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Howard Brennan: The "Star Witness" Who Wasn't

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Warren Commission testimony of Arnold Louis Rowland.

Eyewitness to someone standing with a rifle in the Texas Book Depository 6th floor far West window just minutes before JFK was shot in Dealey Plaza.

Mr. SPECTER - What, if anything, did you observe as to the clothes he was wearing?
Mr. ROWLAND - He had on a light shirt, a very light-colored shirt, white or a light blue or a color such as that. This was open at the collar. I think it was unbuttoned about halfway, and then he had a regular T-shirt, a polo shirt under this, at least this is what it appeared to be. He had on dark slacks or blue jeans, I couldn't tell from that I didn't see but a small portion.

Rowland was 150 feet from the 6th floor window.

That's 50 yards on a standard sized football field.

Mrs. Carolyn Walther. Dealey Plaza eyewitness to gunmen in the TXSBD building 6th floor window just before JFK was shot.


Witness Carolyn Walther says she saw 2 men with guns in the Texas School Book Depository

My goodness. Mrs. Walthers position on the street sidewalk to the 6th floor window ( as shown from the inside of the window looking down at the interviewer who stood in that place )
was so close!
Maybe just 80 to 100 feet? Her only discrepancy is stating it looked to her like the 5th floor. Many people do not count the lowest floor of high rise structures in counting the number of floors above.
Edited by Joe Bauer
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On 4/26/2023 at 4:13 AM, Michael Griffith said:

I'm guessing you haven't read the recent research on Oswald's whereabouts during the shooting either.

There is no way, no way, he could have gotten from the sixth-floor window to the second-floor lunchroom in time to avoid being seen by Truly, who was running ahead of Baker. No way. This is not to mention the people who were on or near the stairs who also would have seen or heard Oswald coming down them, but did not. This is covered well in JFK Revisited.

Even the super careful, uber cautious Anthony Summers makes a strong case that Oswald was not on the sixth floor during the shooting. You might start with his section on Oswald's whereabouts at 12:30 on 11/22.


Read my post from yesterday where i said that Oswald took 48 sec to get to the 2nd level (based on tests).

The same tests also showed that 45 sec was about the best time one could do by rushing without actually running.

Nearly forgot -- there were 2 lots of tests that gave 48 sec -- by 2 lots of testers -- at 2 different locations (1 at TSBD)(1 at facsimile)-- at 2 different dates.

Edited by Marjan Rynkiewicz
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On 4/25/2023 at 9:54 PM, Gil Jesus said:

Good stuff. A minor point -- in the photo -- Brennan is not seen sitting at exactly the place on the wall where he was actually sitting during Oswald's shot-1 & shot-2 -- during shot-1 & shot-2 Brennan was sitting on top of the solid section of wall -- about 6ft east of where he is sitting in the photo.

Hence to look up to Oswald's window he would have had to twist left say 30deg (& look up)  -- rather than look straight ahead (& look up).

However in the Zapruder footage we can count the number of times that Brennan looks up towards Oswald's window between Z133 & Z212.

The count adds to -- zero -- nought -- nil -- zilch -- 00 -- 0.00 plus or minus 0.000. 

However Brennan might have looked up at Z216 when Oswald fired shot-2 -- in fact Brennan said that Brennan did look up a bit after shot-2 -- & saw a guy (Oswald) withdrawing a rifle (Carcano).

Then Brennan did not hear or see Hickey's autoburst at Z300--Z313 koz Brennan at that time was diving behind the end pier of the wall, & laying flat on the grass, with his head tucked in like a tortoise.

Brennan failed to say that he bumped heads with Euins (diving behind the same pier), & that Brennan was squashed by the Glovers (jumping offa the same pier). 

Edited by Marjan Rynkiewicz
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On 4/26/2023 at 1:37 AM, Gil Jesus said:

"ibid" means  that you can find it at the previously cited source. For example, you might have a citation, ( 3 H 425 ) and further down you have one that says "ibid.". If there's no source between them, that means that the "ibid" source is the same 3 H 425. It makes it so you don't have to repeat the source.


I'm just now seeing this Gil and wanted to say thank you.

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Back in 2017, I started a thread on the lineup that Brennan allegedly attended.

You can find it here:


There's a lot of references to the DPD Arcives, which have subsequently been folded into the Portal to Texas History.

When I looked into it, I found that of the 7 or 8 copies of the lineups, Brennan only appears once.

It took place after the lineup with the Davis sisters. He was brought to police headquarters by the Dallas office of the Secret Service.

At the bottom of the lineup report, someone handwrote Brennan's name and also wrote, "Failed to iidentify."

From that point on, he was written out of the Dallas Police Department's official record.

No Dallas policemen attended this Brennan lineup.

You tell me.

Steve Thomas

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2 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

Back in 2017, I started a thread on the lineup that Brennan allegedly attended.

You can find it here:


There's a lot of references to the DPD Arcives, which have subsequently been folded into the Portal to Texas History.

When I looked into it, I found that of the 7 or 8 copies of the lineups, Brennan only appears once.

It took place after the lineup with the Davis sisters. He was brought to police headquarters by the Dallas office of the Secret Service.

At the bottom of the lineup report, someone handwrote Brennan's name and also wrote, "Failed to iidentify."

From that point on, he was written out of the Dallas Police Department's official record.

No Dallas policemen attended this Brennan lineup.

You tell me.

Steve Thomas

Brought in by the Secret Service.  To be the Warren Commission's star witness.

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Eyewitness to History: The Kennedy Assassination : As Seen by Howard Brennan Hardcover – 1 June 1987 -- $153

Brennan could not see Hickey fire at Z300--Z312 koz .........

(1) there was a bush blocking his view, &

(2) Brennan dived down behind the wall & lay on the grass after Oswald's shot-2 at Z217.

As  not  seen by Howard Brennan should have been the name of his book.

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11 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:


Has anyone got his book? -- what did Brennan say he saw (in his book) -- Brennan's version got bigger as the years went by -- probly included a burning bush near the end.

Its probly as useful as Hoffman's book.

Both books cost too much $$$$ for me.

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