely untold-- Republican politicians who have been blackmailed and manipulated by Russian kompromat.

     The FSB (KGB) is very skilled at this kind of thing.  The kompromat may be based on sexual peccadilloes, or financial fraud.  That's the Russian stick.

     The Russian carrot is bribery-- including campaign financing.

     RoJo is an obvious example, and Rand Paul really flipped a few years ago, to became an abject MAGA gofer.  The same thing is true of a number of other important Senators and Congressmen who are currently sabotaging Ukraine funding for Putin-- not to mention Putin's Agent Orange!

Edited by W. Niederhut
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21 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

I have long suspected that this is a critically important issue in U.S. politics that has remained largely untold-- Republican politicians who have been blackmailed and manipulated by Russian kompromat.

     The FSB (KGB) is very skilled at this kind of thing.  The kompromat may be based on sexual peccadilloes, or financial fraud.  That's the Russian stick.

And you sir would be 100% correct.

Putin has played the long game here, and accumulated Republican chess pieces to use as he wishes.

Putin has enjoyed being able to work in the shadows for most of the 21st Century. But largely because of his very ill-advised attempt to annex Ukraine, as we move through this year of 2024, the U.S. electorate as a whole will learn very clearly of his pathological hatred of the United States. He blames us squarely for the demise of the Soviet Union; an event he described as the "greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century." He hates that we believe all people are created equal; he despises blacks, women and any members of the LGBTQ community. He's basically a Nazi that wants to destroy us. He'd love to nuke us, but our defense systems are designed so that the only nuclear explosions he would set off are inside his own borders.

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"Putin also used kompromat to secure his own presidential nomination. In 1999, he used a sex video to get rid of a general prosecutor who had investigated allegations of corruption around Boris Yeltsin. As a result, Yeltsin named a virtually unknown provincial bureaucrat as a presidential candidate nominee… Vladimir Putin."



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- George Washington, 1796 -

[Partisanship] serves always to distract the public councils and enfeeble the public administration. It agitates the community with ill founded jealousies and false alarms, kindles the animosity of one part against another, foments occasionally riot and insurrection... [Parties] are likely, in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people, and to usurp for themselves the reins of government; destroying afterwards the very engines, which have lifted them to unjust dominion.”



Steve Thomas

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