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Pierre Lafitte datebook, 1963

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4 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

No. I live offshore. You can send me a PDF. 

That's right.  I forgot.

I think Kindle is less than $10.

In the meantime, I'll repost the excerpts from the Postscript to Coup which so irritated your friend M. Koch.

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24 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

No. I live offshore. You can send me a PDF. 

How can you diss a book so extensively that you have not read?  

You can't make this up.  It seems Greg is borrowing your phrase's  now.

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Just now, Ron Bulman said:

How can you diss a book so extensively that you have not read?  

You can't make this up.  It seems Greg is borrowing your phrase's  now.

No doubt!  How in the world can anyone talk with any authority or believability without first reading the work being discussed?

@Benjamin Cole  You must have read up on CASTER before you started talking about him, writing about him, No?

Don't you think it a bit ingenuous? 

I deal with the same thing about Harvey and Lee all the time.  Read the flipping book before you comment. I read it, reviewed every footnote's source and talked to the author about the book for 2 years.

Which is why at this point all I can say is to begin comparing what the Lafitte notes say, with what we currently know about the assassination - and read the book.   Ben, you know I know my docs.  The notes talk about Oswald in Mexico with Thomas Eli Davis Jr at a hotel 20 miles south of the Cuban/Russian compound.  I proved the evidence about Oswald in Mexico - at those compounds or at that hotel - is bogus.  He wasn't at those locations.

But he could have been in and out of Mexico in the week when literally no one has any idea where he is... Sept 27th thru Oct 3rd.  So I was right, and it does not conflict with what the notes say.

I'm also very interested in the rifle as I've written and spoken extensively on the topic.  I've yet to read in COUP where the rifle comes from, or who may have put it in the TSBD.   "yes I ok I DPD" The first people in the TSBD are Elsworth and the rest of his ATF group... then it's Gerald Hill of the DPD, Mooney, Boone and Weitzman are all sheriffs.   If someone from the DPD planted it, when and who? 

btw - this is from the Italian manifest of Feldsott's purchase.  That's supposed to be C 2766.  It's not.   Point is, how can you effectively discuss the details of a complicated book, without actually reading the book?


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22 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

How can you diss a book so extensively that you have not read?  

You can't make this up.  It seems Greg is borrowing your phrase's  now.

I am not challenging anything in the datebook.

For any purported historical document, a first---a prerequisite---is determining authenticity. 

The datebook could be a fraud. At this point, that is undetermined. 

I do not have to read anything to know the datebook has not been authenticated. 

DJ--you have done excellent documents work.

But if you felt a document was a phony, what was your response? 

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48 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:

That's right.  I forgot.

I think Kindle is less than $10.

In the meantime, I'll repost the excerpts from the Postscript to Coup which so irritated your friend M. Koch.

Sorry, Paypal is no longer possible in SE Asia for non-nationals.

Also I am reluctant to spend money on--financially support--a possibly fraudulent operation. 

If you wish to send me a PDF, you can.

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PS I have no relation to Koch, other the reading his posts on EF-JFKA. I have had no private communications with Koch at all. 

An interesting question: Have there been private communications between Leslie Sharp and Robert Montenegro? 

Edited by Benjamin Cole
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28 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

PS I have no relation to Koch, other the reading his posts on EF-JFKA. I have had no private communications with Koch at all. 

An interesting question: Have there been private communications between Leslie Sharp and Robert Montenegro? 

That's not totally true Ben.. 

Remember, I once sent you a private message and asked you to respond to Mark because I used your phrase Donks' and Phants' and he responded to me thinking I was you and I asked you to reply back to him, lolols 

That happened.. 

Other than that, I have not communicated with Ben other than in public form. Scouts Honor 💯🤞

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28 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

PS I have no relation to Koch, other the reading his posts on EF-JFKA. I have had no private communications with Koch at all. 

An interesting question: Have there been private communications between Leslie Sharp and Robert Montenegro? 

Do you really read this forum, much less books?  Yes, they have corresponded for several years now.

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1 hour ago, Matthew Koch said:

That's not totally true Ben.. 

Remember, I once sent you a private message and asked you to respond to Mark because I used your phrase Donks' and Phants' and he responded to me thinking I was you and I asked you to reply back to him, lolols 

That happened.. 

Other than that, I have not communicated with Ben other than in public form. Scouts Honor 💯🤞

OK, I had forgotten that very brief communique. 

I felt obliged to answer civilly and I did, as I would any other DM. 

But other than that, we are simply two participants in the EF-JFKA. 


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On 7/28/2023 at 7:40 AM, Jeremy Bojczuk said:

Benjamin Cole writes:

That's a good point. With the sixtieth anniversary coming up, some elements of the media will be on the look-out for anything that might discredit JFK assassination research in general and critics of the lone-gunman theory in particular. A JFK-related equivalent to the Hitler diaries hoax would do the job perfectly, just as Best Evidence did a few decades ago.

