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The Assassination, the CIA, Nixon and Ford

Gil Jesus

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Did the CIA bring down Richard Nixon because of what he knew about the Kennedy Assassination ?

Was Gerald Ford's ascension to the Presidency his reward for keeping the Warren Commission off the CIA's back ?

Has the CIA and its allies in the Deep State really been running the country since November 22. 1963 ?

Is this the "new form of government" Jack Ruby tried to warn Earl Warren was coming ?

Here's some thoughts for the younger fans.


Edited by Gil Jesus
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The CIA did not bring down Nixon. Congressional Democrats, corrupt Democratic lawyers, Judge John Sirica, and the media brought down Nixon. The CIA had nothing to do with it. 

Nixon chose Ford to replace Agnew because Ford was the House Minority Leader and was well respected in the party. On balance, Ford was a decent, honorable man, and he actually did a moderately good job as President. 

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Guest Doug Campbell

Mr. Gil, 

Please do not hold a Carlson segment up as a history lesson. Especially this one. He blew it. He got the history completely wrong.

At the 1:21-mark of the YouTube segment you linked to above, he tells his audience (and repeats later) that the "Nixon-Helms/Who-Shot-John"-conversation took place on June 23, 1972. 

Come on, man. This is Watergate 101. June 23, 1972 was the date of "The Smoking Gun"-Tape, in which Haldeman & Nixon discuss CIA thowing a block on FBI.

The "Nixon-Helms/Who-Shot-John"-conversation took place on October 8, 1971. Over 8-1/2 months prior to the Watergate Break-In. 

This link, scroll down. The "Nixon-Helms/Who-Shot-John"-conversation is Tape #OVAL-587-007a.


You can listen to this conversation at the following link, Nixon says "who shot John..." at the 17:30-mark:


In another segment that aired around the same time as the above clown-show-of-incorrectness, Carlson invoked the "Nixon-Helms/Who-Shot-John"-conversation again and again incorrectly informed his audience that the conversation took place on June 23rd of '72, presenting it in the context of Nixon threatening Helms over the Kennedy Hit to get help with Watergate, Carlson saying the conversation "shows a President under siege by the exploding Watergate scandal..."

Again, the "Nixon-Helms/Who-Shot-John"-conversation took place in October of 1971. The Watergate break-in would not happen for another 8 months. Nixon was absolutely not "under siege" from a scandal triggered by an event that wouldn't occur for another 8 months in October of '71.

This is not a history lesson. It's misinformation. World's Laziest (or drunkest?) Research Staff. 

How did they get that basic information that wrong? It's beyond ridiculous. 

Edited by Doug Campbell
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13 hours ago, Gil Jesus said:

Did the CIA bring down Richard Nixon because of what he knew about the Kennedy Assassination ?

Was Gerald Ford's ascension to the Presidency his reward for keeping the Warren Commission off the CIA's back ?

Has the CIA and its allies in the Deep State really been running the country since November 22. 1963 ?

Is this the "new form of government" Jack Ruby tried to warn Earl Warren was coming ?

Here's a history lesson for the younger fans.



The Watergate story is strange.

The CIA was the break-in, including McCord, Hunt and the Cuban exiles---the whole team except possibly for Liddy.  

The Watergate tale (and McCord appeared to want to be caught) was then seized on the D-Party, which used weaponized Congressional hearings and Justice Dep't, and media, to "assassinate" Nixon. 

(BTW, I am no fan of Nixon, and regard him as a war criminal for his actions in Laos, let alone all of SE Asia. He should have been impeached and convicted for what he did in SE Asia). 

I have long wondered if Nixon's insistence at wanting to see the "BoP files" played a role in his demise. Also, Nixon's rapprochement with Russia and China. It is known the Pentagon was spying on Nixon, and the hawks were not pleased with Nixon's peace-mongering. 

Understanding Watergate provides a lot of leavening to hyper-partisan takes on history and current events. 

The party-approved headlines are not "the rest of the story." 


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55 minutes ago, Douglas Caddy said:

Watergate was a CIA operation that began when Director Helms placed Howard Hunt in the Mullen Company on May 1, 1970. which was when and where I first met him.  It was carefully planned to bring down Nixon.



I, for one, will look forward to your perspective. 

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8 hours ago, Michael Griffith said:

The CIA did not bring down Nixon. Congressional Democrats, corrupt Democratic lawyers, Judge John Sirica, and the media brought down Nixon. The CIA had nothing to do with it. 

