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RFK Jr. Quest to OPEN JFK Records: Big Boost?

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Could it be that the "source" Tucker Carlson mentioned who had queued him into his CIA did it TV claim was ...RFK Jr.?

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1 hour ago, Joe Bauer said:

Could it be that the "source" Tucker Carlson mentioned who had queued him into his CIA did it TV claim was ...RFK Jr.?

As I recall, I think TC said it was someone inside the CIA. 

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@Benjamin Cole @Matt Allison  When Biden authorized further postponement of JFK assassination records in December 2022, they were two buckets of records subject to the order. The first batch were records that NARA and agencies were still working on (section 2(d) records) . I believe the roughly 900 records released in April and May represent this bucket of section 2(d) records. There may be additional releases of section 2(d) records by the end of June

The second category of records were those that the agencies had requested postponement and NARA had not objected to (section 2(c) records). The release of these records are to be released pursuant to the Transparency Plans. 

MFF has alleged, inter alia,  that the Transparency Plans do not comply with the JFK Records Act, that NARA acted arbitarily and capriciously when it told the President that these Transparency Plans complied with the Act and that President Biden violated the JFK Act by delegating future release of the section 2(d) records to the National Declassification Center (NDC) since the Act provides the president has the "sole and non-delegable duty" to make postponement/release decisions.  And by providing that future decisions will be made by the NDC, the president has effectively terminated the JFK Act. 

The media has not yet come to appreciate the gravity of the problems represented by the Transparency Plans and the unlawful termination of the JFK Act. 


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@Matt Allison Matt- I thinm you need to get your ears cleaned out or remove the Biden defender ear buds.

The agencies basically push around NARA. The procedure is that NARA sends out a letter to the agencies saying the records will be released unless the agencies request postponement. If NARA does not agree with their grounds for postponements , they can elevate to the WH. This is definitely failure of leadership in the White House. Biden has the power to overrule the agency postponement requests. Instead, he has not only caved to their requests to further postpone 60-year old records but then has abdicated his statutory authority by illegally delegating future decisions to the NDC.  

For a man who has a bust of RFK in the oval office, this is abysmal and beyond disappointing. He needs to grow a pair.  

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2 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

Then it sounds like the problem is NARA, not Joe Biden.


Biden could order release of all the JFK Records, and any other federal records, immediately. 

Avoiding responsibility and accountability to the law and ethics by hiding behind NARA and some invented extra-legal procedures is contemptible. 

Trump was no better. 

I cannot imagine that an EF-JFKA'er would have anything but outrage and contempt for a government and an official that blocks release of the JFK Records. 

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12 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:


Biden could order release of all the JFK Records, and any other federal records, immediately. 

Avoiding responsibility and accountability to the law and ethics by hiding behind NARA and some invented extra-legal procedures is contemptible. 

Trump was no better. 

I cannot imagine that an EF-JFKA'er would have anything but outrage and contempt for a government and an official that blocks release of the JFK Records. 


     You have started literally dozens of redundant threads and posts here during the past few months excoriating Joe Biden for not releasing the JFK records-- a cause of disappointment for all of us, I'm sure.  (I actually wrote a letter to Biden in 2021 asking him to release the JFK records.)

     Fortunately, you have recently acknowledged that Trump also blocked the release of the JFK records in 2017 and 2018-- something which Glenn Greenwald tried to blame on Mike Pompeo.

     My question.  Amidst all of your redundant excoriations of the Donks, do you have any thoughts about why Trump and Biden declined to release the records?

     I'm genuinely curious.  What are the POTUSes (POTII?) so frightened about?


Edited by W. Niederhut
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3 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


     You have started literally dozens of redundant threads and posts here during the past few months excoriating Joe Biden for not releasing the JFK records-- a cause of disappointment for all of us, I'm sure.  (I actually wrote a letter to Biden in 2021 asking him to release the JFK records.)

     Fortunately, you have recently acknowledged that Trump also blocked the release of the JFK records in 2017 and 2018-- something which Glenn Greenwald tried to blame on Mike Pompeo.

     My question.  Amidst all of your redundant excoriations of the Donks, do you have any thoughts about why Trump and Biden declined to release the records?

     I'm genuinely curious.  What are the POTUSES (POTII?) so frightened about?



That is what we all want to know. 

When Nixon said he wanted the Bay of Pigs files, he never got them, and then a CIA-infested team broke into the Watergate and Nixon got blamed. Nixon was out. Helms decided who saw CIA files, not the Chief Executive. 

Trump said he would open up the JFK Records...then suddenly reversed course. Blackmail? Cowardice? A sordid deal of some sort? Then Trump was r-word gated. 

Biden never said he would open up the JFK Records, and has illegally not opened up the Records, and has contemptibly try to avoid accountability and responsibility through invented procedural issues. Not that the M$M cares.

My guess---and it is only a guess---is that intelligent JFKA researchers will be able to deduce that LHO was an intel-state asset if the records are released in full. And maybe he was close to Cuban-exiles and mercs. 

Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson said they thought the CIA was involved in the JFKA. They are gone. 

Maybe there is a pattern here....

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@W. Niederhut when it comes to the JFK Recordfs, Trump and Biden are equally culpable for failing to comply with the Act.

as to why Biden and Trump did not release the records, they were told by the NSC and CIA that release would jeapordize national security. They are afraid of not following advice of the national security community for fear of potential consequences if so-called classified information is released.  

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1 hour ago, Lawrence Schnapf said:

@W. Niederhut when it comes to the JFK Recordfs, Trump and Biden are equally culpable for failing to comply with the Act.

as to why Biden and Trump did not release the records, they were told by the NSC and CIA that release would jeapordize national security.

Understood, Larry.  But how, exactly, would the release of the records "jeopardize national security" in 2023-- sixty years after JFK's murder?

What is the terrible, unmentionable secret-- that the CIA and Joint Chiefs conspired to murder the POTUS?

Most of us have surmised as much, but how would confirming that fact "jeopardize national security" now?

The claim makes no sense.


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