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Did the Plotters View RFK's Murder of Marilyn Monroe as Justification for Killing JFK?

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On 3/2/2024 at 7:53 AM, Robert Morrow said:

Well, it's not like at Peter Lawford's home in Santa Monica, JFK and Marilyn Monroe are going to invite the Secret Service into the bedroom to watch what was going on. Anything going on between JFK and Monroe was not an act to be publicly shared, unlike Lyndon Johnson

  >>> "and his serial defecation in front of staff and reporters." <<<

If JFK and Marilyn Monroe were in a private, closed room together, they were probably having sex.


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According to Morris Engelberg, Robert Kennedy told 20th Century Fox executive Milton Gould that JFK wanted Marilyn Monroe to be at JFK’s 45th Birthday party at Madison Square Garden


 The filming was anything but smooth. Some days Marilyn showed on the set, on other days she didn’t. She interrupted production to fly to New York, slither into a dazzling gown, and sing “Happy Birthday” to JFK at Madison Square Garden. Her departure caused an uproar at 20th Century Fox, but the president’s brother, Robert Kennedy, told Fox executive Milton Gould that the president wanted Marilyn to be there, and that was that. As usual, Marilyn was tardy, and that time she kept a packed arena waiting leading to Lawford’s prophetic introduction, “the late Marilyn Monroe.” In less than three months she would be indeed dead.


 [Morris Engelberg and Marv Schneider, DiMaggio: Setting the Record Straight, p. 275]

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On 3/2/2024 at 1:23 PM, James DiEugenio said:

Eddie FIsher?

The crazy couple the Katers who tried to black mail Kennedy?

When is Lex Cusack coming up again?

In other words this is triple hearsay about Jackie suspecting LBJ. From Fisher through Pamela.

As per RFK, David Talbot's book Brothers is the best book on RFK and his inquiry into the JFK case.  Why ignore that best selling and  credible tome for Eddie Fisher? Because he does not name LBJ as someone RFK suspected?

Whitehead? Against VeVea and Rollyson.  Whew.


Jim DiEugenio, are you saying that Senator JFK was not having an affair with Pamela Turnure?

Pamela Turnure is the young woman JFK was having an affair with; it was exposed by Florence Kater and her husband who told everyone in the media, the FBI and all competing Democratic campaigns for President vs. JFK. This affair was probably the sexual blackmail tool that LBJ and Sam Rayburn used to force JFK to take Lyndon Johnson on the 1960 Democratic ticket as VP. Evelyn Lincoln and Pierre Salinger BOTH thought that sexual blackmail was used on JFK by LBJ and his team.

A fellow JFK researcher friend of mine contacted Pamela Turnure in the year before she died and she pointed DID NOT DENY that Jackie Kennedy told her "Lyndon Johnson did it" in reference to the JFK assassination while they were flying back from Dallas.

Putting LBJ on the ticket at the very last minute was a fatal decision for Kennedy because we all know what happened in Dallas. And when JFK's assassination occurred Jackie Kennedy turned to her press secretary Pamela Turnure (JFK had placed his mistress as a press secretary for Jackie) and said "Lyndon Johnson did it." Jackie Kennedy told author William Manchester a lot of awful things about Lyndon Johnson and that was what she was trying to suppress when she, over the objections of RFK, sued William Manchester to delete those items from his book Death of a President.

Here is a 1995 letter from Pierre Salinger to author, Jerry Kroth, author of "Conspiracy in Camelot" on the subject of Pamela Turnure:



Dear Dr. Kroth, ... Kennedy pushed me to have mistresses, which convinced me he was having mistresses. During the campaign, I got side information from journalists (who in those days were not interested in publishing that information) that John F. Kennedy was having an affair with Pamela Turnure, who later became Jackie's press secretary. There were rumors in the White House about Fiddle and Faddle, but I did not get specific information. And, finally, no employee assigned to my office had an affair with the President. One did in the next term with Lyndon Johnson.

Best Regards,

Pierre Salinger (Source: Personal correspondence, October 20, 1995)


[Kroth, Conspiracy in Camelot, p. 206]





Edited by Robert Morrow
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This thread has been based on sensationalism since the start.  If JFK bedded Marilyn possibly one time (?), who cares.  He didn't have her killed nor did RFK.  She didn't kill herself over it.  From what I've read she likely OD'd unintentionally.  

The topic has become the National Enquirer thread of the JFK Debate on the Education Forum.

The subject is a distraction.  Along the lines of Greer or Kinney did it, maybe the same source?

Wisner's Wurlitzer, a later development of the ongoing Mockingbird?


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Every time I see this topic headline I can't help but think - yeah.... that's it... JFK & RFK were murdered by a rogue cell of the Marilyn Monroe Fan Club as a new conspiracy theory.

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