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"The Day After" the Facts Come Out Surrounding President Kennedy's Murder...

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Imagine, if you will, if the President of the Untied States of America (Trump or Biden, doesn't matter) interrupted all media to announce to the world, that yes, President Kennedy was murdered by fascist functionaries of the Holocaust, with the help of Mafia narco-terrorists and anti-democratic émigré commandos, all protected, armed and trained by elements of your National Security establishment and every administration for sixty years has been engaged in a massive conspiracy of silence that involves the judicial system from top to bottom, direct disinformation from our education system, and outright propaganda every powerful news media outlet representing both ends of the political spectrum.


And then the President of the Untied States of America (Trump or Biden, doesn't matter) said the murder was for the benefit of an international clique of corporate fat cats in the munitions and petroleum industry, that profited from slave labor during the Second World War.


Oh, and by the way, here are the documents to prove it.


I truly believe that before he could finish his speech, there would be riots in the streets and foreign advisories and domestic seditious malcontents would make immediate advancements to take over the United States, in the sure to be, ensuing civil war.


Just a nightmare scenario that I've been spitballing around in my head for a hot minute.


What do you think would happen the day after the facts were told?




Edited by Robert Montenegro
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In case you were wondering, I borrowed the title of this thread from the 1983 made-for-tv movie, "The Day After" which really creeped my out when I saw it as a kid.



Edited by Robert Montenegro
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  • Robert Montenegro changed the title to "The Day After" the Facts Come Out Surrounding President Kennedy's Murder...
5 hours ago, Robert Montenegro said:

Imagine, if you will, if the President of the Untied States of America (Trump or Biden, doesn't matter) interrupted all media to announce to the world, that yes, President Kennedy was murdered by fascist functionaries of the Holocaust, with the help of Mafia narco-terrorists and anti-democratic émigré commandos, all protected, armed and trained by elements of your National Security establishment and every administration for sixty years has been engaged in a massive conspiracy of silence that involves the judicial system from top to bottom, direct disinformation from our education system, and outright propaganda every powerful news media outlet representing both ends of the political spectrum.


And then the President of the Untied States of America (Trump or Biden, doesn't matter) said the murder was for the benefit of an international clique of corporate fat cats in the munitions and petroleum industry, that profited from slave labor during the Second World War.


Oh, and by the way, here are the documents to prove it.


I truly believe that before he could finish his speech, there would be riots in the streets and foreign advisories and domestic seditious malcontents would make immediate advancements to take over the United States, in the sure to be, ensuing civil war.


Just a nightmare scenario that I've been spitballing around in my head for a hot minute.


What do you think would happen the day after the facts were told?




I've started 3 different replies and erased them all...

Any POTUS who attempted such a thing would be laughed off the world stage in hours... first off...

Secondly, I have to suppose that this cabal POTUS just revealed would have already infested our government; they and the controlled media immediately coming to the rescue of its benefactors, the cabal immediately.

Who are they taking it over from?  Those that are already decades deep into the taking of America?

Why do you feel this declaration would be met with any less skepticism, attack and discrediting than any other perceived grand scheme now facing us?

For example, BLM founders has been shown to be the money-hungry, steal from those we claim we help shill group and not in any way expressly supportive of the communities it robs from.  BLM ffs!

The taking of America will continue one inch at a time until they are knowing at our doors while we wonder how did they get here so fast...


Edited by David Josephs
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5 hours ago, Robert Montenegro said:

Imagine, if you will, if the President of the Untied States of America (Trump or Biden, doesn't matter) interrupted all media to announce to the world, that yes, President Kennedy was murdered by fascist functionaries of the Holocaust, with the help of Mafia narco-terrorists and anti-democratic émigré commandos, all protected, armed and trained by elements of your National Security establishment and every administration for sixty years has been engaged in a massive conspiracy of silence that involves the judicial system from top to bottom, direct disinformation from our education system, and outright propaganda every powerful news media outlet representing both ends of the political spectrum.


And then the President of the Untied States of America (Trump or Biden, doesn't matter) said the murder was for the benefit of an international clique of corporate fat cats in the munitions and petroleum industry, that profited from slave labor during the Second World War.


Oh, and by the way, here are the documents to prove it.


I truly believe that before he could finish his speech, there would be riots in the streets and foreign advisories and domestic seditious malcontents would make immediate advancements to take over the United States, in the sure to be, ensuing civil war.


Just a nightmare scenario that I've been spitballing around in my head for a hot minute.


What do you think would happen the day after the facts were told?




I think very little would happen. Some people would say "I told you so" and a cottage industry would pop up overnight of people pushing that he was lying. Within weeks, people would be whispering stuff about WHY he lied, with many of them whispering something about "the Jews." 

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1 hour ago, David Josephs said:

I've started 3 different replies and erased them all...

Any POTUS who attempted such a thing would be laughed off the world stage in hours... first off...

Secondly, I have to suppose that this cabal POTUS just revealed would have already infested our government; they and the controlled media immediately coming to the rescue of its benefactors, the cabal immediately.

