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10 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

For this, I was put in comment jail for day and I am banned for posting fresh material for 10 days.


You are not banned from posting fresh materials. Not ever, not even for ten days.

What you can't do is start a new thread each time a new article pops up mentioning something that already has an active thread. Doing so is spamming. If somebody does this by accident, we let it ride. But you do it repeatedly.... and a warnings apparently didn't remind you to stop.

Why don't you copy the content of your post that is now in the Water Cooler and repost it here in the appropriate thread?



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1 hour ago, Lawrence Schnapf said:

@Sandy Larsen the messenger piece was about the JFK Act. Is Ben right that it was moved? American Conservative also had a piece by Chad Nagle who is a contributor to Jeff Morley's JFK Facts. it looks like only the conservative media is writing thought pieces on the JFK Act as opposed to simply regurgitating NARA press release.



Ben has a habit of beginning new threads for each mention of something even though he has already created a thread for it.

I don't like spending my time moving posts in Ben's redundant threads to wherever they belong, so I routinely move them to the Water Cooler.

He (or anybody else) is free to copy and paste those posts to an already-existing appropriate thread. I suggested this one to him:



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39 minutes ago, Lawrence Schnapf said:

@W. Niederhut I'm going to be attending an "intimate" RFK Jr fundraiser on the 24th where he will be sitting at my table for about a half-hour. what would you like me to ask him about Trump so perhaps we can put a bow on this thread?  


    There are many, many questions that would love to ask RFK, Jr., but some would need to be asked confidentially, in private.

     As for public questions, I would ask him about his reluctance to criticize Trump's disastrous policies.

     Surely, RFK,Jr. disagrees with Trump rolling back over 100 environmental regulations and withdrawing from the Paris Climate Accords, doesn't he?

      Does RFK,Jr. agree with Trump's 2017 multi-trillion dollar tax cut for corporations and billionaires?

      His efforts to sabotage Obamacare?

      His withdrawal from the international Iranian nuclear disarmament treaty?

      His reactionary right wing SCOTUS appointments?

      His efforts to overturn the 2020 election?

Edited by W. Niederhut
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i think you know his position on the Trump environmental deregulatory agenda :) actually, when it came to the area where I focus my practice-redeveloping contaminated properties (a/k/a brownfields), his administration did a good job in eliminating unnecessary bureaucratic roadblocks/disincentives. -FWIW   

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5 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


    There are many, many questions that would love to ask RFK, Jr., but some would need to be asked confidentially, in private.

     As for public questions, I would ask him about his reluctance to criticize Trump's disastrous policies.

     Surely, RFK,Jr. disagrees with Trump rolling back over 100 environmental regulations and withdrawing from the Paris Climate Accords, doesn't he?

      Does RFK,Jr. agree with Trump's 2017 multi-trillion dollar tax cut for corporations and billionaires?

      His efforts to sabotage Obamacare?

      His withdrawal from the international Iranian nuclear disarmament treaty?

      His reactionary right wing SCOTUS appointments?

      His efforts to overturn the 2020 election?

Good questions Dubs, I'll attempt to give you his answers and non answers, though I'm sure Larry won't have  the time to ask him every question.

W: Surely, RFK,Jr. disagrees with Trump rolling back over 100 environmental regulations and withdrawing from the Paris Climate Accords, doesn't he?

Yes, he disagrees, but his most recent statements are cause for concern. It would be interesting to ask him what he thinks of the Paris Climate Accords.

W. Does RFK,Jr. agree with Trump's 2017 multi-trillion dollar tax cut for corporations and billionaires?

No he doesn't

W. His efforts to sabotage Obamacare?

No he doesn't

W. His withdrawal from the international Iranian nuclear disarmament treaty?

A little tricky, but I don't think he does.

 W. His reactionary right wing SCOTUS appointments?

Oh I know he doesn't like that.

His efforts to overturn the 2020 election?

It would be interesting to hear in depth,  what he says about 1/6. My guess is that he'd play it real milquetoast. About Trump's other attempts to overthrow the election, some of which are currently in the courts. He'll just say he doesn't want to comment on an ongoing case. Total non answers, but no "But if".

The point I'm making is if you pose these questions separately , most of his answers would be no. But he's showing no courage and playing the political game and hoping to hell people don't ask him these questions. His attitude is that since the Trump voter is not into specifics or issues, why bring them up at all?

