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The RFK Jr. Presidential Campaign

James DiEugenio

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The surprising thing is he is doing this in the face of a tidal wave of negative press in the MSM.

And as I predicted he is taking more votes from Trump, not Biden.  In fact, right now he is the determining factor giving Biden a lead.



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RFK2 is the likely the only candidate who will open up the JFK Records, of key interest to the EF-JFKA community. 

The legacy media treatment, and the alt-left online media (often CIA mouthpieces) treatment of RFK 2 has been unrivaled in recent memory. 

The legacy media has savaged candidates before--remember more "Mush from the Wimp" to describe Carter, or the Russiagate follies, but the treatment of RFK2 may even top those episodes. 

Looks like a wild ride ahead. RFK2 is not backing down. 



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I have not checked on that, but I am pretty sure it does.

But they will find a way not to admit him for fear of the shock to the system he could deliver.

Recall, it was through the debates that Jesse Ventura became governor.

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20 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:

If nobody says anything bad about a specific political party or politician, I won't move this to the Political Discussions board.


This post is not appropriate for this section. Had Ben Cole posted it, it would be moved and he would have received a temporary ban.

This favoritism and arbitrary rule enforcement does not look good when the forum is also begging for money.

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14 minutes ago, Denny Zartman said:

@James DiEugenio Not everyone on this forum is interested in RFK Jr's presidential bid.


I sure am--the RFK2 bid for the President is relevant to the EF-JFKA. 

1. RFK2 is the only candidate who will open up the JFK Records, and comply with the law requiring such. 

2. RFK2 has stated he suspects the CIA played a role in the JFKA. That is the very topic of the EF-JFKA. With RFK2 as President, we can expect great deal more clarity on the JFK Records, and other documents that may shed light on 11/22. 

3. The CIA never gave up on Operation Mockingbird. Every government, and every intel service, tries to control media. How the media treats RFK2 is of interest to the EF-JFKA---because, one reason for the media treatment of RFK2 is that he will open up the JFK Records. 

An intense interest in the RFK2 presidential bid has little to do with rank partisan politics. In fact, I have washed my hands of both major political parties. 


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Three points:

1. RFK Jr. is not going to be the president. It's time to understand and accept this. He does not appeal to liberals and conservatives are going to drop him like a hot potato once they understand he believes in climate change.

2. The perpetrators of the cover up that's been ongoing for 60 years did not leave a self-incriminating smoking gun in the vaults for any future President Tom, Dick, or Bob to reveal to the world.

3. If you have no experience in education you cannot go to the local elementary school and become the principal. If you have no experience in medicine, you can't go to the local hospital and become head surgeon. If you have no experience in restaurant management you can't go to the local Wendy's and become the general manager. But, for some reason, in the United States of America many folks are A-okay with the presidency being an entry-level job. If RFK Jr. really wanted to engage in public service and make Americans lives better why hasn't he ever run for political office? He has no experience being a senator, he is no experience being a congressman, he has no experience being a governor, he's not even been a mayor. He declined being appointed to a government post - a total "gimmie" that would have required zero campaigning. What is a voter supposed to take away from that fact when it comes to his true desire to make people's lives better? It would be great if he became the president and revealed all the answers to the JFK assassination, but in reality he would still also have to do the actual job of president. The last President we had who had had no political experience whatsoever was a disaster. Let's not repeat our mistakes in our desire for answers that aren't going to be there in the first place.

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12 minutes ago, Denny Zartman said:

Three points:

1. RFK Jr. is not going to be the president. It's time to understand and accept this. He does not appeal to liberals and conservatives are going to drop him like a hot potato once they understand he believes in climate change.

2. The perpetrators of the cover up that's been ongoing for 60 years did not leave a self-incriminating smoking gun in the vaults for any future President Tom, Dick, or Bob to reveal to the world.

3. If you have no experience in education you cannot go to the local elementary school and become the principal. If you have no experience in medicine, you can't go to the local hospital and become head surgeon. If you have no experience in restaurant management you can't go to the local Wendy's and become the general manager. But, for some reason, in the United States of America many folks are A-okay with the presidency being an entry-level job. If RFK Jr. really wanted to engage in public service and make Americans lives better why hasn't he ever run for political office? He has no experience being a senator, he is no experience being a congressman, he has no experience being a governor, he's not even been a mayor. He declined being appointed to a government post - a total "gimmie" that would have required zero campaigning. What is a voter supposed to take away from that fact when it comes to his true desire to make people's lives better? It would be great if he became the president and revealed all the answers to the JFK assassination, but in reality he would still also have to do the actual job of president. The last President we had who had had no political experience whatsoever was a disaster. Let's not repeat our mistakes in our desire for answers that aren't going to be there in the first place.