Until this document is published in full and has been examined and declared authentic by accredited experts, there is no reason to place any trust in what it contains.

And there's no good reason not to get it fully examined as soon as possible. If it's authentic, it would be probably the most important single piece of documentary evidence in the case. If it's a fraud, the sooner it is exposed as a fraud, the better. It really should have been thoroughly examined by experts long ago. The fact that it wasn't, does tend to raise suspicion.

On the subject of suspicion, Greg Doudna's Fact#4 is an eye-opener. If Greg's conclusion is correct, and parts of the document really were added after the death of the supposed author of the document, that's the end of the matter, isn't it?

To the group of chancers who have claimed to have been the gunman on the grassy knoll, or the gunman in the storm drain, or the gunman on the sixth floor, or any of these gunmen's getaway drivers, or Oswald's girlfriend, or one of the three tramps, we could add the author or authors of the datebook.

The JFK assassination does tend to attract claims like that. Until the datebook is properly examined and declared authentic, you can't blame people for assuming that it's probably a fraud, can you?

@Jeremy BojczukThe coauthor of Coup in Dallas is "in the room."  You can address me directly.

And there's no good reason not to get it fully examined as soon as possible. If it's authentic, it would be probably the most important single piece of documentary evidence in the case. If it's a fraud, the sooner it is exposed as a fraud, the better. It really should have been thoroughly examined by experts long ago. The fact that it wasn't, does tend to raise suspicion. 

Unfortunately, you appear to be playing catch up.  I have been transparent since early 2022, two months after Coup was published, regarding the complexities of reigniting the datebook examination process. I have explained that Hank's sudden passing in June 2019 set in motion a string of complications — legal, emotional, practical. It was with a good deal of effort, pushing against significant forces, that this book made it into the public domain.  All goes well, the facsimile of the datebook will soon be as well.

Lectures like this, "it should have been" reveal a touch of arrogance. You have no idea what "we" have been through.

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2 hours ago, David Josephs said:

No doubt!  How in the world can anyone talk with any authority or believability without first reading the work being discussed?

@Benjamin Cole  You must have read up on CASTER before you started talking about him, writing about him, No?

Don't you think it a bit ingenuous? 

I deal with the same thing about Harvey and Lee all the time.  Read the flipping book before you comment. I read it, reviewed every footnote's source and talked to the author about the book for 2 years.

Which is why at this point all I can say is to begin comparing what the Lafitte notes say, with what we currently know about the assassination - and read the book.   Ben, you know I know my docs.  The notes talk about Oswald in Mexico with Thomas Eli Davis Jr at a hotel 20 miles south of the Cuban/Russian compound.  I proved the evidence about Oswald in Mexico - at those compounds or at that hotel - is bogus.  He wasn't at those locations.

But he could have been in and out of Mexico in the week when literally no one has any idea where he is... Sept 27th thru Oct 3rd.  So I was right, and it does not conflict with what the notes say.

I'm also very interested in the rifle as I've written and spoken extensively on the topic.  I've yet to read in COUP where the rifle comes from, or who may have put it in the TSBD.   "yes I ok I DPD" The first people in the TSBD are Elsworth and the rest of his ATF group... then it's Gerald Hill of the DPD, Mooney, Boone and Weitzman are all sheriffs.   If someone from the DPD planted it, when and who? 

btw - this is from the Italian manifest of Feldsott's purchase.  That's supposed to be C 2766.  It's not.   Point is, how can you effectively discuss the details of a complicated book, without actually reading the book?



Your animosity towards me is misplaced.

I am asking that the datebook be immediately placed into a secure, neutral location, and then be verified or debunked by an independent panel of experts. 

How can any member of the JFKA research community take umbrage with those positions? 

Side note: Can you imagine the Niagara of acid ridicule and feculent invective that will inundate the JFKA research community---we, to be indelibly established as conspiracy nuts and dupes---if the datebook receives wide acceptance and then is debunked? 

Right about the time of the 60th anniversary of the JFKA? 

Right when RFK Jr is running for President, with his plans to open up the JFK Records? 

Is it possible perps know the datebook is a fraud and are planning such a turn of events? 



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2 hours ago, David Josephs said:

No doubt!  How in the world can anyone talk with any authority or believability without first reading the work being discussed?

@Benjamin Cole  You must have read up on CASTER before you started talking about him, writing about him, No?

Don't you think it a bit ingenuous? 

I deal with the same thing about Harvey and Lee all the time.  Read the flipping book before you comment. I read it, reviewed every footnote's source and talked to the author about the book for 2 years.

