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Sandy Larsen

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Thanks Sandy, I took care of it.

Alito's wife is every bit as much of a grizzled loose canon as Ginni Thomas!

Whoa, Justice Alito's homophobe , vengeful wife speaks recklessly to a complete stranger journalist at the Historical Society's June 3rd, get together which is a haven for members of the Federalist Society to hob nob with Conservative Supreme Court Justices!


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Young men and women are diverging politically. That could shape the 2024 election.

by Ronald Brownstein, CNN June 11, 2024



“Researchers say democracies across the Western world are experiencing a widening partisan and ideological gap between younger men and women. In a much discussed article earlier this year, Financial Times columnist John Burn-Murdoch pointed to survey data in a variety of countries showing that young men were far more likely to identify as conservative than young women. “In countries on every continent, an ideological gap has opened up between young men and women,” he wrote.

That gap has widened in the US, too, though the evidence shows that it is growing more because young women are ideologically moving to the left than because young men are moving to the right. Merged annual results from NBC polls conducted by a bipartisan team of Democratic and Republican pollsters document the trends.”

“...big backlash among younger women against the rollback of abortion rights”

“... a backlash among younger men against changing gender roles”

“For many younger women, pollsters say, the loss of abortion rights has become not only a threat in itself, but a symbol of a broader attempt to reverse women’s gains in economic status and pressure them back into more traditional gender roles.”

“Not only is abortion less of a motivating issue for them (young men), but there’s evidence that many of them are receptive to the messaging that...that women’s gains in society have come at the expense of men.”


We can't allow that to happen.

Steve Thomas

Edited by Steve Thomas
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A new verb for the Oxford English Dictionary-- "s-h-i-t-talking?" 🤓

It's a variation on the concept of Trump, "talking out of his ass."

‘Stop S-h-i-t-Talking America!’ Democratic Governor Unloads on ‘Whining’ Trump

Josh Shapiro Unloads on Trump: 'Stop dooky-Talking America!' (mediaite.com)

Michael LucianoJun 10th, 2024, 9:49 pm

"All they hear from Donald Trump is a whole bunch of whining about this country. And I think Donald Trump’s got to quit whining, go to quit trying to divide us. I mean, consider this, Jen. We’re producing more energy than anyone before in this nation. We have the strongest economy in the world and we are beating China for the first time in decades. More people went to work this morning in America than any other time in our nation’s

So, I got a message to Donald Trump and all of his negativity and whining: stop s-h-i-t-talking America! This is the greatest country on Earth and it’s time that we all start acting like it. The good people of Pennsylvania understand that this is a great country, understand that we got a whole lot going for us. And not it’s time for us to continue this path of progress that Joe Biden has laid out and not go back to a negative time, not listen to the whining of the former president, and instead, focus on a positive future for all of us."

Edited by W. Niederhut
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'Death grip': Trump hold over GOP likened to 'Jonestown suicide' by ex-RNC member

by Kathleen Culliton June 11, 2024


“Former President Donald Trump's hold on the Republican National Committee is like that of cult leader Jim Jones' on the residents of Jonestown, a former RNC member said Tuesday.

Fergus Cullen, former party chair in New Hampshire, made this analogy to the Huffington Post in his explanation of why the RNC would move forward with nominating a convicted felon as its 2024 presidential nominee.

“The residents of Jonestown chose suicide rather than leave,” Cullen told the Huffington Post. “He has a death grip on the RNC and the delegates. Even if polls showed him losing 65-35, they would choose to go down with him.”

Richard Porter, an RNC member from Illinois, agreed Trump will be the chosen candidate despite the looming threat of a prison sentence in his criminal hush money case.

“There will be no move to, no mechanism for and no interest in removing Trump at the convention,” Porter said.”


You know you are in a cult when….

Steve Thomas

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17 hours ago, Matt Allison said:


He's a bad American and a danger to our republic.

This is impeachable and he needs to impeached at the first opportunity.

His wife is a disgrace, too.


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Hunter Biden convicted on gun-related charges.

They're coming after you, Biden was just in their way.

If they can do it to him, they can do it to anybody.

Every person in America who owns a gun is about to be arrested.

Steve Thomas

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24 minutes ago, Steve Thomas said:

Hunter Biden convicted on gun-related charges.

They're coming after you, Biden was just in their way.

If they can do it to him, they can do it to anybody.

Every person in America who owns a gun is about to be arrested.

Steve Thomas

       Yeah, Steve, it's somewhat amusing that this is the Biden Crime Family peccadillo that the MAGA gun-toters are triumphantly hanging their red hats on-- Hunter's gun-related charges.

       These are the same MAGA yahoos who have vehemently opposed any restrictions on gun ownership.

       Meanwhile, here's a worrisome fake news/dark money story for 2024.

       We can all thank Alito and Uncle Clarence Thomas for allowing unrestricted dark money to buy elections.


Number of Dark Money News Sites Surges

June 11, 2024 at 12:42 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 

“The number of partisan-backed outlets designed to look like impartial news outlets has officially surpassed the number of real, local daily newspapers in the U.S., according to a new analysis,” Axios reports.

“Many of those sites are targeted to swing states — a clear sign that they’re designed to influence politics.”

“There are least 1,265 websites identified as being backed by dark money or are intentionally masquerading as local news sites for political purposes.”

Edited by W. Niederhut
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Donald Trump's Nephew Fred C. Trump III Set to Release Tell-All Memoir About Trump Family

Fred C. Trump III is sharing all the details about his family in an upcoming memoir. The nephew of Donald Trump, 62, is discussing his ties — and separations — from the Trump family in his new memoir All in the Family: The Trumps and How We Got This Way which is set for release on July 30, Gallery Books has announced.

The book release comes amid Donald Trump's continued campaign for a second term at the White House after being convicted of 34 felony counts for hiding an unlawful scheme to corrupt that election on May 30. While Fred III has mainly kept out of the spotlight over the years, he now plans to speak out in the book about what it was like growing up with Donald as his uncle and the Trump family in never-before-told stories — exposing the family in a manner they have never been before.

In his new memoir, Fred III will be discussing his relationship with Donald, 77, and his late grandfather, Trump patriarch Frederick Christ Trump Sr. He will also give access to life in the White House and delve into the win-at-all-costs family dynamic that created a rift as he tried to protect his own family.

Fred III will also open up about how these damaging mentalities threatened the health and safety of his son William, who was diagnosed with developmental disabilities, as he brings darker corners of the Trump family to light in the book. “Silence is golden only where there is nothing that needs to be said,” he said, in a press release about the book's release.


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4 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Donald Trump's Nephew Fred C. Trump III Set to Release Tell-All Memoir About Trump Family

In his new memoir, Fred III will be discussing his relationship with Donald, 77,



Boy, I'd like to see a sit-down with Mary and Fred III.

Steve Thomas

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This is a good Frontline presentation about how Ivy League Universities Israel-Hamas War peace demonstrations have been assaulted by the right wing and wealthy donor alumni as being "Anti Semitic." 

I've seen Leon Cooperman many times and marvel at how much air time he is given whenever he feels like making a point on the business channels. 

And he is a complete douche bag!




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I fear Putin isn't fooling around this time. The countdown has begun. It all could happen in the near future, maybe before the November election. 



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What on Earth Did Martha-Ann Alito’s ‘German’ Spiel Mean?


The embattled wife of Justice Samuel Alito, who actually hails from Kentucky, found herself on the wrong side of the internet on Tuesday.



Edited by Matt Allison
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