But he underestimates the damage it will do to his capturing  the Democrat base. He's actually attacking Democrat voters from the right. How it that going to work?

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1 hour ago, Lawrence Schnapf said:

ok. what is the back story to your Von Pein tag line? :)


Oh this:


"I was never a full-fledged CTer ."

-- David Von Pein

"Ya think?"

-- Sandy Larsen


I'd been a member of the forum for several years and knew DVP as the preeminent LNer on the forum. I had debated him several times. So I was surprised to see in one of his old comments where he wrote that he was never a full-fledged CTer. I thought that to be a ridiculous notion, his EVER being a CTer of ANY stripe, let alone a "full-fledged" one. So I added my sarcastic response. All in good fun of course.


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7 hours ago, Lawrence Schnapf said:

@W. Niederhut I'm going to be attending an "intimate" RFK Jr fundraiser on the 24th where he will be sitting at my table for about a half-hour. what would you like me to ask him about Trump so perhaps we can put a bow on this thread?  


Don't waste time asking anything about Trump. That is an Op Mock developed meme, an attempt to drive a wedge between RFK Jr. and a portion of the voting base. 

Besides, we are all MAGAts now. 



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For those of you that have not seen it, this is probably the best article to come out so far on the JFK Records Act. The article quotes RFK Jr., Posner, Talbot, Morley and the MFF Foundation. 

Posting this, for the first time, was "redundant"?  This article is not worthy of the EF-JFKA mainbar?



RFK Jr.: ‘It’s Very Disturbing’ That Biden Refused to Release More JFK Assassination Docs

Biden agreed to make public a majority of assassination records, but thousands remain secret six decades later

Published 07/04/23 06:51 PM ET|Updated 07/04/23 07:19 PM ET
Marc Caputo
President Joe Biden is keeping thousands of JFK assassination secret as part of a “Transparency Plan,” drawing fire from historians, researchers as well as his Democratic primary opponent – a nephew of the president murdered nearly 60 years ago today.

“It's very disturbing,” Robert Francis Kennedy Jr., told The Messenger in an interview. “They’re pouring the concrete on 60-year-old secrets so that they're permanently interred. Why?”


Kennedy, the nephew of John F. Kennedy and son of Robert F. Kennedy, is running for the Democratic nomination against Biden.


Biden’s spokespeople won’t answer why they didn’t release more documents than they did with a late Friday news dump. Biden’s order says “postponement [of releasing the documents] remains necessary to protect against an identifiable harm to the military defense, intelligence operations, law enforcement, or the conduct of foreign relations that is of such gravity that it outweighs the public interest in disclosure.”

Tens of thousands of JFK documents have been released under the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992. It passed Congress unanimously after the release of the movie JFK, which raised doubts about the lone gunman theory that posited accused shooter Lee Harvey Oswald had no help in shooting Kennedy in Dallas, Texas on Nov. 22, 1963. Two days later, a nightclub owner named Jack Ruby shot and killed Oswald and also allegedly acted alone.

An estimated 4,000 of the nation’s most closely guarded JFK secrets are still hidden from public view, according to JFK researchers with the Mary Ferrell Foundation, largest nonprofit repository of the assassination documents in the nation. It sued the administration to make all the documents public.

Experts say there’s no “smoking gun” revealing a government plot to kill Kennedy.

In December, Biden’s administration released thousands of records but also issued a memorandum establishing a “Transparency Plan” that would essentially delegate his authority to the National Declassification Center at the National Archives and Records Administration, which is in charge of JFK records.


“This language about a Transparency Plan is Orwellian. It’s not just an irrational process. It’s the opposite of what they claim. This isn’t transparency. This is hiding,” said Jefferson Morley, vice president of the Mary Ferrell Foundation, “They released this on Friday night before the Fourth of July weekend. They’re trying to bury this. They know this stinks.”

RFK Jr. said there’s still too much government secrecy, regardless of administration. Widely criticized for his anti-vaccine views, Kennedy said he only talks on the campaign trail about that issue or his uncle’s assassination when asked. 


But there’s a clear distinction between the two controversies: most Americans are pro-vaccine, and 70 percent believe that the federal government should release the JFK records. Over the years, majorities and pluralities of Americans have believed there was a conspiracy surrounding the murder of the former president.

“The only plausible explanation for the continued secrecy is to protect the institutional interests,” Kennedy said. “And that's very, very disturbing.”

