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The Mystery of Kennedy's Brain Deepens

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59 minutes ago, Micah Mileto said:

Eh. Is Jenkins not a bit of a clown, if only by design?

I was not referring to him Micah.  I was referring to Mastrovito.  As was Mike

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11 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Part 4: Revised London Trial

Lane:  Your honor, with the pictures brought into question and the brain weight now in dispute, I would like to show another video.  

Bugliosi: (Pleading in his voice) Your honor please!

Lane: Your honor this will all be very relevant to the question I am  posing, its a film of primary witnesses who all saw Kennedy's brain the day he was killed.

Judge: I think that is relevant.

Lane shows the montage video of witnesses.

Lane:  Now your honor, I have a matching transcript which I will submit.  But I would note that there are as many witnesses from Parkland as from Bethesda who all say that there was a substantial part of Kennedy's brain missing that day. I mean, this includes FBI agents at the autopsy, Dr, Carrico from Parkland, mortician Tom Robinson.  Twelve witnesses total.  Can they all be wrong about what they saw?  Their testimony matches the previous montage I showed you about Kennedy's head exploding in Dealey Plaza. In fact, your illustration for the HSCA shows a pretty much intact brain Dr, petty does it not?

Petty: Yes I would say so.



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12 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Part 2:  Revised London trial.

Lane:  Dr Petty do you know a man named John Stringer?

Petty: I think he was the official autopsy photographer in the JFK case.

Lane: Yes he was.  I did a deposition with him at NARA and showed him his alleged photos.  I asked him what kind of film the photos were based on.  As I hand you this court certified deposition, please turn to page six as I have underlined his reply. Please read it to the jury.

Petty: This is Ansco film.

Lane:  Now read the next question.

Petty: Did you use Ansco?

Lane: And what is the reply?

Petty: No, I used Kodak.

Lane:  Now, Dr. Petty you know what a press pack technique is, correct?

Petty: Yes its when you take a series of photos in one camera.  And the pictures come out with numbers on them.

Lane:  Please go to page nine in the transcript and read the question i asked him about this.

Bugliosi: Your honor this is highly irregular.

Judge: You agreed to his counselor.  Objection overruled. Hm.  I have to say, its getting interesting.

Petty: The question is Did you use the press pack technique?

Lane:  And what did he reply, please read the whole response.

Petty: The witness got up and walked over to the photos, he started to look at the number in the corner.  He said, "See these numbers, this is a press pack. That is why the numbers are there. I did not use press pack.  I used duplex holders"

Lane:  Now you know the difference between the two methods do you not?

Petty: Yes I do.

Lane: Could an experienced autopsy photographer really confuse one with the other?

Petty: I don't think so.



Lane is crushing Bugliosi with his Petty questioning.

Just blowing him away!

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Joe, I hope you know that this really did not happen.

But what I was showing what could have happened if it would not have been an unprepared Spence and a very prepared Lane.

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20 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

40 minutes into the top video I have to take a break.

Jenkins quotes Humes as saying "The damn thing just fell into my hands." Referring to Humes pulling JFK's brain out of his skull.

Jenkins mentioned the brain stem showing uneven cut marks on one side versus the other which seemed untypical in his experience.

How did Humes get to the unopened skull front area to cut JFK's optic nerves to the eyes which had to be done to free the brain from them?

Jenkins said there was no cranium skull sawing at all.

Jenkins explanation as to how they got the brain out without sawing and even peeling back the dura matter was confoundingly vague.

Jenkins said the brain handed to him was smaller than a typical man's brain in his opinion. More typical of woman's smaller brain.

It was frustrating to listen to Jenkins halting answers. 

When Jenkins was asked about the damage he saw to the brain handed to him, he again was halting and more nonspecific than specific.

I wanted to shout to him...look, how much of the brain was flat out missing and in what area?

He said parts of the brain seemed gelatinous which he explained was sometimes caused by trauma to that area.

So far, the information Jenkins is sharing in this interview is astounding in it's contrariness to Humes vague recollections and much more detailed.

Jenkins mentioned Paul O'Conner's presence right there next to him most of the time during the autopsy with his occasional absence to retrieve various items needed for autopsy doings. Verifying O'Conner's claims that he was.

I haven't yet heard Jenkins account of the shipping container he and O'Conner lifted JFK's body out of to place his wrapped body onto any exam gurney or table.

Was his description of this different than Humes description of taking JFK's body right out of the huge weight ornate one from the Dallas funeral home.

I don't know if I'm addressing your post correctly,but Humes & Burkley are up to their neck in this sh*t.Both under orders from superiors of course IMHO.I honestly feel that Humes was trying to tell us that something was up to no good.Sure,he went along with what he was told to ...but he left us with little clues like "surgery of the head area" and his descriptions of the head.And of course "it just fell out into my hands"

I feel that the theory of David Lifton's pre autopsy...autopsy happened at one of those 3 locations that Jenkin's mentioned and not at Walter Reed as others have heard might of happened.

The medical evidence is a complete mess.Too many pictures & X-rays are missing (brain also)

Dennis David mentioned some chatter/rumor of naval personnel that there was a brain delivered into the morgue that night.I once again believe that there was two brains that night & somewhere there was a switch that occurred.

The condition of the brain that you are asking about probably happened pre autopsy at a location 8 miles from Bethesda.Or possibly the Bethesda compound itself.IIRC Jenkins said that there was some other kind of autopsy facility built for animals? 