Your comments on #1 and #3 get into politics, and so I will shy away from answering them here. 

But on #2, I think you are mistaken in practice, and also mistaken on policy and principle. 

We have already seen disclosures that have heightened our understanding of the JFKA. The Heath memo revealed the CIA was snooping around Miami post-JFKA, looking for JFKA leads and suspects. 

Jeff Morley is on the trail of Joannides records from his time in New Orleans in 1963---Joannides was in New Orleans at the very same time LHO was. But those records are still sealed. 

So, already in practice, the idea that further disclosures will add nothing to our understanding of the JFKA is mistaken. How can you draw a foregone conclusion? 

Now, even more importantly: In principle and policy, and in law, it is crime to withhold 60-year-old records from the US public.

I stand by my statement Op Mock is up and running, and has become a fleet of B-52s. That is also an important topic for EF-JFKA, when it pertains to the JFKA.  


Edited by Benjamin Cole
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6 hours ago, Denny Zartman said:

This post is not appropriate for this section. Had Ben Cole posted it, it would be moved and he would have received a temporary ban.

This favoritism and arbitrary rule enforcement does not look good when the forum is also begging for money.

That's exactly right. People should be treated the same. I remember the buzz here around the time  RK was about to declare. There was a lot of RK fawning and hero worship and very little of substance, but in my mind it could be forgiven at the time, because he was a Kennedy and offered a renewed promise opening the files.. Still it was apparent to me Jim was trying to make the forum a calendar of RK political events, opening threads telling us about his next engagements and big speeches coming up.

On 11/1/2023 at 8:00 PM, Benjamin Cole said:

RFK2 is the likely the only candidate who will open up the JFK Records, of key interest to the EF-JFKA community. 


5 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

1. RFK2 is the only candidate who will open up the JFK Records, and comply with the law requiring such. 

This is twice just in  this thread, Ben !  And how many more times are we going to hear you filibustering these threads saying that very same thing with no news about JFK records?  When news breaks on that front, I can assure we will all hear about it here.

Yet  when both Jim and Ben overstep and the thread eventually gets put into "political discussions". They completely lose interest because the political discussion thread is a ghastly combination of being too political knowledge intensive and too low attention profile for Jim and Ben.


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41 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

That's exactly right. People should be treated the same. I remember the buzz here around the time  RK was about to declare. There was a lot of RK fawning and hero worship and very little of substance, but in my mind it could be forgiven at the time, because he was a Kennedy and offered a renewed promise opening the files.. Still it was apparent to me Jim was trying to make the forum a calendar of RK political events, opening threads telling us about his next engagements and big speeches coming up.


This is twice just in  this thread, Ben !  And how many more times are we going to hear you filibustering these threads saying that very same thing with no news about JFK records?  When news breaks on that front, I can assure we will all hear about it here.

Yet  when both Jim and Ben overstep and the thread eventually gets put into "political discussions". They completely lose interest because the political discussion thread is a ghastly combination of being too political knowledge intensive and too low attention profile for Jim and Ben.


Oh, come.  I think reading about RFK2's likelihood to opening up the JFK Records Act, twice, is bearable. 

Yes, I avoid any discussions about RFK2 except those specified above. His stance on the JFK Records Act, his statement the CIA likely played a role in the JFKA, and the OP Mock-ified media treatment of RFK2.

The EF-JFKA has deemed political discussions belong in the water cooler section.   

So it goes. 

BTW, check out my post on the dented bullet, the shallow back wound, and Paul Landis. I think there is something there. 

Edited by Benjamin Cole
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4 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Oh, come.  I think reading about RFK2's likelihood to opening up the JFK Records Act, twice, is bearable. 

But cumulatively, it's been 1000 times, and everybody already knows that!. And who would disagree with opening the files anyway? Even LNer's want the files open!


6 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

The EF-JFKA has deemed political discussion belong in the water cooler.


And you could more appropriately push your alternative  political beliefs there, but it's too low profile for you.

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43 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

But cumulatively, it's been 1000 times, and everybody already knows that!. And who would disagree with opening the files anyway? Even LNer's want the files open!


And you could more appropriately push your alternative  political beliefs there, but it's too low profile for you.

I could. But when I talk about RFK2 in the EF-JFKA mainbar, I strictly limit my conversation to those issues and topics relevant to the EF-JFKA. The JFK Records, the CIA-JFKA nexus, and Op Mock. 

My views on general politics are mundane, and repeated millions of times everyday, everywhere on the 'net all the time. Blah, blah, blah. I have little to add to the cacophony. Oceans of blah, blah. 

In contrast, the JFK Records Act has dropped into a black hole. 

I think it is worth keeping the small flame alive on that topic, within this forum. 

Check out Landis, the shallow wound and hand-loaded bullets. 

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