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A mother lode of June Cobb interviews

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2 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Just for the record, Ponca City Oklahoma is in the far eastern part of the state, not too far from the Arkansas state line.  Been through there several times.  Over 300 miles from the Texas panhandle, e.g. Clarendon.  Which I've been through several more times than P C.

Distance is relative to this Texan! no pun intended.  

I failed to flesh out that the move was to Duncan, just three hours from Ponca City, and I wondered if perhaps they were moving closer to their roots?  The weren't. In fact they were pulling up roots.

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On 8/18/2023 at 10:39 PM, Leslie Sharp said:


Seriously, I anticipated the karma of my own "dot connecting" over the decades, so the only thing I'm surprised by here is that it took you so long to come up with "Sharp" and "Sharp". Surely you know that I've delved into the possible relationship considering "my Sharps" were from the Texas Panhandle and eventually relocated their ranch north of the Oklahoma border not far from June's birthplace, which by the way dovetails with the Jenkins / Wheaton storyline.  So far, I find no genealogical connection with Viola June Cobb.  I didn't have the pleasure of meeting her through Hank before she passed away.

And no, I was not one of the three agency contacts Albarelli made in context of June's story. The closest I've come to "the agency" that I'm aware of — other than Dick Stolley, de M's close friend Sam Ballen, a daughter of a renowned CI agent named Moore, and brushes with Valerie Plame and her husband — is a close friend from the dog park. She left, disgruntled, and has nothing but disdain for the dysfunctional bureacracy. She scoffs at the suggestion that anyone she encountered while employed by the CIA might have had the brains to do anything other than create mayhem for mayhem's sake.

Straight enough?

Well Leslie i never really thought about this.  Sharp is a somewhat common name.  I know there were some in Strawn in the early 2000's.  I might have pegged you for a distant cousin by marriage of John Sharp, Chancellor of TAMU.  Though I hate to accuse anyone of being related to an aggie.  He is from a different part of the state (Victoria).  He is also that rarest of animals, a democrat in aggieland.  Running for Lieutenant Governor in 1998 he lost to Rick Perry 50-48%.  Who appointed Sharp Chancellor, all of the members of the board of regents voting for him were appointed by Perry.  I was told by a professor this was done to keep him from running for office anymore.  I've heard him speak once.  He was an articulate orator.

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4 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Well Leslie i never really thought about this.  Sharp is a somewhat common name.  I know there were some in Strawn in the early 2000's.  I might have pegged you for a distant cousin by marriage of John Sharp, Chancellor of TAMU.  Though I hate to accuse anyone of being related to an aggie.  He is from a different part of the state (Victoria).  He is also that rarest of animals, a democrat in aggieland.  Running for Lieutenant Governor in 1998 he lost to Rick Perry 50-48%.  Who appointed Sharp Chancellor, all of the members of the board of regents voting for him were appointed by Perry.  I was told by a professor this was done to keep him from running for office anymore.  I've heard him speak once.  He was an articulate orator.

No relation that I'm aware of, although I lived in married student housing at A&M from 1966 when it was an all male (ROTC) university and only wives were permitted to walk the campus. The ban on females was lifted in '67/68 as I recall. 😞

Edited by Leslie Sharp
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You all know I’m reading all this. I think the June Cobb story, wherever it leads, is a crucial one. All parties interested in this share a common purpose - to get at the truth. Which estate has control over the Albarelli/Cobb interviews? What can be done to bring them into the light? That question is not to be misunderstood as questioning Albarelli’s journalistic integrity. I for one do not for a second think that Hank made up his relationship with Cobb. Her life has been under a veil of secrecy, and Hank has done us all a service by finding her and befriending her under difficult circumstances. 

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21 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

You all know I’m reading all this. I think the June Cobb story, wherever it leads, is a crucial one. All parties interested in this share a common purpose - to get at the truth. Which estate has control over the Albarelli/Cobb interviews? What can be done to bring them into the light? That question is not to be misunderstood as questioning Albarelli’s journalistic integrity. I for one do not for a second think that Hank made up his relationship with Cobb. Her life has been under a veil of secrecy, and Hank has done us all a service by finding her and befriending her under difficult circumstances. 

Unless I'm ill informed, Hank only has one executrix of one estate.

What strikes me about this thread thus far is the apparent disinterest in what Hank had already revealed about June Cobb yet an apparent keen interest in what more he might have revealed about June Cobb? 

Edited by Leslie Sharp
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Sorry for the aggie dig, I still have a couple who are friends.  My June Cobb knowledge was limited.  Something about Oswald at a party in Mexico City.  Previously worked for Castro in Cuba.  Worked for the CIA.  A little more

The few mentions and a couple of quotes in Coup I reviewed were informative in their context.   So, I went on to Wikipedia.

Born 1927, the same year as my dad, in Ponca City, Ok.  1952, went to work at the Federal Bureau of Narcotics.  Hmm.  Where George Hunter White was employed, who employed Pierre Laffite about this time and introduced him to his former pupil at camp X, James Jesus Angleton?  Oh my, what a strange coincidence.  Then she translates Castro's 1956 speech.  1959 meets Castro in NYC, on to Cuba to work for him, down the hall on the 8th floor as a translator of documents.  JMARX (?) AMPUSA1, hmm again.  Met with Morales more than once.  

First operation for CIA, ah, hah ,hah, w/ CBS news caster Richard Gibson promoting the FPCC!

6/63, LICOOKY?

