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Sandy Larsen

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The New York Times losing all its credibility is not something to be celebrated by anyone. Quite the opposite. It’s a sign that there are very malignant forces at work against the U.S. and its system of government.


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Tonight, to millions of his viewers, MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell decried the New York Times false insinuations of Biden seeing a Parkinson's specialist, calling their reporters, "hysterical, enraged, unprofessional, and harmful" and showing lesser ethical standards than "a college newspaper". 


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Today Twitter user Toby Muresianu suspected he was being trolled by a Russian AI bot, so he decided to see if he could fool it in a reply:




Turned out there was a horde of "Annette Mason" bots doing the exact same thing:




The accounts were reported to Twitter and soon all were suspended. But that will not stop or even slow down Russia's disinformation campaign.

Please understand that you are being targeted in the greatest propaganda war in history.

Edited by Matt Allison
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2 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

Please understand that you are being targeted in the greatest propaganda war in history.

I don't think this even comes close to the one 90 years ago.

Matt, the problem is people saw the debate.  

'Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!'  isn't a good campaign slogan. 


Edited by Bill Fite
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3 hours ago, Bill Fite said:

I don't think this even comes close to the one 90 years ago.

Matt, the problem is people saw the debate.  

'Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!'  isn't a good campaign slogan. 


Interesting point, Bill.

Two of the most ardent Biden defenders I know (one of them is a sibling) didn't watch the debate.

It was a disaster.

Adam Schiff said it best this week.  "Biden should have wiped the floor with Donald Trump."

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Well, Nancy Pelosi just drove the bus over Biden on Morning Joe, and I've been around long enough to know she is the most effective politician in DC.

People better hope this works, because there will be a lot of angry people, and no party in the modern era has ever changed Presidential candidates 4 months before the election and won.

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National Political Party Conventions are a time for rousing speeches by Party loyalists, designed raise the fervor of the faithful and instill Party unity.


Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who was once dubbed the "future" of Republican politics by the New York Post, is being shut out of a speaking spot at the 2024 Republican National Convention.


Kristi Noem, the puppy-killing Governor of South Dakota who was once touted as a possible Vice-President, wasn’t even invited.


So much for Party unity.


Steve Thomas

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- Donald Trump -

""What a GREAT RALLY at Trump National DORAL (Miami) last night," he wrote. "WOW, it was really Special — the Enthusiasm was off the chard (sic). Amazing crowd! Thank you to everyone who made it happen!!!"



Security was provided by Marjorie Taylor Greene's gazpacho police.

Steve Thomas

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‘Blitz primary’: the scenario that could turn replacing Biden into a ‘riveting spectacle’

Idea floated by loose affiliation of party stalwarts say alternative would invigorate Democrats by putting spotlight on young talent.

A controversial aspect of the blitz primary model is that Harris would be required to compete on equal terms – there would be no anointing her as Biden’s heir. Allan Katz, the former US ambassador to Portugal under Obama who has helped frame the blueprint, said that if she emerged as the nominee she would do so “as a much stronger, much better candidate than if the nomination was just handed to her”.

The younger generation of leaders would be introduced to the nation through a series of televised town halls running up to the convention in Chicago on 19 August. Moderators would be selected for their dynamic ability to attract large primetime audiences especially of younger voters, snatching back the media limelight from Trump.

Oprah Winfrey, Michelle Obama, the historian Doris Kearns Goodwin, and even Taylor Swift have been floated as fantasy interlocutors

“It would increase the number of Americans actually paying attention,” said Rosa Brooks, a key advocate of the blitz primary who held senior positions in both the Obama and Bill Clinton administrations and was a volunteer policy adviser for Biden’s 2020 campaign. She added: “For delegates it would be a chance for them to see how the candidates performed in front of the American people – because in the end this is about finding a candidate who is most likely to defeat Trump.”

Selection would be by ranked choice voting. Delegates would vote only once, but list all candidates in order of preference.


Contenders would then be eliminated one by one, and their votes redistributed to those remaining, in a process that could be staggered over several days for maximum TV suspense and exposure. That would have the dual benefit of increasing public engagement, as well as ensuring that the final winner would have very broad appeal.

“It would be a riveting spectacle,” Brooks said. “It would be a way of getting people focused on the issue and the fact that the Democrats are not, in fact, a one-person party.”

Blitz primary advocates report that the model has proven to be popular among those they have tested it against. Brooks said that she has had private conversations with senior Biden administration officials who expressed support.

“People in very senior positions within the administration have said to us privately, ‘Thank you, we’re glad you’re doing this. We need Biden to withdraw and we need some better process,’” Brooks said.

The architects of the blitz primary have no illusions about how difficult it would be to achieve – not least because the entire plan rests upon Biden agreeing to quit the race. 

Link to Article on the Guardian


This is an idea that should be given serious consideration.

Then reform the primary voting process.

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Senator Michael Bennett (D-Colorado) has now called for Biden to step down.

Bennett used to live across the alley from us here in Denver's West Washington Park area.

I'd wave to him when he drove down the alley in his BMW, but I didn't really know him.

At the time, he was Superintendent of the Denver Public Schools, before Gov. Bill Ritter appointed him to the U.S. Senate (to replace Ken Salazar, Obama's Secretary of the Interior.)

Bennett is highly intelligent and ethical-- a liberal centrist.


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23 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

If only Dick Cheney could convince Donald Trump to go hunting with him... 🤥

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