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Sound like a guy who is going to kill the President tomorrow ?

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14 hours ago, David Von Pein said:

Can I expect to see seven FBI agents at my door any minute with a warrant for my arrest?

And then there's that bombshell book I can look forward to seeing on the newsstands later this year --- "Colonel Sanders, DVP, And The Murder Of JFK: From Kentucky, To Indiana, To A Tragedy In Texas"  [Simon & Schuster; Hardcover; 788 pages; $24.95 USD].

(Yes, I think you'd better try to work The Colonel into your plot too, Allen. It'll be much better for your book sales. Because I don't have any name recognition.)


KFC fun fact: I first enjoyed KFC at a restaurant called the Rustic Inn in Blytheville Arkansas in 1967. My dad, an Air Force pilot, became an instant fan and I made many KFC runs for the family my late teenage years in Florida.

The Rustic Inn sadly eventually succumbed to arson by owner.

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On 6/8/2023 at 7:40 AM, Jonathan Cohen said:

Clearly, if Oswald was the assassin, the crime was one of opportunity - that JFK was driving right below the window where he worked. So the anecdote mentioned above in no way negates the notion of Oswald being guilty.

I for one am always on the lookout for opportunities to kill people.

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4 hours ago, Gil Jesus said:

Crime of opportunity ? The evidence says that Oswald didn't even know that the President was coming through Dealey Plaza that day and didn't find out until between 9:30 and 10:00 am when he spoke to James Jarman. ( 3 H 200 )


Confused here.

Junior Jarman says he started eating his sandwich and drinking his soda pop after 12 noon ( at 11:55 he stops working and goes to the wash room to wash his hands, gets his sandwich, goes to the lunch room to buy a soda from the machine - this all had to have taken 5 minutes to do ) and after finishing his lunch ( how long did that take? ) and even disposing his sandwich wrap paper and empty soda pop bottle he then meets up with and goes out the front of the building with Harold Norman, Bonnie Ray and Danny Arce?

Exactly what time is it when Jarman and his three friends exit the building to see JFK?

Did he gobble his sandwich and swig down his soda pop in just 5 minutes or so? Maybe 10?

So, at some point after 12 noon he and these three other fellows go out the building.

Then, apparently, within minutes of going outside and before JFK's limo arrives, Jarman and Williams and Norman change their minds about being outside and then decide to go up to the 5th floor? To perhaps get a better view of the motorcade? And maybe avoiding the crowdedness of outside group of employees?

At 12:30 PM, when the shooting begins, Jarman and Williams and Norman are all sitting together in the 5th floor window area, directly below the shooter above them?

That's a lot of running around for this trio in just 30 minutes time.

Jarman washing his hands, then getting his sandwich, buying a soda pop in the 2nd floor lunch room then walking around eating his lunch and then disposing of his sandwich wrap and empty pop bottle, then meeting up with his work buddies and all of them going down to the first floor lobby and then out the main entrance door to the outside.

Then changing their minds and going up 5 floors to get a better view of the motorcade. And how long were they in the 5th floor window area before someone started shooting above them?

And it appears the 5th floor was also an open warehouse type floor as the 6th floor?

If Jarman and his buddies wanted to get a birds-eye view of the motorcade, why not go to the 6th floor to get an even better one than the 5th?


Edited by Joe Bauer
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4 hours ago, Charles Blackmon said:

Oswald also would have had to have clairvoyant powers to know that the motorcade was running at least 15 minutes late. He was not at the 6th floor SN (based on BRW testimony) when the motorcade turned onto Elm if it had been on time. 


Also, Oswald had two and maybe three wallets?

The one that he left for Marina with 170 dollars in it? Another one removed from his person after he was wrestled out of the Texas theater?

Maybe another one found at the Tippit shooting scene?

170 dollars back in 1963 was the equivalent to almost 1700 dollars today in buying power.

3 months rent on an apartment and then some.

The Oswald motivation narrative was that he left this large amount of money to Marina because he knew he was never coming home again.

Couldn't another explanation for this good sized chunk of money being left in Marina's care be simply that it was safer and more prudent to leave it with Marina, versus carrying it on his person at work, on buses going to work and little room and even leaving it in that little room where he knew housekeeper Earlene Roberts might see it if she needed to go into his room for any reason?

And it would make sense Oswald would "not" want to put that money in a bank account. He might need the money in an instant if he needed to use it to get another apartment for he and Marina.

And Oswald never wrote a check in his life did he? Obviously, he didn't like banks and preferred to keep his money close to his person.

One assumes Oswald always paid his rent in cash?

So, Marina's room and closet was Oswald's bank.

Safer and more easily accessible if he needed cash right away.

And one of the arrested and detained Lee's first comments to Marina when she was brought in to see him was to be sure his little Junie got some new shoes with the money he left Marina?

That's the mindset of a cold blooded killer?

Oswald loved his little girl more than anyone...even Marina imo.

And how could killing JFK advance the cause of Castro and the Cubans in Oswald's mind if that is why he did it?

Didn't Oswald answer a question that suggested his pro-Cuba ideology might be the reason he did JFK with this answer ( paraphrased ) that the man who replaced JFK ( LBJ ) would have not been any less antagonistic to the Cuban cause than JFK?

Edited by Joe Bauer
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