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Number One Again: After 11 months in release!

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2 hours ago, Cliff Varnell said:


In response to questions about his take on the back wound, James wrote:

<emphasis added>

The questions you ask, I believe, are fundamentally unknowable.  They amount to what is, at root, guess work.  And people can arrange clever arguments for their side, just as others can arrange clever arguments on their side.  You can go as low as the WC and its three shots, Single Bullet Fantasy, or to the other end with Fetzer and his 9-10 shots, where he actually names the assassins.

The fundamental problem here is that the autopsy in this case was interfered with.  We know that from FInck's testimony at the Shaw trial which was covered up in the press via the work of James Phelan and his after hours snacks at his rented house in New Orleans.  Neither the back wound nor the head wound was dissected.  Therefore there are some people, like David Lifton for example, who seem to think that the back wound was actually "punched in", it really did not exist.

You can make arguments that the back wound was at T 1, T 2, or T 3.  In your case, you do not want to agree with the autopsy photos since it  counters your argument that is was at T 3.  We have all heard this ad infinitum from you: the pics are not properly labeled, they do not have a proper chain of possession etc etc etc until we all throw up.  You have been arguing with Pat Speer on this for years on end.  He has gotten sick of it; you have not--since your radius of interest in this case is much smaller than his.  

As per the timing of the back wound, again, how can anyone know for sure?  Its guess work.  I mean some argue that the last shot is now at Z 328. Was that it?  Or did it come much earlier? Strange that you would go after Thompson on this issue.   Because he argues in his book that it was at Willis 5.  Where he says the shirt is not bunched. I have seen others use a different slide to say that his shirt was bunched.

Personally, I really do not have a lot of interest in these kinds of timing and shot sequencing arguments today. There was a period when I did, many years ago.  But like latter day Jim Garrison, I kind of look at this as a parlor game today.  

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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Modern politics should teach us that the keys to messaging are Simplicity and Repetition.

The answer to — “A lone assassin killed Kennedy” (simple and endlessly repeated) sure as hell ain’t a 10 minute dissertation on the provenance of C399.

Gaeton Fonzi and Vincent Salandria hit on the simplest case for conspiracy when Fonzi confronted Arlen Specter with the clothing evidence and Specter had a blithering breakdown.

So I spent 21 years (May ‘97 to May ‘21) endlessly repeating the T3 evidence — the bullet holes in JFK’s clothes are too low to associate with the throat wound. 

“(W)e all throw up.”

...I’ll never get it — but I’m owed an apology.

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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Thanks for all those congrats.

I think what this says, again, is that the interest in the Kennedy case is not going away or ebbing.

As Tom Samoluk said in the film, its likely just as strong now as it was back in 1963-64.

The MSM can do all they like to try and bury it and paper it over. But as long as there are people writing good books and making good films--let us give Max Good credit--the subject will not go into eclipse.

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On 5/29/2023 at 2:00 AM, James DiEugenio said:


This is incredible, the DVD was at number one its first three weeks in release in July of last year!

Now, 11 months later, its back at number one  for documentaries on Amazon AGAIN.

What this means is that, in all probability, it will achieve what is one definition of a classic.

For one year it was either in the Top Ten, or right around that area.

Remember what Roe said when it came out:  Its going straight to You Tube.😃. LOL. HA HA HA

That is very good news. 

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I just wonder what is in store for us at the sixtieth.

We know what happened at the fiftieth, the big MSM pig out.

Can they really do something so despicable again?

I don''t think so with RFK running.

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4 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

I just wonder what is in store for us at the sixtieth.

We know what happened at the fiftieth, the big MSM pig out.

Can they really do something so despicable again?

I don''t think so with RFK running.


No matter how deplorable the MSM coverage of the JFKA...it can always sink lower. 

Operation Mockingbird? Why bother---CNN, MSNBC, NYT and WaPo are happy to work hand-in-glove with official sources and former CIA'ers. 

President Biden has done a snuff job on the JFK Records...without a murmur of dissent from anybody. 

Representative David Schweikert (R-AZ) has introduced H.R. 637 to open up the records that should be open anyway. He has zero co-sponsors. 


I understand that some earnest people believe LHO acted alone. 

But why is no one interested in opening up the JFK Records?

Transparency, accountability, sunlight..."democracy dies in darkness"---empty sentiments? 




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3 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

But why is no one interested in opening up the JFK Records?


I think there are a lot of smart people in the government and MSM who suspect the CIA killed Kennedy. And that they don't want to have public sentiment against the CIA. They worry about what the government will do if the public demands the CIA be shut down. Who will then fight terrorism? Who then will fight today's KGB? Who then will keep America number one in espionage?


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That is a good question Sandy.

But I reply with this.  NSC 68 was a propaganda ploy, and Kennan always said the Long Telegram was completely distorted.

I would also add, OBL got his start when Carter and Zbig decided to use the Moslems against godless communism in Afghanistan.

One of the biggest mistakes ever made in recent history.

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1 hour ago, Sandy Larsen said:


I think there are a lot of smart people in the government and MSM who suspect the CIA killed Kennedy. And that they don't want to have public sentiment against the CIA. They worry about what the government will do if the public demands the CIA be shut down. Who will then fight terrorism? Who then will fight today's KGB? Who then will keep America number one in espionage?


A reporter's first and only obligation is to call a spade a spade, except in limited conditions pertaining to wartime. 

Tell the truth on the JFKA and the JFK Records, and let the chips fall where they may. 

It is not a journalist's job to obfuscate truth to protect the CIA. I cannot accept that. 

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This is one of the worst aspects of the so called new online journalism.

As far as the JFK case goes, its been little different from the established pillars: W post, NY TImes, LA Times.

For example, generally speaking, things like Daily Beast, Wiki and Daily Kos have led the way.

Daily Beast first published Max Holland's disinfo story about Mitrokhin that Tim W picked up.  Which is utter crapola.

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The way one would measure the commercial (American) success of the film, would be the following:

1. How many times was it downloaded on Showtime.

2.  How many times was it  purchased in any part on the various streamers e.g. Amazon etc..

3. Then how many DVD's it sold.

After this was all computed, one would then compare it with other JFK documentaries. I have little doubt it would be number one, easily.

I mean the film debuted at Cannes almost two years ago.  And its still in the top ten?

Edited by James DiEugenio
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17 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

The way one would measure the commercial (American) success of the film, would be the following:

1. How many times was it downloaded on Showtime.

2.  How many times was it  purchased in any part on the various streamers e.g. Amazon etc..

3. Then how many DVD's it sold.

After this was all computed, one would then compare it with other JFK documentaries. I have little doubt it would be number one, easily.

I mean the film debuted at Cannes almost two years ago.  And its still in the top ten?

People carping about Jim D's JFK Revisited remind me of fans in the stands at a Philly football game. 

"The QB is blind loser! He had a man open! The running back should have burst through the line for a TD! The coach is a bum, can't design a play! The refs are crooked!" 

Man, get out on the playing field and give it try. 


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Philly was pretty good this year right?


BTW, I just got this message on Twitter:

hi Jim. Just thought you’d like to know that Sky (UK) are still showing Destiny Betrayed on their main documentary channel at 8pm - prime time! The viewing figures must support that!

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