I've read a little more somewhere elsewhere before now that my memory is refreshed and expanded somewhat.  Then there is this from Bill Kelly back in 06'.  June translated a book Oswald checked out.

William Kelly

In September I960, June Cobb took her last ridedow.i Castro's exclusive elevator. A few weeks later, Morgan, the lastsurviving American in Castro's clique, was arrested, tried and shot. But JuneCobb, girl soldier of fortune, was still in the game. Soon she made anotherrevolutionary contact with Juan Jose Arevale, former left-wing President ofGuatemala. She began an English translation of his book, The Shark and itteSardines, which is caustically critical of the U. S. From Mexico she was soon working with Guatemalan revolutionaries.

WC FBI Report: According to the records of the Dallas Public Library, 1954 Commerce Street, Dallas, LEEH. OSWALD withdrew a book entitled “The Shark and the Sardines” by Juan JoseArevalo. The book speaks out against the U.S. State Department dealings withthe people of South America during the twentiethcentury. (735 pp. 402, 403)

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3 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Sorry for the aggie dig, I still have a couple who are friends.  My June Cobb knowledge was limited.  Something about Oswald at a party in Mexico City.  Previously worked for Castro in Cuba.  Worked for the CIA.  A little more

The few mentions and a couple of quotes in Coup I reviewed were informative in their context.   So, I went on to Wikipedia.

Born 1927, the same year as my dad, in Ponca City, Ok.  1952, went to work at the Federal Bureau of Narcotics.  Hmm.  Where George Hunter White was employed, who employed Pierre Laffite about this time and introduced him to his former pupil at camp X, James Jesus Angleton?  Oh my, what a strange coincidence.  Then she translates Castro's 1956 speech.  1959 meets Castro in NYC, on to Cuba to work for him, down the hall on the 8th floor as a translator of documents.  JMARX (?) AMPUSA1, hmm again.  Met with Morales more than once.  

First operation for CIA, ah, hah ,hah, w/ CBS news caster Richard Gibson promoting the FPCC!

6/63, LICOOKY?

I've read a little more somewhere elsewhere before now that my memory is refreshed and expanded somewhat.  Then there is this from Bill Kelly back in 06'.  June translated a book Oswald checked out.

William Kelly

In September I960, June Cobb took her last ridedow.i Castro's exclusive elevator. A few weeks later, Morgan, the lastsurviving American in Castro's clique, was arrested, tried and shot. But JuneCobb, girl soldier of fortune, was still in the game. Soon she made anotherrevolutionary contact with Juan Jose Arevale, former left-wing President ofGuatemala. She began an English translation of his book, The Shark and itteSardines, which is caustically critical of the U. S. From Mexico she was soon working with Guatemalan revolutionaries.

WC FBI Report: According to the records of the Dallas Public Library, 1954 Commerce Street, Dallas, LEEH. OSWALD withdrew a book entitled “The Shark and the Sardines” by Juan JoseArevalo. The book speaks out against the U.S. State Department dealings withthe people of South America during the twentiethcentury. (735 pp. 402, 403)

Right.  Hank devotes a chapter of A Secret Order to June. Her acquaintances in NY included Warren Broglie (born in Cairo, btw) who was in Conrad Hilton's stable of managers before purchasing Hotel Luma, and oddly enough Thomas Grattan Proctor who you read a good deal about in Coup.  The fact that Proctor knew Tom Davis, and that June saw Davis in MC at the time the Garros encountered Oswald remains an inexplicable coincidence. 

 I've been told by someone I trust that John Newman secured a batch of documents from June years ago under the pretense he would return them.  For some odd reason, she failed to make copies so he had the only version in existence except/unless the originators (her handlers and all the way up the food chain) kept copies? The story goes that Dr. Newman's office was broken into and June's documents were stolen; he had removed one particular doc. which he had filed elsewhere. I believe just last year he posted on FB that he would provide public access to that document; to date, no one in my sphere has commented that they're seen it. It's possible I've garbled the details, but I believe I've captured the gist; if anyone is in direct communication with Dr. Newman, perhaps he might provide a more accurate account?

If memory serves, Bill Kelly was at one time quite skeptical of June's assertions. He may have adjusted his assessment since then?

Edited by Leslie Sharp
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41 minutes ago, Anthony Thorne said:

Newman did mention in a public interview or podcast at some point over the past year or two that his office had been broken into and some stuff was taken. I don't remember the full specifics but his recounting of it largely matched what you've written just now.

Considering the files and tapes Hank amassed during the years he spent in contact with June, why wasn't his environment ever breached?

Why would thieves break in and steal June's small batch of files from Dr. Newman and not break into her own home - or Hank's? 

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Hard to say but it could be that John Newman was under more attention, or someone didn't want Newman putting together the other info he'd dug up with the Cobb material, or whatever spooks Hank had watching what he was up to were more relaxed or forgiving than the ones Newman has attracted. A bit of a head scratcher, but there is the chance that the explanation within the spook world as to the logic of all this is a dumb one rather than a smart one.

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6 minutes ago, Anthony Thorne said:

Hard to say but it could be that John Newman was under more attention, or someone didn't want Newman putting together the other info he'd dug up with the Cobb material, or whatever spooks Hank had watching what he was up to were more relaxed or forgiving than the ones Newman has attracted. A bit of a head scratcher, but there is the chance that the explanation within the spook world as to the logic of all this is a dumb one rather than a smart one.

lolol.  Yes, I've been told that "we" give "them" far too much credit.

But there are other possibilities, obviously.

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