Who are they taking it over from?  Those that are already decades deep into the taking of America?

Why do you feel this declaration would be met with any less skepticism, attack and discrediting than any other perceived grand scheme now facing us?

For example, BLM founders has been shown to be the money-hungry, steal from those we claim we help shill group and not in any way expressly supportive of the communities it robs from.  BLM ffs!

The taking of America will continue one inch at a time until they are knowing at our doors while we wonder how did they get here so fast...



20 minutes ago, Pat Speer said:

I think very little would happen. Some people would say "I told you so" and a cottage industry would pop up overnight of people pushing that he was lying. Within weeks, people would be whispering stuff about WHY he lied, with many of them whispering something about "the Jews." 


Oh my god.


A recombinative response of this guy is nuts and business as usual.


That's far more horrifying than my silly nightmare scenario!


You guys set me straight.


Too much. Well, I'm gonna curl up in my sock drawer, and sleep for days...

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16 minutes ago, Robert Montenegro said:

Too much. Well, I'm gonna curl up in my sock drawer, and sleep for days...

C'mon Robert...  what happened to "DISCUSS" ?

If the forum members offer a different line of thought than your own opinion on the matter you "curl up in a sock drawer"?

This isn't the kindergarten playground, I have read your "big boy pants" replies to those attacking you and all I offer was my thoughts and feelings to initiate a discussion and you run off this is the response?  You presented a hypothetical.  Was everyone just supposed to agree with you and pat you on the back for such insights, or initiate a discussion on why you come to that conclusion?

Explain why you think the world would come to a screeching halt at that revelation by one of two silly old men we elected POTUS...

A little less obtuse sarcasm might benefit your time here, especially to those like me who support your position on other topics.

You gonna yell @Paul Brancato too for defending your right to push the ball forward, without all the attacks, in areas distasteful to so many here ...


I mean, look what's happened to you on this little forum with people who have the knowledge.  And you make a very strong case and are intimate with the information...  any POTUS opening their mouths to spew what you wrote would be met with 1000x the vitriol you experienced here.

And again... who would "they" taking the United Stated Government "from", at this point?

Now it's your turn...

DISCUSSION: the action or process of talking about something in order to reach a decision or to exchange ideas.

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Yeh, I'm a little uncertain as to what would happen in the situation you propose above Robert.... i kind of agree that nothing much would drastically take place in the first 72 hours...people calling for investigations and show us the evidence for a week or so.....but then people would just trudge forward with their lives.

All of the participants would be dead, so no way to take action against them personally for JFK's assassination and the cover up that was performed. Maybe we could tar n feather Gerald Posner and DVP and march them down streets in every US City while we ring a bell and cry out "Shame, Shame".

Perhaps if the current joint chiefs of staff or the overall current military brass thought all politicians were idiots and they knew best, maybe just maybe if they had the mindset of JFK's 61-63 military leaders, we could see the possibility of a military coup in modern day USofA...but since i couldn't  even name one of the current joint chief's,  i dont think they are that upset with their lot in life.

Would the CIA be defunded and shut down...No. Would it be repackaged-Yes.  Could ChatGPI be installed as the next President? Where is SkyNet? Has it been formed Yet?

I'm just glad i live on an island a long way away....


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@Robert Montenegro

Thomas Lamont’s rise in influence within the bank followed the chairmanship of World War I head of the American Red Cross, Henry Pomeroy Davison, (17) whose banking career had begun in the Astor Bank, and who reared his sons (F. Trubee Davison and H.P., Jr.) at Locust Valley, Long Island, New York, near the estate of Robert S. Lovett. Lamont's "left-leaning tendencies" caused concern among members of the more conservative faction, who detested the role Leffingwell and Lamont had played in advising FDR to take the dollar off the gold standard. In response to removal of the gold backing on the dollar, Roosevelt’s own budget director, Lewis W. Douglas (who was brother-in-law of Rockefellers' attorney John J. McCloy), predicted the end of Western Civilization, while Montagu Norman of the Bank of England (also a Brown Brothers partner) feared the entire world would plunge into bankruptcy. (18)

FWIW... massively detrimental effects from a POTUS action, expected...   

Dead horse beating over... returning to our  regularly scheduled programming



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"I truly believe that before he could finish his speech, there would be riots in the streets and foreign advisories and domestic seditious malcontents would make immediate advancements to take over the United States, in the sure to be, ensuing civil war."--RM

I may be obsessed with the JFKA, and other members of the EF-JFKA also...but the general public is watching The Kardashians

The media has a black-out on the Dictator-Puppet Biden's Snuff Job on the JFK Records Act...and no one cares, aside for a few dozen readers of the EF-JFKA. And some members even defend Biden's snuff job, or ask, "What about Trump?" 

A few months ago, there was a rash of "civil war coming to America" headlines, from CIA fronts, such as The Daily Beast and  Rolling Stone. 

How would people choose sides for a civil war after the JFK records were released? 

There are no excuses for the Dictator-Puppet in Chief. He is protecting his own. 

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