The foundation says the CIA is withholding most of the records at issue; some concern shadowy agents who came into contact with Oswald before the shooting. Other records concern Defense Department plans to stage false flag attacks on U.S. soil to justify an invasion of Cuba to topple the communist dictator at the time, Fidel Castro.

A hearing in the foundation’s lawsuit is scheduled for July 13. The government wants to dismiss the case.

Under the JFK records act, the federal government was supposed to release all documents concerning the assassination in 2017, during Trump’s term. But Trump broke his promise to make all the documents public. He released some records but delayed full disclosure until 2021, leaving the decision to Biden who has also released documents but not all of them.

Trump, running again against Biden, told The Messenger in May that he would release all the records if elected president.

Echoing other historians and researchers, Morley said Biden’s actions shows that “decisions about classified documents are sometimes completely capricious. Some people get the book thrown at them, like Trump – because he deserves it. But in other cases, there’s a pass: ‘oh, it’s ok. The president can do whatever he wants.’ Biden’s argument with the JFK records is similar to Trump’s argument: I can do what I want because I’m president. It’s not exactly the same. But it’s the same impulse.”

Author David Talbot, also a Trump critic, agreed.

“I guess following the law on classified documents is important when Trump takes them, but when it comes to JFK records we have no rights,” said Talbot, author of “Brothers: The Hidden History of the Kennedy Years” and “The Devil’s Chessboard,” concerning the rise of the national security state.

“Joe Biden is a creature of the national security state,” he said. “He’s doing their bidding by delaying the release of these records that are supposed to be the property of the American people. It’s outrageous.”

Gerald Posner, author of the book “Case Closed: Lee Harvey Oswald and the Assassination of JFK,” said it’s wild to think that Ruby and Oswald’s tax records still have not been released – but Trump’s were after a battle with a Democratic Congress.

“We may all disagree and be at loggerheads over who killed Kennedy. But this is one of the areas of bipartisan agreement. Republicans and Democrats agree. And Trump and Biden both agreed not to release all of the JFK files. It’s maddening,” Posner said.

“It’s insulting to anyone who cares about truth in this case because the Biden White House intentionally released it on a Friday night before what’s basically a long holiday weekend,” he said. “No one disagrees that all the files should have been released a long time ago. It’s to the shame of all of us.”

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33 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:


Don't waste time asking anything about Trump. That is an Op Mock developed meme, an attempt to drive a wedge between RFK Jr. and a portion of the voting base. 

Besides, we are all MAGAts now. 



Yeah, sure, Ben. 

We shouldn't waste time asking RFK, Jr. about petty political issues like Trump's historic J6 attack on Congress, his slates of false Electors, or his stacking of the SCOTUS with reactionary right wing judges.  Nor about minor stuff like Trump's multi-trillion dollar Reaganomic tax cuts for billionaires, his moronic withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accords, or his gutting of environmental regulations.

Clean air, clean water, and climate change mitigation aren't that important.  Nor is our gargantuan Reaganomic national debt, which can be managed by cutting Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security-- the GOP "Starve the Beast" strategy.

That's just Op Mock stuff, eh, and we're all MAGAs now!

What really matters is that Biden pulled a Donald Trump and declined to release those JFK records, for some reason.

So, going forward, MAGA America also needs to get rid of ethical Harvardian eggheads like AG Merrick Garland, and re-establish a DOJ run by Trump's crooked, personal (ex-CIA) lawyer, GOP scandal cover-up artist, and Iran-Contra pardoner, Bill Barr.

And we need to protect corrupt election funding with the GOP Citizens United ruling, and GOP voter suppression that has been enabled by the GOP gutting of the Voting Rights Act (by Shelby v. Holder.)

Thank goodness that we have wise, perceptive guys like you to keep us all firmly centered in the MAGA-verse with your redundant daily MAGA tropes! 🙄

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13 hours ago, Lawrence Schnapf said:

:) just wanted to know the back story. Thanks!

Larry , there is a backstory of sorts. Where I come from there are people who refer to the Golden State Warriors as "the Dubs". I thought it only appropriate that I occasionally, affectionately refer to W. as "Dubs" as he is truly a Warrior and we both have an admiration for Steve Kerr and Stephan Curry. 
But of course now as I predicted before the semifinals, his Denver Nuggets are now the Champs!
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