Which is why at this point all I can say is to begin comparing what the Lafitte notes say, with what we currently know about the assassination - and read the book.   Ben, you know I know my docs.  The notes talk about Oswald in Mexico with Thomas Eli Davis Jr at a hotel 20 miles south of the Cuban/Russian compound.  I proved the evidence about Oswald in Mexico - at those compounds or at that hotel - is bogus.  He wasn't at those locations.

But he could have been in and out of Mexico in the week when literally no one has any idea where he is... Sept 27th thru Oct 3rd.  So I was right, and it does not conflict with what the notes say.

I'm also very interested in the rifle as I've written and spoken extensively on the topic.  I've yet to read in COUP where the rifle comes from, or who may have put it in the TSBD.   "yes I ok I DPD" The first people in the TSBD are Elsworth and the rest of his ATF group... then it's Gerald Hill of the DPD, Mooney, Boone and Weitzman are all sheriffs.   If someone from the DPD planted it, when and who? 

btw - this is from the Italian manifest of Feldsott's purchase.  That's supposed to be C 2766.  It's not.   Point is, how can you effectively discuss the details of a complicated book, without actually reading the book?


David, The first people in the TSBD are Elsworth and the rest of his ATF group... then it's Gerald Hill of the DPD, Mooney, Boone and Weitzman are all sheriffs.   If someone from the DPD planted it, when and who? 

This is the same Elsworth running a sting, or some operation to bust up a weapons transfer that morning?  I don't have the details in front of me, so disregard the specifics for now; but if you can, confirm this is the ATF guy? 

Our interest is that the warehouse office of Ferenc Nagy was within walking distance of the  Elsworth's car chase?  Was Nagy storing an arms shipment? Did the men who showed up on Odio's doorstep in Magellan Circle, Casa Linda, knock on the wrong door? Were they looking for Nagy?  Or was Odio living near Nagy for a reason?


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5 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:


Your animosity towards me is misplaced.

I am asking that the datebook be immediately placed into a secure, neutral location, and then be verified or debunked by an independent panel of experts. 

How can any member of the JFKA research community take umbrage with those positions? 

Side note: Can you imagine the Niagara of acid ridicule and feculent invective that will inundate the JFKA research community---we, to be indelibly established as conspiracy nuts and dupes---if the datebook receives wide acceptance and then is debunked? 

Right about the time of the 60th anniversary of the JFKA? 

Right when RFK Jr is running for President, with his plans to open up the JFK Records? 

Is it possible perps know the datebook is a fraud and are planning such a turn of events? 



I am asking that the datebook be immediately placed into a secure, neutral location, and then be verified or debunked by an independent panel of experts. 


Would you have the audacity to suggest the same demand be applied to Ethel Kennedy, Michael Scott, Ralph Ganis, among others?

Right, Hank sat on this project through the spring of 2019, knowing that Robert Kennedy would announce in 2023?  Why don't you think things through before you post, Ben.  

Do you know why Coup in Dallas was delayed beyond 2019?  Would I provide a link to Hank's obituary? You are insulting.

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2 hours ago, David Josephs said:

No doubt!  How in the world can anyone talk with any authority or believability without first reading the work being discussed?

@Benjamin Cole  You must have read up on CASTER before you started talking about him, writing about him, No?

Don't you think it a bit ingenuous? 

I deal with the same thing about Harvey and Lee all the time.  Read the flipping book before you comment. I read it, reviewed every footnote's source and talked to the author about the book for 2 years.

Which is why at this point all I can say is to begin comparing what the Lafitte notes say, with what we currently know about the assassination - and read the book.   Ben, you know I know my docs.  The notes talk about Oswald in Mexico with Thomas Eli Davis Jr at a hotel 20 miles south of the Cuban/Russian compound.  I proved the evidence about Oswald in Mexico - at those compounds or at that hotel - is bogus.  He wasn't at those locations.

But he could have been in and out of Mexico in the week when literally no one has any idea where he is... Sept 27th thru Oct 3rd.  So I was right, and it does not conflict with what the notes say.

I'm also very interested in the rifle as I've written and spoken extensively on the topic.  I've yet to read in COUP where the rifle comes from, or who may have put it in the TSBD.   "yes I ok I DPD" The first people in the TSBD are Elsworth and the rest of his ATF group... then it's Gerald Hill of the DPD, Mooney, Boone and Weitzman are all sheriffs.   If someone from the DPD planted it, when and who? 

btw - this is from the Italian manifest of Feldsott's purchase.  That's supposed to be C 2766.  It's not.   Point is, how can you effectively discuss the details of a complicated book, without actually reading the book?


  If someone from the DPD planted it, when and who? 

We're not arguing, specifically, that someone from the DPD planted the two rifles; Lafitte is saying that "DPD" is okay about it. I think that is who we're looking for.  Who was "ok"?

And, as I mentioned, it's possible those rifles were intended for the expert snipers deployed to the depository, not necessarily decoy rifles to confuse.

Edited by Leslie Sharp
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