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New Gallup JFKA Poll

Dan Currie

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Surprising to me that the polls still show 2/3rds of respondents still reject the official WC line of a lone gunman.

My guess was that most Americans under the age of 50 are just not interested in the subject enough to even state an opinion or belief either way. And with that number increasing with each 10 year younger age.

I am certain that one proven success of the 60 year long effort of JFKA researchers and authors is that they have presented enough evidence of a conspiracy that is stronger and makes more sense to anyone interested enough in the event to form an opinion regards a lone gunman versus a conspiracy.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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I wonder what polls would show regards Americans feeling that the Oswald killing by Jack Ruby was a conspiracy versus just dumb luck on Ruby's part.

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22 minutes ago, Bill Fite said:

Interesting - thanks for posting the link.

I doubt that there are any arguments that would convince the 29% to change their opinion.

Perhaps if Stephen King and Posner announced they'd changed their minds...

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Many interesting aspects in the poll.  E.G., in 2013 2% thought Big Business/Oil/Financial Interests might be involved, now 0%.  I think the other 98% in 2013 are misguided.  I'm not part of the 100% today.  This part has to be wrong, doesn't it?  Read Battling Wall Street, Devil's Chessboard and more. Allen Dulles was all three.

The higher one's education the more they believe the lone nut did it?  Kind of a nutty proposition itself.  But the longer you go to school, the more you hear the official story in History and Political Science Classes.  They don't teach critical thinking.  

It's interesting to note too, on the first chart a small surge to about 38%, in LN after the Warren Commission through about 1965.  Then, as the Vietnam War ramped up in 1966-67, MLK-RFK assassinations in 1968 it was on a steady decline to 10% as the war ended.  Where it stayed for 15 years.  Gradually creeping up to 29% over 30 years.

It is gratifying to see that after all the CIA-Operation Mockingbird did, as well as the current owners of the MSM, 65% of us still flip the bird at the big lie.

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4 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

It is gratifying to see that after all the CIA-Operation Mockingbird did, as well as the current owners of the MSM, 65% of us still flip the bird at the big lie.

Op Mock was more active in the last Century than these days — and belief in the LN was in the teens back then.  

Belief in conspiracy dropped 20% from 2000 to 2013.  Can’t blame that on Op Mock, which was never effective in the first place.  

Can’t pin it on age — in the current Gallup 18 - 34 has the strongest belief in conspiracy.

In this Century, what did post graduate types likely see whenever they researched the JFKA on the ‘Net?  Jim DiEugenio et al bickering with David Von Pein et al over 500 rabbit holes, Von Pein et al selling a simple “Oswald Acted Alone” while DiEugenio et al pitched “Super Human Complexity”.

And y’all still at it...

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National JFKA lone gunman vs. conspiracy polls should be interpreted for their worthiness using another big basic consideration factor besides age, education, income parameters, etc.

I am guessing that 90 to 95% of people questioned in these polls know so little about the full spectrum of JFKA research findings relative to the small number who do ( let alone the ability and/or time to adequately study, contemplate and discern the massive body of such) that this informed measurement dynamic must always be one of the main qualifications for determining their validity.

How can a criminal trial courtroom jury make a fair guilty or not guilty verdict decision if they are so ignorant of the facts of evidence ( or they don't understand them ) they can't even explain the reasons for their decision except for quoting the most simple-minded of sound bite arguments "if the gloves don't fit, you must acquit!" ?

Yet, still, in this social experiment trial of the one gunman vs conspiracy JFKA case, what limited general information the relatively uniformed 90% has been exposed to in their lifetimes has made 65% of them believe the conspiracy guilty party angle versus the lone gunman one.

And that is 100% due to the massive 60 year long public awareness effort of JFKA researchers who have managed to defeat the huge WC finding promoting propaganda machine that has tried to convince our society otherwise.

I believe that the higher lone gunman opinion group of academics and wealthier people are more of a mind set of " I'm educated" so I need more solid fact convincing.

But educated in what fields of interests and training?

If they aren't well educated in the field of research of the JFKA then their higher education backgrounds aren't worth a hill of beans in this debate...imo anyways.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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It's interesting that in the last 20 years the trend has been down 10% conspiracy up 10% lone gunman.

I find that surprising since I thought there would be less trust in govt after 2003.

At the same time the finger pointing at the US govt is up in another table.


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On 11/14/2023 at 4:06 AM, Michael Griffith said:

This is good news, very good news.

It’s good news that belief in the LN doubled in the past 22 years?

I pin that on the CT Complexity Fetish.

Do you discuss the extant physical evidence (bullet holes in clothes) in your book, Michael?

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