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Did the Plotters View RFK's Murder of Marilyn Monroe as Justification for Killing JFK?

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Its not infamous.  Because that is a cropped version.

See the beginning of this article for uncropped and other photos.


The occasion was her singing at Kennedy's fund raiser/birthday gala; this is the reception after.

And there was nothing to it  either before or after.  She attended with her former father in law, dropped him off after and went back to her apartment and greeted some of her NY fan club.


Edited by James DiEugenio
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4 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Its not infamous.  Because that is a cropped version.

See the beginning of this article for uncropped and other photos.


The occasion was her singing at Kennedy's fund raiser/birthday gala; this is the reception after.

And there was nothing to it  either before or after.  She attended with her former father in law, dropped him off after and went back to her apartment and greeted some of her NY fan club.


If there was nothing to it then why did Jackie not go?    Seems odd they would not be together for such a public event.   If only there was an answer to this somewhere.  

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4 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Its not infamous.  Because that is a cropped version.

See the beginning of this article for uncropped and other photos.


The occasion was her singing at Kennedy's fund raiser/birthday gala; this is the reception after.

And there was nothing to it  either before or after.  She attended with her former father in law, dropped him off after and went back to her apartment and greeted some of her NY fan club.


Obviously I'm familiar with her singing Happy Birthday.  This photo is from Krim's Manhattan apartment, and of course it's infamous.  I'm surprised you might be oblivious to the body language.  Note her expression, Robert's tense stature, and note JFK's demeanor — hardly relaxed if you ask me.  Ask any woman if it appears these three had only just met.

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40 minutes ago, Cory Santos said:

If there was nothing to it then why did Jackie not go?    Seems odd they would not be together for such a public event.   If only there was an answer to this somewhere.  


My wife certainly would have refused to go to an event where Marilyn Monroe was scheduled to sing Happy Birthday to me. Even if it was all in fun. Jealousy.


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Leslie, one can read as much as you want into a cropped photo. 

The  other photo shows Steve Smith with his arm around MM's waist escorting her around.  Go ahead read into that one. Geez where is his hand going to?

Jackie was not there since it was not her brithday party for him.  It was really a fundraiser with about 15 entertainers on the bill and I think 15,000 people in MSG.  

You can see at the Bday before and the one after, which Jackie did arrange, she was there.


Edited by James DiEugenio
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I got it half right.  Here it is from the true authority, Don McGovern.  


Consider the damning allegation, leveled by all the conspiracists, that Jacqueline Kennedy did not attend her husband's birthday celebration because of Marilyn's presence. According to David Heymann, Jackie was not interested in watching Marilyn, the woman who connived to supplant her as First Lady, serenade her husband; therefore, Jackie occupied herself at her Atoka retreat. However, the house built by the Kennedys in Atoka, Virginia, dubbed Wexford by the First Lady, was not complete in May of 1962 and would not be completed until early 1963. Not to miss his opportunity to spread the facts and the truth, in The Marilyn Files, Robert Slatzer asserted that Jacqueline refused to attend her husband's birthday gala due to the appearance of Marilyn, who, according to Slatzer, Jacqueline dubbed “that slut”. The First Lady decided to hunt foxes instead. However, Clint Hill, the First Lady's Secret Service Agent and her ubiquitous body guard, depicted a completely different picture.

In his memoir, Agent Hill clarified that he and the First Lady traveled constantly between the White House and Middleburg, Virginia; and the weekend of the early birthday celebration for her husband, and the Democrat Party's fund raiser, would be no different: on Friday, May the 18th, the First Family, minus the president, returned to Glen Ora, an elegant estate owned by Mrs. Gladys Raymond Tartiere located in Middleburg approximately five miles east of Atoka. The Kennedys merely leased the property.

The First Lady had recently entered the local Loudon Horse Show and she planned to ride that weekend, primarily because, during the First Lady's recent trip to Pakistan, the Pakistani President, Ayub Khan, presented her with the perfect gift, a beautiful horse named Sardar. Considering the beautiful weather, Agent Hill explained, the First Lady longed to avail herself of every opportunity to ride her equine gift; and the horse show provided her with the perfect opportunity to participate in several equestrian events, not to mention also show off her new horse and gift. Although President Kennedy wanted Jacqueline to attend the birthday gala and fund raiser in New York City, since his wife's absence could be a political liability, she was adamant about keeping her weekend plans; so he eventually acquiesced to his wife's wishes. Apparently the press was not informed of the First Lady's plans and Agent Hill noted that she was particularly and especially happy. She despised political functions; and her absence there from was commonplace, not at all surprising. She would be much happier at Glen Ora with her country friends than she could ever be engaging political donors with insipid small talk, an activity she despised. Certainly Jacqueline's absence that Saturday night in Manhattan had absolutely nothing to do with Marilyn's presence or her sexy performance. Still, many persons accept what the conspiracists have invariably asserted.