I'm not afraid of giving my opinion around here unlike others & I'm probably wrong,but this is what a forum is for so people can try & find out answers.Putting the pieces of this complicated puzzle together.


Edited by Michael Crane
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I just did a segment of Aaron Good's American Exception on this subject.

Largely based on this article of mine.

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Ah...I've been fooled!

Still, just watched the London Trial video of Spence questioning Petty.

Spence showed the jury a picture of the Mannlicher Carcano "Magic Bullet" side by side with two similar bullets that had been shot into wadding only.

All three looked undamaged. The Magic Bullet even had it's original metallic sheen!

He then showed the jury and Dr. Petty a picture of a bullet that was of the same exact type as the Magic Bullet shot into the wrist bone of a cadaver.

Same exact part of the wrist bone that Governor John Connally received his Magic Bullet wound.

This bullet wasn't even fired into a human rib which Connally's bullet also hit and fractured!

This other bullet was flattened/smashed down to half it's length!

Dr. Petty responded with indifferent silence regards the huge physical differences in both bullets.

If I'm on that jury...that smashed other bullet photo ( one of the most powerful pieces of evidence imo ) would have made me totally discount Petty's conclusions about the almost pristine Magic Bullet having broken Connally rib and wrist bone with miniscule ( barely noticeable ) damage to it.



Edited by Joe Bauer
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Michael Crane:

I don't know if I'm addressing your post correctly,but Humes & Burkley are up to their neck in this sh*t

I agree with this.

Why is it only Humes signing the supplementary?  With Stover and Galloway as the certification.

If Burkley took the brain from Humes, then how can he read that supplementary with the 12/6 date on it with a straight face: 1500 grams? He was at Parkland and Bethesda. He signed the death certificate.

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I actually think its worse than that.

And recall, we had a neurologist in Stone's film talk about this.  I am really glad we got that in.

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It is utterly bizarre that the brain was not weighed that night.

IMO, there is no excuse for that.

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Petty told Spence he didn't need to see the brain to reach the conclusion that he did that the brain was intact upon removal.

That X-rays and pictures and Humes report sufficed.

X-rays? Skull fractures easy to see of course.

Soft tissue brain matter is a different story.

Were any pictures of JFK's brain taken immediately after it was removed?

And if so, did they show the 1/3rd missing part that James Jenkins said he saw?

Spence repeated the factual physical evidence of brain matter being on the limo back seat, spattered on the back seat interior panels, on Jackie, exploded up into the air where it hit the two rear left motorcyclist policemen with enough force they thought maybe they were hit with projectiles.

Obviously more JFK brain matter landed in the street behind the limo.

Jackie handed Dr. Jenkins in the ER room some more brain matter she had held in her hand.

Several Parkland hospital ER personnel reported seeing brain matter oozing out of the back of JFK's head while he was prone on the exam table.

An intact 1500 gram weight brain?

These major contradictions with JFK'S brain are starkly even laughably obvious.



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14 hours ago, Michael Crane said:

Humes & Burkley are up to their neck in this sh*t.Both under orders from superiors of course IMHO.I honestly feel that Humes was trying to tell us that something was up to no good.Sure,he went along with what he was told to ...but he left us with little clues like "surgery of the head area" and his descriptions of the head.And of course "it just fell out into my hands"

I feel that the theory of David Lifton's pre autopsy...autopsy happened at one of those 3 locations that Jenkin's mentioned and not at Walter Reed as others have heard might of happened.

Michael, the kicker for me is the evidence from Roger Boyajian, (U.S. Marine sergeant in charge of a Marine security detail at Bethesda) in his report submitted November 26 '63 he wrote "At approximately 1835 the casket was received at the morgue entrance and taken inside."  He personally kept a copy of his report & 30 years later submitted same to the ARRB.  Boyajian's report was never submitted to either Warren or HSCA.

Further, other Bethesda personnel witnessed the front arrival of the grey ambulance from Andrews AFB with Jackie & RFK AFTER X-rays of JFK's body had been taken.  Officially the autopsy began c8 o'clock.  So that amounts to around 80 minutes for a pre-autopsy/surgery of the head scenario.

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6 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

Petty told Spence he didn't need to see the brain to reach the conclusion that he did that the brain was intact upon removal.

That X-rays and pictures and Humes report sufficed.

X-rays? Skull fractures easy to see of course.

Soft tissue brain matter is a different story.

Were any pictures of JFK's brain taken immediately after it was removed?

And if so, did they show the 1/3rd missing part that James Jenkins said he saw?

Spence repeated the factual physical evidence of brain matter being on the limo back seat, spattered on the back seat interior panels, on Jackie, exploded up into the air where it hit the two rear left motorcyclist policemen with enough force they thought maybe they were hit with projectiles.

Obviously more JFK brain matter landed in the street behind the limo.

Jackie handed Dr. Jenkins in the ER room some more brain matter she had held in her hand.

Several Parkland hospital ER personnel reported seeing brain matter oozing out of the back of JFK's head while he was prone on the exam table.

An intact 1500 gram weight brain?

These major contradictions with JFK'S brain are starkly even laughably obvious.



This is all very relevant I think Joe.

But to my knowledge, the only pics we have that are around today are those allegedly taken by Stringer.  And those depict  a pretty much intact brain with some disruption on the low right side.  And that reportedly weights 1500 grams.

BTW, in that HSCA illustration, I don't even see a bullet track.  I hope I am wrong about that.

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