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RFK Jr. on CIA re JFK Assassination : "Hunt, Phillips, Morales ..."

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24 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:

IF the Cuban exiles remained rabidly anti-Castro after the assassination in Dallas, and if the agency continued to believe in their cause when Johnson took office, why didn't they pursue another major invasion post-Dallas?

Throughout 1963 the focus became Vietnam; it had become accepted inside government that no solution would ever happen with Cuba.

JMO, but the likelihood is that the exiles were used as well.  It was known that they considered violence a reasonable tool, and that comes in handy to those that never get their own hands dirty with such unseemly things like assassination.

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2 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

This discussion brings to mind the alleged comments by Wayne January-- mentioned by Douglass in JFK and the Unspeakable-- about the Cuban pilot at Red Bird Airport on 11/22/63, who told January that "no Kennedy" would ever be allowed in the White House.

I don't recall the exact phraseology, but it was something to that effect-- hinting that RFK's murderers were part of the same CIA/Anti-Castro consortium.

W. Here's what January said to Matthew Smith:

“[Wayne], I tell you. I was a mercenary pilot, hired by the CIA. I was involved in the Bay of Pigs planning strategy which was operated by the CIA. I was there involved with many of my friends when they died, when Robert Kennedy talked John Kennedy out of sending in the air cover which he agreed to send. He cancelled the air cover which he agreed to send. He cancelled the air cover after the invasion was launched. Many, many died. Far more than was told. I don’t know all that was going on but I do know that there was an indescribable amount of hurt, anger and embarrassment of those involved in the operation. … They are not only going to kill the President; they are going to kill Robert Kennedy and any other Kennedy that gets into that position. …You will see…They want Robert Kennedy real bad.” - Cuban pilot.

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37 minutes ago, David Boylan said:

W. Here's what January said to Matthew Smith:

“[Wayne], I tell you. I was a mercenary pilot, hired by the CIA. I was involved in the Bay of Pigs planning strategy which was operated by the CIA. I was there involved with many of my friends when they died, when Robert Kennedy talked John Kennedy out of sending in the air cover which he agreed to send. He cancelled the air cover which he agreed to send. He cancelled the air cover after the invasion was launched. Many, many died. Far more than was told. I don’t know all that was going on but I do know that there was an indescribable amount of hurt, anger and embarrassment of those involved in the operation. … They are not only going to kill the President; they are going to kill Robert Kennedy and any other Kennedy that gets into that position. …You will see…They want Robert Kennedy real bad.” - Cuban pilot.

Hasn't it been established that Kennedy did not promise air cover, but Bissell said he did?

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6 levels down the word was that there would be cover. This pissed people off when it didn't happen.


‘Colonel Frank,’ (Frank Egan) the American commander in Guatemala, confided: ‘We’ll protect the invasion with an umbrella,’ he said. ‘The air will belong to us. No car can travel without being bombed. We don’t need more men.’

Of course, this never happened. Manuel Villafana pleaded to his American advisors to send in more planes. He would be the Cuban pilot at Red Bird.


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49 minutes ago, Larry Hancock said:

It has and I cover that in great detail in my book In Denial....Bissell lied up and down the chain of command and the guys below him confirmed that...


Larry Hancock and David Boylan have done careful, circumspect work on the Red Bird incident, and all other aspects of the JFKA. 

I even asked Larry, "Well, if the Red Bird plane left Dallas shortly after the JFKA, why do you not think it was an evacuation plane?"

Moreover, the Red Bird witness who talked to the Cuban pilot did not see the plane leave, meaning the departing plane could have boarded passengers.  

Larry answered we have no evidence that the plane was connected to the JFKA, or boarded passengers.  

That is what I call careful circumspect research. 



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Well being circumspect and all....grin....I also need to point out that there were two aircraft incidents at Red Bird, one involving the transport aircraft and the Cuban pilot and one involving a private plane and the attempt to rent it for along distance flight the week of the assassination, with an individual described as closely resembling Oswald present at the time. 

The two are quite separate, one with implications for the attack on JFK, the second with implications for framing Oswald.

David and I plan to present both stories at the Lancer conference in November and either would lend itself to some long talks in the hallways...or the bar...

Edited by Larry Hancock
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16 minutes ago, Larry Hancock said:

Well being circumspect and all....grin....I also need to point out that there were two aircraft incidents at Red Bird, one involving the transport aircraft and the Cuban pilot and one involving a private plane and the attempt to rent it for along distance flight the week of the assassination, with an individual described as closely resembling Oswald present at the time. 

The two are quite separate, one with implications for the attack on JFK, the second with implications for framing Oswald.

David and I plan to present both stories at the Lancer conference in November and either would lend itself to some long talks in the hallways...or the bar...

Larry and David,

     Didn't Wayne January say that a guy resembling Oswald visited Red Bird prior to the assassination?

     I had the impression (from Douglass's account) that Oswald was planning to fly out of Red Bird on 11/22/63.

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21 minutes ago, Larry Hancock said:

Yes, that is the second Red Bird aircraft story which I posted about in the other thread....as for Oswald and plans to fly out, see the extensive detail in the paper David and I did:




Damn.  It's terrific to have you guys on this forum.

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27 minutes ago, Larry Hancock said:

Yes, that is the second Red Bird aircraft story which I posted about in the other thread....as for Oswald and plans to fly out, see the extensive detail in the paper David and I did:




Thanks for the clarification and your circumspect work. 


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