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17 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

I got it half right.  Here it is from the true authority, Don McGovern.  


Consider the damning allegation, leveled by all the conspiracists, that Jacqueline Kennedy did not attend her husband's birthday celebration because of Marilyn's presence. According to David Heymann, Jackie was not interested in watching Marilyn, the woman who connived to supplant her as First Lady, serenade her husband; therefore, Jackie occupied herself at her Atoka retreat. However, the house built by the Kennedys in Atoka, Virginia, dubbed Wexford by the First Lady, was not complete in May of 1962 and would not be completed until early 1963. Not to miss his opportunity to spread the facts and the truth, in The Marilyn Files, Robert Slatzer asserted that Jacqueline refused to attend her husband's birthday gala due to the appearance of Marilyn, who, according to Slatzer, Jacqueline dubbed “that slut”. The First Lady decided to hunt foxes instead. However, Clint Hill, the First Lady's Secret Service Agent and her ubiquitous body guard, depicted a completely different picture.

In his memoir, Agent Hill clarified that he and the First Lady traveled constantly between the White House and Middleburg, Virginia; and the weekend of the early birthday celebration for her husband, and the Democrat Party's fund raiser, would be no different: on Friday, May the 18th, the First Family, minus the president, returned to Glen Ora, an elegant estate owned by Mrs. Gladys Raymond Tartiere located in Middleburg approximately five miles east of Atoka. The Kennedys merely leased the property.

The First Lady had recently entered the local Loudon Horse Show and she planned to ride that weekend, primarily because, during the First Lady's recent trip to Pakistan, the Pakistani President, Ayub Khan, presented her with the perfect gift, a beautiful horse named Sardar. Considering the beautiful weather, Agent Hill explained, the First Lady longed to avail herself of every opportunity to ride her equine gift; and the horse show provided her with the perfect opportunity to participate in several equestrian events, not to mention also show off her new horse and gift. Although President Kennedy wanted Jacqueline to attend the birthday gala and fund raiser in New York City, since his wife's absence could be a political liability, she was adamant about keeping her weekend plans; so he eventually acquiesced to his wife's wishes. Apparently the press was not informed of the First Lady's plans and Agent Hill noted that she was particularly and especially happy. She despised political functions; and her absence there from was commonplace, not at all surprising. She would be much happier at Glen Ora with her country friends than she could ever be engaging political donors with insipid small talk, an activity she despised. Certainly Jacqueline's absence that Saturday night in Manhattan had absolutely nothing to do with Marilyn's presence or her sexy performance. Still, many persons accept what the conspiracists have invariably asserted.

Lol, wait you are citing Clint Hill?   Jim I am disappointed.    Hill?     Where is Palmara when he is needed?

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11 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Leslie, one can read as much as you want into a cropped photo. 

The  other photo shows Steve Smith with his arm around MM's waist escorting her around.  Go ahead read into that one. Geez where is his hand going to?

Jackie was not there since it was not her brithday party for him.  It was really a fundraiser with about 15 entertainers on the bill and I think 15,000 people in MSG.  

You can see at the Bday before and the one after, which Jackie did arrange, she was there.


I wasn't suggesting they were 'huddled alone in the shadows' at the Krim gathering, but asking whether their body language suggests more familiarity than you apparently contend.  

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Clint Hill was Jackie's personal SS agent.  And he is one of the best witnesses we have about the hole in the back of the head.

To compare him to Blaine, I mean really.   

Among other things, Blaine made up two MM encounters that did not happen.  And ignored the one that probably did.

Is this like your reference to Peter Lawford that turned out not to be Lawford? 

If you are going to use Blaine Cory, you might as well use Slatzer and Carmen.

Leslie, awhile ago I decided not to make it my area to analyze photos for deeper meaning.  Its a very tricky area without proper context. I leave it to others.