Nixon chose Ford to replace Agnew because Ford was the House Minority Leader and was well respected in the party. On balance, Ford was a decent, honorable man, and he actually did a moderately good job as President. 


      Ford actively facilitated the Warren Commission's cover up of JFK's murder.

      As for Watergate, have you read Jim Hougan's book, Secret Agenda?

     We've had some interesting discussions here about that book in recent years.

     Hougan's analysis of Watergate is consistent with Douglas Caddy's first hand knowledge of the case, in which he represented E. Howard Hunt after his arrest.

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The CIA brought down Nixon with an almost fiendishly clever plot that, as Doug  Caddy mentions, began with Hunt at the Mullen Company.  And with McCord at the CREEP.

Jim Hougan brilliantly outlined how this was done, including the lies Hunt and McCord told to hide the fact that they did know each other in advance.

From the information I know of, Nixon did not buy the official story on the JFK case.

And I  find it interesting that two persons involved in the JFK case--Hunt and McCord-- ended up dropping the bomb on Nixon. In fact, Hougan begins his milestone book with a chapter called "Of Hunt and McCord."

And the information is that they were both in Dallas on the day Kennedy was killed.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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5 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

I have long wondered if Nixon's insistence at wanting to see the "BoP files" played a role in his demise.

I've wondered if Nixon's own paranoia of dirty tricks, including fear of his own assassination, brought on his examination of what CIA had been up to, and the adversarial climate created brought on Watergate.

Edited by David Andrews
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Nice to hear from you.

I think what you are saying is essentially what Morley's thesis was in Scorpion's Dance.

In retrospect it is incredible how well disguised the war was between the two.  I blame a lot of this on Woodward, Bernstein and Bradlee.

Their stories had an inordinate  influence over Sam Ervin.  Which completely overshadowed the work being done by Howard Baker and Fred Thompson on the CIA angle.  And Thompson's book  At That Point in TIme was all but ignored. Another source that Hougan used was the Lucien Nedzi Report in the House.  And that was pretty much deep sixed also. Woodward and Bernstein and Bradlee created a huge whirlpool that simply sucked everything into it, including Robert Redford and Alan Pakula. And it was that film that pretty much placed an imprimatur on The Three Amigos version of the scandal.

And to me that was the worst part. Helms must have been laughing his butt off.  After all he was getting reports about how Caddy's boss at the Mullen Company, Robert Bennett--a secret CIA asset-- was getting Woodward off the CIA angle and on to Nixon.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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18 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:


Nice to hear from you.

I think what you are saying is essentially what Morley's thesis was in Scorpion's Dance.

In retrospect it is incredible how well disguised the war was between the two.  I blame a lot of this on Woodward, Bernstein and Bradlee.

Their stories had an inordinate  influence over Sam Ervin.  Which completely overshadowed the work being done by Howard Baker and Fred Thompson on the CIA angle.  And Thompson's book  At That Point in TIme was all but ignored. Another source that Hougan used was the Lucien Nedzi Report in the House.  And that was pretty much deep sixed also. Woodward and Bernstein and Bradlee created a huge whirlpool that simply sucked everything into it, including Robert Redford and Alan Pakula. And it was that film that pretty much placed an imprimatur on The Three Amigos version of the scandal.

And to me that was the worst part. Helms must have been laughing his butt off.  After all he was getting reports about how Caddy's boss at the Mullen Company, Robert Bennett--a secret CIA asset-- was getting Woodward off the CIA angle and on to Nixon.

And people wonder why I do not trust official, partisan or popular narratives of some recent events....

See JFKA. See Watergate. 

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1 hour ago, David Andrews said:

I've wondered if Nixon's own paranoia of dirty tricks, including fear of his own assassination, brought on his examination of what CIA had been up to, and the adversarial climate created brought on Watergate.

It is hard to tell if Nixon was paranoid...or correctly sensing somebody was out to axe him.  

The adversarial climate is permanent in DC-=-it is partisan politics, fanned by media minions and exploited by the Deep State and globalists.

Lately this sickness of partisanship has become rank polarization, with a poisonous dose of ID politics. 

In this climate, it is very easy to turn members of one party against the other...as it was during Watergate. 

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48 minutes ago, Robert Burrows said:

It does seem to be a huge intel failure on the part of Israelis. Intentional? Or hubris? 

Israel is small country, and tightly knit through universal military conscription, religious institutions, education, industry, family. Everybody knows everybody. 

For that reason, I doubt there was a deliberate plan to let Hamas perform atrocities on the highest holy day of the year. 

Just IMHO. 


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