Edited by James DiEugenio
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41 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:


Clint Hill was Jackie's personal SS agent.  And he is one of the best witnesses we have about the hole in the back of the head.

To compare him to Blaine, I mean really.   

Among other things, Blaine made up two MM encounters that did not happen.  And ignored the one that probably did.

Is this like your reference to Peter Lawford that turned out not to be Lawford? 

If you are going to use Blaine Cory, you might as well use Slatzer and Carmen.

Leslie, awhile ago I decided not to make it my area to analyze photos for deeper meaning.  Its a very tricky area without proper context. I leave it to others.


That's reasonable enough, Jim.  As a female, I feel comfortable speculating that she is quite serious and Jack is paying attention. Maybe she's discussing Cuba. 

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He was also paying attention to Jack Benny.

Probably, detente with Russia.

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No first hand knowledge but I've read a thousand times how powerful men often confide secrets to their paramours they wouldn't do so with their own wives.

I believe that old common proposition is true more than it is not.

And there seems to be a valid psychological reason explanation as to why.

I can guess that wealthy men relax themselves with their mistresses. The whole point to having side affair lovers is to do something outside of their normal morally and proper behavior restrictive lives.

Loosen the inner uptight behavior rules...loosen the lips?

I can imagine the things Marilyn Monroe was told by her many lovers.

What did Joe Dimaggio share with MM regards the famous people he had known his whole life. About Frank Sinatra and his deep connection to the mob? The Kennedy's? Maybe J. Edgar Hoover himself?

What did Peter Lawford share with Marilyn M.?

Maybe even the Kennedy's themselves?

Same with every other person she was intimate with?

Marilyn was an intelligent and inquisitive person. She wanted to be taken seriously as an actress.

She married Arthur Miller. She was supposedly attracted to his intellect.

Hooking up with Joe DiMaggio was a curious thing to me. I don't see the attraction. Maybe he was so attentive to her needs and so protective of her...she found something like a father figure attraction to him?

As far as the Kennedy brothers, maybe Marilyn was simply drawn to their power, good looks and their worldwide fame?

Marilyn Monroe was afflicted with a huge emotional hole in her soul.

Anyone can read about her highly unstable and fatherless childhood and foster care shuffling and probably sexual abuse and understand that her brain was wired for adult post traumatic stress disfunction to an extremely high degree.

She was doomed from the beginning to a life of deep and self-destructive emotional instability.

To be damaged like that yet be born into the most physically/sexually attractive body and face of almost any other woman on the planet makes her story one for the ages.

And there was also this unique and innocent little girl playfulness about her that only added to her attraction by men imo.

What a fascinating and alluring mix.

I remember seeing photos and film of her all my childhood.

Just seeing her face and body sent me to a place of yearning bliss. All my worries and negative thoughts just faded away.

What a sad thing that this gift of mind and body pleasing physical beauty was taken from our often ugly world in such a lonely and tragic way.

Joe DiMaggio never got over her...until his dying day.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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There was nothing like what you allude to at the beginning of your post between MM and JFK.  

There was perhaps a one off encounter and that was it.

And as I have shown at length, there was no such thing as a diary of secrets, it was invented by Slatzer 11 years later.

MM was a really liberal person who was all for civil rights.  That is what she would talk to RFK about and that is why she would call him at the DOJ.  According to people who knew Bobby, he would dutifully take her calls, like he would take Judy Garland's also.  RFK understood that you could use celebrities in PR terms--like filling MSG-- and also as sources of inspiration for the underprivileged. I wrote about how he did this with Dave Hackett in New York City.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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8 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:


Clint Hill was Jackie's personal SS agent.  And he is one of the best witnesses we have about the hole in the back of the head.

To compare him to Blaine, I mean really.   

Among other things, Blaine made up two MM encounters that did not happen.  And ignored the one that probably did.

Is this like your reference to Peter Lawford that turned out not to be Lawford? 

If you are going to use Blaine Cory, you might as well use Slatzer and Carmen.

Leslie, awhile ago I decided not to make it my area to analyze photos for deeper meaning.  Its a very tricky area without proper context. I leave it to others.


Jim I just think it’s odd that you seem to have two separate standards here. When you review JFK evidence it’s one standard but with Marilyn Monroe it’s completely different. I like you And often have to defend you over drinks with Cliff, but that’s my observation.  

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